blob: 76ecedf2425a7292067139ea05a3069b9ea68676 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This document is the property of Nest. It is considered
* confidential and proprietary information.
* This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
* Nest.
#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "NestOverlay"
#include <Overlay.h>
#include <system/window.h>
#include <overlay/QIPCamOverlay.h>
constexpr char WATERMARK_1080P_PATH[] = "/system/etc/watermark-1080p.rgba";
constexpr char WATERMARK_720P_PATH[] = "/system/etc/watermark-720p.rgba";
constexpr char WATERMARK_360P_PATH[] = "/system/etc/watermark-360p.rgba";
namespace android {
namespace nest {
Overlay::Overlay(int width, int height)
: mWidth(width),
// TODO(guangshuo): to support other formats if needed
mOverlay(new ipcamOverlay::QIPCamOverlay()),
mWatermarkOverlayId(-1) {
if (configureWatermark() != OK) {
ALOGE("Failed to configure watermark");
Overlay::~Overlay() {
delete mOverlay;
status_t Overlay::enableWatermark() {
status_t ret = mOverlay->enableOverlayItem(mWatermarkOverlayId);
if (ret != OK) {
ALOGE("Failed to enable watermark");
} else {
ALOGI("enableWatermark, id=%d", mWatermarkOverlayId);
return ret;
status_t Overlay::disableWatermark() {
status_t ret = mOverlay->disableOverlayItem(mWatermarkOverlayId);
if (ret != OK) {
ALOGE("Failed to disable watermark");
} else {
ALOGI("disableWatermark, id=%d", mWatermarkOverlayId);
return ret;
void Overlay::applyOverlay(ANativeWindowBuffer* buf) {
ALOGV("applyOverlay E");
ipcamOverlay::TargetBuf targetBuf;
memset(&targetBuf, 0x0, sizeof(targetBuf));
buffer_handle_t nativeHandle = buf->handle;
targetBuf.format = mFormat;
targetBuf.ionFd = nativeHandle->data[0];
targetBuf.frameLen = nativeHandle->data[2];
targetBuf.width = mWidth;
targetBuf.height = mHeight;
ALOGV("applyOverlay X, ionFd=%d, len=%d, w=%d, h=%d",
targetBuf.ionFd, targetBuf.frameLen,
targetBuf.width, targetBuf.height);
status_t Overlay::configureWatermark() {
const char *watermarkPath = nullptr;
int watermarkWidth = 0, watermarkHeight = 0;
switch (mHeight) {
case 1080:
if (mWidth != 1920)
ALOGE("Unsupported resolution, expecting 1920x1080");
return BAD_VALUE;
watermarkPath = WATERMARK_1080P_PATH;
watermarkWidth = 192;
watermarkHeight = 96;
case 720:
if (mWidth != 1280)
ALOGE("Unsupported resolution, expecting 1280x720");
return BAD_VALUE;
watermarkPath = WATERMARK_720P_PATH;
watermarkWidth = 128;
watermarkHeight = 64;
case 360:
if (mWidth != 640)
ALOGE("Unsupported resolution, expecting 640x360");
return BAD_VALUE;
watermarkPath = WATERMARK_360P_PATH;
watermarkWidth = 64;
watermarkHeight = 32;
ALOGE("Unsupported resolution: %dx%d", mWidth, mHeight);
return BAD_VALUE;
ipcamOverlay::OverlayItemParam params;
memset(&params, 0x0, sizeof(params));
params.type = ipcamOverlay::OverlayType::OVERLAYTYPE_STATICIMAGE;
params.location = ipcamOverlay::OverlayLocationType::OVERLAYLOCATIONTYPE_TOPRIGHT;
params.imageInfo.width = watermarkWidth;
params.imageInfo.height = watermarkHeight;
status_t ret = mOverlay->createOverlayItem(params, &mWatermarkOverlayId);
ALOGD("configureWatermark, w=%d, h=%d, watermark_w=%d, watermark_h=%d, id=%d",
mWidth, mHeight, watermarkWidth, watermarkHeight, mWatermarkOverlayId);
return ret;
} // namespace nest
} // namespace android