blob: a5d8f3f02352d5e43f6f2436171997d904842725 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
// This file was modified by Oracle on 2014.
// Modifications copyright (c) 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_dimension.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/exterior_ring.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/interior_rings.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/reverse_dispatch.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/ring_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/tags.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/concepts/check.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/views/closeable_view.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/views/reversible_view.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/views/detail/range_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/iterators/ever_circling_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/cart_intersect.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/intersection.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/intersection_result.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/disjoint/box_box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/disjoint/point_point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/interior_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/partition.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/recalculate.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/sections/section_box_policies.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/get_turn_info.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/get_turn_info_ll.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/get_turn_info_la.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/segment_identifier.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/sections/range_by_section.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/sections/sectionalize.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/sections/section_functions.hpp>
# include <sstream>
# include <boost/geometry/io/dsv/write.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
// Silence warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
namespace detail { namespace get_turns
struct no_interrupt_policy
static bool const enabled = false;
template <typename Range>
static inline bool apply(Range const&)
return false;
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename Section1, typename Section2,
typename TurnPolicy
class get_turns_in_sections
typedef typename closeable_view
typename range_type<Geometry1>::type const,
>::type cview_type1;
typedef typename closeable_view
typename range_type<Geometry2>::type const,
>::type cview_type2;
typedef typename reversible_view
cview_type1 const,
Reverse1 ? iterate_reverse : iterate_forward
>::type view_type1;
typedef typename reversible_view
cview_type2 const,
Reverse2 ? iterate_reverse : iterate_forward
>::type view_type2;
typedef typename boost::range_iterator
view_type1 const
>::type range1_iterator;
typedef typename boost::range_iterator
view_type2 const
>::type range2_iterator;
template <typename Geometry, typename Section>
static inline bool neighbouring(Section const& section,
int index1, int index2)
// About n-2:
// (square: range_count=5, indices 0,1,2,3
// -> 0-3 are adjacent, don't check on intersections)
// Also tested for open polygons, and/or duplicates
// About first condition: will be optimized by compiler (static)
// It checks if it is areal (box,ring,(multi)polygon
int const n = int(section.range_count);
return boost::is_same
typename tag_cast
typename geometry::tag<Geometry>::type,
&& index1 == 0
&& index2 >= n - 2
public :
// Returns true if terminated, false if interrupted
template <typename Turns, typename RobustPolicy, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline bool apply(
int source_id1, Geometry1 const& geometry1, Section1 const& sec1,
int source_id2, Geometry2 const& geometry2, Section2 const& sec2,
bool skip_larger,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
if ((sec1.duplicate && (sec1.count + 1) < sec1.range_count)
|| (sec2.duplicate && (sec2.count + 1) < sec2.range_count))
// Skip sections containig only duplicates.
// They are still important (can indicate non-disjointness)
// but they will be found processing adjacent sections.
// Do NOT skip if they are the ONLY section
return true;
cview_type1 cview1(range_by_section(geometry1, sec1));
cview_type2 cview2(range_by_section(geometry2, sec2));
view_type1 view1(cview1);
view_type2 view2(cview2);
range1_iterator begin_range_1 = boost::begin(view1);
range1_iterator end_range_1 = boost::end(view1);
range2_iterator begin_range_2 = boost::begin(view2);
range2_iterator end_range_2 = boost::end(view2);
int const dir1 = sec1.directions[0];
int const dir2 = sec2.directions[0];
int index1 = sec1.begin_index;
int ndi1 = sec1.non_duplicate_index;
bool const same_source =
source_id1 == source_id2
&& sec1.ring_id.multi_index == sec2.ring_id.multi_index
&& sec1.ring_id.ring_index == sec2.ring_id.ring_index;
range1_iterator prev1, it1, end1;
get_start_point_iterator(sec1, view1, prev1, it1, end1,
index1, ndi1, dir1, sec2.bounding_box, robust_policy);
// We need a circular iterator because it might run through the closing point.
// One circle is actually enough but this one is just convenient.
ever_circling_iterator<range1_iterator> next1(begin_range_1, end_range_1, it1, true);
// Walk through section and stop if we exceed the other box
// section 2: [--------------]
// section 1: |----|---|---|---|---|
for (prev1 = it1++, next1++;
it1 != end1 && ! detail::section::exceeding<0>(dir1, *prev1, sec2.bounding_box, robust_policy);
++prev1, ++it1, ++index1, ++next1, ++ndi1)
ever_circling_iterator<range1_iterator> nd_next1(
begin_range_1, end_range_1, next1, true);
advance_to_non_duplicate_next(nd_next1, it1, sec1, robust_policy);
int index2 = sec2.begin_index;
int ndi2 = sec2.non_duplicate_index;
range2_iterator prev2, it2, end2;
get_start_point_iterator(sec2, view2, prev2, it2, end2,
index2, ndi2, dir2, sec1.bounding_box, robust_policy);
ever_circling_iterator<range2_iterator> next2(begin_range_2, end_range_2, it2, true);
for (prev2 = it2++, next2++;
it2 != end2 && ! detail::section::exceeding<0>(dir2, *prev2, sec1.bounding_box, robust_policy);
++prev2, ++it2, ++index2, ++next2, ++ndi2)
bool skip = same_source;
if (skip)
// If sources are the same (possibly self-intersecting):
// skip if it is a neighbouring segment.
// (including first-last segment
// and two segments with one or more degenerate/duplicate
// (zero-length) segments in between)
// Also skip if index1 < index2 to avoid getting all
// intersections twice (only do this on same source!)
skip = (skip_larger && index1 >= index2)
|| ndi2 == ndi1 + 1
|| neighbouring<Geometry1>(sec1, index1, index2)
if (! skip)
// Move to the "non duplicate next"
ever_circling_iterator<range2_iterator> nd_next2(
begin_range_2, end_range_2, next2, true);
advance_to_non_duplicate_next(nd_next2, it2, sec2, robust_policy);
typedef typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type turn_info;
turn_info ti;
= segment_identifier(source_id1, sec1.ring_id.multi_index,
sec1.ring_id.ring_index, index1);
= segment_identifier(source_id2, sec2.ring_id.multi_index,
sec2.ring_id.ring_index, index2);
std::size_t const size_before = boost::size(turns);
bool const is_1_first = sec1.is_non_duplicate_first && index1 == sec1.begin_index;
bool const is_1_last = sec1.is_non_duplicate_last && index1+1 >= sec1.end_index;
bool const is_2_first = sec2.is_non_duplicate_first && index2 == sec2.begin_index;
bool const is_2_last = sec2.is_non_duplicate_last && index2+1 >= sec2.end_index;
TurnPolicy::apply(*prev1, *it1, *nd_next1, *prev2, *it2, *nd_next2,
is_1_first, is_1_last, is_2_first, is_2_last,
ti, robust_policy, std::back_inserter(turns));
if (InterruptPolicy::enabled)
if (interrupt_policy.apply(
std::make_pair(range::pos(turns, size_before),
return false;
return true;
private :
typedef typename geometry::point_type<Geometry1>::type point1_type;
typedef typename geometry::point_type<Geometry2>::type point2_type;
typedef typename model::referring_segment<point1_type const> segment1_type;
typedef typename model::referring_segment<point2_type const> segment2_type;
template <typename Iterator, typename RangeIterator, typename Section, typename RobustPolicy>
static inline void advance_to_non_duplicate_next(Iterator& next,
RangeIterator const& it, Section const& section, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy)
typedef typename robust_point_type<point1_type, RobustPolicy>::type robust_point_type;
robust_point_type robust_point_from_it;
robust_point_type robust_point_from_next;
geometry::recalculate(robust_point_from_it, *it, robust_policy);
geometry::recalculate(robust_point_from_next, *next, robust_policy);
// To see where the next segments bend to, in case of touch/intersections
// on end points, we need (in case of degenerate/duplicate points) an extra
// iterator which moves to the REAL next point, so non duplicate.
// This needs an extra comparison (disjoint).
// (Note that within sections, non duplicate points are already asserted,
// by the sectionalize process).
// So advance to the "non duplicate next"
// (the check is defensive, to avoid endless loops)
std::size_t check = 0;
while(! detail::disjoint::disjoint_point_point
robust_point_from_it, robust_point_from_next
&& check++ < section.range_count)
geometry::recalculate(robust_point_from_next, *next, robust_policy);
// It is NOT possible to have section-iterators here
// because of the logistics of "index" (the section-iterator automatically
// skips to the begin-point, we loose the index or have to recalculate it)
// So we mimic it here
template <typename Range, typename Section, typename Box, typename RobustPolicy>
static inline void get_start_point_iterator(Section & section,
Range const& range,
typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type& it,
typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type& prev,
typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type& end,
int& index, int& ndi,
int dir, Box const& other_bounding_box, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy)
it = boost::begin(range) + section.begin_index;
end = boost::begin(range) + section.end_index + 1;
// Mimic section-iterator:
// Skip to point such that section interects other box
prev = it++;
for(; it != end && detail::section::preceding<0>(dir, *it, other_bounding_box, robust_policy);
prev = it++, index++, ndi++)
// Go back one step because we want to start completely preceding
it = prev;
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename Turns,
typename TurnPolicy,
typename RobustPolicy,
typename InterruptPolicy
struct section_visitor
int m_source_id1;
Geometry1 const& m_geometry1;
int m_source_id2;
Geometry2 const& m_geometry2;
RobustPolicy const& m_rescale_policy;
Turns& m_turns;
InterruptPolicy& m_interrupt_policy;
section_visitor(int id1, Geometry1 const& g1,
int id2, Geometry2 const& g2,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns, InterruptPolicy& ip)
: m_source_id1(id1), m_geometry1(g1)
, m_source_id2(id2), m_geometry2(g2)
, m_rescale_policy(robust_policy)
, m_turns(turns)
, m_interrupt_policy(ip)
template <typename Section>
inline bool apply(Section const& sec1, Section const& sec2)
if (! detail::disjoint::disjoint_box_box(sec1.bounding_box, sec2.bounding_box))
return get_turns_in_sections
Reverse1, Reverse2,
Section, Section,
m_source_id1, m_geometry1, sec1,
m_source_id2, m_geometry2, sec2,
m_turns, m_interrupt_policy);
return true;
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename TurnPolicy
class get_turns_generic
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void apply(
int source_id1, Geometry1 const& geometry1,
int source_id2, Geometry2 const& geometry2,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
// First create monotonic sections...
typedef typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type ip_type;
typedef typename ip_type::point_type point_type;
typedef model::box
typename geometry::robust_point_type
point_type, RobustPolicy
> box_type;
typedef geometry::sections<box_type, 2> sections_type;
sections_type sec1, sec2;
typedef boost::mpl::vector_c<std::size_t, 0, 1> dimensions;
geometry::sectionalize<Reverse1, dimensions>(geometry1, robust_policy,
sec1, 0);
geometry::sectionalize<Reverse2, dimensions>(geometry2, robust_policy,
sec2, 1);
// ... and then partition them, intersecting overlapping sections in visitor method
Geometry1, Geometry2,
Reverse1, Reverse2,
Turns, TurnPolicy, RobustPolicy, InterruptPolicy
> visitor(source_id1, geometry1, source_id2, geometry2, robust_policy, turns, interrupt_policy);
>::apply(sec1, sec2, visitor);
// Get turns for a range with a box, following Cohen-Sutherland (cs) approach
typename Range, typename Box,
bool ReverseRange, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns_cs
typedef typename geometry::point_type<Range>::type point_type;
typedef typename geometry::point_type<Box>::type box_point_type;
typedef typename closeable_view
Range const,
>::type cview_type;
typedef typename reversible_view
cview_type const,
ReverseRange ? iterate_reverse : iterate_forward
>::type view_type;
typedef typename boost::range_iterator
view_type const
>::type iterator_type;
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void apply(
int source_id1, Range const& range,
int source_id2, Box const& box,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy,
signed_index_type multi_index = -1,
signed_index_type ring_index = -1)
if ( boost::size(range) <= 1)
boost::array<box_point_type,4> bp;
assign_box_corners_oriented<ReverseBox>(box, bp);
cview_type cview(range);
view_type view(cview);
typedef typename boost::range_size<view_type>::type size_type;
size_type segments_count1 = boost::size(view) - 1;
iterator_type it = boost::begin(view);
ever_circling_iterator<iterator_type> next(
boost::begin(view), boost::end(view), it, true);
//bool first = true;
//char previous_side[2] = {0, 0};
signed_index_type index = 0;
for (iterator_type prev = it++;
it != boost::end(view);
prev = it++, next++, index++)
segment_identifier seg_id(source_id1,
multi_index, ring_index, index);
/*if (first)
previous_side[0] = get_side<0>(box, *prev);
previous_side[1] = get_side<1>(box, *prev);
char current_side[2];
current_side[0] = get_side<0>(box, *it);
current_side[1] = get_side<1>(box, *it);
// There can NOT be intersections if
// 1) EITHER the two points are lying on one side of the box (! 0 && the same)
// 2) OR same in Y-direction
// 3) OR all points are inside the box (0)
if (! (
(current_side[0] != 0 && current_side[0] == previous_side[0])
|| (current_side[1] != 0 && current_side[1] == previous_side[1])
|| (current_side[0] == 0
&& current_side[1] == 0
&& previous_side[0] == 0
&& previous_side[1] == 0)
if (true)
get_turns_with_box(seg_id, source_id2,
*prev, *it, *next,
bp[0], bp[1], bp[2], bp[3],
// NOTE: some dummy values could be passed below since this would be called only for Polygons and Boxes
index == 0,
size_type(index) == segments_count1,
turns, interrupt_policy);
// Future performance enhancement:
// return if told by the interrupt policy
template<std::size_t Index, typename Point>
static inline int get_side(Box const& box, Point const& point)
// Inside -> 0
// Outside -> -1 (left/below) or 1 (right/above)
// On border -> -2 (left/lower) or 2 (right/upper)
// The only purpose of the value is to not be the same,
// and to denote if it is inside (0)
typename coordinate_type<Point>::type const& c = get<Index>(point);
typename coordinate_type<Box>::type const& left = get<min_corner, Index>(box);
typename coordinate_type<Box>::type const& right = get<max_corner, Index>(box);
if (geometry::math::equals(c, left)) return -2;
else if (geometry::math::equals(c, right)) return 2;
else if (c < left) return -1;
else if (c > right) return 1;
else return 0;
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void get_turns_with_box(segment_identifier const& seg_id, int source_id2,
// Points from a range:
point_type const& rp0,
point_type const& rp1,
point_type const& rp2,
// Points from the box
box_point_type const& bp0,
box_point_type const& bp1,
box_point_type const& bp2,
box_point_type const& bp3,
bool const is_range_first,
bool const is_range_last,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
// Output
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
// Depending on code some relations can be left out
typedef typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type turn_info;
turn_info ti;
ti.operations[0].seg_id = seg_id;
ti.operations[1].seg_id = segment_identifier(source_id2, -1, -1, 0);
TurnPolicy::apply(rp0, rp1, rp2, bp0, bp1, bp2,
is_range_first, is_range_last,
true, false,
ti, robust_policy, std::back_inserter(turns));
ti.operations[1].seg_id = segment_identifier(source_id2, -1, -1, 1);
TurnPolicy::apply(rp0, rp1, rp2, bp1, bp2, bp3,
is_range_first, is_range_last,
false, false,
ti, robust_policy, std::back_inserter(turns));
ti.operations[1].seg_id = segment_identifier(source_id2, -1, -1, 2);
TurnPolicy::apply(rp0, rp1, rp2, bp2, bp3, bp0,
is_range_first, is_range_last,
false, false,
ti, robust_policy, std::back_inserter(turns));
ti.operations[1].seg_id = segment_identifier(source_id2, -1, -1, 3);
TurnPolicy::apply(rp0, rp1, rp2, bp3, bp0, bp1,
is_range_first, is_range_last,
false, true,
ti, robust_policy, std::back_inserter(turns));
if (InterruptPolicy::enabled)
typename Polygon, typename Box,
bool Reverse, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns_polygon_cs
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void apply(
int source_id1, Polygon const& polygon,
int source_id2, Box const& box,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns, InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy,
signed_index_type multi_index = -1)
typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;
typedef detail::get_turns::get_turns_cs
ring_type, Box,
Reverse, ReverseBox,
> intersector_type;
source_id1, geometry::exterior_ring(polygon),
source_id2, box,
turns, interrupt_policy,
multi_index, -1);
signed_index_type i = 0;
typename interior_return_type<Polygon const>::type
rings = interior_rings(polygon);
for (typename detail::interior_iterator<Polygon const>::type
it = boost::begin(rings); it != boost::end(rings); ++it, ++i)
source_id1, *it,
source_id2, box,
turns, interrupt_policy,
multi_index, i);
typename Multi, typename Box,
bool Reverse, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns_multi_polygon_cs
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void apply(
int source_id1, Multi const& multi,
int source_id2, Box const& box,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns, InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
typedef typename boost::range_iterator
Multi const
>::type iterator_type;
signed_index_type i = 0;
for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(multi);
it != boost::end(multi);
++it, ++i)
// Call its single version
typename boost::range_value<Multi>::type, Box,
Reverse, ReverseBox,
>::apply(source_id1, *it, source_id2, box,
robust_policy, turns, interrupt_policy, i);
template <typename Geometry>
struct topological_tag_base
typedef typename tag_cast<typename tag<Geometry>::type, pointlike_tag, linear_tag, areal_tag>::type type;
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename AssignPolicy,
typename Tag1 = typename tag<Geometry1>::type, typename Tag2 = typename tag<Geometry2>::type,
typename TagBase1 = typename topological_tag_base<Geometry1>::type, typename TagBase2 = typename topological_tag_base<Geometry2>::type>
struct get_turn_info_type
: overlay::get_turn_info<AssignPolicy>
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename AssignPolicy, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
struct get_turn_info_type<Geometry1, Geometry2, AssignPolicy, Tag1, Tag2, linear_tag, linear_tag>
: overlay::get_turn_info_linear_linear<AssignPolicy>
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename AssignPolicy, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
struct get_turn_info_type<Geometry1, Geometry2, AssignPolicy, Tag1, Tag2, linear_tag, areal_tag>
: overlay::get_turn_info_linear_areal<AssignPolicy>
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename SegmentRatio,
typename Tag1 = typename tag<Geometry1>::type, typename Tag2 = typename tag<Geometry2>::type,
typename TagBase1 = typename topological_tag_base<Geometry1>::type, typename TagBase2 = typename topological_tag_base<Geometry2>::type>
struct turn_operation_type
typedef overlay::turn_operation<SegmentRatio> type;
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename SegmentRatio, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
struct turn_operation_type<Geometry1, Geometry2, SegmentRatio, Tag1, Tag2, linear_tag, linear_tag>
typedef overlay::turn_operation_linear<SegmentRatio> type;
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename SegmentRatio, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
struct turn_operation_type<Geometry1, Geometry2, SegmentRatio, Tag1, Tag2, linear_tag, areal_tag>
typedef overlay::turn_operation_linear<SegmentRatio> type;
}} // namespace detail::get_turns
namespace dispatch
// Because this is "detail" method, and most implementations will use "generic",
// we take the freedom to derive it from "generic".
typename GeometryTag1, typename GeometryTag2,
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns
: detail::get_turns::get_turns_generic
Geometry1, Geometry2,
Reverse1, Reverse2,
typename Polygon, typename Box,
bool ReversePolygon, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns
polygon_tag, box_tag,
Polygon, Box,
ReversePolygon, ReverseBox,
> : detail::get_turns::get_turns_polygon_cs
Polygon, Box,
ReversePolygon, ReverseBox,
typename Ring, typename Box,
bool ReverseRing, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns
ring_tag, box_tag,
Ring, Box,
ReverseRing, ReverseBox,
> : detail::get_turns::get_turns_cs
Ring, Box, ReverseRing, ReverseBox,
typename MultiPolygon,
typename Box,
bool ReverseMultiPolygon, bool ReverseBox,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns
multi_polygon_tag, box_tag,
MultiPolygon, Box,
ReverseMultiPolygon, ReverseBox,
: detail::get_turns::get_turns_multi_polygon_cs
MultiPolygon, Box,
ReverseMultiPolygon, ReverseBox,
typename GeometryTag1, typename GeometryTag2,
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename TurnPolicy
struct get_turns_reversed
template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename InterruptPolicy>
static inline void apply(
int source_id1, Geometry1 const& g1,
int source_id2, Geometry2 const& g2,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
GeometryTag2, GeometryTag1,
Geometry2, Geometry1,
Reverse2, Reverse1,
>::apply(source_id2, g2, source_id1, g1, robust_policy,
turns, interrupt_policy);
} // namespace dispatch
\brief \brief_calc2{turn points}
\ingroup overlay
\tparam Geometry1 \tparam_geometry
\tparam Geometry2 \tparam_geometry
\tparam Turns type of turn-container (e.g. vector of "intersection/turn point"'s)
\param geometry1 \param_geometry
\param geometry2 \param_geometry
\param robust_policy policy to handle robustness issues
\param turns container which will contain turn points
\param interrupt_policy policy determining if process is stopped
when intersection is found
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename AssignPolicy,
typename Geometry1,
typename Geometry2,
typename RobustPolicy,
typename Turns,
typename InterruptPolicy
inline void get_turns(Geometry1 const& geometry1,
Geometry2 const& geometry2,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
Turns& turns,
InterruptPolicy& interrupt_policy)
concept::check_concepts_and_equal_dimensions<Geometry1 const, Geometry2 const>();
typedef detail::overlay::get_turn_info<AssignPolicy> TurnPolicy;
//typedef detail::get_turns::get_turn_info_type<Geometry1, Geometry2, AssignPolicy> TurnPolicy;
reverse_dispatch<Geometry1, Geometry2>::type::value,
typename tag<Geometry1>::type,
typename tag<Geometry2>::type,
Geometry1, Geometry2,
Reverse1, Reverse2,
typename tag<Geometry1>::type,
typename tag<Geometry2>::type,
Geometry1, Geometry2,
Reverse1, Reverse2,
0, geometry1,
1, geometry2,
turns, interrupt_policy);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
}} // namespace boost::geometry