blob: 62ab10091932d8db3beccb121202c3d98a102509 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// This file was modified by Oracle on 2013, 2014, 2015.
// Modifications copyright (c) 2013-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/within/point_in_geometry.hpp>
//#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/within.hpp>
//#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/covered_by.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/relate/topology_check.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/condition.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace detail { namespace relate {
// non-point geometry
template <typename Point, typename Geometry, bool Transpose = false>
struct point_geometry
// TODO: interrupt only if the topology check is complex
static const bool interruption_enabled = true;
template <typename Result>
static inline void apply(Point const& point, Geometry const& geometry, Result & result)
int pig = detail::within::point_in_geometry(point, geometry);
if ( pig > 0 ) // within
set<interior, interior, '0', Transpose>(result);
else if ( pig == 0 )
set<interior, boundary, '0', Transpose>(result);
else // pig < 0 - not within
set<interior, exterior, '0', Transpose>(result);
set<exterior, exterior, result_dimension<Point>::value, Transpose>(result);
if ( BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(result.interrupt) )
// the point is on the boundary
if ( pig == 0 )
// NOTE: even for MLs, if there is at least one boundary point,
// somewhere there must be another one
// check if there are other boundaries outside
typedef detail::relate::topology_check<Geometry> tc_t;
//tc_t tc(geometry, point);
//if ( tc.has_interior )
set<exterior, interior, tc_t::interior, Transpose>(result);
//if ( tc.has_boundary )
set<exterior, boundary, tc_t::boundary, Transpose>(result);
// check if there is a boundary in Geometry
typedef detail::relate::topology_check<Geometry> tc_t;
tc_t tc(geometry);
if ( tc.has_interior )
set<exterior, interior, tc_t::interior, Transpose>(result);
if ( tc.has_boundary )
set<exterior, boundary, tc_t::boundary, Transpose>(result);
// transposed result of point_geometry
template <typename Geometry, typename Point>
struct geometry_point
// TODO: interrupt only if the topology check is complex
static const bool interruption_enabled = true;
template <typename Result>
static inline void apply(Geometry const& geometry, Point const& point, Result & result)
point_geometry<Point, Geometry, true>::apply(point, geometry, result);
// TODO: rewrite the folowing:
//// NOTE: Those tests should be consistent with within(Point, Box) and covered_by(Point, Box)
//// There is no EPS used in those functions, values are compared using < or <=
//// so comparing MIN and MAX in the same way should be fine
//template <typename Box, std::size_t I = 0, std::size_t D = geometry::dimension<Box>::value>
//struct box_has_interior
// static inline bool apply(Box const& box)
// {
// return geometry::get<min_corner, I>(box) < geometry::get<max_corner, I>(box)
// && box_has_interior<Box, I + 1, D>::apply(box);
// }
//template <typename Box, std::size_t D>
//struct box_has_interior<Box, D, D>
// static inline bool apply(Box const&) { return true; }
//// NOTE: especially important here (see the NOTE above).
//template <typename Box, std::size_t I = 0, std::size_t D = geometry::dimension<Box>::value>
//struct box_has_equal_min_max
// static inline bool apply(Box const& box)
// {
// return geometry::get<min_corner, I>(box) == geometry::get<max_corner, I>(box)
// && box_has_equal_min_max<Box, I + 1, D>::apply(box);
// }
//template <typename Box, std::size_t D>
//struct box_has_equal_min_max<Box, D, D>
// static inline bool apply(Box const&) { return true; }
//template <typename Point, typename Box>
//struct point_box
// static inline result apply(Point const& point, Box const& box)
// {
// result res;
// if ( geometry::within(point, box) ) // this also means that the box has interior
// {
// return result("0FFFFFTTT");
// }
// else if ( geometry::covered_by(point, box) ) // point is on the boundary
// {
// //if ( box_has_interior<Box>::apply(box) )
// //{
// // return result("F0FFFFTTT");
// //}
// //else if ( box_has_equal_min_max<Box>::apply(box) ) // no boundary outside point
// //{
// // return result("F0FFFFFFT");
// //}
// //else // no interior outside point
// //{
// // return result("F0FFFFFTT");
// //}
// return result("F0FFFF**T");
// }
// else
// {
// /*if ( box_has_interior<Box>::apply(box) )
// {
// return result("FF0FFFTTT");
// }
// else
// {
// return result("FF0FFFFTT");
// }*/
// return result("FF0FFF*TT");
// }
// return res;
// }
//template <typename Box, typename Point>
//struct box_point
// static inline result apply(Box const& box, Point const& point)
// {
// if ( geometry::within(point, box) )
// return result("0FTFFTFFT");
// else if ( geometry::covered_by(point, box) )
// return result("FF*0F*FFT");
// else
// return result("FF*FFT0FT");
// }
}} // namespace detail::relate
}} // namespace boost::geometry