blob: 775687cfdb81337e1b33a0d83bbf11c8d4c7b2ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry
// Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// This file was modified by Oracle on 2014.
// Modifications copyright (c) 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/radius.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/srs.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/flattening.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace detail
\brief The solution of the direct problem of geodesics on latlong coordinates, after Vincenty, 1975
\author See
\author Adapted from various implementations to get it close to the original document
template <typename CT>
class vincenty_direct
template <typename T, typename Dist, typename Azi, typename Spheroid>
vincenty_direct(T const& lo1,
T const& la1,
Dist const& distance,
Azi const& azimuth12,
Spheroid const& spheroid)
: lon1(lo1)
, lat1(la1)
, is_distance_zero(false)
if ( math::equals(distance, Dist(0)) || distance < Dist(0) )
is_distance_zero = true;
CT const radius_a = CT(get_radius<0>(spheroid));
CT const radius_b = CT(get_radius<2>(spheroid));
flattening = geometry::detail::flattening<CT>(spheroid);
sin_azimuth12 = sin(azimuth12);
cos_azimuth12 = cos(azimuth12);
// U: reduced latitude, defined by tan U = (1-f) tan phi
one_min_f = CT(1) - flattening;
CT const tan_U1 = one_min_f * tan(lat1);
CT const sigma1 = atan2(tan_U1, cos_azimuth12); // (1)
// may be calculated from tan using 1 sqrt()
CT const U1 = atan(tan_U1);
sin_U1 = sin(U1);
cos_U1 = cos(U1);
sin_alpha = cos_U1 * sin_azimuth12; // (2)
sin_alpha_sqr = math::sqr(sin_alpha);
cos_alpha_sqr = CT(1) - sin_alpha_sqr;
CT const b_sqr = radius_b * radius_b;
CT const u_sqr = cos_alpha_sqr * (radius_a * radius_a - b_sqr) / b_sqr;
CT const A = CT(1) + (u_sqr/CT(16384)) * (CT(4096) + u_sqr*(CT(-768) + u_sqr*(CT(320) - u_sqr*CT(175)))); // (3)
CT const B = (u_sqr/CT(1024))*(CT(256) + u_sqr*(CT(-128) + u_sqr*(CT(74) - u_sqr*CT(47)))); // (4)
CT s_div_bA = distance / (radius_b * A);
sigma = s_div_bA; // (7)
CT previous_sigma;
int counter = 0; // robustness
previous_sigma = sigma;
CT const two_sigma_m = CT(2) * sigma1 + sigma; // (5)
sin_sigma = sin(sigma);
cos_sigma = cos(sigma);
CT const sin_sigma_sqr = math::sqr(sin_sigma);
cos_2sigma_m = cos(two_sigma_m);
cos_2sigma_m_sqr = math::sqr(cos_2sigma_m);
CT const delta_sigma = B * sin_sigma * (cos_2sigma_m
+ (B/CT(4)) * ( cos_sigma * (CT(-1) + CT(2)*cos_2sigma_m_sqr)
- (B/CT(6) * cos_2sigma_m * (CT(-3)+CT(4)*sin_sigma_sqr) * (CT(-3)+CT(4)*cos_2sigma_m_sqr)) )); // (6)
sigma = s_div_bA + delta_sigma; // (7)
++counter; // robustness
} while ( geometry::math::abs(previous_sigma - sigma) > CT(1e-12)
//&& geometry::math::abs(sigma) < pi
&& counter < BOOST_GEOMETRY_DETAIL_VINCENTY_MAX_STEPS ); // robustness
inline CT lat2() const
if ( is_distance_zero )
return lat1;
return atan2( sin_U1 * cos_sigma + cos_U1 * sin_sigma * cos_azimuth12,
one_min_f * math::sqrt(sin_alpha_sqr + math::sqr(sin_U1 * sin_sigma - cos_U1 * cos_sigma * cos_azimuth12))); // (8)
inline CT lon2() const
if ( is_distance_zero )
return lon1;
CT const lambda = atan2( sin_sigma * sin_azimuth12,
cos_U1 * cos_sigma - sin_U1 * sin_sigma * cos_azimuth12); // (9)
CT const C = (flattening/CT(16)) * cos_alpha_sqr * ( CT(4) + flattening * ( CT(4) - CT(3) * cos_alpha_sqr ) ); // (10)
CT const L = lambda - (CT(1) - C) * flattening * sin_alpha
* ( sigma + C * sin_sigma * ( cos_2sigma_m + C * cos_sigma * ( CT(-1) + CT(2) * cos_2sigma_m_sqr ) ) ); // (11)
return lon1 + L;
inline CT azimuth21() const
// NOTE: signs of X and Y are different than in the original paper
return is_distance_zero ?
CT(0) :
atan2(-sin_alpha, sin_U1 * sin_sigma - cos_U1 * cos_sigma * cos_azimuth12); // (12)
CT sigma;
CT sin_sigma;
CT cos_sigma;
CT cos_2sigma_m;
CT cos_2sigma_m_sqr;
CT sin_alpha;
CT sin_alpha_sqr;
CT cos_alpha_sqr;
CT sin_azimuth12;
CT cos_azimuth12;
CT sin_U1;
CT cos_U1;
CT flattening;
CT one_min_f;
CT const lon1;
CT const lat1;
bool is_distance_zero;
}}} // namespace boost::geometry::detail