blob: 634d8798643d4aa86cf8cca30a215519dbdb4b80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry Index
// R-tree quadratic split algorithm implementation
// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/content.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/union_content.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/bounded_view.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/rtree/node/node.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/rtree/visitors/insert.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/detail/rtree/visitors/is_leaf.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
namespace detail { namespace rtree {
namespace quadratic {
template <typename Box, typename Elements, typename Parameters, typename Translator>
inline void pick_seeds(Elements const& elements,
Parameters const& parameters,
Translator const& tr,
size_t & seed1,
size_t & seed2)
typedef typename Elements::value_type element_type;
typedef typename rtree::element_indexable_type<element_type, Translator>::type indexable_type;
typedef Box box_type;
typedef typename index::detail::default_content_result<box_type>::type content_type;
typedef index::detail::bounded_view<indexable_type, box_type> bounded_indexable_view;
const size_t elements_count = parameters.get_max_elements() + 1;
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(elements.size() == elements_count, "wrong number of elements");
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(2 <= elements_count, "unexpected number of elements");
content_type greatest_free_content = 0;
seed1 = 0;
seed2 = 1;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < elements_count - 1 ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = i + 1 ; j < elements_count ; ++j )
indexable_type const& ind1 = rtree::element_indexable(elements[i], tr);
indexable_type const& ind2 = rtree::element_indexable(elements[j], tr);
box_type enlarged_box;
//geometry::convert(ind1, enlarged_box);
detail::bounds(ind1, enlarged_box);
geometry::expand(enlarged_box, ind2);
bounded_indexable_view bounded_ind1(ind1);
bounded_indexable_view bounded_ind2(ind2);
content_type free_content = ( index::detail::content(enlarged_box)
- index::detail::content(bounded_ind1) )
- index::detail::content(bounded_ind2);
if ( greatest_free_content < free_content )
greatest_free_content = free_content;
seed1 = i;
seed2 = j;
} // namespace quadratic
template <typename Value, typename Options, typename Translator, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct redistribute_elements<Value, Options, Translator, Box, Allocators, quadratic_tag>
typedef typename Options::parameters_type parameters_type;
typedef typename rtree::node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type node;
typedef typename rtree::internal_node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type internal_node;
typedef typename rtree::leaf<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type leaf;
typedef typename index::detail::default_content_result<Box>::type content_type;
template <typename Node>
static inline void apply(Node & n,
Node & second_node,
Box & box1,
Box & box2,
parameters_type const& parameters,
Translator const& translator,
Allocators & allocators)
typedef typename rtree::elements_type<Node>::type elements_type;
typedef typename elements_type::value_type element_type;
typedef typename rtree::element_indexable_type<element_type, Translator>::type indexable_type;
elements_type & elements1 = rtree::elements(n);
elements_type & elements2 = rtree::elements(second_node);
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(elements1.size() == parameters.get_max_elements() + 1, "unexpected elements number");
// copy original elements - use in-memory storage (std::allocator)
// TODO: move if noexcept
typedef typename rtree::container_from_elements_type<elements_type, element_type>::type
container_type elements_copy(elements1.begin(), elements1.end()); // MAY THROW, STRONG (alloc, copy)
container_type elements_backup(elements1.begin(), elements1.end()); // MAY THROW, STRONG (alloc, copy)
// calculate initial seeds
size_t seed1 = 0;
size_t seed2 = 0;
quadratic::pick_seeds<Box>(elements_copy, parameters, translator, seed1, seed2);
// prepare nodes' elements containers
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(elements2.empty(), "second node's elements container should be empty");
// add seeds
elements1.push_back(elements_copy[seed1]); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
elements2.push_back(elements_copy[seed2]); // MAY THROW, STRONG (alloc, copy)
// calculate boxes
//geometry::convert(rtree::element_indexable(elements_copy[seed1], translator), box1);
detail::bounds(rtree::element_indexable(elements_copy[seed1], translator), box1);
//geometry::convert(rtree::element_indexable(elements_copy[seed2], translator), box2);
detail::bounds(rtree::element_indexable(elements_copy[seed2], translator), box2);
// remove seeds
if (seed1 < seed2)
rtree::move_from_back(elements_copy, elements_copy.begin() + seed2); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
rtree::move_from_back(elements_copy, elements_copy.begin() + seed1); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
rtree::move_from_back(elements_copy, elements_copy.begin() + seed1); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
rtree::move_from_back(elements_copy, elements_copy.begin() + seed2); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
// initialize areas
content_type content1 = index::detail::content(box1);
content_type content2 = index::detail::content(box2);
size_t remaining = elements_copy.size();
// redistribute the rest of the elements
while ( !elements_copy.empty() )
typename container_type::reverse_iterator el_it = elements_copy.rbegin();
bool insert_into_group1 = false;
size_t elements1_count = elements1.size();
size_t elements2_count = elements2.size();
// if there is small number of elements left and the number of elements in node is lesser than min_elems
// just insert them to this node
if ( elements1_count + remaining <= parameters.get_min_elements() )
insert_into_group1 = true;
else if ( elements2_count + remaining <= parameters.get_min_elements() )
insert_into_group1 = false;
// insert the best element
// find element with minimum groups areas increses differences
content_type content_increase1 = 0;
content_type content_increase2 = 0;
el_it = pick_next(elements_copy.rbegin(), elements_copy.rend(),
box1, box2, content1, content2, translator,
content_increase1, content_increase2);
if ( content_increase1 < content_increase2 ||
( content_increase1 == content_increase2 && ( content1 < content2 ||
( content1 == content2 && elements1_count <= elements2_count ) )
) )
insert_into_group1 = true;
insert_into_group1 = false;
// move element to the choosen group
element_type const& elem = *el_it;
indexable_type const& indexable = rtree::element_indexable(elem, translator);
if ( insert_into_group1 )
elements1.push_back(elem); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
geometry::expand(box1, indexable);
content1 = index::detail::content(box1);
elements2.push_back(elem); // MAY THROW, STRONG (alloc, copy)
geometry::expand(box2, indexable);
content2 = index::detail::content(box2);
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(!elements_copy.empty(), "expected more elements");
typename container_type::iterator el_it_base = el_it.base();
rtree::move_from_back(elements_copy, --el_it_base); // MAY THROW, STRONG (copy)
BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(0 < remaining, "expected more remaining elements");
rtree::destroy_elements<Value, Options, Translator, Box, Allocators>::apply(elements_backup, allocators);
// TODO: awulkiew - change following function to static member of the pick_next class?
template <typename It>
static inline It pick_next(It first, It last,
Box const& box1, Box const& box2,
content_type const& content1, content_type const& content2,
Translator const& translator,
content_type & out_content_increase1, content_type & out_content_increase2)
typedef typename boost::iterator_value<It>::type element_type;
typedef typename rtree::element_indexable_type<element_type, Translator>::type indexable_type;
content_type greatest_content_incrase_diff = 0;
It out_it = first;
out_content_increase1 = 0;
out_content_increase2 = 0;
// find element with greatest difference between increased group's boxes areas
for ( It el_it = first ; el_it != last ; ++el_it )
indexable_type const& indexable = rtree::element_indexable(*el_it, translator);
// calculate enlarged boxes and areas
Box enlarged_box1(box1);
Box enlarged_box2(box2);
geometry::expand(enlarged_box1, indexable);
geometry::expand(enlarged_box2, indexable);
content_type enlarged_content1 = index::detail::content(enlarged_box1);
content_type enlarged_content2 = index::detail::content(enlarged_box2);
content_type content_incrase1 = (enlarged_content1 - content1);
content_type content_incrase2 = (enlarged_content2 - content2);
content_type content_incrase_diff = content_incrase1 < content_incrase2 ?
content_incrase2 - content_incrase1 : content_incrase1 - content_incrase2;
if ( greatest_content_incrase_diff < content_incrase_diff )
greatest_content_incrase_diff = content_incrase_diff;
out_it = el_it;
out_content_increase1 = content_incrase1;
out_content_increase2 = content_incrase2;
return out_it;
}} // namespace detail::rtree
}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index