blob: 39487676c191f19d8445ef22fd538be45b2925b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/determinant.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace strategy { namespace side
// Calculates the side of the intersection-point (if any) of
// of segment a//b w.r.t. segment c
// This is calculated without (re)calculating the IP itself again and fully
// based on integer mathematics; there are no divisions
// It can be used for either integer (rescaled) points, and also for FP
class side_of_intersection
public :
// Calculates the side of the intersection-point (if any) of
// of segment a//b w.r.t. segment c
// This is calculated without (re)calculating the IP itself again and fully
// based on integer mathematics
template <typename T, typename Segment>
static inline T side_value(Segment const& a, Segment const& b,
Segment const& c)
// The first point of the three segments is reused several times
T const ax = get<0, 0>(a);
T const ay = get<0, 1>(a);
T const bx = get<0, 0>(b);
T const by = get<0, 1>(b);
T const cx = get<0, 0>(c);
T const cy = get<0, 1>(c);
T const dx_a = get<1, 0>(a) - ax;
T const dy_a = get<1, 1>(a) - ay;
T const dx_b = get<1, 0>(b) - bx;
T const dy_b = get<1, 1>(b) - by;
T const dx_c = get<1, 0>(c) - cx;
T const dy_c = get<1, 1>(c) - cy;
// Cramer's rule: d (see cart_intersect.hpp)
T const d = geometry::detail::determinant<T>
dx_a, dy_a,
dx_b, dy_b
T const zero = T();
if (d == zero)
// There is no IP of a//b, they are collinear or parallel
// We don't have to divide but we can already conclude the side-value
// is meaningless and the resulting determinant will be 0
return zero;
// Cramer's rule: da (see cart_intersect.hpp)
T const da = geometry::detail::determinant<T>
dx_b, dy_b,
ax - bx, ay - by
// IP is at (ax + (da/d) * dx_a, ay + (da/d) * dy_a)
// Side of IP is w.r.t. c is: determinant(dx_c, dy_c, ipx-cx, ipy-cy)
// We replace ipx by expression above and multiply each term by d
T const result = geometry::detail::determinant<T>
dx_c * d, dy_c * d,
d * (ax - cx) + dx_a * da, d * (ay - cy) + dy_a * da
// Note: result / (d * d)
// is identical to the side_value of side_by_triangle
// Therefore, the sign is always the same as that result, and the
// resulting side (left,right,collinear) is the same
return result;
template <typename Segment>
static inline int apply(Segment const& a, Segment const& b, Segment const& c)
typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type<Segment>::type coordinate_type;
coordinate_type const s = side_value<coordinate_type>(a, b, c);
coordinate_type const zero = coordinate_type();
return math::equals(s, zero) ? 0
: s > zero ? 1
: -1;
}} // namespace strategy::side
}} // namespace boost::geometry