blob: 1db8c1fb8797cec29e930a8d7036a5d38791d690 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 Helge Bahmann
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <cstring>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/atomic.hpp>
/* provide helpers that exercise whether the API
functions of "boost::atomic" provide the correct
operational semantic in the case of sequential
execution */
static void
boost::atomic_flag f = BOOST_ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
boost::atomic_flag f;
BOOST_TEST( !f.test_and_set() );
BOOST_TEST( f.test_and_set() );
BOOST_TEST( !f.test_and_set() );
template<typename T>
void test_base_operators(T value1, T value2, T value3)
/* explicit load/store */
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value1 );
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value2 );
/* overloaded assignment/conversion */
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
BOOST_TEST( value1 == a );
boost::atomic<T> a;
a = value2;
BOOST_TEST( value2 == a );
/* exchange-type operators */
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
T n =;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value2 && n == value1 );
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
T expected = value1;
bool success = a.compare_exchange_strong(expected, value3);
BOOST_TEST( success );
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value3 && expected == value1 );
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
T expected = value2;
bool success = a.compare_exchange_strong(expected, value3);
BOOST_TEST( !success );
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value1 && expected == value1 );
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
T expected;
bool success;
do {
expected = value1;
success = a.compare_exchange_weak(expected, value3);
} while(!success);
BOOST_TEST( success );
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value3 && expected == value1 );
boost::atomic<T> a(value1);
T expected;
bool success;
do {
expected = value2;
success = a.compare_exchange_weak(expected, value3);
if (expected != value2)
} while(!success);
BOOST_TEST( !success );
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == value1 && expected == value1 );
// T requires an int constructor
template <typename T>
void test_constexpr_ctor()
const T value(0);
const boost::atomic<T> tester(value);
BOOST_TEST( tester == value );
template<typename T, typename D, typename AddType>
void test_additive_operators_with_type(T value, D delta)
/* note: the tests explicitly cast the result of any addition
to the type to be tested to force truncation of the result to
the correct range in case of overflow */
/* explicit add/sub */
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_add(delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value + delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_sub(delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value - delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
/* overloaded modify/assign*/
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = (a += delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value + delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T((AddType)value + delta) );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = (a -= delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value - delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T((AddType)value - delta) );
/* overloaded increment/decrement */
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a++;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value + 1) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = ++a;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value + 1) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T((AddType)value + 1) );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a--;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value - 1) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = --a;
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T((AddType)value - 1) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T((AddType)value - 1) );
template<typename T, typename D>
void test_additive_operators(T value, D delta)
test_additive_operators_with_type<T, D, T>(value, delta);
template<typename T>
void test_additive_wrap(T value)
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_add(1) + 1;
BOOST_TEST( a.compare_exchange_strong(n, n) );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_sub(1) - 1;
BOOST_TEST( a.compare_exchange_strong(n, n) );
template<typename T>
void test_bit_operators(T value, T delta)
/* explicit and/or/xor */
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_and(delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value & delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_or(delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value | delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = a.fetch_xor(delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value ^ delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == value );
/* overloaded modify/assign */
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = (a &= delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value & delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T(value & delta) );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = (a |= delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value | delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T(value | delta) );
boost::atomic<T> a(value);
T n = (a ^= delta);
BOOST_TEST( a.load() == T(value ^ delta) );
BOOST_TEST( n == T(value ^ delta) );
template<typename T>
void test_integral_api(void)
BOOST_TEST( sizeof(boost::atomic<T>) >= sizeof(T));
test_base_operators<T>(42, 43, 44);
test_additive_operators<T, T>(42, 17);
test_bit_operators<T>((T)0x5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5fULL, (T)0xf5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5ULL);
/* test for unsigned overflow/underflow */
test_additive_operators<T, T>((T)-1, 1);
test_additive_operators<T, T>(0, 1);
/* test for signed overflow/underflow */
test_additive_operators<T, T>(((T)-1) >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1), 1);
test_additive_operators<T, T>(1 + (((T)-1) >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1)), 1);
test_additive_wrap<T>((T) -1);
test_additive_wrap<T>(((T)-1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
test_additive_wrap<T>(~ (((T)-1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1)));
template<typename T>
void test_pointer_api(void)
BOOST_TEST( sizeof(boost::atomic<T *>) >= sizeof(T *));
BOOST_TEST( sizeof(boost::atomic<void *>) >= sizeof(T *));
T values[3];
test_base_operators<T*>(&values[0], &values[1], &values[2]);
test_additive_operators<T*>(&values[1], 1);
test_base_operators<void*>(&values[0], &values[1], &values[2]);
test_additive_operators_with_type<void*, int, char*>(&values[1], 1);
boost::atomic<void *> ptr;
boost::atomic<intptr_t> integral;
BOOST_TEST( ptr.is_lock_free() == integral.is_lock_free() );
enum test_enum {
foo, bar, baz
static void
test_base_operators(foo, bar, baz);
template<typename T>
struct test_struct {
typedef T value_type;
value_type i;
inline bool operator==(const test_struct & c) const {return i == c.i;}
inline bool operator!=(const test_struct & c) const {return i != c.i;}
template<typename T>
T a = {1}, b = {2}, c = {3};
test_base_operators(a, b, c);
boost::atomic<T> sa;
boost::atomic<typename T::value_type> si;
BOOST_TEST( sa.is_lock_free() == si.is_lock_free() );
struct large_struct {
long data[64];
inline bool operator==(const large_struct & c) const
return std::memcmp(data, &, sizeof(data)) == 0;
inline bool operator!=(const large_struct & c) const
return std::memcmp(data, &, sizeof(data)) != 0;
static void
large_struct a = {{1}}, b = {{2}}, c = {{3}};
test_base_operators(a, b, c);
struct test_struct_with_ctor {
typedef unsigned int value_type;
value_type i;
test_struct_with_ctor() : i(0x01234567) {}
inline bool operator==(const test_struct_with_ctor & c) const {return i == c.i;}
inline bool operator!=(const test_struct_with_ctor & c) const {return i != c.i;}
static void
test_struct_with_ctor s;
boost::atomic<test_struct_with_ctor> sa;
// Check that the default constructor was called
BOOST_TEST( sa.load() == s );
test_struct_with_ctor a, b, c;
a.i = 1;
b.i = 2;
c.i = 3;
test_base_operators(a, b, c);