blob: da17001880c0ff2c43fce6320363d35210b0fccf [file] [log] [blame]
Conversion function naming bikeshed
return-by-value modify-argument
------------------ ---------------
reverse_endianness reverse_endianness_in_place
" reverse_endianness_arg
endian_reverse endian_reverse_in_place
" endian_reverse_inplace
" endian_reverse_replace
" endian_reverse_in_situ
" endian_reverse_here
" endian_reverse_this
" endian_reverse_self
" endian_reverse_arg
" endian_reverse_in
reverse reverse_in_place
reverse_endian reverse_endian_in_place
swap_endianness swap_endianness_in_place
swap_endian swap_endian_in_place
endian_swap endian_swap_this
flip_endianness flip_endianness_in_place
flip_endian flip_endian_in_place
endian_flip endian_flip_in_place
reverse_order reverse_order_in_place
Key points:
* The above names are defined in a user namespace as customization points to be found by
ADL, and so cannot depend on the enclosing namespace name to signal readers that they
are related to endianness.
* The above functions are rarely called directly by user code, which is more likely to use
the various conditional functions instead. So explicitness is more important than
Conditional names
big_to_native native_to_big little_to_native native_to_little
big_to_host host_to_big
be_to_ne ne_to_be
from_big, to_big
big_to_native big_to_native
native_to_big native_to_big
conditional_reverse runtime_conditional_reverse
conditional_reverse conditional_reverse <------
reverse [1] (adjective): opposite or contrary to a previous or normal condition <reverse order>
reverse [2] (verb) : to change (something) to an opposite state or condition
swap (verb) : to give something to someone and receive something in return : to trade or exchange (things)
flip (verb)
: to turn (something) over by throwing it up in the air with a quick movement
: to cause (something) to turn or turn over quickly
: to move (something) with a quick light movement
Copyright Beman Dawes, 2014
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.