blob: 4aa0ef750d9c0831cd8031841568d180ad7edb86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry Index
// R-tree nodes storing static-size containers
// test version throwing exceptions on creation
// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <rtree/exceptions/test_throwing.hpp>
struct throwing_nodes_stats
static void reset_counters() { get_internal_nodes_counter_ref() = 0; get_leafs_counter_ref() = 0; }
static size_t internal_nodes_count() { return get_internal_nodes_counter_ref(); }
static size_t leafs_count() { return get_leafs_counter_ref(); }
static size_t & get_internal_nodes_counter_ref() { static size_t cc = 0; return cc; }
static size_t & get_leafs_counter_ref() { static size_t cc = 0; return cc; }
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements>
struct linear_throwing : public linear<MaxElements, MinElements> {};
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements>
struct quadratic_throwing : public quadratic<MaxElements, MinElements> {};
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements, size_t OverlapCostThreshold = 0, size_t ReinsertedElements = detail::default_rstar_reinserted_elements_s<MaxElements>::value>
struct rstar_throwing : public rstar<MaxElements, MinElements, OverlapCostThreshold, ReinsertedElements> {};
namespace detail { namespace rtree {
// options implementation (from options.hpp)
struct node_throwing_static_tag {};
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements>
struct options_type< linear_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements> >
typedef options<
linear_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements>,
insert_default_tag, choose_by_content_diff_tag, split_default_tag, linear_tag,
> type;
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements>
struct options_type< quadratic_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements> >
typedef options<
quadratic_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements>,
insert_default_tag, choose_by_content_diff_tag, split_default_tag, quadratic_tag,
> type;
template <size_t MaxElements, size_t MinElements, size_t OverlapCostThreshold, size_t ReinsertedElements>
struct options_type< rstar_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements, OverlapCostThreshold, ReinsertedElements> >
typedef options<
rstar_throwing<MaxElements, MinElements, OverlapCostThreshold, ReinsertedElements>,
insert_reinsert_tag, choose_by_overlap_diff_tag, split_default_tag, rstar_tag,
> type;
}} // namespace detail::rtree
// node implementation
namespace detail { namespace rtree {
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct variant_internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
typedef throwing_varray<
rtree::ptr_pair<Box, typename Allocators::node_pointer>,
Parameters::max_elements + 1
> elements_type;
template <typename Alloc>
inline variant_internal_node(Alloc const&) { throwing_nodes_stats::get_internal_nodes_counter_ref()++; }
inline ~variant_internal_node() { throwing_nodes_stats::get_internal_nodes_counter_ref()--; }
// required because variants are initialized using node object
// temporary must be taken into account
inline variant_internal_node(variant_internal_node const& n)
: elements(n.elements)
inline variant_internal_node(variant_internal_node && n)
: elements(boost::move(n.elements))
elements_type elements;
variant_internal_node & operator=(variant_internal_node const& n);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct variant_leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
typedef throwing_varray<Value, Parameters::max_elements + 1> elements_type;
template <typename Alloc>
inline variant_leaf(Alloc const&) { throwing_nodes_stats::get_leafs_counter_ref()++; }
inline ~variant_leaf() { throwing_nodes_stats::get_leafs_counter_ref()--; }
// required because variants are initialized using node object
// temporary must be taken into account
inline variant_leaf(variant_leaf const& n)
: elements(n.elements)
inline variant_leaf(variant_leaf && n)
: elements(boost::move(n.elements))
elements_type elements;
variant_leaf & operator=(variant_leaf const& n);
// nodes traits
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
typedef boost::variant<
variant_leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>,
variant_internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
> type;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
typedef variant_internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag> type;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators>
struct leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
typedef variant_leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag> type;
// visitor traits
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box, typename Allocators, bool IsVisitableConst>
struct visitor<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag, IsVisitableConst>
typedef static_visitor<> type;
// allocators
template <typename Allocator, typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box>
class allocators<Allocator, Value, Parameters, Box, node_throwing_static_tag>
: public Allocator::template rebind<
typename node<
Value, Parameters, Box,
allocators<Allocator, Value, Parameters, Box, node_throwing_static_tag>,
typedef typename Allocator::template rebind<
>::other value_allocator_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef value_type & reference;
typedef const value_type & const_reference;
typedef typename value_allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename value_allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename value_allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename value_allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename Allocator::template rebind<
typename node<Value, Parameters, Box, allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>::type
>::other::pointer node_pointer;
// typedef typename Allocator::template rebind<
// typename internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>::type
// >::other::pointer internal_node_pointer;
typedef typename Allocator::template rebind<
typename node<Value, Parameters, Box, allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>::type
>::other node_allocator_type;
inline allocators()
: node_allocator_type()
template <typename Alloc>
inline explicit allocators(Alloc const& alloc)
: node_allocator_type(alloc)
inline allocators(BOOST_FWD_REF(allocators) a)
: node_allocator_type(boost::move(a.node_allocator()))
inline allocators & operator=(BOOST_FWD_REF(allocators) a)
node_allocator() = boost::move(a.node_allocator());
return *this;
inline allocators & operator=(allocators const& a)
node_allocator() = a.node_allocator();
return *this;
void swap(allocators & a)
boost::swap(node_allocator(), a.node_allocator());
bool operator==(allocators const& a) const { return node_allocator() == a.node_allocator(); }
template <typename Alloc>
bool operator==(Alloc const& a) const { return node_allocator() == node_allocator_type(a); }
Allocator allocator() const { return Allocator(node_allocator()); }
node_allocator_type & node_allocator() { return *this; }
node_allocator_type const& node_allocator() const { return *this; }
struct node_bad_alloc : public std::exception
const char * what() const throw() { return "internal node creation failed."; }
struct throwing_node_settings
static void throw_if_required()
// throw if counter meets max count
if ( get_max_calls_ref() <= get_calls_counter_ref() )
throw node_bad_alloc();
static void reset_calls_counter() { get_calls_counter_ref() = 0; }
static void set_max_calls(size_t mc) { get_max_calls_ref() = mc; }
static size_t & get_calls_counter_ref() { static size_t cc = 0; return cc; }
static size_t & get_max_calls_ref() { static size_t mc = (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)(); return mc; }
// create_node
template <typename Allocators, typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box>
struct create_node<
variant_internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
static inline typename Allocators::node_pointer
apply(Allocators & allocators)
// throw if counter meets max count
return create_variant_node<
typename Allocators::node_pointer,
variant_internal_node<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
template <typename Allocators, typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Box>
struct create_node<
variant_leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
static inline typename Allocators::node_pointer
apply(Allocators & allocators)
// throw if counter meets max count
return create_variant_node<
typename Allocators::node_pointer,
variant_leaf<Value, Parameters, Box, Allocators, node_throwing_static_tag>
}} // namespace detail::rtree
}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index