blob: 3c2bbc5cfbf4bba2a58e67375f72c5e467d68e45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <ios>
#include <limits>
#include "formatter.hpp"
#include <boost/locale/formatting.hpp>
#include "all_generator.hpp"
#include "cdata.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include "predefined_formatters.hpp"
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
namespace impl_icu {
namespace details {
template<typename V,int n=std::numeric_limits<V>::digits,bool integer=std::numeric_limits<V>::is_integer>
struct cast_traits;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,7,true> {
typedef int32_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,8,true> {
typedef int32_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,15,true> {
typedef int32_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,16,true> {
typedef int32_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,31,true> {
typedef int32_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,32,true> {
typedef int64_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,63,true> {
typedef int64_t cast_type;
template<typename v>
struct cast_traits<v,64,true> {
typedef int64_t cast_type;
template<typename V,int u>
struct cast_traits<V,u,false> {
typedef double cast_type;
// ICU does not support uint64_t values so fallback
// to POSIX formatting
template< typename V,
bool Sig=std::numeric_limits<V>::is_signed,
bool Int=std::numeric_limits<V>::is_integer,
bool Big=(sizeof(V) >= 8)
struct use_parent_traits
static bool use(V /*v*/) { return false; }
template<typename V>
struct use_parent_traits<V,false,true,true>
static bool use(V v) { return static_cast<int64_t>(v) < 0; }
class num_base {
template<typename ValueType>
static bool use_parent(std::ios_base &ios,ValueType v)
uint64_t flg = ios_info::get(ios).display_flags();
if(flg == flags::posix)
return true;
return true;
return false;
if(flg == flags::number && (ios.flags() & std::ios_base::basefield) != std::ios_base::dec) {
return true;
return false;
template<typename CharType>
class num_format : public std::num_put<CharType>, protected num_base
typedef typename std::num_put<CharType>::iter_type iter_type;
typedef std::basic_string<CharType> string_type;
typedef CharType char_type;
typedef formatter<CharType> formatter_type;
typedef std::auto_ptr<formatter_type> formatter_ptr;
num_format(cdata const &d,size_t refs = 0) :
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, long val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, unsigned long val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, double val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, long double val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, long long val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
virtual iter_type do_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, unsigned long long val) const
return do_real_put(out,ios,fill,val);
template<typename ValueType>
iter_type do_real_put (iter_type out, std::ios_base &ios, char_type fill, ValueType val) const
formatter_ptr formatter;
if(use_parent<ValueType>(ios,val) || (formatter = formatter_type::create(ios,loc_,enc_)).get() == 0) {
return std::num_put<char_type>::do_put(out,ios,fill,val);
size_t code_points;
typedef typename details::cast_traits<ValueType>::cast_type cast_type;
string_type const &str = formatter->format(static_cast<cast_type>(val),code_points);
std::streamsize on_left=0,on_right = 0,points = code_points;
if(points < ios.width()) {
std::streamsize n = ios.width() - points;
std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = ios.flags() & std::ios_base::adjustfield;
// We do not really know internal point, so we assume that it does not
// exist. So according to the standard field should be right aligned
if(flags != std::ios_base::left)
on_left = n;
on_right = n - on_left;
while(on_left > 0) {
*out++ = fill;
while(on_right > 0) {
*out++ = fill;
return out;
icu::Locale loc_;
std::string enc_;
}; /// num_format
template<typename CharType>
class num_parse : public std::num_get<CharType>, protected num_base
num_parse(cdata const &d,size_t refs = 0) :
typedef typename std::num_get<CharType>::iter_type iter_type;
typedef std::basic_string<CharType> string_type;
typedef CharType char_type;
typedef formatter<CharType> formatter_type;
typedef std::auto_ptr<formatter_type> formatter_ptr;
typedef std::basic_istream<CharType> stream_type;
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,long &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,unsigned short &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,unsigned int &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,unsigned long &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,float &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,double &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get (iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,long double &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get (iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,long long &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
virtual iter_type do_get (iter_type in, iter_type end, std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,unsigned long long &val) const
return do_real_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
// This is not really an efficient solution, but it works
template<typename ValueType>
iter_type do_real_get(iter_type in,iter_type end,std::ios_base &ios,std::ios_base::iostate &err,ValueType &val) const
formatter_ptr formatter;
stream_type *stream_ptr = dynamic_cast<stream_type *>(&ios);
if(!stream_ptr || use_parent<ValueType>(ios,0) || (formatter = formatter_type::create(ios,loc_,enc_)).get()==0) {
return std::num_get<CharType>::do_get(in,end,ios,err,val);
typedef typename details::cast_traits<ValueType>::cast_type cast_type;
string_type tmp;
CharType c;
while(in!=end && (((c=*in)<=32 && (c>0)) || c==127)) // Assuming that ASCII is a subset
while(tmp.size() < 4096 && in!=end && *in!='\n') {
tmp += *in++;
cast_type value;
size_t parsed_chars;
if((parsed_chars = formatter->parse(tmp,value))==0 || !valid<ValueType>(value)) {
err |= std::ios_base::failbit;
else {
for(size_t n=tmp.size();n>parsed_chars;n--) {
in = iter_type(*stream_ptr);
err |=std::ios_base::eofbit;
return in;
template<typename ValueType,typename CastedType>
bool valid(CastedType v) const
typedef std::numeric_limits<ValueType> value_limits;
typedef std::numeric_limits<CastedType> casted_limits;
if(v < 0 && value_limits::is_signed == false)
return false;
static const CastedType max_val = value_limits::max();
if(sizeof(CastedType) > sizeof(ValueType) && v > max_val)
return false;
if(value_limits::is_integer == casted_limits::is_integer) {
return true;
if(value_limits::is_integer) { // and casted is not
return false;
return true;
icu::Locale loc_;
std::string enc_;
template<typename CharType>
std::locale install_formatting_facets(std::locale const &in,cdata const &cd)
std::locale tmp=std::locale(in,new num_format<CharType>(cd));
if(!std::has_facet<icu_formatters_cache>(in)) {
tmp=std::locale(tmp,new icu_formatters_cache(cd.locale));
return tmp;
template<typename CharType>
std::locale install_parsing_facets(std::locale const &in,cdata const &cd)
std::locale tmp=std::locale(in,new num_parse<CharType>(cd));
if(!std::has_facet<icu_formatters_cache>(in)) {
tmp=std::locale(tmp,new icu_formatters_cache(cd.locale));
return tmp;
std::locale create_formatting(std::locale const &in,cdata const &cd,character_facet_type type)
switch(type) {
case char_facet:
return install_formatting_facets<char>(in,cd);
case wchar_t_facet:
return install_formatting_facets<wchar_t>(in,cd);
case char16_t_facet:
return install_formatting_facets<char16_t>(in,cd);
case char32_t_facet:
return install_formatting_facets<char32_t>(in,cd);
return in;
std::locale create_parsing(std::locale const &in,cdata const &cd,character_facet_type type)
switch(type) {
case char_facet:
return install_parsing_facets<char>(in,cd);
case wchar_t_facet:
return install_parsing_facets<wchar_t>(in,cd);
case char16_t_facet:
return install_parsing_facets<char16_t>(in,cd);
case char32_t_facet:
return install_parsing_facets<char32_t>(in,cd);
return in;
} // impl_icu
} // locale
} //boost
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