blob: 55a5ef9556255cb6c6d4e420212e75c316db93b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* \file event_log_backend.cpp
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 07.11.2008
* \brief A logging sink backend that uses Windows NT event log API
* for signalling application events.
#include "windows_version.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <boost/log/exceptions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks/event_log_backend.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks/event_log_constants.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/once_block.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/cleanup_scope_guard.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/attachable_sstream_buf.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/code_conversion.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream.hpp>
#include "event_log_registry.hpp"
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include "simple_event_log.h"
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "psapi.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib")
namespace boost {
namespace sinks {
namespace event_log {
//! The function constructs log record level from an integer
BOOST_LOG_API event_type make_event_type(unsigned short lev)
switch (lev)
case success: return success;
case warning: return warning;
case error: return error;
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("Windows NT event type is out of range"));
case info: return info;
} // namespace event_log
//! A simple forwarder to the ReportEvent API
inline BOOL report_event(
HANDLE hEventLog,
WORD wType,
WORD wCategory,
DWORD dwEventID,
PSID lpUserSid,
WORD wNumStrings,
DWORD dwDataSize,
const char** lpStrings,
LPVOID lpRawData)
return ReportEventA(hEventLog, wType, wCategory, dwEventID, lpUserSid, wNumStrings, dwDataSize, lpStrings, lpRawData);
//! A simple forwarder to the GetModuleFileName API
inline DWORD get_module_file_name(HMODULE hModule, char* lpFilename, DWORD nSize)
return GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, lpFilename, nSize);
//! A simple forwarder to the RegisterEventSource API
inline HANDLE register_event_source(const char* lpUNCServerName, const char* lpSourceName)
return RegisterEventSourceA(lpUNCServerName, lpSourceName);
//! The function completes default source name for the sink backend
inline void complete_default_simple_event_log_source_name(std::string& name)
name += " simple event source";
//! The function completes default source name for the sink backend
inline void complete_default_event_log_source_name(std::string& name)
name += " event source";
//! A simple forwarder to the ReportEvent API
inline BOOL report_event(
HANDLE hEventLog,
WORD wType,
WORD wCategory,
DWORD dwEventID,
PSID lpUserSid,
WORD wNumStrings,
DWORD dwDataSize,
const wchar_t** lpStrings,
LPVOID lpRawData)
return ReportEventW(hEventLog, wType, wCategory, dwEventID, lpUserSid, wNumStrings, dwDataSize, lpStrings, lpRawData);
//! A simple forwarder to the GetModuleFileName API
inline DWORD get_module_file_name(HMODULE hModule, wchar_t* lpFilename, DWORD nSize)
return GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, lpFilename, nSize);
//! A simple forwarder to the RegisterEventSource API
inline HANDLE register_event_source(const wchar_t* lpUNCServerName, const wchar_t* lpSourceName)
return RegisterEventSourceW(lpUNCServerName, lpSourceName);
//! The function completes default source name for the sink backend
inline void complete_default_simple_event_log_source_name(std::wstring& name)
name += L" simple event source";
//! The function completes default source name for the sink backend
inline void complete_default_event_log_source_name(std::wstring& name)
name += L" event source";
//! The function finds the handle for the current module
void init_self_module_handle(HMODULE& handle)
// Acquire all modules of the current process
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
std::vector< HMODULE > modules;
DWORD module_count = 1024;
modules.resize(module_count, HMODULE(0));
BOOL res = EnumProcessModules(
static_cast< DWORD >(modules.size() * sizeof(HMODULE)),
module_count /= sizeof(HMODULE);
if (!res)
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not enumerate process modules");
while (module_count > modules.size());
modules.resize(module_count, HMODULE(0));
// Now find the current module among them
void* p = (void*)&init_self_module_handle;
for (std::size_t i = 0, n = modules.size(); i < n; ++i)
if (!GetModuleInformation(hProcess, modules[i], &info, sizeof(info)))
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not acquire module information");
if (info.lpBaseOfDll <= p && (static_cast< unsigned char* >(info.lpBaseOfDll) + info.SizeOfImage) > p)
// Found it
handle = modules[i];
if (!handle)
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not find self module information");
//! Retrieves the full name of the current module (be that dll or exe)
template< typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > get_current_module_name()
static HMODULE hSelfModule = 0;
// Get the module file name
CharT buf[MAX_PATH];
DWORD size = get_module_file_name(hSelfModule, buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(*buf));
if (size == 0)
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not get module file name");
return std::basic_string< CharT >(buf, buf + size);
} // namespace
// Simple event log backend implementation
//! Sink backend implementation
template< typename CharT >
struct basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::implementation
//! A handle for the registered event provider
HANDLE m_SourceHandle;
//! A level mapping functor
event_type_mapper_type m_LevelMapper;
implementation() : m_SourceHandle(0)
//! Default constructor. Registers event source Boost.Log <Boost version> in the Application log.
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::basic_simple_event_log_backend()
//! Destructor
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::~basic_simple_event_log_backend()
delete m_pImpl;
//! Constructs backend implementation
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::construct(
string_type const& target, string_type const& log_name, string_type const& source_name, event_log::registration_mode reg_mode)
if (reg_mode != event_log::never)
aux::registry_params< char_type > reg_params;
reg_params.event_message_file = get_current_module_name< char_type >();
reg_params.types_supported = DWORD(
aux::init_event_log_registry(log_name, source_name, reg_mode == event_log::forced, reg_params);
std::auto_ptr< implementation > p(new implementation());
const char_type* target_unc = NULL;
if (!target.empty())
target_unc = target.c_str();
HANDLE hSource = register_event_source(target_unc, source_name.c_str());
if (!hSource)
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not register event source");
p->m_SourceHandle = hSource;
m_pImpl = p.release();
//! Returns default log name
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API typename basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::string_type
basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::get_default_log_name()
return aux::registry_traits< char_type >::make_default_log_name();
//! Returns default source name
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API typename basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::string_type
basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::get_default_source_name()
string_type source_name = aux::registry_traits< char_type >::make_default_source_name();
return source_name;
//! The method installs the function object that maps application severity levels to WinAPI event types
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::set_event_type_mapper(event_type_mapper_type const& mapper)
m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper = mapper;
//! The method puts the formatted message to the event log
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_simple_event_log_backend< CharT >::consume(record_view const& rec, string_type const& formatted_message)
const char_type* message = formatted_message.c_str();
event_log::event_type evt_type = event_log::info;
if (!m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper.empty())
evt_type = m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper(rec);
DWORD event_id;
switch (evt_type)
case event_log::success:
event_id = BOOST_LOG_MSG_DEBUG; break;
case event_log::warning:
event_id = BOOST_LOG_MSG_WARNING; break;
case event_log::error:
event_id = BOOST_LOG_MSG_ERROR; break;
event_id = BOOST_LOG_MSG_INFO; break;
m_pImpl->m_SourceHandle, // Event log handle.
static_cast< WORD >(evt_type), // Event type.
0, // Event category.
event_id, // Event identifier.
NULL, // No user security identifier.
1, // Number of substitution strings.
0, // No data.
&message, // Pointer to strings.
NULL); // No data.
// Customizable event log backend implementation
namespace event_log {
template< typename CharT >
class basic_event_composer< CharT >::insertion_composer
//! Function object result type
typedef void result_type;
//! The list of insertion composers (in backward order)
typedef std::vector< formatter_type > formatters;
//! The insertion string composers
formatters m_Formatters;
//! Default constructor
insertion_composer() {}
//! Composition operator
void operator() (record_view const& rec, insertion_list& insertions) const
std::size_t size = m_Formatters.size();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
typename formatter_type::stream_type strm(insertions[i]);
m_Formatters[i](rec, strm);
//! Adds a new formatter to the list
void add_formatter(formatter_type const& fmt)
//! Default constructor
template< typename CharT >
basic_event_composer< CharT >::basic_event_composer(event_id_mapper_type const& id_mapper) :
//! Copy constructor
template< typename CharT >
basic_event_composer< CharT >::basic_event_composer(basic_event_composer const& that) :
//! Destructor
template< typename CharT >
basic_event_composer< CharT >::~basic_event_composer()
//! Assignment
template< typename CharT >
basic_event_composer< CharT >& basic_event_composer< CharT >::operator= (basic_event_composer that)
return *this;
//! Swapping
template< typename CharT >
void basic_event_composer< CharT >::swap(basic_event_composer& that)
//! Creates a new entry for a message
template< typename CharT >
typename basic_event_composer< CharT >::event_map_reference
basic_event_composer< CharT >::operator[] (event_id id)
return event_map_reference(id, *this);
//! Creates a new entry for a message
template< typename CharT >
typename basic_event_composer< CharT >::event_map_reference
basic_event_composer< CharT >::operator[] (int id)
return event_map_reference(make_event_id(id), *this);
//! Event composition operator
template< typename CharT >
event_id basic_event_composer< CharT >::operator() (record_view const& rec, insertion_list& insertions) const
event_id id = m_EventIDMapper(rec);
typename event_map::const_iterator it = m_EventMap.find(id);
if (it != m_EventMap.end())
it->second(rec, insertions);
return id;
//! Adds a formatter to the insertion composers list
template< typename CharT >
typename basic_event_composer< CharT >::insertion_composer*
basic_event_composer< CharT >::add_formatter(event_id id, insertion_composer* composer, formatter_type const& fmt)
if (!composer)
composer = &m_EventMap[id];
return composer;
template class BOOST_LOG_API basic_event_composer< char >;
template class BOOST_LOG_API basic_event_composer< wchar_t >;
} // namespace event_log
//! Backend implementation
template< typename CharT >
struct basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::implementation
// NOTE: This order of data members is critical for MSVC 9.0 in debug mode,
// as it ICEs if boost::functions are not the first members. Doh!
//! An event category mapper
event_category_mapper_type m_CategoryMapper;
//! A level mapping functor
event_type_mapper_type m_LevelMapper;
//! A handle for the registered event provider
HANDLE m_SourceHandle;
//! A functor that composes an event
event_composer_type m_EventComposer;
//! An array of formatted insertions
insertion_list m_Insertions;
implementation() : m_SourceHandle(0)
//! Destructor
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::~basic_event_log_backend()
delete m_pImpl;
//! Constructs backend implementation
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::construct(
filesystem::path const& message_file_name,
string_type const& target,
string_type const& log_name,
string_type const& source_name,
event_log::registration_mode reg_mode)
if (reg_mode != event_log::never)
aux::registry_params< char_type > reg_params;
string_type file_name;
log::aux::code_convert(message_file_name.string(), file_name);
reg_params.event_message_file = file_name;
reg_params.types_supported = DWORD(
aux::init_event_log_registry(log_name, source_name, reg_mode == event_log::forced, reg_params);
std::auto_ptr< implementation > p(new implementation());
const char_type* target_unc = NULL;
if (!target.empty())
target_unc = target.c_str();
HANDLE hSource = register_event_source(target_unc, source_name.c_str());
if (!hSource)
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not register event source");
p->m_SourceHandle = hSource;
m_pImpl = p.release();
//! The method puts the formatted message to the event log
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::consume(record_view const& rec)
if (!m_pImpl->m_EventComposer.empty())
log::aux::cleanup_guard< insertion_list > cleaner(m_pImpl->m_Insertions);
// Get event ID and construct insertions
DWORD id = m_pImpl->m_EventComposer(rec, m_pImpl->m_Insertions);
WORD string_count = static_cast< WORD >(m_pImpl->m_Insertions.size());
scoped_array< const char_type* > strings(new const char_type*[string_count]);
for (WORD i = 0; i < string_count; ++i)
strings[i] = m_pImpl->m_Insertions[i].c_str();
// Get event type
if (!m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper.empty())
event_type = static_cast< WORD >(m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper(rec));
WORD event_category = 0;
if (!m_pImpl->m_CategoryMapper.empty())
event_category = static_cast< WORD >(m_pImpl->m_CategoryMapper(rec));
m_pImpl->m_SourceHandle, // Event log handle.
event_type, // Event type.
event_category, // Event category.
id, // Event identifier.
NULL, // No user security identifier.
string_count, // Number of substitution strings.
0, // No data.
strings.get(), // Pointer to strings.
NULL); // No data.
//! Returns default log name
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API typename basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::string_type
basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::get_default_log_name()
return aux::registry_traits< char_type >::make_default_log_name();
//! Returns default source name
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API typename basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::string_type
basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::get_default_source_name()
string_type source_name = aux::registry_traits< char_type >::make_default_source_name();
return source_name;
//! The method installs the function object that maps application severity levels to WinAPI event types
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::set_event_type_mapper(event_type_mapper_type const& mapper)
m_pImpl->m_LevelMapper = mapper;
//! The method installs the function object that extracts event category from attribute values
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::set_event_category_mapper(event_category_mapper_type const& mapper)
m_pImpl->m_CategoryMapper = mapper;
* The method installs the function object that extracts event identifier from the attributes and creates
* insertion strings that will replace placeholders in the event message.
template< typename CharT >
BOOST_LOG_API void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::set_event_composer(event_composer_type const& composer)
m_pImpl->m_EventComposer = composer;
template class basic_simple_event_log_backend< char >;
template class basic_event_log_backend< char >;
template class basic_simple_event_log_backend< wchar_t >;
template class basic_event_log_backend< wchar_t >;
} // namespace sinks
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>
#endif // !defined(BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_EVENT_LOG)