blob: 6cd8a9b1a6eaa9d2514ed2aa97602a718cd1353c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* \file text_file_backend.cpp
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 09.06.2009
* \brief This header is the Boost.Log library implementation, see the library documentation
* at
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <cwctype>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared_object.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include <boost/system/system_error.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list_hook.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/options.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian_types.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/qi/numeric/numeric_utils.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/singleton.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/light_function.hpp>
#include <boost/log/exceptions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/time_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks/text_file_backend.hpp>
#if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#endif // !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace boost {
namespace sinks {
typedef filesystem::filesystem_error filesystem_error;
//! A possible Boost.Filesystem extension - renames or moves the file to the target storage
inline void move_file(
filesystem::path const& from,
filesystem::path const& to)
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
// On Windows MoveFile already does what we need
filesystem::rename(from, to);
// On POSIX rename fails if the target points to a different device
system::error_code ec;
filesystem::rename(from, to, ec);
if (ec)
if (ec.value() == system::errc::cross_device_link)
// Attempt to manually move the file instead
filesystem::copy_file(from, to);
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error("failed to move file to another location", from, to, ec));
typedef filesystem::path::string_type path_string_type;
typedef path_string_type::value_type path_char_type;
//! An auxiliary traits that contain various constants and functions regarding string and character operations
template< typename CharT >
struct file_char_traits;
template< >
struct file_char_traits< char >
typedef char char_type;
static const char_type percent = '%';
static const char_type number_placeholder = 'N';
static const char_type day_placeholder = 'd';
static const char_type month_placeholder = 'm';
static const char_type year_placeholder = 'y';
static const char_type full_year_placeholder = 'Y';
static const char_type frac_sec_placeholder = 'f';
static const char_type seconds_placeholder = 'S';
static const char_type minutes_placeholder = 'M';
static const char_type hours_placeholder = 'H';
static const char_type space = ' ';
static const char_type plus = '+';
static const char_type minus = '-';
static const char_type zero = '0';
static const char_type dot = '.';
static const char_type newline = '\n';
static bool is_digit(char c)
using namespace std;
return (isdigit(c) != 0);
static std::string default_file_name_pattern() { return "%5N.log"; }
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::percent;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::number_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::day_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::month_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::year_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::full_year_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::frac_sec_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::seconds_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::minutes_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::hours_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::space;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::plus;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::minus;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::zero;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::dot;
const file_char_traits< char >::char_type file_char_traits< char >::newline;
template< >
struct file_char_traits< wchar_t >
typedef wchar_t char_type;
static const char_type percent = L'%';
static const char_type number_placeholder = L'N';
static const char_type day_placeholder = L'd';
static const char_type month_placeholder = L'm';
static const char_type year_placeholder = L'y';
static const char_type full_year_placeholder = L'Y';
static const char_type frac_sec_placeholder = L'f';
static const char_type seconds_placeholder = L'S';
static const char_type minutes_placeholder = L'M';
static const char_type hours_placeholder = L'H';
static const char_type space = L' ';
static const char_type plus = L'+';
static const char_type minus = L'-';
static const char_type zero = L'0';
static const char_type dot = L'.';
static const char_type newline = L'\n';
static bool is_digit(wchar_t c)
using namespace std;
return (iswdigit(c) != 0);
static std::wstring default_file_name_pattern() { return L"%5N.log"; }
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::percent;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::number_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::day_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::month_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::year_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::full_year_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::frac_sec_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::seconds_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::minutes_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::hours_placeholder;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::space;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::plus;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::minus;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::zero;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::dot;
const file_char_traits< wchar_t >::char_type file_char_traits< wchar_t >::newline;
//! Date and time formatter
class date_and_time_formatter
typedef path_string_type result_type;
typedef date_time::time_facet< posix_time::ptime, path_char_type > time_facet_type;
time_facet_type* m_pFacet;
mutable std::basic_ostringstream< path_char_type > m_Stream;
//! Constructor
date_and_time_formatter() : m_pFacet(NULL)
std::auto_ptr< time_facet_type > pFacet(new time_facet_type());
m_pFacet = pFacet.get();
std::locale loc(m_Stream.getloc(), m_pFacet);
//! Copy constructor
date_and_time_formatter(date_and_time_formatter const& that) :
//! The method formats the current date and time according to the format string str and writes the result into it
path_string_type operator()(path_string_type const& pattern, unsigned int counter) const
m_Stream << boost::log::attributes::local_time_traits::get_clock();
if (m_Stream.good())
return m_Stream.str();
return pattern;
//! The functor formats the file counter into the file name
class file_counter_formatter
typedef path_string_type result_type;
//! The position in the pattern where the file counter placeholder is
path_string_type::size_type m_FileCounterPosition;
//! File counter width
std::streamsize m_Width;
//! The file counter formatting stream
mutable std::basic_ostringstream< path_char_type > m_Stream;
//! Initializing constructor
file_counter_formatter(path_string_type::size_type pos, unsigned int width) :
typedef file_char_traits< path_char_type > traits_t;
//! Copy constructor
file_counter_formatter(file_counter_formatter const& that) :
//! The function formats the file counter into the file name
path_string_type operator()(path_string_type const& pattern, unsigned int counter) const
path_string_type file_name = pattern;
m_Stream << counter;
file_name.insert(m_FileCounterPosition, m_Stream.str());
return file_name;
//! The function returns the pattern as the file name
class empty_formatter
typedef path_string_type result_type;
path_string_type m_Pattern;
//! Initializing constructor
explicit empty_formatter(path_string_type const& pattern) : m_Pattern(pattern)
//! Copy constructor
empty_formatter(empty_formatter const& that) : m_Pattern(that.m_Pattern)
//! The function returns the pattern as the file name
path_string_type const& operator() (unsigned int) const
return m_Pattern;
//! The function parses the format placeholder for file counter
bool parse_counter_placeholder(path_string_type::const_iterator& it, path_string_type::const_iterator end, unsigned int& width)
typedef qi::extract_uint< unsigned int, 10, 1, -1 > width_extract;
typedef file_char_traits< path_char_type > traits_t;
if (it == end)
return false;
path_char_type c = *it;
if (c == traits_t::zero || c == traits_t::space || c == traits_t::plus || c == traits_t::minus)
// Skip filler and alignment specification
if (it == end)
return false;
c = *it;
if (traits_t::is_digit(c))
// Parse width
if (!width_extract::call(it, end, width))
return false;
if (it == end)
return false;
c = *it;
if (c == traits_t::dot)
// Skip precision
while (it != end && traits_t::is_digit(*it))
if (it == end)
return false;
c = *it;
if (c == traits_t::number_placeholder)
return true;
return false;
//! The function matches the file name and the pattern
bool match_pattern(path_string_type const& file_name, path_string_type const& pattern, unsigned int& file_counter)
typedef qi::extract_uint< unsigned int, 10, 1, -1 > file_counter_extract;
typedef file_char_traits< path_char_type > traits_t;
struct local
// Verifies that the string contains exactly n digits
static bool scan_digits(path_string_type::const_iterator& it, path_string_type::const_iterator end, std::ptrdiff_t n)
for (; n > 0; --n)
path_char_type c = *it++;
if (!traits_t::is_digit(c) || it == end)
return false;
return true;
f_it = file_name.begin(),
f_end = file_name.end(),
p_it = pattern.begin(),
p_end = pattern.end();
bool placeholder_expected = false;
while (f_it != f_end && p_it != p_end)
path_char_type p_c = *p_it, f_c = *f_it;
if (!placeholder_expected)
if (p_c == traits_t::percent)
placeholder_expected = true;
else if (p_c == f_c)
return false;
switch (p_c)
case traits_t::percent: // An escaped '%'
if (p_c == f_c)
return false;
case traits_t::seconds_placeholder: // Date/time components with 2-digits width
case traits_t::minutes_placeholder:
case traits_t::hours_placeholder:
case traits_t::day_placeholder:
case traits_t::month_placeholder:
case traits_t::year_placeholder:
if (!local::scan_digits(f_it, f_end, 2))
return false;
case traits_t::full_year_placeholder: // Date/time components with 4-digits width
if (!local::scan_digits(f_it, f_end, 4))
return false;
case traits_t::frac_sec_placeholder: // Fraction seconds width is configuration-dependent
typedef posix_time::time_res_traits posix_resolution_traits;
if (!local::scan_digits(f_it, f_end, posix_resolution_traits::num_fractional_digits()))
return false;
default: // This should be the file counter placeholder or some unsupported placeholder
path_string_type::const_iterator p = p_it;
unsigned int width = 0;
if (!parse_counter_placeholder(p, p_end, width))
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Unsupported placeholder used in pattern for file scanning"));
// Find where the file number ends
path_string_type::const_iterator f = f_it;
if (!local::scan_digits(f, f_end, width))
return false;
while (f != f_end && traits_t::is_digit(*f))
if (!file_counter_extract::call(f_it, f, file_counter))
return false;
p_it = p;
placeholder_expected = false;
if (p_it == p_end)
if (f_it != f_end)
// The actual file name may end with an additional counter
// that is added by the collector in case if file name clash
return local::scan_digits(f_it, f_end, std::distance(f_it, f_end));
return true;
return false;
class file_collector_repository;
//! Type of the hook used for sequencing file collectors
typedef intrusive::list_base_hook<
intrusive::link_mode< intrusive::safe_link >
> file_collector_hook;
//! Log file collector implementation
class file_collector :
public file::collector,
public file_collector_hook,
public enable_shared_from_this< file_collector >
//! Information about a single stored file
struct file_info
uintmax_t m_Size;
std::time_t m_TimeStamp;
filesystem::path m_Path;
//! A list of the stored files
typedef std::list< file_info > file_list;
//! The string type compatible with the universal path type
typedef filesystem::path::string_type path_string_type;
//! A reference to the repository this collector belongs to
shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > m_pRepository;
#if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
//! Synchronization mutex
mutex m_Mutex;
#endif // !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
//! Total file size upper limit
uintmax_t m_MaxSize;
//! Free space lower limit
uintmax_t m_MinFreeSpace;
//! The current path at the point when the collector is created
* The special member is required to calculate absolute paths with no
* dependency on the current path for the application, which may change
const filesystem::path m_BasePath;
//! Target directory to store files to
filesystem::path m_StorageDir;
//! The list of stored files
file_list m_Files;
//! Total size of the stored files
uintmax_t m_TotalSize;
//! Constructor
shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > const& repo,
filesystem::path const& target_dir,
uintmax_t max_size,
uintmax_t min_free_space);
//! Destructor
//! The function stores the specified file in the storage
void store_file(filesystem::path const& file_name);
//! Scans the target directory for the files that have already been stored
uintmax_t scan_for_files(
file::scan_method method, filesystem::path const& pattern, unsigned int* counter);
//! The function updates storage restrictions
void update(uintmax_t max_size, uintmax_t min_free_space);
//! The function checks if the directory is governed by this collector
bool is_governed(filesystem::path const& dir) const
return filesystem::equivalent(m_StorageDir, dir);
//! Makes relative path absolute with respect to the base path
filesystem::path make_absolute(filesystem::path const& p)
return filesystem::absolute(p, m_BasePath);
//! Acquires file name string from the path
static path_string_type filename_string(filesystem::path const& p)
return p.filename().string< path_string_type >();
//! The singleton of the list of file collectors
class file_collector_repository :
public log::aux::lazy_singleton< file_collector_repository, shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > >
//! Base type
typedef log::aux::lazy_singleton< file_collector_repository, shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > > base_type;
friend class log::aux::lazy_singleton< file_collector_repository, shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > >;
friend class base_type;
//! The type of the list of collectors
typedef intrusive::list<
intrusive::base_hook< file_collector_hook >
> file_collectors;
#if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
//! Synchronization mutex
mutex m_Mutex;
#endif // !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS)
//! The list of file collectors
file_collectors m_Collectors;
//! Finds or creates a file collector
shared_ptr< file::collector > get_collector(
filesystem::path const& target_dir, uintmax_t max_size, uintmax_t min_free_space);
//! Removes the file collector from the list
void remove_collector(file_collector* p);
//! Initializes the singleton instance
static void init_instance()
base_type::get_instance() = boost::make_shared< file_collector_repository >();
//! Constructor
shared_ptr< file_collector_repository > const& repo,
filesystem::path const& target_dir,
uintmax_t max_size,
uintmax_t min_free_space
) :
m_StorageDir = make_absolute(target_dir);
//! Destructor
//! The function stores the specified file in the storage
void file_collector::store_file(filesystem::path const& src_path)
// Avoid using Boost.Filesystem functions that would call path::codecvt(). store_file() can be called
// at process termination, and the global codecvt facet can already be destroyed at this point.
// Let's construct the new file name
file_info info;
info.m_TimeStamp = filesystem::last_write_time(src_path);
info.m_Size = filesystem::file_size(src_path);
filesystem::path file_name_path = src_path.filename();
path_string_type file_name = file_name_path.native();
info.m_Path = m_StorageDir / file_name_path;
// Check if the file is already in the target directory
filesystem::path src_dir = src_path.has_parent_path() ?
filesystem::system_complete(src_path.parent_path()) :
const bool is_in_target_dir = filesystem::equivalent(src_dir, m_StorageDir);
if (!is_in_target_dir)
if (filesystem::exists(info.m_Path))
// If the file already exists, try to mangle the file name
// to ensure there's no conflict. I'll need to make this customizable some day.
file_counter_formatter formatter(file_name.size(), 5);
unsigned int n = 0;
path_string_type alt_file_name = formatter(file_name, n++);
info.m_Path = m_StorageDir / filesystem::path(alt_file_name);
while (filesystem::exists(info.m_Path) && n < (std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max)());
// The directory should have been created in constructor, but just in case it got deleted since then...
BOOST_LOG_EXPR_IF_MT(lock_guard< mutex > lock(m_Mutex);)
// Check if an old file should be erased
uintmax_t free_space = m_MinFreeSpace ? filesystem::space(m_StorageDir).available : static_cast< uintmax_t >(0);
file_list::iterator it = m_Files.begin(), end = m_Files.end();
while (it != end &&
(m_TotalSize + info.m_Size > m_MaxSize || (m_MinFreeSpace && m_MinFreeSpace > free_space)))
file_info& old_info = *it;
if (filesystem::exists(old_info.m_Path) && filesystem::is_regular_file(old_info.m_Path))
// Free space has to be queried as it may not increase equally
// to the erased file size on compressed filesystems
if (m_MinFreeSpace)
free_space = filesystem::space(m_StorageDir).available;
m_TotalSize -= old_info.m_Size;
catch (system::system_error&)
// Can't erase the file. Maybe it's locked? Never mind...
// If it's not a file or is absent, just remove it from the list
m_TotalSize -= old_info.m_Size;
if (!is_in_target_dir)
// Move/rename the file to the target storage
move_file(src_path, info.m_Path);
m_TotalSize += info.m_Size;
//! Scans the target directory for the files that have already been stored
uintmax_t file_collector::scan_for_files(
file::scan_method method, filesystem::path const& pattern, unsigned int* counter)
uintmax_t file_count = 0;
if (method != file::no_scan)
filesystem::path dir = m_StorageDir;
path_string_type mask;
if (method == file::scan_matching)
mask = filename_string(pattern);
if (pattern.has_parent_path())
dir = make_absolute(pattern.parent_path());
counter = NULL;
if (filesystem::exists(dir) && filesystem::is_directory(dir))
BOOST_LOG_EXPR_IF_MT(lock_guard< mutex > lock(m_Mutex);)
if (counter)
*counter = 0;
file_list files;
filesystem::directory_iterator it(dir), end;
uintmax_t total_size = 0;
for (; it != end; ++it)
file_info info;
info.m_Path = *it;
if (filesystem::is_regular_file(info.m_Path))
// Check that there are no duplicates in the resulting list
struct local
static bool equivalent(filesystem::path const& left, file_info const& right)
return filesystem::equivalent(left, right.m_Path);
if (std::find_if(m_Files.begin(), m_Files.end(),
boost::bind(&local::equivalent, boost::cref(info.m_Path), _1)) == m_Files.end())
// Check that the file name matches the pattern
unsigned int file_number = 0;
if (method != file::scan_matching ||
match_pattern(filename_string(info.m_Path), mask, file_number))
info.m_Size = filesystem::file_size(info.m_Path);
total_size += info.m_Size;
info.m_TimeStamp = filesystem::last_write_time(info.m_Path);
if (counter && file_number >= *counter)
*counter = file_number + 1;
// Sort files chronologically
m_Files.splice(m_Files.end(), files);
m_TotalSize += total_size;
m_Files.sort(boost::bind(&file_info::m_TimeStamp, _1) < boost::bind(&file_info::m_TimeStamp, _2));
return file_count;
//! The function updates storage restrictions
void file_collector::update(uintmax_t max_size, uintmax_t min_free_space)
BOOST_LOG_EXPR_IF_MT(lock_guard< mutex > lock(m_Mutex);)
m_MaxSize = (std::min)(m_MaxSize, max_size);
m_MinFreeSpace = (std::max)(m_MinFreeSpace, min_free_space);
//! Finds or creates a file collector
shared_ptr< file::collector > file_collector_repository::get_collector(
filesystem::path const& target_dir, uintmax_t max_size, uintmax_t min_free_space)
BOOST_LOG_EXPR_IF_MT(lock_guard< mutex > lock(m_Mutex);)
file_collectors::iterator it = std::find_if(m_Collectors.begin(), m_Collectors.end(),
boost::bind(&file_collector::is_governed, _1, boost::cref(target_dir)));
shared_ptr< file_collector > p;
if (it != m_Collectors.end()) try
// This may throw if the collector is being currently destroyed
p = it->shared_from_this();
p->update(max_size, min_free_space);
catch (bad_weak_ptr&)
if (!p)
p = boost::make_shared< file_collector >(
file_collector_repository::get(), target_dir, max_size, min_free_space);
return p;
//! Removes the file collector from the list
void file_collector_repository::remove_collector(file_collector* p)
BOOST_LOG_EXPR_IF_MT(lock_guard< mutex > lock(m_Mutex);)
//! Checks if the time point is valid
void check_time_point_validity(unsigned char hour, unsigned char minute, unsigned char second)
if (hour >= 24)
std::ostringstream strm;
strm << "Time point hours value is out of range: " << static_cast< unsigned int >(hour);
if (minute >= 60)
std::ostringstream strm;
strm << "Time point minutes value is out of range: " << static_cast< unsigned int >(minute);
if (second >= 60)
std::ostringstream strm;
strm << "Time point seconds value is out of range: " << static_cast< unsigned int >(second);
} // namespace
namespace file {
namespace aux {
//! Creates and returns a file collector with the specified parameters
BOOST_LOG_API shared_ptr< collector > make_collector(
filesystem::path const& target_dir,
uintmax_t max_size,
uintmax_t min_free_space)
return file_collector_repository::get()->get_collector(target_dir, max_size, min_free_space);
} // namespace aux
//! Creates a rotation time point of every day at the specified time
BOOST_LOG_API rotation_at_time_point::rotation_at_time_point(
unsigned char hour,
unsigned char minute,
unsigned char second
) :
check_time_point_validity(hour, minute, second);
//! Creates a rotation time point of each specified weekday at the specified time
BOOST_LOG_API rotation_at_time_point::rotation_at_time_point(
date_time::weekdays wday,
unsigned char hour,
unsigned char minute,
unsigned char second
) :
m_Day(static_cast< unsigned char >(wday)),
check_time_point_validity(hour, minute, second);
//! Creates a rotation time point of each specified day of month at the specified time
BOOST_LOG_API rotation_at_time_point::rotation_at_time_point(
gregorian::greg_day mday,
unsigned char hour,
unsigned char minute,
unsigned char second
) :
m_Day(static_cast< unsigned char >(mday.as_number())),
check_time_point_validity(hour, minute, second);
//! Checks if it's time to rotate the file
BOOST_LOG_API bool rotation_at_time_point::operator()() const
bool result = false;
posix_time::time_duration rotation_time(
static_cast< posix_time::time_duration::hour_type >(m_Hour),
static_cast< posix_time::time_duration::min_type >(m_Minute),
static_cast< posix_time::time_duration::sec_type >(m_Second));
posix_time::ptime now = posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
if (m_Previous.is_special())
m_Previous = now;
return false;
const bool time_of_day_passed = rotation_time.total_seconds() <= m_Previous.time_of_day().total_seconds();
switch (m_DayKind)
case not_specified:
// The rotation takes place every day at the specified time
gregorian::date previous_date =;
if (time_of_day_passed)
previous_date += gregorian::days(1);
posix_time::ptime next(previous_date, rotation_time);
result = (now >= next);
case weekday:
// The rotation takes place on the specified week day at the specified time
gregorian::date previous_date =, next_date = previous_date;
int weekday = m_Day, previous_weekday = static_cast< int >(previous_date.day_of_week().as_number());
next_date += gregorian::days(weekday - previous_weekday);
if (weekday < previous_weekday || (weekday == previous_weekday && time_of_day_passed))
next_date += gregorian::weeks(1);
posix_time::ptime next(next_date, rotation_time);
result = (now >= next);
case monthday:
// The rotation takes place on the specified day of month at the specified time
gregorian::date previous_date =;
gregorian::date::day_type monthday = static_cast< gregorian::date::day_type >(m_Day),
previous_monthday =;
gregorian::date next_date(previous_date.year(), previous_date.month(), monthday);
if (monthday < previous_monthday || (monthday == previous_monthday && time_of_day_passed))
next_date += gregorian::months(1);
posix_time::ptime next(next_date, rotation_time);
result = (now >= next);
if (result)
m_Previous = now;
return result;
//! Checks if it's time to rotate the file
BOOST_LOG_API bool rotation_at_time_interval::operator()() const
bool result = false;
posix_time::ptime now = posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();
if (m_Previous.is_special())
m_Previous = now;
return false;
result = (now - m_Previous) >= m_Interval;
if (result)
m_Previous = now;
return result;
} // namespace file
// File sink backend implementation
//! Sink implementation data
struct text_file_backend::implementation
//! File open mode
std::ios_base::openmode m_FileOpenMode;
//! File name pattern
filesystem::path m_FileNamePattern;
//! Directory to store files in
filesystem::path m_StorageDir;
//! File name generator (according to m_FileNamePattern)
boost::log::aux::light_function< path_string_type (unsigned int) > m_FileNameGenerator;
//! Stored files counter
unsigned int m_FileCounter;
//! Current file name
filesystem::path m_FileName;
//! File stream
filesystem::ofstream m_File;
//! Characters written
uintmax_t m_CharactersWritten;
//! File collector functional object
shared_ptr< file::collector > m_pFileCollector;
//! File open handler
open_handler_type m_OpenHandler;
//! File close handler
close_handler_type m_CloseHandler;
//! The maximum temp file size, in characters written to the stream
uintmax_t m_FileRotationSize;
//! Time-based rotation predicate
time_based_rotation_predicate m_TimeBasedRotation;
//! The flag shows if every written record should be flushed
bool m_AutoFlush;
implementation(uintmax_t rotation_size, bool auto_flush) :
m_FileOpenMode(std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::out),
//! Constructor. No streams attached to the constructed backend, auto flush feature disabled.
BOOST_LOG_API text_file_backend::text_file_backend()
//! Destructor
BOOST_LOG_API text_file_backend::~text_file_backend()
// Attempt to put the temporary file into storage
if (m_pImpl->m_File.is_open() && m_pImpl->m_CharactersWritten > 0)
catch (...)
delete m_pImpl;
//! Constructor implementation
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::construct(
filesystem::path const& pattern,
std::ios_base::openmode mode,
uintmax_t rotation_size,
time_based_rotation_predicate const& time_based_rotation,
bool auto_flush)
m_pImpl = new implementation(rotation_size, auto_flush);
//! The method sets maximum file size.
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_rotation_size(uintmax_t size)
m_pImpl->m_FileRotationSize = size;
//! The method sets the maximum time interval between file rotations.
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_time_based_rotation(time_based_rotation_predicate const& predicate)
m_pImpl->m_TimeBasedRotation = predicate;
//! Sets the flag to automatically flush buffers of all attached streams after each log record
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::auto_flush(bool f)
m_pImpl->m_AutoFlush = f;
//! The method writes the message to the sink
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::consume(record_view const& rec, string_type const& formatted_message)
typedef file_char_traits< string_type::value_type > traits_t;
bool no_new_filename = false;
if (!m_pImpl->m_File.good())
// The file stream is not operational. One possible reason is that there is no more free space
// on the file system. In this case it is possible that this log record will fail to be written as well,
// leaving the newly creted file empty. Eventually this results in lots of empty log files.
// We should take precautions to avoid this.
system::error_code ec;
uintmax_t size = filesystem::file_size(m_pImpl->m_FileName, ec);
if (!!ec || size == 0)
// To reuse the empty file avoid re-generating the new file name later
no_new_filename = true;
else if (!!m_pImpl->m_pFileCollector)
// Complete file rotation
else if
m_pImpl->m_File.is_open() &&
m_pImpl->m_CharactersWritten + formatted_message.size() >= m_pImpl->m_FileRotationSize ||
(!m_pImpl->m_TimeBasedRotation.empty() && m_pImpl->m_TimeBasedRotation())
if (!m_pImpl->m_File.is_open())
if (!no_new_filename)
m_pImpl->m_FileName = m_pImpl->m_StorageDir / m_pImpl->m_FileNameGenerator(m_pImpl->m_FileCounter++);
m_pImpl->>m_FileName, m_pImpl->m_FileOpenMode);
if (!m_pImpl->m_File.is_open())
filesystem_error err(
"Failed to open file for writing",
system::error_code(system::errc::io_error, system::generic_category()));
if (!m_pImpl->m_OpenHandler.empty())
m_pImpl->m_CharactersWritten = static_cast< std::streamoff >(m_pImpl->m_File.tellp());
m_pImpl->m_File.write(, static_cast< std::streamsize >(formatted_message.size()));
m_pImpl->m_CharactersWritten += formatted_message.size() + 1;
if (m_pImpl->m_AutoFlush)
//! The method flushes the currently open log file
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::flush()
if (m_pImpl->m_File.is_open())
//! The method sets file name mask
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_file_name_pattern_internal(filesystem::path const& pattern)
// Note: avoid calling Boost.Filesystem functions that involve path::codecvt()
typedef file_char_traits< path_char_type > traits_t;
filesystem::path p = pattern;
if (p.empty())
p = filesystem::path(traits_t::default_file_name_pattern());
m_pImpl->m_FileNamePattern = p.filename();
path_string_type name_pattern = m_pImpl->m_FileNamePattern.native();
m_pImpl->m_StorageDir = filesystem::absolute(p.parent_path());
// Let's try to find the file counter placeholder
unsigned int placeholder_count = 0;
unsigned int width = 0;
bool counter_found = false;
path_string_type::size_type counter_pos = 0;
path_string_type::const_iterator end = name_pattern.end();
path_string_type::const_iterator it = name_pattern.begin();
it = std::find(it, end, traits_t::percent);
if (it == end)
path_string_type::const_iterator placeholder_begin = it++;
if (it == end)
if (*it == traits_t::percent)
// An escaped percent detected
if (!counter_found)
path_string_type::const_iterator it2 = it;
if (parse_counter_placeholder(it2, end, width))
// We've found the file counter placeholder in the pattern
counter_found = true;
counter_pos = placeholder_begin - name_pattern.begin();
name_pattern.erase(counter_pos, it2 - placeholder_begin);
it = name_pattern.begin() + counter_pos;
end = name_pattern.end();
while (it != end);
// Construct the formatter functor
if (placeholder_count > 0)
if (counter_found)
// Both counter and date/time placeholder in the pattern
m_pImpl->m_FileNameGenerator = boost::bind(date_and_time_formatter(),
boost::bind(file_counter_formatter(counter_pos, width), name_pattern, _1), _1);
// Only date/time placeholders in the pattern
m_pImpl->m_FileNameGenerator =
boost::bind(date_and_time_formatter(), name_pattern, _1);
else if (counter_found)
// Only counter placeholder in the pattern
m_pImpl->m_FileNameGenerator =
boost::bind(file_counter_formatter(counter_pos, width), name_pattern, _1);
// No placeholders detected
m_pImpl->m_FileNameGenerator = empty_formatter(name_pattern);
//! Closes the currently open file
void text_file_backend::close_file()
if (!m_pImpl->m_CloseHandler.empty())
// Rationale: We should call the close handler even if the stream is !good() because
// writing the footer may not be the only thing the handler does. However, there is
// a chance that the file had become writable since the last failure (e.g. there was
// no space left to write the last record, but it got freed since then), so if the handler
// attempts to write a footer it may succeed now. For this reason we clear the stream state
// and let the handler have a try.
m_pImpl->m_CharactersWritten = 0;
//! The method rotates the file
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::rotate_file()
if (!!m_pImpl->m_pFileCollector)
//! The method sets the file open mode
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_open_mode(std::ios_base::openmode mode)
mode |= std::ios_base::out;
mode &= ~std::ios_base::in;
if ((mode & (std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::app)) == 0)
mode |= std::ios_base::trunc;
m_pImpl->m_FileOpenMode = mode;
//! The method sets file collector
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_file_collector(shared_ptr< file::collector > const& collector)
m_pImpl->m_pFileCollector = collector;
//! The method sets file open handler
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_open_handler(open_handler_type const& handler)
m_pImpl->m_OpenHandler = handler;
//! The method sets file close handler
BOOST_LOG_API void text_file_backend::set_close_handler(close_handler_type const& handler)
m_pImpl->m_CloseHandler = handler;
//! Performs scanning of the target directory for log files
BOOST_LOG_API uintmax_t text_file_backend::scan_for_files(file::scan_method method, bool update_counter)
if (m_pImpl->m_pFileCollector)
unsigned int* counter = update_counter ? &m_pImpl->m_FileCounter : static_cast< unsigned int* >(NULL);
return m_pImpl->m_pFileCollector->scan_for_files(method, m_pImpl->m_FileNamePattern, counter);
BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(setup_error, "File collector is not set");
} // namespace sinks
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>