blob: eb1d89d9ae9242f8fb12205c57891cde3ff79074 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Sequences/Classes//set |40
``set`` is a |variadic|, `associative`__, `extensible`__ sequence of types that
supports constant-time insertion and removal of elements, and testing for membership.
A ``set`` may contain at most one element for each key.
__ `Associative Sequence`_
__ `Extensible Associative Sequence`_
| Sequence form | Header |
| Variadic | ``#include <boost/mpl/set.hpp>`` |
| Numbered | ``#include <boost/mpl/set/set``\ *n*\ ``.hpp>`` |
Model of
* |Variadic Sequence|
* |Associative Sequence|
* |Extensible Associative Sequence|
Expression semantics
In the following table, ``s`` is an instance of ``set``, ``pos`` is an iterator into ``s``,
and ``x``, ``k``, and || is a set of *unique* arbitrary types. [*Note:* See `below`__ for
an example of how to construct a ``set`` from a list of potentially non-unique types |--| *end note*\]
__ nonunique-set-example_
| Expression | Semantics |
| .. parsed-literal:: | ``set`` of elements ||; see |
| | |Variadic Sequence|. |
| set<||> | |
| set\ *n*\ <||> | |
| .. parsed-literal:: | Identical to ``set``\ *n*\ ``<``\ ||\ ``>``; |
| | see |Variadic Sequence|. |
| set<||>::type | |
| set\ *n*\ <||>::type | |
| ``begin<s>::type`` | An iterator pointing to the beginning of ``s``; |
| | see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``end<s>::type`` | An iterator pointing to the end of ``s``; |
| | see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``size<s>::type`` | The size of ``s``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``empty<s>::type`` | |true if and only if| ``s`` is empty; see |
| | |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``front<s>::type`` | The first element in ``s``; see |
| | |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``has_key<s,k>::type`` | |true if and only if| there is one or more elements |
| | with the key ``k`` in ``s``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``count<s,k>::type`` | The number of elements with the key ``k`` in ``s``; |
| | see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``order<s,k>::type`` | A unique unsigned |Integral Constant| associated with |
| | the key ``k`` in ``s``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| .. parsed-literal:: | The element associated with the key ``k`` in |
| | ``s``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| at<s,k>::type | |
| at<s,k,def>::type | |
| ``key_type<s,x>::type`` | Identical to ``x``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``value_type<s,x>::type`` | Identical to ``x``; see |Associative Sequence|. |
| ``insert<s,x>::type`` | A new ``set`` equivalent to ``s`` except that |
| | :: |
| | |
| | at< t, key_type<s,x>::type >::type |
| | |
| | is identical to ``value_type<s,x>::type``. |
| ``insert<s,pos,x>::type`` | Equivalent to ``insert<s,x>::type``; ``pos`` is ignored. |
| ``erase_key<s,k>::type`` | A new ``set`` equivalent to ``s`` except that |
| | ``has_key<t, k>::value == false``. |
| ``erase<s,pos>::type`` | Equivalent to ``erase<s, deref<pos>::type >::type``. |
| ``clear<s>::type`` | An empty ``set``; see |clear|. |
Basic ``set`` invariants:
.. parsed-literal::
typedef set< int,long,double,int_<5> > s;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( size<s>::value, ==, 4 );
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( empty<s> ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<s,int>::type, int > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<s,long>::type, long > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<s,int_<5> >::type, int_<5> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<s,char>::type, void\_ > ));
.. _nonunique-set-example:
Constructing a ``set`` from a list of potentially non-unique types:
.. parsed-literal::
typedef fold<
, set0<>
, insert<_1,_2>
>::type s;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( size<s>::value, ==, 2 );
See also
|Sequences|, |Variadic Sequence|, |Associative Sequence|, |Extensible Associative Sequence|, |set_c|, |map|, |vector|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2011 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at