blob: e75fef7d5dd31bf9b120e23017cf3429407f9b3b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2015 Andrzej Krzemienski
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:relnotes Release Notes]
[heading Boost Release 1.58]
* `boost::none_t` is no longer convertible from literal `0`. This avoids a bug where `optional<rational<int>> oi = 0;` would initialize an optional object with no contained value.
* Improved the trick that prevents streaming out `optional` without header `optional_io.hpp` by using safe-bool idiom. This addresses [@ Trac #10825]
* IOStream operators are now mentioned in documentation.
* Added a way to manually disable move semantics: just define macro `BOOST_OPTIONAL_CONFIG_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES`. This can be used to work around [@ Trac #10399]
* It is no longer possible to assign `optional<U>` to `optional<T>` when `U` is not assignable or convertible to `T` ([@ Trac #11087]).
* Value accessors now work correctly on rvalues of `optional<T&>` ([@ Trac #10839]).
[heading Boost Release 1.57]
* [@ Git pull #9]: ['"Supply `<string>` to fix C++03 compile error on `logic_error("...")`"].
[heading Boost Release 1.56]
* Added support for rvalue references. Now `optional<T>` works with moveable but non-copyable `T`'s,
* Improved `swap` (now uses move operations),
* Added function `emplace()`. This is the last of the requests from [@ Trac #1841],
* `optional` is moveable, including conditional `noexcept` specifications, which make it `move_if_noexcept`-friendly,
* Using explicit operator bool() on platforms that support it ([@ Trac #4227]) (breaking change),
* Forward declaration of `operator<<(ostream&, optional const&)` to prevent inadvertent incorrect serialization of optional objects,
* Removed deprecated function `reset()` from examples ([@ Trac #9005]),
* Equality comparison with `boost::none` does not require that `T` be EqualityComparable,
* Optional rvalue references are explicitly disallowed,
* Binding temporaries to optional references is explicitly disallowed (breaking change),
* More ways to access the contained value, functions `value()`, `value_or()`, `value_or_eval()`,
* Updated and reorganized documentation, added tutorial and quick guide sections.
[endsect][/ relnotes]