blob: b33de7a0618f24c09315d5b9cfb7ca3ab4df23d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Pointer Container
// Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// For more information, see
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<section id="ptr_container.intro" last-revision="$Date$">
This library provides standard-like containers that are suitable
for storing pointers to both polymorphic and non-polymorphic objects.
For each of the standard containers there is a pointer container
equivalent that takes ownership of the stored pointers in an exception
safe manner. In this respect it is intended to solve
the so-called <emphasis>polymorphic class problem. </emphasis>
The main advantages are
<listitem> Exception-safe and fool proof pointer storage and manipulation.</listitem>.
<listitem> Exception-guarantees are generally much better than with standard containers (at least the strong guarantee</listitem>
<listitem> Notational convinience compared to the use of containers of smart pointers.</listitem>
<listitem> Iterators are automatically indirected so the comparison operations can be kept
on object basis instead of making/adding pointer based variants.</listitem>
<listitem> No memory-overhead as containers of smart_pointers can have.</listitem>
<listitem> Faster than using containers of smart pointers.</listitem>
<listitem> Provides an elegant solution to <code> vector< vector<T> > </code> performance
problems; simply use <code>ptr_vector< vector<T> ></code></listtem>
Below is given some example that show how the usage compares to a container of smart pointers:
using namespace boost;
using namespace std;
class Poly
virtual ~Poly() {}
void foo() { doFoo(); }
virtual void doFoo()
int i;
// one doesn't need to introduce new names or live with long ones
typedef shared_ptr<Poly> PolyPtr;
// one doesn't need to write this anymore
struct PolyPtrOps
void operator()( const PolyPtr & a )
{ a->foo(); }
int main()
enum { size = 2000000 };
vector<PolyPtr> svec
ptr_vector<Poly> pvec;
for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
svec.push_back( PolyPtr( new Poly ) );
pvec.push_back( new Poly ); // no extra syntax
for_each( svec.begin(), svec.end(), PolyPtrOps() );
for_each( pvec.begin(), pvec.end(), mem_fun_ref( &Poly::foo ) );