blob: c73ce5cc9b339cf1e7b9de49438d25fa7945a6ef [file] [log] [blame]
Phoenix V1.2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#define PHOENIX_LIMIT 15
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix1_primitives.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix1_composite.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix1_binders.hpp>
using namespace phoenix;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
struct print_ { // a typical STL style monomorphic functor
typedef void result_type;
void operator()() { cout << "got no args\n"; }
void operator()(int n0) { cout << "got 1 arg " << n0 << " \n"; }
void operator()(int n0, int n1) { cout << "got 2 args " << n0 << ", " << n1 << " \n"; }
void foo0() const { cout << "print_::foo0\n"; }
void foo1(int n0) { cout << "print_::foo1 " << n0 << " \n"; }
void foo2(int n0, int n1) { cout << "print_::foo2 " << n0 << ", " << n1 << " \n"; }
int x;
functor<print_> print = print_();
member_function_ptr<void, print_, int> print_foo1 = &print_::foo1;
member_function_ptr<void, print_, int, int> print_foo2 = &print_::foo2;
member_var_ptr<int, print_> print_x = &print_::x;
print_ p;
bound_member<void, print_, int> bound_print_foo1(p,&print_::foo1);
bound_member<void, print_, int, int> bound_print_foo2(&p,&print_::foo2);
void foo0() // a function w/ 0 args
{ cout << "foo0\n"; }
void foo1(int n0) // a function w/ 1 arg
{ cout << "foo1 " << n0 << " \n"; }
void foo2(int n0, int n1) // a function w/ 2 args
{ cout << "foo2 " << n0 << ", " << n1 << " \n"; }
void foo3_(int n0, int n1, int n2) // a function w/ 3 args
{ cout << "foo3 " << n0 << ", " << n1 << ", " << n2 << " \n"; }
function_ptr<void, int, int, int> foo3 = &foo3_;
int i50 = 50, i20 = 20, i100 = 100;
// Binders
// Functor binders
print(111, arg1)(i100);
print(111, 222)();
cout << bind(std::negate<int>())(arg1)(i20) << endl;
cout << bind(std::plus<int>())(arg1, arg2)(i20, i50) << endl;
// Function binders
bind(&foo2)(111, arg1)(i100);
bind(&foo2)(111, 222)();
foo3(111, 222, 333)();
foo3(arg1, arg2, arg3)(i20, i50, i100);
foo3(111, arg1, arg2)(i50, i100);
// Member function binders
print_ printer;
bind(&print_::foo1)(arg1, 111)(printer);
print_foo1(arg1, 111)(printer);
print_foo1(var(printer), 111)();
print_foo2(var(printer), 111, 222)();
print_foo2(var(printer), 111, arg1)(i100);
// Member var binders
printer.x = 3;
BOOST_TEST(bind(&print_::x)(arg1)(printer) == 3);
BOOST_TEST(print_x(arg1)(printer) == 3);
BOOST_TEST(print_x(printer)() == 3);
BOOST_TEST(0 != (print_x(var(printer))() = 4));
BOOST_TEST(printer.x == 4);
// Bound member functions
bound_print_foo2(111, 222)();
bound_print_foo2(111, arg1)(i100);
return boost::report_errors();