blob: 9a3c6f9cb9259b40346bd58b93fb9451bff2022b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 ciere consulting,
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Object Modeling Designs
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <istream>
#include <ios>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_istream_iterator.hpp>
#include "../io.hpp"
#include "../parser/grammar.hpp"
namespace ciere { namespace json
namespace spirit = boost::spirit;
namespace detail
struct printer : public boost::static_visitor<>
printer(std::ostream& s) : stream(s) {}
void operator()(string_t const & utf) const
stream << '"';
typedef ::boost::uint32_t ucs4_char;
typedef boost::u8_to_u32_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> iter_t;
iter_t f = utf.begin();
iter_t l = utf.end();
for (iter_t i = f; i != l; ++i)
ucs4_char c = *i;
switch (c)
case 0: stream << "\\0"; break;
case 0x7: stream << "\\a"; break;
case 0x8: stream << "\\b"; break;
case 0x9: stream << "\\t"; break;
case 0xA: stream << "\\n"; break;
case 0xB: stream << "\\v"; break;
case 0xC: stream << "\\f"; break;
case 0xD: stream << "\\r"; break;
case 0x1B: stream << "\\e"; break;
case '"': stream << "\\\""; break;
case '\\': stream << "\\\\"; break;
case 0xA0: stream << "\\_"; break;
case 0x85: stream << "\\N"; break;
case 0x2028: stream << "\\L"; break;
case 0x2029: stream << "\\P"; break;
default: stream << boost::spirit::to_utf8(c);
stream << '"';
template< typename T >
void operator()(T const & value) const
stream << value;
void operator()(double d) const
// javascript's handling of NaN and +/-Infinity
// isn't so great. JSON simply follows the javascript
// standard. We can output nan and infinity; however,
// we cannot actually parse it back in afaict because
// the javascript side is generating a null?
// TODO: clear this up with something definitive
stream << "NaN";
if(d < 0.0) { stream << '-'; }
stream << "Infinity";
stream << d;
void operator()(bool_t value) const
stream << (value?"true":"false");
void operator()(null_t value) const
stream << "null";
void operator()(object_t const & obj) const
stream << "{";
bool first = true;
BOOST_FOREACH( object_t::value_type const & v, obj )
if( first ) { first = false; }
else { stream << ", "; }
stream << '"' << v.first << "\":";
boost::apply_visitor( *this,v.second);
stream << "}";
void operator()(array_t const & arr) const
stream << "[";
bool first = true;
BOOST_FOREACH( value const & v, arr )
if( first ) { first = false; }
else { stream << ", "; }
stream << "]";
std::ostream& stream;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, value const & v)
return stream;
inline std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& stream, value& object )
if( !json::read( stream, object ) )
stream.setstate( std::ios_base::failbit );
return stream;
inline bool read( std::istream& stream, value& object)
typedef parser::grammar< spirit::istream_iterator > grammar_t;
stream.unsetf( std::ios::skipws );
spirit::istream_iterator iter( stream );
spirit::istream_iterator end_iter;
grammar_t grammar;
return( spirit::qi::phrase_parse( iter, end_iter,
object ) );
inline bool read( std::string const & filename, value& object)
std::ifstream stream( filename.c_str() );
if( !stream.is_open() )
return false;
return read( stream, object );
inline value construct( std::string const & input )
typedef std::string::const_iterator iter_t;
typedef parser::grammar<iter_t> grammar_t;
grammar_t grammar;
json::value value;
iter_t iter = input.begin();
iter_t end = input.end();
spirit::qi::phrase_parse( iter, end,
value );
return value;