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<font size="7">System Library</font>
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<a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a><br>
<a href="#C++11">C++11</a><br>
<a href="#Macros">Macros</a><br>
<a href="#Deprecated-names">Deprecated names</a><br>
<a href="#Breaking-changes">Breaking changes</a><br>
<a href="#Header-error_code">Header &lt;boost/system/error_code.hpp&gt;</a><br>
<a href="#Class-error_category">Class <code>error_category</code></a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_category-synopsis">Class <code>error_category</code> synopsis</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_category-virtual-members">Class <code>error_category</code> virtual members</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_category-non-virtual-members">Class <code>error_category</code> non-virtual members</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Class-error_category-non-member-functions">Class <code>error_category</code>
non-member functions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_category-predefined-objects">Class <code>error_category</code> predefined objects</a><br>
<a href="#Class-error_code">Class <code>error_code</code></a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_code-synopsis">Class <code>error_code</code> synopsis</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_code-constructors">Class <code>error_code</code> constructors</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_code-modifiers">Class <code>error_code</code> modifiers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_code-observers">Class <code>error_code</code> observers</a><br>
<a href="#Class-error_condition">Class <code>error_condition</code></a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_condition-synopsis">Class <code>error_condition</code> synopsis</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_condition-constructors">Class <code>error_condition</code> constructors</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_condition-modifiers">Class <code>error_condition</code> modifiers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-error_condition-observers">Class <code>error_condition</code> observers</a><br>
<a href="#throws-object"><code>throws</code> object</a><br>
<a href="#Semantics-of-throws">Semantics of <code>throws</code> object</a><br>
<a href="#Non-member-functions">Non-member functions</a><br>
<a href="#Header-system_error">Header &lt;boost/system/system_error.hpp&gt;</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Class-system_error">Class <code>system_error</code></a><br>
<h2><a name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
<p>This reference documentation describes components that&nbsp;programs may use to report error conditions originating from the operating
system or other low-level application program interfaces.</p>
<p>Boost.System library components never change the value of <code>
<h2><a name="C++11">C++11</a></h2>
<p>The library is documented to use several C++11 features, including <code>
noexcept</code> and explicit conversion operators. The actual implementation
uses C++11 features only when they are available, and otherwise falls back on
C++03 features.</p>
<h2><a name="Macros">Macros</a></h2>
<p>Users may defined the following macros if desired. Sensible defaults are
provided, so users may ignore these macros if they prefer.</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="368">
<td height="16"><b><i>Macro Name</i></b></td>
<td height="16"><b><i>Default</i></b></td>
<td height="16"><b><i>Effect if defined</i></b></td>
<td valign="top" height="64"><code>BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY</code></td>
<td valign="top" height="64">Not defined.</td>
<td valign="top" height="64">The implementation is header-only, and the
Boost.System library is not built. Overrides other link and library macros.</td>
<td valign="top" height="64"><code>BOOST_SYSTEM_DYN_LINK</code></td>
<td valign="top" height="64">Defined if <code>BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK</code> is defined,
otherwise not defined.</td>
<td valign="top" height="64">Boost.System library is dynamically linked. If not defined,
static linking is assumed.</td>
<td valign="top" height="47"><code>BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_LIB</code></td>
<td valign="top" height="47">Defined if <code>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB</code> is defined,
otherwise not defined.</td>
<td valign="top" height="47">Boost.System library does not use the Boost auto-link
<td valign="top" height="32"><code>BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED</code></td>
<td valign="top" height="32">Not defined.</td>
<td valign="top" height="32">Deprecated features are excluded.</td>
<h2><a name="Deprecated-names">Deprecated names</a></h2>
<p>In the process of adding Boost.System to C++0x standard library, the C++
committee changed some
names. To ease transition, Boost.System deprecates the old
names, but continues to provide them unless macro <code>BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED</code>
is defined.</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
<td><b><i>Old usage, now deprecated</i></b></td>
<td><code>namespace posix</code></td>
<td><code>namespace errc</code></td>
<td><code>namespace posix_error</code></td>
<td><code>namespace errc</code></td>
<td><code>enum posix_errno</code></td>
<td><code>enum errc_t</code></td>
<h2><a name="Breaking-changes">Breaking changes</a></h2>
<p>Two static consts are replaced by functions. These are breaking changes best
fixed by globally adding () to these names to turn them into function calls.</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
<td><b><i>Old usage, now broken</i></b></td>
<p>User-defined BOOST_POSIX_API and BOOST_WINDOWS_API macros are no longer supported.</p>
<h2><a name="Header-error_code">Header &lt;boost/system/error_code.hpp&gt;</a></h2>
<h3>&lt;boost/system/error_code.hpp&gt; synopsis</h3>
<pre>namespace boost
namespace system
class <a href="#Class-error_category">error_category</a>;
const error_category &amp; <a href="#system_category">system_category</a>() noexcept;
const error_category &amp; <a href="#generic_category">generic_category</a>() noexcept;
class <a href="#Class-error_code">error_code</a>;
class <a href="#Class-error_condition">error_condition</a>;
// "Concept" helpers
template< class T="" >
struct is_error_code_enum { static const bool value = false; };
template< class T="" >
struct is_error_condition_enum { static const bool value = false; };
// generic error_conditions
namespace errc
enum errc_t
success = 0,
address_family_not_supported, //EAFNOSUPPORT
address_in_use, //EADDRINUSE
address_not_available, //EADDRNOTAVAIL
already_connected, //EISCONN
argument_list_too_long, //E2BIG
argument_out_of_domain, //EDOM
bad_address, //EFAULT
bad_file_descriptor, //EBADF
bad_message, //EBADMSG
broken_pipe, //EPIPE
connection_aborted, //ECONNABORTED
connection_already_in_progress, //EALREADY
connection_refused, //ECONNREFUSED
connection_reset, //ECONNRESET
cross_device_link, //EXDEV
destination_address_required, //EDESTADDRREQ
device_or_resource_busy, //EBUSY
directory_not_empty, //ENOTEMPTY
executable_format_error, //ENOEXEC
file_exists, //EEXIST
file_too_large, //EFBIG
filename_too_long, //ENAMETOOLONG
function_not_supported, //ENOSYS
host_unreachable, //EHOSTUNREACH
identifier_removed, //EIDRM
illegal_byte_sequence, //EILSEQ
interrupted, //EINTR
invalid_argument, //EINVAL
invalid_seek, //ESPIPE
io_error, //EIO
is_a_directory, //EISDIR
message_size, //EMSGSIZE
network_down, //ENETDOWN
network_reset, //ENETRESET
network_unreachable, //ENETUNREACH
no_buffer_space, //ENOBUFS
no_child_process, //ECHILD
no_link, //ENOLINK
no_lock_available, //ENOLCK
no_message_available, //ENODATA
no_message, //ENOMSG
no_protocol_option, //ENOPROTOOPT
no_space_on_device, //ENOSPC
no_stream_resources, //ENOSR
no_such_device_or_address, //ENXIO
no_such_device, //ENODEV
no_such_file_or_directory, //ENOENT
no_such_process, //ESRCH
not_a_directory, //ENOTDIR
not_a_socket, //ENOTSOCK
not_a_stream, //ENOSTR
not_connected, //ENOTCONN
not_enough_memory, //ENOMEM
not_supported, //ENOTSUP
operation_canceled, //ECANCELED
operation_in_progress, //EINPROGRESS
operation_not_permitted, //EPERM
operation_not_supported, //EOPNOTSUPP
operation_would_block, //EWOULDBLOCK
owner_dead, //EOWNERDEAD
permission_denied, //EACCES
protocol_error, //EPROTO
protocol_not_supported, //EPROTONOSUPPORT
read_only_file_system, //EROFS
resource_deadlock_would_occur, //EDEADLK
resource_unavailable_try_again, //EAGAIN
result_out_of_range, //ERANGE
state_not_recoverable, //ENOTRECOVERABLE
stream_timeout, //ETIME
text_file_busy, //ETXTBSY
timed_out, //ETIMEDOUT
too_many_files_open_in_system, //ENFILE
too_many_files_open, //EMFILE
too_many_links, //EMLINK
too_many_synbolic_link_levels, //ELOOP
value_too_large, //EOVERFLOW
wrong_protocol_type //EPROTOTYPE
} // namespace errc
template<> struct is_error_condition_enum<posix::posix_errno>&lt;errc::errc_t&gt;
{ static const bool value = true; };
// <a href="#Non-member-functions">non-member functions</a>
bool operator==( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator==( const error_code &amp; code, const error_condition &amp; condition ) noexcept;
bool operator==( const error_condition &amp; condition, const error_code &amp; code ) noexcept;
bool operator==( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_code &amp; code, const error_condition &amp; condition ) noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_condition &amp; condition, const error_code &amp; code ) noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator&lt;( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator&lt;( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;
error_code make_error_code( errc::errc_t e ) noexcept;
error_condition make_error_condition( errc::errc_t e ) noexcept;
template &lt;class charT, class traits&gt;
operator&lt;&lt;( basic_ostream&lt;charT,traits&gt;&amp; os, const error_code &amp; ec );
size_t hash_value( const error_code &amp; ec );
<p>The value of each<code> errc_t</code> constant shall be the same as the
value of the <code>&lt;cerrno&gt;</code> macro shown in the above synopsis.</p>
<p>Users may specialize <code>is_error_code_enum</code> and <code>
is_error_condition_enum</code> templates to indicate that a type is eligible for
class <code>error_code</code> and <code>error_condition</code> automatic
conversions respectively.</p>
<pre>const error_category &amp; <a name="system_category">system_category</a>();</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> A reference to a <code>error_category</code> object
identifying errors originating from the operating system.</p>
<pre>const error_category &amp; <a name="generic_category">generic_category</a>();</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> A reference to a <code>error_category</code> object
identifying portable error conditions.</p>
<h2><a name="Class-error_category">Class <code>error_category</code></a></h2>
<p>The class <code>error_category</code> defines the base class for types used
to identify the source and encoding of a particular category of error code.</p>
<p><i>[Note:</i> Classes may be derived from <code>error_category</code>
to support additional categories of errors. <i>--end note]</i></p>
<p>The class <code>error_category</code> serves as a base class for types used
to identify the source and encoding of a particular category of error code.
Classes may be derived from <code>error_category</code> to support categories of
errors in addition to those defined in the Boost System library. Such classes
shall behave as specified in this subclause. [<i> Note:</i> <code>error_category</code>
objects are passed by reference, and two such objects are equal if they have the
same address. This means that applications using custom <code>error_category</code>
types should create a single object of each such type. <i>—end note</i> ]</p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_category-synopsis">Class <code>error_category</code> synopsis</a></h3>
<pre>namespace boost
namespace system
class error_category : public noncopyable
virtual ~error_category();
virtual const char * name() const noexcept = 0;
virtual string message( int ev ) const = 0;
virtual error_condition default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept;
virtual bool equivalent( int code, const error_condition &amp; condition )
const noexcept;
virtual bool equivalent( const error_code &amp; code, int condition ) const noexcept;
bool operator==( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;
bool operator&lt; ( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;
<h3><a name="Class-error_category-virtual-members">Class <code>error_category</code> virtual members</a></h3>
<p>Classes derived from <code>error_category</code> shall behave as specified in
this subclause.</p>
<pre>virtual const char * name() const noexcept =0;</pre>
<p><i>Returns: </i>a string naming the error category.</p>
<pre>virtual string message( int ev ) const noexcept =0;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> A string that describes the error denoted by
<pre>virtual error_condition default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i>&nbsp; <code>error_condition( ev, *this )</code>.</p>
<p dir="ltr">&nbsp;[<i>--Note:</i> Derived classes will typically convert <code>ev</code>
to some portable <code>error_category</code>, such as <code>generic_category()</code>,
and return it as an <code>error_condition</code> for that category. <i>--end
<pre>virtual bool equivalent( int code, const error_condition &amp; condition ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>default_error_condition( code ) == condition</code>.</p>
<pre>virtual bool equivalent( const error_code &amp; code, int condition ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>*this == code.category() &amp;&amp; code.value() == condition</code>.</p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_category-non-virtual-members">Class <code>error_category</code> non-virtual members</a></h3>
<pre>bool operator==( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>this == &amp;rhs</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator!=( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>this != &amp;rhs</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator&lt;( const error_category &amp; rhs ) const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>std::less&lt;const error_category*&gt;()( this, &amp;rhs&nbsp;
<p><i>[Note:</i> <code>std::less</code> provides a total ordering for
pointers. <i>--end note]</i></p>
<h2><a name="Class-error_code">Class <code>
<p>The class <code>error_code</code> describes an object used to hold error code
values, such as those originating from the operating<br>
system or other low-level application program interfaces. <i>[ Note: </i>Class
<code>error_code</code> is an adjunct to error reporting by<br>
exception. <i>—end note ]</i></p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_code-synopsis">Class <code>
error_code</code> synopsis</a></h3>
<pre>namespace boost
namespace system
class error_code {
// constructors:
error_code() noexcept;
error_code( val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;
template &lt;class <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code>&gt;
error_code(<code> ErrorCodeEnum</code> e ) noexcept;
// modifiers:
void assign( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;
template&lt;typename <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code>&gt;
error_code &amp; operator=( <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code> val ) noexcept;
void clear() noexcept;
// observers:
int value() const noexcept;
cont error_category &amp; category() const noexcept;
error_condition default_error_condition() const noexcept;
string message() const;
operator unspecified-bool-type() const;
int val_; // <i>exposition only</i>
const error_category * cat_; // <i>exposition only</i>
<h3><a name="Class-error_code-constructors">Class <code>
error_code</code> constructors</a></h3>
<pre>error_code() noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Effects: </i>Constructs an object of type <code>error_code</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == 0 &amp;&amp; cat_ == &amp;system_category()</code>.</p>
<pre>error_code( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Effects: </i>Constructs an object of type <code>error_code</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == val &amp;&amp; cat_ == &amp;cat</code>.</p>
<pre>template &lt;class <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code>&gt;
error_code(<code> ErrorCodeEnum</code> val ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Effects: </i>Constructs an object of type <code>error_code</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>*this == make_error_code( val )</code>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> This constructor shall not participate in overload
resolution unless <code>is_error_code_enum&lt;ErrorCodeEnum&gt;::value</code> is
<h3><a name="Class-error_code-modifiers">Class <code>
error_code</code> modifiers</a></h3>
<pre>void assign( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == val &amp;&amp; cat_ == &amp;cat</code>.</p>
<pre>template&lt;typename <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code>&gt;
error_code &amp; operator=( <code>ErrorCodeEnum</code> val ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>*this == make_error_code( val )</code>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> This operator shall not participate in overload resolution
unless <code>is_error_code_enum&lt;ErrorCodeEnum&gt;::value</code> is <code>true</code>.</p>
<pre><code>void clear() noexcept;</code></pre>
<p><i>postcondition:</i> <code>value() == 0 &amp;&amp; category() ==
<h3><a name="Class-error_code-observers">Class <code>
error_code</code> observers</a></h3>
<pre><code>int value() const noexcept;</code></pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>val_</code>.</p>
<pre><code>const error_category &amp; category() const noexcept;</code></pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>*cat_</code>.</p>
<pre>error_condition default_error_condition() const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i>&nbsp; <code>category().default_error_condition( value())</code>.</p>
<pre><code>string message() const;</code></pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i>&nbsp; <code>category().message( value())</code>.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> Nothing.</p>
<pre>operator unspecified-bool-type() const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> if <code>value() != 0</code>, returns a value that will evaluate
<code>true</code> in a boolean context; otherwise, returns a value that will
evaluate <code>false</code> in a boolean context. The value type returned shall
not be convertible to <code>int</code>.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> nothing.</p>
<p><i>[Note: </i>This conversion can be used in contexts where a <code>bool</code>
is expected ( e.g., an <code>if</code> condition ); however, implicit conversions
( e.g., to <code>int</code>) that can occur with <code>bool</code> are not
allowed, eliminating some sources of user error. One possible implementation
choice for this type is pointer-to-member. <i>--end note ]</i></p>
<h2><a name="Class-error_condition">Class <code>error_condition</code></a></h2>
<p>The class <code>error_condition</code> describes an object used to hold
values identifying error conditions. <i>[ Note: </i><code>error_condition</code>
values are portable abstractions, while <code>error_code</code> values are
implementation specific. <i>--end note ]</i></p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_condition-synopsis">Class <code>error_condition</code> synopsis</a></h3>
<pre>namespace boost
namespace system
class error_condition
// constructors:
error_condition() noexcept;
error_condition( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;
template &lt;class ErrorConditionEnum&gt;
error_condition( errorConditionEnum val ) noexcept;
// modifiers:
void assign( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;
template&lt;typename ErrorConditionEnum&gt;
error_condition &amp; operator=( ErrorConditionEnum val ) noexcept;
void clear() noexcept;
// observers:
int value() const noexcept;
const error_category &amp; category() const noexcept;
string message() const;
operator unspecified-bool-type () const noexcept;
int val_; // <i>exposition only</i>
const error_category * cat_; // <i>exposition only</i>
<h3><a name="Class-error_condition-constructors">Class <code>error_condition</code>
<pre>error_condition() noexcept; </pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of type <code>error_condition</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == 0 and cat_ == &amp;generic_category()</code>.</p>
<pre>error_condition( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Effects: </i>Constructs an object of type error_condition.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == val and cat_ == &amp;cat</code>.</p>
<pre>template &lt;class ErrorConditionEnum&gt;
error_condition( ErrorConditionEnum e ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of type <code>error_condition</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>*this == make_error_condition(e)</code>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> This constructor shall not participate in overload
resolution unless <code>is_error_condition_enum&lt;ErrorConditionEnum&gt;::value</code>
is <code>true</code>.</p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_condition-modifiers">Class <code>error_condition</code>
<pre>void assign( int val, const error_category &amp; cat ) noexcept; </pre>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>val_ == val and cat_ == &amp;cat</code>. </p>
<pre>template&lt;typename ErrorConditionEnum&gt;
error_condition &amp; operator=( ErrorConditionEnum e ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Postconditions:</i> <code>*this == make_error_condition( e )</code>.</p>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>*this</code>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> This operator shall not participate in overload resolution
unless <code>is_error_condition_enum&lt;ErrorConditionEnum&gt;::value</code> is
<pre>void clear() noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>value() == 0 &amp;&amp; category() == generic_category()</code></p>
<h3><a name="Class-error_condition-observers">Class <code>error_condition</code>
<pre>int value() const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>val_</code>.</p>
<pre>const error_category &amp; category() const noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>*cat_</code>.</p>
<pre>string message() const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>category().message( value() )</code>.</p>
<pre>operator unspecified-bool-type () const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns: </i>If <code>value() != 0</code>, returns a value that will
evaluate <code>true</code> in a boolean context; otherwise, returns a value
that will evaluate <code>false</code>. The return type shall not be
convertible to <code>int</code>. </p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> Nothing.</p>
<p><i>&nbsp;[ Note:</i> This conversion can be used in contexts where a <code>bool</code>
is expected ( e.g., an if condition ); however, implicit conversions ( e.g., to
<code>int</code>) that can occur with <code>bool</code> are not allowed,
eliminating some sources of user error. One possible implementation choice for
this type is pointer to member. <i>--end note</i> <i>]</i></p>
<h2><a name="throws-object"><code>throws</code> object</a></h2>
<pre>extern error_code throws;</pre>
<p>The predefined <code>error_code</code> object <code>throws</code> is supplied
for use as a &quot;throw on error&quot; tag.</p>
<h2><a name="Semantics-of-throws">Semantics of <code>throws</code></a> object</h2>
<p>Functions that specify an argument in the form <code>error_code&amp; ec=throws</code>,
with appropriate namespace qualifiers, have the following error handling
<p>If <code>&amp;ec != &amp;throws</code> and an error occurred:</p>
<li> <code>ec.value()</code> returns the implementation specific error
number for the particular error that occurred.</li>
<li><code>ec.category()</code> returns the <code>
<a href="#Class-error_category">error_category</a></code> for <code>ec.value()</code>.</li>
<p>if <code>&amp;ec != &amp;throws</code> and an error did not occur, <code>ec.clear()</code>.</p>
<p>If an error occurs and <code>&amp;ec == &amp;throws</code>, throws an exception of type
<code><a href="#Class-system_error">system_error</a></code> or of a type
derived from <code><a href="#Class-system_error">system_error</a></code>. The
exception's <code>code()</code> member function returns a reference to an
<code>error_code</code> object with the behavior specified in <i>
<h2><a name="Non-member-functions">Non-member functions</a></h2>
<pre>bool operator==( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>lhs.category() == rhs.category() &amp;&amp; lhs.value() ==
<pre>bool operator==( const error_code &amp; code, const error_condition &amp; condition ) noexcept;
bool operator==( const error_condition &amp; condition, const error_code &amp; code ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>code.category().equivalent( code.value(), condition )<br>
|| condition.category().equivalent( code, condition.value() )</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator==( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>lhs.category() == rhs.category() &amp;&amp; lhs.value() ==
<pre>bool operator!=( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>!(lhs == rhs )</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator!=( const error_code &amp; code, const error_condition &amp; condition ) noexcept;
bool operator!=( const error_condition &amp; condition, const error_code &amp; code ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i><code> !( code ==&nbsp; condition )</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator!=( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>!(lhs == rhs )</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator&lt;( const error_code &amp; lhs, const error_code &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>lhs.category() &lt; rhs.category()<br>
&nbsp; || (lhs.category() == rhs.category() &amp;&amp; lhs.value() &lt; rhs.value())</code>.</p>
<pre>bool operator&lt;( const error_condition &amp; lhs, const error_condition &amp; rhs ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>lhs.category() &lt; rhs.category()<br>
&nbsp; || (lhs.category() == rhs.category() &amp;&amp; lhs.value() &lt; rhs.value())</code>.</p>
<pre>error_code make_error_code( errc::errc_t e ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>error_code( e, generic_category())</code>.</p>
<pre>error_condition make_error_condition( errc::errc_t e ) noexcept;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>error_condition( static_cast&lt;int&gt;( e ), generic_category())</code>.</p>
<pre>template &lt;class charT, class traits&gt;
operator&lt;&lt;( basic_ostream&lt;charT,traits&gt;&amp; os, const error_code &amp; ec );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> <code>os &lt;&lt; ec.category().name() &lt;&lt; ':' &lt;&lt; ec.value()</code>.</p>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>os</code>.</p>
<pre>size_t <a name="hash_value">hash_value</a>( const error_code &amp; ec );</pre>
<p><i>Returns: </i>&nbsp;A hash value representing <code>ec</code>.</p>
<h2><a name="Header-system_error">Header &lt;boost/system/system_error.hpp&gt;</a></h2>
<h3><a name="Class-system_error">Class <code>
<p>The class <code>system_error</code> describes an exception object used to
report errors that have an associated <code><a href="#Class-error_code">error_code</a></code>. Such errors typically originate from operating system or other low-level
application program interfaces.</p>
<pre>namespace boost
namespace system
class system_error : public std::runtime_error
system_error( error_code ec );
system_error( error_code ec, const char * what_arg );
system_error( error_code ec, const std::string &amp; what_arg );
system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat,
const char * what_arg );
system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat,
const std::string &amp; what_arg );
system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat);
const error_code &amp; code() const throw();
const char * what() const throw();
<pre>system_error( error_code ec );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == ec <br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), &quot;&quot; ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>system_error( error_code ec, const char * what_arg );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == ec <br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), what_arg ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>system_error( error_code ec, const std::string &amp; what_arg );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == ec <br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), what_arg.c_str() ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat,
const char * what_arg );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == error_code( ev, ecat )<br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), what_arg ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat,
const std::string &amp; what_arg );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == error_code( ev, ecat )<br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), what_arg.c_str() ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>system_error( int ev, const error_category &amp; ecat );</pre>
<p><i>Effects:</i> Constructs an object of class <code>system_error</code>.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> <code>code() == error_code( ev, ecat )<br>
&nbsp; &amp;&amp; std::strcmp( this-&gt;runtime_error::what(), &quot;&quot; ) == 0</code></p>
<pre>const error_code &amp; code() const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>ec</code> or <code>error_code( ev, ecat )</code>, from
the constructor, as appropriate.</p>
<pre>const char * what() const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns: </i>A string incorporating <code>
this-&gt;runtime_error::what()</code> and <code>
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%B %d, %Y" startspan -->January 06, 2014<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="31400" --> </font>
<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013</p>
<p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See
<a href=""></a></p>