blob: 0d35f9718ff33e5051df16ed45086945230528b4 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2009 John Maddock.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:history History]
[h4 Boost 1.58.0]
* Fixed issue with CUDA on Clang compiler see [@ #10694].
* Fixed __is_nothrow_move_assignable and __is_nothrow_move_constructible to work on VC12 and later.
[h4 Boost 1.57.0]
* Added new traits __is_copy_assignable and __is_final.
* Misc fixes for newer versions of clang and msvc-14.
[h4 Boost 1.56.0]
* Fixed issues [@ #7317],
[@ #9474].
[h4 Boost 1.55.0]
* Added new trait __is_copy_constructible.
[h4 Boost 1.54.0]
* Added new traits __is_nothrow_move_assignable, __is_nothrow_move_constructible, __has_trivial_move_assign,
[h4 Boost 1.47.0]
* [* Breaking change]: changed __is_convertible to C++0x behaviour when possible.
* Fixed issues [@ #5271],
[@ #4530].
[h4 Boost 1.45.0]
* Added new traits __add_rvalue_reference, __add_lvalue_reference and __common_type.
* Minor fixes to __is_signed, __is_unsigned and __is_virtual_base_of.
[h4 Boost 1.44.0]
* Added support for rvalue references throughout the library, plus two new traits classes
__is_rvalue_reference and __is_lvalue_reference. Fixes [@ #4407]
and [@ #3804].
* Fixed ticket [@ #3621].
[h4 Boost 1.42.0]
* Fixed issue [@ #3704].