blob: 34b1cbce8d1fddfe3d33be9f28595886687e7637 [file] [log] [blame]
(C) Copyright 2011 Frederic Bron.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[def __binary_temp `< class Lhs, class Rhs=Lhs, class Ret=dont_care >`]
[def __prefix_temp `< class Rhs, class Ret=dont_care >`]
[def __postfix_temp `< class Lhs, class Ret=dont_care >`]
[section:operators Operator Type Traits]
[heading Introduction]
These traits are all /value traits/ inheriting from __integral_constant
and providing a simple `true` or `false` boolean `value` which reflects the fact
that given types can or cannot be used with given operators.
For example, `has_plus<int, double>::value` is a `bool`
which value is `true` because it is possible to add a `double` to an `int` like
in the following code:
int i;
double d;
It is also possible to know if the result of the operator can be used as function argument
of a given type.
For example, `has_plus<int, double, float>::value` is `true`
because it is possible to add a `double` to an `int` and
the result (`double`) can be converted to a `float` argument like in the following code:
void f(float) { };
int i;
double d;
[heading Example of application]
These traits can be useful to optimize the code for types supporting given operations.
For example a function `std::advance` that increases an iterator of a given number of steps
could be implemented as follows:
#include <boost/type_traits/has_plus_assign.hpp>
namespace detail {
template < class Iterator, class Distance, bool has_plus_assign >
struct advance_impl;
// this is used if += exists (efficient)
template < class Iterator, class Distance >
struct advance_impl<Iterator, Distance, true> {
void operator()(Iterator &i, Distance n) {
// this is use if += does not exists (less efficient but cannot do better)
template < class Iterator, class Distance >
struct advance_impl<Iterator, Distance, false> {
void operator()(Iterator &i, Distance n) {
if (n>0) {
while (n--) ++i;
} else {
while (n++) --i;
} // namespace detail
template < class Iterator, class Distance >
inline void advance(Iterator &i, Distance n) {
detail::advance_impl< Iterator, Distance, ::boost::has_plus_assign<Iterator>::value >()(i, n);
Then the compiler chooses the most efficient implementation according to the type's ability to perform `+=` operation:
#include <iostream>
class with {
int m_i;
with(int i=0) : m_i(i) { }
with &operator+=(int rhs) { m_i+=rhs; return *this; }
operator int const () { return m_i; }
class without {
int m_i;
without(int i=0) : m_i(i) { }
without &operator++() { ++m_i; return *this; }
without &operator--() { --m_i; return *this; }
operator int const () { return m_i; }
int main() {
with i=0;
advance(i, 10); // uses +=
std::cout<<"with: "<<i<<'\n';
without j=0;
advance(j, 10); // uses ++
std::cout<<"without: "<<j<<'\n';
return 0;
[heading Description]
The syntax is the following:
template __prefix_temp has_op; // prefix operator
template __postfix_temp has_op; // postfix operator
template __binary_temp has_op; // binary operator
* op represents the operator name
* `Lhs` is the type used at the left hand side of `operator op`,
* `Rhs` is the type used at the right hand side of `operator op`,
* `Ret` is the type for which we want to know if the result of `operator op` can
be converted to.
The default behaviour (`Ret=dont_care`) is to not check for the return value of the
If `Ret` is different from the default `dont_care`, the return value is checked to be
convertible to `Ret`. Convertible to `Ret` means that the return value can be
used as argument to a function expecting `Ret`:
void f(Ret);
Lhs lhs;
Rhs rhs;
f(lhs+rhs); // is valid if has_plus<Lhs, Rhs, Ret>::value==true
If `Ret=void`, the return type is checked to be exactly `void`.
The following tables give the list of supported binary, prefix and postfix
[table Supported prefix operators
[[prefix operator] [trait name]]
[[`!`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_logical_not `has_logical_not`] __prefix_temp]]
[[`+`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_unary_plus `has_unary_plus`]]]
[[`-`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_unary_minus `has_unary_minus`] and [link boost_typetraits.reference.has_negate `has_negate`]]]
[[`~`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_complement `has_complement`]]]
[[`*`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_dereference `has_dereference`]]]
[[`++`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_pre_increment `has_pre_increment`]]]
[[`--`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_pre_decrement `has_pre_decrement`]]]
[table Supported postfix operators
[[postfix operator] [trait name]]
[[`++`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_post_increment `has_post_increment`] __postfix_temp]]
[[`--`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_post_decrement `has_post_decrement`]]]
[table Supported binary operators
[[binary operator] [trait name]]
[[`+`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_plus `has_plus`] __binary_temp]]
[[`-`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_minus `has_minus`]]]
[[`*`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_multiplies `has_multiplies`]]]
[[`/`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_divides `has_divides`]]]
[[`%`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_modulus `has_modulus`]]]
[[`+=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_plus_assign `has_plus_assign`]]]
[[`-=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_minus_assign `has_minus_assign`]]]
[[`*=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_multiplies_assign `has_multiplies_assign`]]]
[[`/=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_divides_assign `has_divides_assign`]]]
[[`%=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_modulus_assign `has_modulus_assign`]]]
[[`&`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_and `has_bit_and`]]]
[[`|`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_or `has_bit_or`]]]
[[`^`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_xor `has_bit_xor`]]]
[[`&=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_and_assign `has_bit_and_assign`]]]
[[`|=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_or_assign `has_bit_or_assign`]]]
[[`^=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_bit_xor_assign `has_bit_xor_assign`]]]
[[`<<`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_left_shift `has_left_shift`]]]
[[`>>`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_right_shift `has_right_shift`]]]
[[`<<=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_left_shift_assign `has_left_shift_assign`]]]
[[`>>=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_right_shift_assign `has_right_shift_assign`]]]
[[`==`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_equal_to `has_equal_to`]]]
[[`!=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_not_equal_to `has_not_equal_to`]]]
[[`<`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_less `has_less`]]]
[[`<=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_less_equal `has_less_equal`]]]
[[`>`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_greater `has_greater`]]]
[[`>=`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_greater_equal `has_greater_equal`]]]
[[`&&`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_logical_and `has_logical_and`]]]
[[`||`] [[link boost_typetraits.reference.has_logical_or `has_logical_or`]]]
The following operators are not supported because they could not be implemented using the same technique:
`operator=`, `operator->`, `operator&`, `operator[]`, `operator,`, `operator()`, `operator new`.
[heading cv qualifiers and references]
A reference sign `&` in the operator argument is ignored so that `has_plus< int&, double& >::value==has_plus< int, double >::value`.
This has been chosen because if the following code works (does not work):
int i;
double d;
the following code also works (does not work):
int &ir=i;
double &dr=d;
It was not possible to handle properly the `volatile` qualifier so that any construct using this qualifier has undefined behavior.
As a help, the following tables give the necessary conditions over each trait template argument for the trait `value` to be `true`.
They are non sufficient conditions because the conditions must be `true` for all arguments and return type for `value` to be `true`.
[table necessary and non sufficient condition on operator argument for value to be true
[[operator declaration] [`has_op< void >`] [`has_op< Arg >` and `has_op< Arg& >`] [`has_op< Arg const >` and `has_op< Arg const& >`]]
[[`operator`@`(Arg)`] [false] [true] [true]]
[[`operator`@`(Arg const)`] [false] [true] [true]]
[[`operator`@`(Arg &)`] [false] [true] [false]]
[[`operator`@`(Arg const &)`] [false] [true] [true]]
[table necessary and non sufficient condition on operator return type for value to be true
[[operator declaration] [`has_op< ..., void >`] [`has_op< ..., Ret >`] [`has_op< ..., Ret const >`] [`has_op< ..., Ret & >`] [`has_op< ..., Ret const & >`]]
[[`void operator`@`(...)`] [true] [false] [false] [false] [false]]
[[`Ret operator`@`(...)`] [false] [true] [true] [false] [true]]
[[`Ret const operator`@`(...)`] [false] [true] [true] [false] [true]]
[[`Ret & operator`@`(...)`] [false] [true] [true] [true] [true]]
[[`Ret const & operator`@`(...)`] [false] [true] [true] [false] [true]]
[heading Implementation]
The implementation consists in only header files.
The following headers should included first:
``#include <boost/type_traits/has_operator.hpp>``
``#include <boost/type_traits/has_op.hpp>``
where [^op] is the textual name chosen for the wanted operator.
The first method includes all operator traits.
All traits are implemented the same way using preprocessor macros to avoid code
The main files are in [^boost/type_traits/detail]: [^has_binary_operator.hpp],
[^has_prefix_operator.hpp] and [^has_postfix_operator.hpp].
The example of prefix `operator-` is presented below:
namespace boost {
namespace detail {
// This namespace ensures that argument-dependent name lookup does not mess things up.
namespace has_unary_minus_impl {
// 1. a function to have an instance of type T without requiring T to be default
// constructible
template <typename T> T &make();
// 2. we provide our operator definition for types that do not have one already
// a type returned from operator- when no such operator is
// found in the type's own namespace (our own operator is used) so that we have
// a means to know that our operator was used
struct no_operator { };
// this class allows implicit conversions and makes the following operator
// definition less-preferred than any other such operators that might be found
// via argument-dependent name lookup
struct any { template <class T> any(T const&); };
// when operator- is not available, this one is used
no_operator operator-(const any&);
// 3. checks if the operator returns void or not
// conditions: Rhs!=void
// we first redefine "operator," so that we have no compilation error if
// operator- returns void and we can use the return type of
// (-rhs, returns_void_t()) to deduce if operator- returns void or not:
// - operator- returns void -> (-rhs, returns_void_t()) returns returns_void_t
// - operator- returns !=void -> (-rhs, returns_void_t()) returns int
struct returns_void_t { };
template <typename T> int operator,(const T&, returns_void_t);
template <typename T> int operator,(const volatile T&, returns_void_t);
// this intermediate trait has member value of type bool:
// - value==true -> operator- returns void
// - value==false -> operator- does not return void
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_returns_void {
// overloads of function returns_void make the difference
// yes_type and no_type have different size by construction
static ::boost::type_traits::yes_type returns_void(returns_void_t);
static ::boost::type_traits::no_type returns_void(int);
static const bool value = sizeof(::boost::type_traits::yes_type)==sizeof(returns_void((-make<Rhs>(),returns_void_t())));
// 4. checks if the return type is Ret or Ret==dont_care
// conditions: Rhs!=void
struct dont_care { };
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret, bool Returns_void >
struct operator_returns_Ret;
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, dont_care, true > {
static const bool value = true;
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, dont_care, false > {
static const bool value = true;
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, void, true > {
static const bool value = true;
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, void, false > {
static const bool value = false;
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, Ret, true > {
static const bool value = false;
// otherwise checks if it is convertible to Ret using the sizeof trick
// based on overload resolution
// condition: Ret!=void and Ret!=dont_care and the operator does not return void
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret >
struct operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, Ret, false > {
static ::boost::type_traits::yes_type is_convertible_to_Ret(Ret); // this version is preferred for types convertible to Ret
static ::boost::type_traits::no_type is_convertible_to_Ret(...); // this version is used otherwise
static const bool value = sizeof(is_convertible_to_Ret(-make<Rhs>()))==sizeof(::boost::type_traits::yes_type);
// 5. checks for operator existence
// condition: Rhs!=void
// checks if our definition of operator- is used or an other
// existing one;
// this is done with redefinition of "operator," that returns no_operator or has_operator
struct has_operator { };
no_operator operator,(no_operator, has_operator);
template < typename Rhs >
struct operator_exists {
static ::boost::type_traits::yes_type check(has_operator); // this version is preferred when operator exists
static ::boost::type_traits::no_type check(no_operator); // this version is used otherwise
static const bool value = sizeof(check(((-make<Rhs>()),make<has_operator>())))==sizeof(::boost::type_traits::yes_type);
// 6. main trait: to avoid any compilation error, this class behaves
// differently when operator-(Rhs) is forbidden by the standard.
// Forbidden_if is a bool that is:
// - true when the operator-(Rhs) is forbidden by the standard
// (would yield compilation error if used)
// - false otherwise
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret, bool Forbidden_if >
struct trait_impl1;
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret >
struct trait_impl1 < Rhs, Ret, true > {
static const bool value = false;
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret >
struct trait_impl1 < Rhs, Ret, false > {
static const bool value =
operator_exists < Rhs >::value,
operator_returns_Ret < Rhs, Ret, operator_returns_void < Rhs >::value >::value
// specialization needs to be declared for the special void case
template < typename Ret >
struct trait_impl1 < void, Ret, false > {
static const bool value = false;
// defines some typedef for convenience
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret >
struct trait_impl {
typedef typename ::boost::remove_reference<Rhs>::type Rhs_noref;
typedef typename ::boost::remove_cv<Rhs_noref>::type Rhs_nocv;
typedef typename ::boost::remove_cv< typename ::boost::remove_reference< typename ::boost::remove_pointer<Rhs_noref>::type >::type >::type Rhs_noptr;
static const bool value = trait_impl1 < Rhs_noref, Ret, ::boost::is_pointer< Rhs_noref >::value >::value;
} // namespace impl
} // namespace detail
// this is the accessible definition of the trait to end user
template < typename Rhs, typename Ret=::boost::detail::has_unary_minus_impl::dont_care >
struct has_unary_minus : ::boost::integral_constant<bool,(::boost::detail::has_unary_minus_impl::trait_impl < Rhs, Ret >::value)> { };
} // namespace boost
[heading Limitation]
* Requires a compiler with working SFINAE.
[heading Known issues]
* These traits cannot detect whether the operators are public or not:
if an operator is defined as a private member of type `T` then
the instantiation of the corresponding trait will produce a compiler error.
For this reason these traits cannot be used to determine whether a type has a
public operator or not.
struct A { private: A operator-(); };
boost::has_unary_minus<A>::value; // error: A::operator-() is private
* There is an issue if the operator exists only for type `A` and `B` is
convertible to `A`. In this case, the compiler will report an ambiguous overload
because both the existing operator and the one we provide (with argument of type
`any`) need type conversion, so that none is preferred.
struct A { };
void operator-(const A&);
struct B { operator A(); };
boost::has_unary_minus<A>::value; // this is fine
boost::has_unary_minus<B>::value; // error: ambiguous overload between
// operator-(const any&) and
// operator-(const A&)
// both need type conversion
struct B { };
struct A { A(const B&) { } };
void operator-(const A&);
boost::has_unary_minus<A>::value; // this is fine
boost::has_unary_minus<B>::value; // error: ambiguous overload between
// operator-(const any&) and
// operator-(const A&)
// both need type conversion
* There is an issue when applying these traits to template classes.
If the operator is defined but does not bind for a given template type,
it is still detected by the trait which returns `true` instead of `false`.
This applies in particular to the containers of the standard library and `operator==`.
#include <boost/type_traits/has_equal_to.hpp>
#include <iostream>
template <class T>
struct contains { T data; };
template <class T>
bool operator==(const contains<T> &lhs, const contains<T> &rhs) {
return f(,;
class bad { };
class good { };
bool f(const good&, const good&) { }
int main() {
// works fine for contains<good>
std::cout<<boost::has_equal_to< contains< good > >::value<<'\n'; // true
contains<good> g;
g==g; // ok
// does not work for contains<bad>
std::cout<<boost::has_equal_to< contains< bad > >::value<<'\n'; // true, should be false
contains<bad> b;
b==b; // compile time error
return 0;
* `volatile` qualifier is not properly handled and would lead to undefined behavior
[heading Acknowledgments]
Frederic Bron is very thankful to numerous people from the boost mailing list for their kind help and patience.
In particular, the following persons have been very helpful for the implementation: Edward Diener, Eric Niebler, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung (Jr.), Robert Stewart, Roman Perepelitsa, Steven Watanabe, Vicente Botet.