blob: 25a6d006da90abafeec35022dded108bfeba2a25 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright Vladimir Prus 2004.
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
# or copy at
# Importing common is needed because the rules we inherit here depend on it.
# That is nasty.
import common ;
import errors ;
import feature ;
import clang ;
import msvc ;
import os ;
import toolset ;
import generators ;
import type ;
import path ;
import set ;
feature.extend-subfeature toolset clang : platform : win ;
toolset.inherit-generators clang-win <toolset>clang <toolset-clang:platform>win : msvc ;
toolset.inherit-flags clang-win : msvc : <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>object <asynch-exceptions>off <asynch-exceptions>on : YLOPTION ;
toolset.inherit-rules clang-win : msvc ;
# Override default do-nothing generators.
generators.override clang-win.compile.c.pch : pch.default-c-pch-generator ;
generators.override clang-win.compile.c++.pch : pch.default-cpp-pch-generator ;
generators.override clang-win.compile.rc : rc.compile.resource ;
generators.override : mc.compile ;
toolset.flags clang-win.compile PCH_SOURCE <pch>on : <pch-source> ;
toolset.flags clang-win.compile CFLAGS <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>object : "" ;
# Initializes the intel toolset for windows
rule init ( version ? : # the compiler version
command * : # the command to invoke the compiler itself
options * # Additional option: <compatibility>
# either 'vc6', 'vc7', 'vc7.1'
# or 'native'(default).
local compatibility =
[ feature.get-values <compatibility> : $(options) ] ;
local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters clang-win
: version $(version) : compatibility $(compatibility) ] ;
if ! $(compatibility)
import errors ;
errors.error "Please set <compatibility> property for visual studio version!" ;
local vc_version = [ MATCH vc([0-9]+) : $(compatibility) ] ;
if ! $(vc_version)
errors.user-error "Invalid value for compatibility option:"
$(compatibility) ;
local m = [ MATCH ([0-9]+).* : $(version) ] ;
local major = $(m[1]) ;
command = [ common.get-invocation-command clang-win : clang-cl.exe :
$(command) ] ;
common.handle-options clang-win : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;
local setup ;
setup = [ get-visual-studio-vcvars $(vc_version) ] ; # Get visual studio vcvars bat file path
local target_types ;
if [ MATCH ^(AMD64) : [ os.environ PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE ] ]
target_types = x86 amd64 ;
target_types = x86 x86_amd64 ;
for local c in $(target_types)
local cpu-conditions ;
local setup-call ;
setup-call = "call \""$(setup)"\" $(c) > nul " ;
cpu-conditions = $(condition)/$(.cpu-arch-$(c)) ;
if [ ] = NT
setup-call = $(setup-call)"
" ;
setup-call = "cmd /S /C "$(setup-call)" \"&&\" " ;
if $(.debug-configuration)
for local cpu-condition in $(cpu-conditions)
ECHO "notice: [clang-cfg] condition: '$(cpu-condition)', setup: '$(setup-call)'" ;
local compiler ;
compiler = [ path.native $(command) ] ;
compiler = "\"$(compiler)\"" ;
toolset.flags clang-win.compile .CC $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)$(compiler) ;
toolset.flags .LD $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)link /nologo ;
toolset.flags clang-win.archive .LD $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)link /lib /nologo ;
toolset.flags .MT $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)mt -nologo ;
toolset.flags clang-win.compile .MC $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)mc ;
toolset.flags clang-win.compile .RC $(cpu-conditions) : $(setup-call)rc ;
local C++FLAGS ;
if $(vc_version) = 10
C++FLAGS += -fmsc-version=1600 ;
else if $(vc_version) = 11
C++FLAGS += -fmsc-version=1700 ;
else if $(vc_version) = 12
C++FLAGS += -fmsc-version=1800 ;
toolset.flags clang-win CFLAGS $(condition) : $(C++FLAGS) ;
msvc.configure-version-specific clang-win : $(vc_version) : $(condition) ;
local rule get-visual-studio-vcvars ( version )
local env_variable_name ;
env_variable_name = "VS"$(version:U)"0COMNTOOLS" ;
local vc-path = [ os.environ $(env_variable_name) ] ;
vc-path = [ path.join $(vc-path) "../../VC/vcvarsall.bat" ] ;
path.native $(vc-path) ;
if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
.debug-configuration = true ;
# Copied from msvc.jam
# Supported CPU architectures.
.cpu-arch-x86 =
<architecture>x86/<address-model>32 ;
.cpu-arch-amd64 =
<architecture>x86/<address-model>64 ;
.cpu-arch-x86_amd64 =
<architecture>x86/<address-model>64 ;
# toolset.flags LIBRARY_OPTION <toolset>clang : "" ;
toolset.flags clang-win YLOPTION ;