blob: de4071f2949fa539687a5a0957d302bcf4aadb3f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) Andre Hentz 2003. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
# distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in
# all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
# warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
# Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Rivera.
# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
# License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
import generators ;
import feature ;
import scanner ;
import toolset : flags ;
import type ;
if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
.debug-configuration = true ;
type.register RC : rc ;
rule init ( )
# Configures a new resource compilation command specific to a condition,
# usually a toolset selection condition. The possible options are:
# * <rc-type>(rc|windres) - Indicates the type of options the command
# accepts.
# Even though the arguments are all optional, only when a command, condition,
# and at minimum the rc-type option are given will the command be configured.
# This is so that callers don't have to check auto-configuration values before
# calling this. And still get the functionality of build failures when the
# resource compiler can not be found.
rule configure ( command ? : condition ? : options * )
local rc-type = [ feature.get-values <rc-type> : $(options) ] ;
if $(command) && $(condition) && $(rc-type)
flags rc.compile.resource .RC $(condition) : $(command) ;
flags rc.compile.resource .RC_TYPE $(condition) : $(rc-type:L) ;
flags rc.compile.resource DEFINES <define> ;
flags rc.compile.resource INCLUDES <include> ;
if $(.debug-configuration)
ECHO notice: using rc compiler :: $(condition) :: $(command) ;
rule compile.resource ( target : sources * : properties * )
local rc-type = [ on $(target) return $(.RC_TYPE) ] ;
rc-type ?= null ;
compile.resource.$(rc-type) $(target) : $(sources[1]) ;
actions compile.resource.rc
"$(.RC)" -l 0x409 "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -fo "$(<)" "$(>)"
actions compile.resource.windres
"$(.RC)" "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -o "$(<)" -i "$(>)"
actions quietly compile.resource.null
as /dev/null -o "$(<)"
# Since it is common practice to write
# exe hello : hello.cpp hello.rc
# we change the name of object created from RC file, to avoid conflict with
# hello.cpp. The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not seem
# to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ (see
# Using 'register-c-compiler' adds the build directory to INCLUDES
generators.register-c-compiler rc.compile.resource : RC : OBJ(%_res) ;
# Register scanner for resources
class res-scanner : scanner
import path ;
import regex ;
import scanner ;
import virtual-target ;
rule __init__ ( includes * )
scanner.__init__ ;
self.includes = $(includes) ;
rule pattern ( )
return "(([^ ]+[ ]+(BITMAP|CURSOR|FONT|ICON|MESSAGETABLE|RT_MANIFEST)[ ]+([^ \"]+|\"[^\"]+\"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|\"[^\"]+\")))" ;
rule process ( target : matches * : binding )
local angle = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>" ] ;
local quoted = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "#include[ ]*\"([^\"]+)\"" ] ;
local res = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "[^ ]+[ ]+(BITMAP|CURSOR|FONT|ICON|MESSAGETABLE|RT_MANIFEST)[ ]+(([^ \"]+)|\"([^\"]+)\")" : 3 4 ] ;
# Icons and other includes may be referenced as
# IDR_MAINFRAME ICON "res\\icon.ico"
# so we have to replace double backslashes with single ones.
res = [ regex.replace-list $(res) : "\\\\\\\\" : "/" ] ;
# CONSIDER: the new scoping rules seem to defeat "on target" variables.
local g = [ on $(target) return $(HDRGRIST) ] ;
local b = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;
# Attach binding of including file to included targets. When a target is
# directly created from a virtual target this extra information is
# unnecessary. But in other cases, it allows us to distinguish between
# two headers of the same name included from different places. We do not
# need this extra information for angle includes, since they should not
# depend on the including file (we can not get literal "." in the
# include path).
local g2 = $(g)"#"$(b) ;
angle = $(angle:G=$(g)) ;
quoted = $(quoted:G=$(g2)) ;
res = $(res:G=$(g2)) ;
local all = $(angle) $(quoted) $(res) ;
INCLUDES $(target) : $(all) ;
NOCARE $(all) ;
SEARCH on $(angle) = $(self.includes:G=) ;
SEARCH on $(quoted) $(res) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;
# Just propagate the current scanner to includes, in hope that includes
# do not change scanners.
scanner.propagate $(__name__) : $(angle) $(quoted) : $(target) ;
ISFILE $(all) ;
scanner.register res-scanner : include ;
type.set-scanner RC : res-scanner ;