blob: 4e60f5168f5885d5f01e08b7763096ad708f9ae9 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2002 2004 2006 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler
Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Guest
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include "quickbook.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "files.hpp"
#include "native_text.hpp"
#include "state.hpp"
#include "actions.hpp"
#include "doc_info_tags.hpp"
#include "document_state.hpp"
namespace quickbook
static void write_document_title(collector& out, value const& title, value const& version);
static std::string doc_info_output(value const& p, unsigned version)
if (qbk_version_n < version) {
std::string value = detail::to_s(p.get_quickbook());
value.erase(value.find_last_not_of(" \t") + 1);
return value;
else {
return p.get_encoded();
// Each docinfo attribute is stored in a value list, these are then stored
// in a sorted value list. The following convenience methods extract all the
// values for an attribute tag.
// Expecting at most one attribute, with several values in the list.
value consume_list(value_consumer& c, value::tag_type tag,
std::vector<std::string>* duplicates)
value p;
int count = 0;
while(c.check(tag)) {
p = c.consume();
if(count > 1) duplicates->push_back(doc_info_attributes::name(tag));
return p;
// Expecting at most one attribute, with a single value, so extract that
// immediately.
value consume_value_in_list(value_consumer& c, value::tag_type tag,
std::vector<std::string>* duplicates)
value l = consume_list(c, tag, duplicates);
if(l.empty()) return l;
value_consumer c2 = l;
value p = c2.consume();
return p;
// Any number of attributes, so stuff them into a vector.
std::vector<value> consume_multiple_values(value_consumer& c, value::tag_type tag)
std::vector<value> values;
while(c.check(tag)) {
return values;
unsigned get_version(quickbook::state& state, bool using_docinfo,
value version)
unsigned result = 0;
if (!version.empty()) {
value_consumer version_values(version);
bool before_docinfo = version_values.optional_consume(
int major_verison = version_values.consume().get_int();
int minor_verison = version_values.consume().get_int();
if (before_docinfo || using_docinfo) {
result = ((unsigned) major_verison * 100) +
(unsigned) minor_verison;
if(result < 100 || result > 107)
<< "Unknown version: "
<< major_verison
<< "."
<< minor_verison
<< std::endl;
return result;
std::string pre(quickbook::state& state, parse_iterator pos,
value include_doc_id, bool nested_file)
// The doc_info in the file has been parsed. Here's what we'll do
// *before* anything else.
// If there isn't a doc info block, then values will be empty, so most
// of the following code won't actually do anything.
value_consumer values = state.values.release();
// Skip over invalid attributes
while (values.check(value::default_tag)) values.consume();
bool use_doc_info = false;
std::string doc_type;
value doc_title;
if (values.check(doc_info_tags::type))
doc_type = detail::to_s(values.consume(doc_info_tags::type).get_quickbook());
doc_title = values.consume(doc_info_tags::title);
use_doc_info = !nested_file || qbk_version_n >= 106u;
if (!nested_file)
detail::outerr(state.current_file, pos.base())
<< "No doc_info block."
<< std::endl;
// Create a fake document info block in order to continue.
doc_type = "article";
doc_title = qbk_value(state.current_file,
pos.base(), pos.base(),
use_doc_info = true;
std::vector<std::string> duplicates;
std::vector<value> escaped_attributes = consume_multiple_values(values, doc_info_tags::escaped_attribute);
value qbk_version = consume_list(values, doc_attributes::qbk_version, &duplicates);
value compatibility_mode = consume_list(values, doc_attributes::compatibility_mode, &duplicates);
consume_multiple_values(values, doc_attributes::source_mode);
value id = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::id, &duplicates);
value dirname = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::dirname, &duplicates);
value last_revision = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::last_revision, &duplicates);
value purpose = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::purpose, &duplicates);
std::vector<value> categories = consume_multiple_values(values, doc_info_attributes::category);
value lang = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::lang, &duplicates);
value version = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::version, &duplicates);
std::vector<value> authors = consume_multiple_values(values, doc_info_attributes::authors);
std::vector<value> copyrights = consume_multiple_values(values, doc_info_attributes::copyright);
value license = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::license, &duplicates);
std::vector<value> biblioids = consume_multiple_values(values, doc_info_attributes::biblioid);
value xmlbase = consume_value_in_list(values, doc_info_attributes::xmlbase, &duplicates);
<< (duplicates.size() > 1 ?
"Duplicate attributes" : "Duplicate attribute")
<< ":" << boost::algorithm::join(duplicates, ", ")
<< "\n"
std::string include_doc_id_, id_;
if (!include_doc_id.empty())
include_doc_id_ = detail::to_s(include_doc_id.get_quickbook());
if (!id.empty())
id_ = detail::to_s(id.get_quickbook());
// Quickbook version
unsigned new_version = get_version(state, use_doc_info, qbk_version);
if (new_version != qbk_version_n)
if (new_version >= 107u)
<< "Quickbook " << (new_version / 100) << "." << (new_version % 100)
<< " is still under development and is "
"likely to change in the future." << std::endl;
if (new_version) {
qbk_version_n = new_version;
else if (use_doc_info) {
// hard code quickbook version to v1.1
qbk_version_n = 101;
detail::outwarn(state.current_file, pos.base())
<< "Quickbook version undefined. "
"Version 1.1 is assumed" << std::endl;
// Compatibility Version
unsigned compatibility_version =
get_version(state, use_doc_info, compatibility_mode);
if (!compatibility_version) {
compatibility_version = use_doc_info ?
qbk_version_n : state.document.compatibility_version();
// Start file, finish here if not generating document info.
if (!use_doc_info)
state.document.start_file(compatibility_version, include_doc_id_, id_,
return "";
std::string id_placeholder =
compatibility_version, include_doc_id_, id_, doc_title);
// Make sure we really did have a document info block.
assert(doc_title.check() && !doc_type.empty());
// Set xmlbase
std::string xmlbase_value;
if (!xmlbase.empty())
xinclude_path x = calculate_xinclude_path(xmlbase, state);
if (!fs::is_directory(x.path))
detail::outerr(xmlbase.get_file(), xmlbase.get_position())
<< "xmlbase \""
<< xmlbase.get_quickbook()
<< "\" isn't a directory."
<< std::endl;
xmlbase_value = x.uri;
state.xinclude_base = x.path;
// Warn about invalid fields
if (doc_type != "library")
std::vector<std::string> invalid_attributes;
if (!purpose.empty())
if (!categories.empty())
if (!dirname.empty())
<< (invalid_attributes.size() > 1 ?
"Invalid attributes" : "Invalid attribute")
<< " for '" << doc_type << " document info': "
<< boost::algorithm::join(invalid_attributes, ", ")
<< "\n"
// Write out header
if (!nested_file)
state.out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
<< "<!DOCTYPE "
<< doc_type
<< " PUBLIC \"-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN\"\n"
<< " \"\">\n"
state.out << '<' << doc_type << "\n"
<< " id=\""
<< id_placeholder
<< "\"\n";
state.out << " lang=\""
<< doc_info_output(lang, 106)
<< "\"\n";
if(doc_type == "library" && !doc_title.empty())
state.out << " name=\"" << doc_info_output(doc_title, 106) << "\"\n";
// Set defaults for dirname + last_revision
if (!dirname.empty() || doc_type == "library")
state.out << " dirname=\"";
if (!dirname.empty()) {
state.out << doc_info_output(dirname, 106);
else if (!id_.empty()) {
state.out << id_;
else if (!include_doc_id_.empty()) {
state.out << include_doc_id_;
else if (!doc_title.empty()) {
state.out << detail::make_identifier(doc_title.get_quickbook());
else {
state.out << "library";
state.out << "\"\n";
state.out << " last-revision=\"";
if (!last_revision.empty())
state.out << doc_info_output(last_revision, 106);
// default value for last-revision is now
char strdate[64];
strdate, sizeof(strdate),
(debug_mode ?
"DEBUG MODE Date: %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S $" :
"$" /* prevent CVS substitution */ "Date: %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S $"),
state.out << strdate;
state.out << "\" \n";
if (!xmlbase.empty())
state.out << " xml:base=\""
<< xmlbase_value
<< "\"\n";
state.out << " xmlns:xi=\"\">\n";
std::ostringstream tmp;
tmp << " <authorgroup>\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(value_consumer author_values, authors)
while (author_values.check()) {
value surname = author_values.consume(doc_info_tags::author_surname);
value first = author_values.consume(doc_info_tags::author_first);
tmp << " <author>\n"
<< " <firstname>"
<< doc_info_output(first, 106)
<< "</firstname>\n"
<< " <surname>"
<< doc_info_output(surname, 106)
<< "</surname>\n"
<< " </author>\n";
tmp << " </authorgroup>\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(value_consumer copyright, copyrights)
tmp << "\n" << " <copyright>\n";
value year_start_value = copyright.consume();
int year_start = year_start_value.get_int();
int year_end =
copyright.check(doc_info_tags::copyright_year_end) ?
copyright.consume().get_int() :
if (year_end < year_start) {
detail::outerr(state.current_file, copyright.begin()->get_position())
<< "Invalid year range: "
<< year_start
<< "-"
<< year_end
<< "."
<< std::endl;
for(; year_start <= year_end; ++year_start)
tmp << " <year>" << year_start << "</year>\n";
tmp << " <holder>"
<< doc_info_output(copyright.consume(doc_info_tags::copyright_name), 106)
<< "</holder>\n"
<< " </copyright>\n"
<< "\n"
if (!license.empty())
tmp << " <legalnotice id=\""
<< state.document.add_id("legal", id_category::generated)
<< "\">\n"
<< " <para>\n"
<< " " << doc_info_output(license, 103) << "\n"
<< " </para>\n"
<< " </legalnotice>\n"
<< "\n"
if (!purpose.empty())
tmp << " <" << doc_type << "purpose>\n"
<< " " << doc_info_output(purpose, 103)
<< " </" << doc_type << "purpose>\n"
<< "\n"
BOOST_FOREACH(value_consumer values, categories) {
value category = values.optional_consume();
if(!category.empty()) {
tmp << " <" << doc_type << "category name=\"category:"
<< doc_info_output(category, 106)
<< "\"></" << doc_type << "category>\n"
<< "\n"
BOOST_FOREACH(value_consumer biblioid, biblioids)
value class_ = biblioid.consume(doc_info_tags::biblioid_class);
value value_ = biblioid.consume(doc_info_tags::biblioid_value);
tmp << " <biblioid class=\""
<< class_.get_quickbook()
<< "\">"
<< doc_info_output(value_, 106)
<< "</biblioid>"
<< "\n"
BOOST_FOREACH(value escaped, escaped_attributes)
tmp << "<!--quickbook-escape-prefix-->"
<< escaped.get_quickbook()
<< "<!--quickbook-escape-postfix-->"
if(doc_type != "library") {
write_document_title(state.out, doc_title, version);
std::string docinfo = tmp.str();
state.out << " <" << doc_type << "info>\n"
<< docinfo
<< " </" << doc_type << "info>\n"
<< "\n"
if(doc_type == "library") {
write_document_title(state.out, doc_title, version);
return doc_type;
void post(quickbook::state& state, std::string const& doc_type)
// We've finished generating our output. Here's what we'll do
// *after* everything else.
// Close any open sections.
if (!doc_type.empty() && state.document.section_level() > 1) {
<< "Missing [endsect] detected at end of file."
<< std::endl;
while(state.document.section_level() > 1) {
state.out << "</section>";
if (!doc_type.empty()) state.out << "\n</" << doc_type << ">\n\n";
static void write_document_title(collector& out, value const& title, value const& version)
if (!title.empty())
out << " <title>"
<< doc_info_output(title, 106);
if (!version.empty()) {
out << ' ' << doc_info_output(version, 106);
out<< "</title>\n\n\n";