blob: acfba31889f5afec887d4113834dec6e894a465f [file] [log] [blame]
[article Link tests
[quickbook 1.7]
[section Different types of links]
[@ Boost]
[link link-id]
[link link-id Link Text]
[funcref foo]
[funcref foo link text]
[classref foo]
[classref foo link text]
[memberref foo]
[memberref foo link text]
[enumref foo]
[enumref foo link text]
[macroref foo]
[macroref foo link text]
[headerref foo]
[headerref foo link text]
[conceptref foo]
[conceptref foo link text]
[globalref foo]
[globalref foo link text]
[link link[/ comment]description]
[section Side-by-side links]
[link x] and [link y] are two distinct links, which should be separated by
whitespace when they appear together as in [link x] [link y]. Also in [link x]
[link y], and in
[link x]
[link y]
as well.
[section Templates is links....]
[template thing[]x]
[link blah.[thing]2 Templated link?]
[template link_in_template[x y] [link something-[x]-[y]]]
[link_in_template one two]
[link_in_template one..two]
[link_in_template one .. two ]
[section Escaping links]
* [@
Boost Trac]