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* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Brent Fulgham <>. All rights reserved.
* This source code is a modified version of the CoreFoundation sources released by Apple Inc. under
* the terms of the APSL version 2.0 (see below).
* For information about changes from the original Apple source release can be found by reviewing the
* source control system for the project at
* The original license information is as follows:
* Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
/* CFCharacterSet.c
Copyright 1999-2002, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
Responsibility: Aki Inoue
#include <CoreFoundation/CFCharacterSet.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFByteOrder.h>
#include "CFCharacterSetPriv.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include "CFUniChar.h"
#include "CFUniCharPriv.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BITSPERBYTE 8 /* (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned char)) */
#define LOG_BPB 3
#define LOG_BPLW 5
#define NUMCHARACTERS 65536
#define MAX_ANNEX_PLANE (16)
/* Number of things in the array keeping the bits.
/* How many elements max can be in an __kCFCharSetClassString CFCharacterSet
#define __kCFStringCharSetMax 64
/* The last builtin set ID number
#define __kCFLastBuiltinSetID kCFCharacterSetNewline
/* How many elements in the "singles" array before we use binary search.
#define __kCFSetBreakeven 10
/* This tells us, within 1k or so, whether a thing is POTENTIALLY in the set (in the bitmap blob of the private structure) before we bother to do specific checking.
#define __CFCSetBitsInRange(n, i) (i[n>>15] & (1L << ((n>>10) % 32)))
/* Compact bitmap params
#define __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages (256)
#define __kCFCompactBitmapMaxPages (128) // the max pages allocated
#define __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize (__kCFBitmapSize / __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages)
typedef struct {
CFCharacterSetRef *_nonBMPPlanes;
unsigned int _validEntriesBitmap;
unsigned char _numOfAllocEntries;
unsigned char _isAnnexInverted;
uint16_t _padding;
} CFCharSetAnnexStruct;
struct __CFCharacterSet {
CFRuntimeBase _base;
CFHashCode _hashValue;
union {
struct {
CFIndex _type;
} _builtin;
struct {
UInt32 _firstChar;
CFIndex _length;
} _range;
struct {
UniChar *_buffer;
CFIndex _length;
} _string;
struct {
uint8_t *_bits;
} _bitmap;
struct {
uint8_t *_cBits;
} _compactBitmap;
} _variants;
CFCharSetAnnexStruct *_annex;
/* _base._info values interesting for CFCharacterSet
enum {
__kCFCharSetClassTypeMask = 0x0070,
__kCFCharSetClassBuiltin = 0x0000,
__kCFCharSetClassRange = 0x0010,
__kCFCharSetClassString = 0x0020,
__kCFCharSetClassBitmap = 0x0030,
__kCFCharSetClassSet = 0x0040,
__kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap = 0x0040,
__kCFCharSetIsInvertedMask = 0x0008,
__kCFCharSetIsInverted = 0x0008,
__kCFCharSetHasHashValueMask = 0x00004,
__kCFCharSetHasHashValue = 0x0004,
/* Generic CFBase values */
__kCFCharSetIsMutableMask = 0x0001,
__kCFCharSetIsMutable = 0x0001,
/* Inline accessor macros for _base._info
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsMutable(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetIsMutableMask) == __kCFCharSetIsMutable;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsBuiltin(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask) == __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsRange(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask) == __kCFCharSetClassRange;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsString(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask) == __kCFCharSetClassString;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsBitmap(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask) == __kCFCharSetClassBitmap;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask) == __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsInverted(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetIsInvertedMask) == __kCFCharSetIsInverted;}
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetHasHashValue(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetHasHashValueMask) == __kCFCharSetHasHashValue;}
CF_INLINE UInt32 __CFCSetClassType(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & __kCFCharSetClassTypeMask);}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutIsMutable(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, Boolean isMutable) {(isMutable ? (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] |= __kCFCharSetIsMutable) : (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] &= ~ __kCFCharSetIsMutable));}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutIsInverted(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, Boolean isInverted) {(isInverted ? (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] |= __kCFCharSetIsInverted) : (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] &= ~__kCFCharSetIsInverted));}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutHasHashValue(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, Boolean hasHash) {(hasHash ? (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] |= __kCFCharSetHasHashValue) : (cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] &= ~__kCFCharSetHasHashValue));}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutClassType(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, UInt32 classType) {cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] &= ~__kCFCharSetClassTypeMask; cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] |= classType;}
/* Inline contents accessor macros
CF_INLINE CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet __CFCSetBuiltinType(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._builtin._type;}
CF_INLINE UInt32 __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._range._firstChar;}
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFCSetRangeLength(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._range._length;}
CF_INLINE UniChar *__CFCSetStringBuffer(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return (UniChar*)(cset->_variants._string._buffer);}
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFCSetStringLength(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._string._length;}
CF_INLINE uint8_t *__CFCSetBitmapBits(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._bitmap._bits;}
CF_INLINE uint8_t *__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {return cset->_variants._compactBitmap._cBits;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutBuiltinType(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet type) {cset->_variants._builtin._type = type;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, UInt32 first) {cset->_variants._range._firstChar = first;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutRangeLength(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, CFIndex length) {cset->_variants._range._length = length;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutStringBuffer(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, UniChar *theBuffer) {cset->_variants._string._buffer = theBuffer;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutStringLength(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, CFIndex length) {cset->_variants._string._length = length;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutBitmapBits(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, uint8_t *bits) {cset->_variants._bitmap._bits = bits;}
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, uint8_t *bits) {cset->_variants._compactBitmap._cBits = bits;}
/* Validation funcs
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetValidateBuiltinType(CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet type, const char *func) {
CFAssert2(type > 0 && type <= __kCFLastBuiltinSetID, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Unknowen builtin type %d", func, type);
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetValidateRange(CFRange theRange, const char *func) {
CFAssert3(theRange.location >= 0 && theRange.location + theRange.length <= 0x1FFFFF, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Range out of Unicode range (location -> %d length -> %d)", func, theRange.location, theRange.length);
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(CFCharacterSetRef cset, const char *func) {
__CFGenericValidateType(cset, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
CFAssert1(__CFCSetIsMutable(cset), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Immutable character set passed to mutable function", func);
#define __CFCSetValidateBuiltinType(t,f)
#define __CFCSetValidateRange(r,f)
#define __CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(r,f)
/* Inline utility funcs
static Boolean __CFCSetIsEqualBitmap(const UInt32 *bits1, const UInt32 *bits2) {
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
if (bits1 == bits2) {
return true;
} else if (bits1 && bits2) {
if (bits1 == (const UInt32 *)-1) {
while (length--) if ((UInt32)-1 != *bits2++) return false;
} else if (bits2 == (const UInt32 *)-1) {
while (length--) if ((UInt32)-1 != *bits1++) return false;
} else {
while (length--) if (*bits1++ != *bits2++) return false;
return true;
} else if (!bits1 && !bits2) { // empty set
return true;
} else {
if (bits2) bits1 = bits2;
if (bits1 == (const UInt32 *)-1) return false;
while (length--) if (*bits1++) return false;
return true;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsEqualBitmapInverted(const UInt32 *bits1, const UInt32 *bits2) {
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
while (length--) if (*bits1++ != ~(*(bits2++))) return false;
return true;
static Boolean __CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange(const UInt32 *bits, UniChar firstChar, UniChar lastChar, Boolean isInverted) {
CFIndex firstCharIndex = firstChar >> LOG_BPB;
CFIndex lastCharIndex = lastChar >> LOG_BPB;
CFIndex length;
UInt32 value;
if (firstCharIndex == lastCharIndex) {
value = ((((UInt32)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))) & (((UInt32)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))))) << (((sizeof(UInt32) - 1) - (firstCharIndex % sizeof(UInt32))) * BITSPERBYTE);
value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(value);
firstCharIndex = lastCharIndex = firstChar >> LOG_BPLW;
if (*(bits + firstCharIndex) != (isInverted ? ~value : value)) return FALSE;
} else {
UInt32 firstCharMask;
UInt32 lastCharMask;
length = firstCharIndex % sizeof(UInt32);
firstCharMask = (((((UInt32)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))) & 0xFF) << (((sizeof(UInt32) - 1) - length) * BITSPERBYTE)) | (((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) >> ((length + 1) * BITSPERBYTE));
length = lastCharIndex % sizeof(UInt32);
lastCharMask = ((((UInt32)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)))) << (((sizeof(UInt32) - 1) - length) * BITSPERBYTE)) | (((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) << ((sizeof(UInt32) - length) * BITSPERBYTE));
firstCharIndex = firstChar >> LOG_BPLW;
lastCharIndex = lastChar >> LOG_BPLW;
if (firstCharIndex == lastCharIndex) {
firstCharMask &= lastCharMask;
value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(firstCharMask & lastCharMask);
if (*(bits + firstCharIndex) != (isInverted ? ~value : value)) return FALSE;
} else {
value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(firstCharMask);
if (*(bits + firstCharIndex) != (isInverted ? ~value : value)) return FALSE;
value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(lastCharMask);
if (*(bits + lastCharIndex) != (isInverted ? ~value : value)) return FALSE;
length = firstCharIndex;
value = (isInverted ? ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) : 0);
while (length--) {
if (*(bits++) != value) return FALSE;
++bits; // Skip firstCharIndex
length = (lastCharIndex - (firstCharIndex + 1));
value = (isInverted ? 0 : ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF));
while (length-- > 0) {
if (*(bits++) != value) return FALSE;
if (firstCharIndex != lastCharIndex) ++bits;
length = (0xFFFF >> LOG_BPLW) - lastCharIndex;
value = (isInverted ? ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) : 0);
while (length--) {
if (*(bits++) != value) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsBitmapSupersetOfBitmap(const UInt32 *bits1, const UInt32 *bits2, Boolean isInverted1, Boolean isInverted2) {
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
UInt32 val1, val2;
while (length--) {
val2 = (isInverted2 ? ~(*(bits2++)) : *(bits2++));
val1 = (isInverted1 ? ~(*(bits1++)) : *(bits1++)) & val2;
if (val1 != val2) return false;
return true;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return ((cset)->_annex && (cset)->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap ? true : false); }
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted (CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return ((cset)->_annex && (cset)->_annex->_isAnnexInverted ? true : false); }
CF_INLINE UInt32 __CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return ((cset)->_annex ? (cset)->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap : 0); }
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsEmpty(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset) || __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) return false;
switch (__CFCSetClassType(cset)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassRange: if (!__CFCSetRangeLength(cset)) return true; break;
case __kCFCharSetClassString: if (!__CFCSetStringLength(cset)) return true; break;
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap: if (!__CFCSetBitmapBits(cset)) return true; break;
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap: if (!__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(cset)) return true; break;
return false;
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapAddCharacter(uint8_t *bitmap, UniChar theChar) {
bitmap[(theChar) >> LOG_BPB] |= (((unsigned)1) << (theChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)));
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharacter(uint8_t *bitmap, UniChar theChar) {
bitmap[(theChar) >> LOG_BPB] &= ~(((unsigned)1) << (theChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)));
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetIsMemberBitmap(const uint8_t *bitmap, UniChar theChar) {
return ((bitmap[(theChar) >> LOG_BPB] & (((unsigned)1) << (theChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)))) ? true : false);
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue(UInt32 *bitmap, uint8_t value) {
UInt32 mask = (value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value;
UInt32 numSlots = NUMCHARACTERS / 32;
while (numSlots--) *(bitmap++) = mask;
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(uint8_t *bitmap, UniChar firstChar, UniChar lastChar) {
if (firstChar == lastChar) {
bitmap[firstChar >> LOG_BPB] |= (((unsigned)1) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)));
} else {
UInt32 idx = firstChar >> LOG_BPB;
UInt32 max = lastChar >> LOG_BPB;
if (idx == max) {
bitmap[idx] |= (((unsigned)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))) & (((unsigned)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))));
} else {
bitmap[idx] |= (((unsigned)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)));
bitmap[max] |= (((unsigned)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))));
while (idx < max) bitmap[idx++] = 0xFF;
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharactersInRange(uint8_t *bitmap, UniChar firstChar, UniChar lastChar) {
UInt32 idx = firstChar >> LOG_BPB;
UInt32 max = lastChar >> LOG_BPB;
if (idx == max) {
bitmap[idx] &= ~((((unsigned)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))) & (((unsigned)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)))));
} else {
bitmap[idx] &= ~(((unsigned)0xFF) << (firstChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1)));
bitmap[max] &= ~(((unsigned)0xFF) >> ((BITSPERBYTE - 1) - (lastChar & (BITSPERBYTE - 1))));
while (idx < max) bitmap[idx++] = 0;
#define __CFCSetAnnexBitmapSetPlane(bitmap,plane) ((bitmap) |= (1 << (plane)))
#define __CFCSetAnnexBitmapClearPlane(bitmap,plane) ((bitmap) &= (~(1 << (plane))))
#define __CFCSetAnnexBitmapGetPlane(bitmap,plane) ((bitmap) & (1 << (plane)))
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(CFCharacterSetRef cset, int plane) {
if (cset->_annex == NULL) {
((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cset)->_annex = (CFCharSetAnnexStruct *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), sizeof(CFCharSetAnnexStruct), 0);
cset->_annex->_numOfAllocEntries = plane;
cset->_annex->_isAnnexInverted = false;
cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap = 0;
cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes = ((plane > 0) ? (CFCharacterSetRef*)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), sizeof(CFCharacterSetRef) * plane, 0) : NULL);
} else if (cset->_annex->_numOfAllocEntries < plane) {
cset->_annex->_numOfAllocEntries = plane;
if (NULL == cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes) {
cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes = (CFCharacterSetRef*)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), sizeof(CFCharacterSetRef) * plane, 0);
} else {
cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes = (CFCharacterSetRef*)CFAllocatorReallocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), (void *)cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes, sizeof(CFCharacterSetRef) * plane, 0);
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(CFCharacterSetRef cset, Boolean flag) {
if (flag) __CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(cset, 0);
if (cset->_annex) ((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cset)->_annex->_isAnnexInverted = flag;
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(CFCharacterSetRef cset, CFCharacterSetRef annexCSet, int plane) {
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(cset, plane);
if (__CFCSetAnnexBitmapGetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane)) CFRelease(cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes[plane - 1]);
if (annexCSet) {
cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes[plane - 1] = (CFCharacterSetRef)CFRetain(annexCSet);
__CFCSetAnnexBitmapSetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane);
} else {
__CFCSetAnnexBitmapClearPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane);
CF_INLINE CFCharacterSetRef __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(CFCharacterSetRef cset, int plane) {
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(cset, plane);
if (!__CFCSetAnnexBitmapGetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane)) {
cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes[plane - 1] = (CFCharacterSetRef)CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(cset));
__CFCSetAnnexBitmapSetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane);
return cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes[plane - 1];
CF_INLINE CFCharacterSetRef __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(CFCharacterSetRef cset, int plane) {
return (cset->_annex && __CFCSetAnnexBitmapGetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, plane) ? cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes[plane - 1] : NULL);
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {
if (cset->_annex) {
int idx;
for (idx = 0;idx < MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if (__CFCSetAnnexBitmapGetPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, idx + 1)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), cset->_annex->_nonBMPPlanes);
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), cset->_annex);
((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cset)->_annex = NULL;
CF_INLINE uint8_t __CFCSetGetHeaderValue(const uint8_t *bitmap, int *numPages) {
uint8_t value = *bitmap;
if ((value == 0) || (value == UINT8_MAX)) {
int numBytes = __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize - 1;
while (numBytes > 0) {
if (*(++bitmap) != value) break;
if (numBytes == 0) return value;
return (uint8_t)(++(*numPages));
CF_INLINE bool __CFCSetIsMemberInCompactBitmap(const uint8_t *compactBitmap, UTF16Char character) {
uint8_t value = compactBitmap[(character >> 8)]; // Assuming __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages == 256
if (value == 0) {
return false;
} else if (value == UINT8_MAX) {
return true;
} else {
compactBitmap += (__kCFCompactBitmapNumPages + (__kCFCompactBitmapPageSize * (value - 1)));
character &= 0xFF; // Assuming __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages == 256
return ((compactBitmap[(character / BITSPERBYTE)] & (1 << (character % BITSPERBYTE))) ? true : false);
CF_INLINE uint32_t __CFCSetGetCompactBitmapSize(const uint8_t *compactBitmap) {
uint32_t length = __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;
uint32_t size = __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;
uint8_t value;
while (length-- > 0) {
value = *(compactBitmap++);
if ((value != 0) && (value != UINT8_MAX)) size += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
return size;
/* Take a private "set" structure and make a bitmap from it. Return the bitmap. THE CALLER MUST RELEASE THE RETURNED MEMORY as necessary.
CF_INLINE void __CFCSetBitmapProcessManyCharacters(unsigned char *map, unsigned n, unsigned m, Boolean isInverted) {
if (isInverted) {
__CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharactersInRange(map, n, m);
} else {
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(map, n, m);
CF_INLINE void __CFExpandCompactBitmap(const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst) {
const uint8_t *srcBody = src + __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;
int i;
uint8_t value;
for (i = 0;i < __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;i++) {
value = *(src++);
if ((value == 0) || (value == UINT8_MAX)) {
memset(dst, value, __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize);
} else {
memmove(dst, srcBody, __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize);
srcBody += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
dst += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
static void __CFCheckForExpandedSet(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {
static int8_t __CFNumberOfPlanesForLogging = -1;
static bool warnedOnce = false;
if (0 > __CFNumberOfPlanesForLogging) {
const char *envVar = getenv("CFCharacterSetCheckForExpandedSet");
long value = (envVar ? strtol_l(envVar, NULL, 0, NULL) : 0);
long value = (envVar ? strtol(envVar, NULL, 0) : 0);
__CFNumberOfPlanesForLogging = (int8_t)(((value > 0) && (value <= 16)) ? value : 0);
if (__CFNumberOfPlanesForLogging) {
uint32_t entries = __CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(cset);
int count = 0;
while (entries) {
if ((entries & 1) && (++count >= __CFNumberOfPlanesForLogging)) {
if (!warnedOnce) {
CFLog(kCFLogLevelWarning, CFSTR("An expanded CFMutableCharacter has been detected. Recommend to compact with CFCharacterSetCreateCopy"));
warnedOnce = true;
entries >>= 1;
static void __CFCSetGetBitmap(CFCharacterSetRef cset, uint8_t *bits) {
uint8_t *bitmap;
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize;
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(cset) && (bitmap = __CFCSetBitmapBits(cset))) {
memmove(bits, bitmap, __kCFBitmapSize);
} else {
Boolean isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(cset);
uint8_t value = (isInverted ? (uint8_t)-1 : 0);
bitmap = bits;
while (length--) *bitmap++ = value; // Initialize the buffer
if (!__CFCSetIsEmpty(cset)) {
switch (__CFCSetClassType(cset)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin: {
UInt8 result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(cset), 0, bits, (isInverted != 0));
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty && isInverted) {
length = __kCFBitmapSize;
bitmap = bits;
while (length--) *bitmap++ = 0;
} else if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll && !isInverted) {
length = __kCFBitmapSize;
bitmap = bits;
while (length--) *bitmap++ = (UInt8)0xFF;
case __kCFCharSetClassRange: {
UInt32 theChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(cset);
if (theChar < NUMCHARACTERS) { // the range starts in BMP
length = __CFCSetRangeLength(cset);
if (theChar + length >= NUMCHARACTERS) length = NUMCHARACTERS - theChar;
if (isInverted) {
__CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharactersInRange(bits, theChar, (UniChar)(theChar + length) - 1);
} else {
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(bits, theChar, (UniChar)(theChar + length) - 1);
case __kCFCharSetClassString: {
const UniChar *buffer = __CFCSetStringBuffer(cset);
length = __CFCSetStringLength(cset);
while (length--) (isInverted ? __CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharacter(bits, *buffer++) : __CFCSetBitmapAddCharacter(bits, *buffer++));
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap:
__CFExpandCompactBitmap(__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(cset), bits);
static Boolean __CFCharacterSetEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2);
static Boolean __CFCSetIsEqualAnnex(CFCharacterSetRef cf1, CFCharacterSetRef cf2) {
CFCharacterSetRef subSet1;
CFCharacterSetRef subSet2;
Boolean isAnnexInvertStateIdentical = (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cf1) == __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cf2) ? true: false);
int idx;
if (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical) {
if (__CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(cf1) != __CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(cf2)) return false;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
subSet1 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cf1, idx);
subSet2 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cf2, idx);
if (subSet1 && !__CFCharacterSetEqual(subSet1, subSet2)) return false;
} else {
uint8_t bitsBuf[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t bitsBuf2[__kCFBitmapSize];
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
subSet1 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cf1, idx);
subSet2 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cf2, idx);
if (subSet1 == NULL && subSet2 == NULL) {
return false;
} else if (subSet1 == NULL) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet2)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet2), (const UInt32 *)-1)) {
return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet2, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)-1)) {
return false;
} else if (subSet2 == NULL) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet1)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1), (const UInt32 *)-1)) {
return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet1, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)-1)) {
return false;
} else {
Boolean isBitmap1 = __CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet1);
Boolean isBitmap2 = __CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet2);
if (isBitmap1 && isBitmap2) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmapInverted((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1), (const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet2))) {
return false;
} else if (!isBitmap1 && !isBitmap2) {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet1, bitsBuf);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet2, bitsBuf2);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmapInverted((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf2)) {
return false;
} else {
if (isBitmap2) {
CFCharacterSetRef tmp = subSet2;
subSet2 = subSet1;
subSet1 = tmp;
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet2, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmapInverted((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1), (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) {
return false;
return true;
/* Compact bitmap
static uint8_t *__CFCreateCompactBitmap(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const uint8_t *bitmap) {
const uint8_t *src;
uint8_t *dst;
int i;
int numPages = 0;
uint8_t header[__kCFCompactBitmapNumPages];
src = bitmap;
for (i = 0;i < __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;i++) {
header[i] = __CFCSetGetHeaderValue(src, &numPages);
// Allocating more pages is probably not interesting enough to be compact
if (numPages > __kCFCompactBitmapMaxPages) return NULL;
src += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
dst = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages + (__kCFCompactBitmapPageSize * numPages), 0);
if (numPages > 0) {
uint8_t *dstBody = dst + __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;
src = bitmap;
for (i = 0;i < __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;i++) {
dst[i] = header[i];
if ((dst[i] != 0) && (dst[i] != UINT8_MAX)) {
memmove(dstBody, src, __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize);
dstBody += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
src += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
} else {
memmove(dst, header, __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages);
return dst;
static void __CFCSetMakeCompact(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(cset) && __CFCSetBitmapBits(cset)) {
uint8_t *bitmap = __CFCSetBitmapBits(cset);
uint8_t *cBitmap = __CFCreateCompactBitmap(CFGetAllocator(cset), bitmap);
if (cBitmap) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), bitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, cBitmap);
static void __CFCSetAddNonBMPPlanesInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, CFRange range) {
int firstChar = (range.location & 0xFFFF);
int maxChar = range.location + range.length;
int idx = range.location >> 16; // first plane
int maxPlane = (maxChar - 1) >> 16; // last plane
CFRange planeRange;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
maxChar &= 0xFFFF;
for (idx = (idx ? idx : 1);idx <= maxPlane;idx++) {
planeRange.location = __CFMax(firstChar, 0);
planeRange.length = (idx == maxPlane && maxChar ? maxChar : 0x10000) - planeRange.location;
if (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) {
if ((annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cset, idx))) {
CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInRange(annexPlane, planeRange);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(annexPlane) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(annexPlane)) {
__CFCSetAnnexBitmapClearPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, idx);
} else {
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(cset, idx), planeRange);
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset) && !__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(cset);
static void __CFCSetRemoveNonBMPPlanesInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset, CFRange range) {
int firstChar = (range.location & 0xFFFF);
int maxChar = range.location + range.length;
int idx = range.location >> 16; // first plane
int maxPlane = (maxChar - 1) >> 16; // last plane
CFRange planeRange;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
maxChar &= 0xFFFF;
for (idx = (idx ? idx : 1);idx <= maxPlane;idx++) {
planeRange.location = __CFMax(firstChar, 0);
planeRange.length = (idx == maxPlane && maxChar ? maxChar : 0x10000) - planeRange.location;
if (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) {
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(cset, idx), planeRange);
} else {
if ((annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cset, idx))) {
CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInRange(annexPlane, planeRange);
if(__CFCSetIsEmpty(annexPlane) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(annexPlane)) {
__CFCSetAnnexBitmapClearPlane(cset->_annex->_validEntriesBitmap, idx);
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset) && !__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(cset);
static void __CFCSetMakeBitmap(CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset) {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmap(cset) || !__CFCSetBitmapBits(cset)) {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(cset);
uint8_t *bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(cset, bitmap);
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(cset)) {
CFIndex numPlanes = CFUniCharGetNumberOfPlanes(__CFCSetBuiltinType(cset));
if (numPlanes > 1) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexSet;
uint8_t *annexBitmap = NULL;
int idx;
UInt8 result;
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(cset, numPlanes - 1);
for (idx = 1;idx < numPlanes;idx++) {
if (NULL == annexBitmap) {
annexBitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(cset), idx, annexBitmap, false);
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) continue;
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
CFIndex bitmapLength = __kCFBitmapSize;
uint8_t *bytes = annexBitmap;
while (bitmapLength-- > 0) *(bytes++) = (uint8_t)0xFF;
annexSet = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(cset, idx);
__CFCSetPutClassType(annexSet, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(annexSet, annexBitmap);
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(annexSet, false);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(annexSet, false);
annexBitmap = NULL;
if (annexBitmap) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, annexBitmap);
} else if (__CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(cset) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(cset)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(cset));
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, NULL);
} else if (__CFCSetIsString(cset) && __CFCSetStringBuffer(cset)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, __CFCSetStringBuffer(cset));
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(cset, NULL);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(cset)) { // We may have to allocate annex here
Boolean needsToInvert = (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset) && __CFCSetIsInverted(cset) ? true : false);
__CFCSetAddNonBMPPlanesInRange(cset, CFRangeMake(__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(cset), __CFCSetRangeLength(cset)));
if (needsToInvert) __CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(cset, true);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, bitmap);
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(cset, false);
CF_INLINE CFMutableCharacterSetRef __CFCSetGenericCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt32 flags) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFCharacterSet) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
cset = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, CFCharacterSetGetTypeID(), size, NULL);
if (NULL == cset) return NULL;
cset->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] |= flags;
cset->_hashValue = 0;
cset->_annex = NULL;
return cset;
/* Bsearch theChar for __kCFCharSetClassString
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFCSetBsearchUniChar(const UniChar *theTable, CFIndex length, UniChar theChar) {
const UniChar *p, *q, *divider;
if ((theChar < theTable[0]) || (theChar > theTable[length - 1])) return false;
p = theTable;
q = p + (length - 1);
while (p <= q) {
divider = p + ((q - p) >> 1); /* divide by 2 */
if (theChar < *divider) q = divider - 1;
else if (theChar > *divider) p = divider + 1;
else return true;
return false;
/* Predefined cset names
Need to add entry here for new builtin types
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameControl, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Control Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameWhitespace, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Whitespace Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameWhitespaceAndNewline, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined WhitespaceAndNewline Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameDecimalDigit, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined DecimalDigit Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameLetter, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Letter Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameLowercaseLetter, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined LowercaseLetter Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameUppercaseLetter, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined UppercaseLetter Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameNonBase, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined NonBase Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameDecomposable, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Decomposable Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameAlphaNumeric, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined AlphaNumeric Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNamePunctuation, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Punctuation Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameIllegal, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Illegal Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameCapitalizedLetter, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined CapitalizedLetter Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameSymbol, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Symbol Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameNewline, "<CFCharacterSet Predefined Newline Set>")
CONST_STRING_DECL(__kCFCSetNameStringTypeFormat, "<CFCharacterSet Items(")
/* Array of instantiated builtin set. Note builtin set ID starts with 1 so the array index is ID - 1
static CFCharacterSetRef *__CFBuiltinSets = NULL;
/* Global lock for character set
static CFSpinLock_t __CFCharacterSetLock = CFSpinLockInit;
/* CFBase API functions
static Boolean __CFCharacterSetEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
Boolean isInvertStateIdentical = (__CFCSetIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) ? true: false);
Boolean isAnnexInvertStateIdentical = (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) ? true: false);
CFIndex idx;
CFCharacterSetRef subSet1;
uint8_t bitsBuf[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t *bits;
Boolean isBitmap1;
Boolean isBitmap2;
if (__CFCSetHasHashValue((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) && __CFCSetHasHashValue((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && ((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1)->_hashValue != ((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2)->_hashValue) return false;
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) && __CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && !isInvertStateIdentical) return false;
if (__CFCSetClassType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetClassType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2)) { // Types are identical, we can do it fast
switch (__CFCSetClassType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
return (__CFCSetBuiltinType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetBuiltinType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && isInvertStateIdentical ? true : false);
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
return (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetRangeFirstChar((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && __CFCSetRangeLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) && __CFCSetRangeLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && isInvertStateIdentical ? true : false);
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
if (__CFCSetStringLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) == __CFCSetStringLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2) && isInvertStateIdentical) {
const UniChar *buf1 = __CFCSetStringBuffer((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
const UniChar *buf2 = __CFCSetStringBuffer((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
CFIndex length = __CFCSetStringLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
while (length--) if (*buf1++ != *buf2++) return false;
} else {
return false;
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1), (const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2))) return false;
return __CFCSetIsEqualAnnex((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1, (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
// Check for easy empty cases
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) || __CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2)) {
CFCharacterSetRef emptySet = (__CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
CFCharacterSetRef nonEmptySet = (emptySet == cf1 ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(nonEmptySet)) {
return false;
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(nonEmptySet)) {
if (isInvertStateIdentical) {
return (__CFCSetRangeLength(nonEmptySet) ? false : true);
} else {
return (__CFCSetRangeLength(nonEmptySet) == 0x110000 ? true : false);
} else {
if (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(nonEmptySet)) {
if (__CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(nonEmptySet) != 0x1FFFE) return false;
} else {
if (__CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(nonEmptySet)) return false;
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(nonEmptySet)) {
bits = __CFCSetBitmapBits(nonEmptySet);
} else {
bits = bitsBuf;
__CFCSetGetBitmap(nonEmptySet, bitsBuf);
if (__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap(NULL, (const UInt32 *)bits)) {
if (!__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(nonEmptySet)) return true;
} else {
return false;
// Annex set has to be CFRangeMake(0x10000, 0xfffff)
for (idx = 1;idx < MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(nonEmptySet)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(nonEmptySet) ? NULL : (const UInt32 *)-1), (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(nonEmptySet, idx), bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)-1, (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
return true;
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) || __CFCSetIsBuiltin((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2)) {
CFCharacterSetRef builtinSet = (__CFCSetIsBuiltin((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
CFCharacterSetRef nonBuiltinSet = (builtinSet == cf1 ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
if (__CFCSetIsRange(nonBuiltinSet)) {
UTF32Char firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(nonBuiltinSet);
UTF32Char lastChar = (firstChar + __CFCSetRangeLength(nonBuiltinSet) - 1);
uint8_t firstPlane = (firstChar >> 16) & 0xFF;
uint8_t lastPlane = (lastChar >> 16) & 0xFF;
uint8_t result;
for (idx = 0;idx < MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(builtinSet), idx, bitsBuf, (isInvertStateIdentical != 0));
if (idx < firstPlane || idx > lastPlane) {
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
return false;
} else if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapFilled) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap(NULL, (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
} else if (idx > firstPlane && idx < lastPlane) {
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) {
return false;
} else if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapFilled) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)-1, (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
} else {
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) {
return false;
} else if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
if (idx == firstPlane) {
if (((firstChar & 0xFFFF) != 0) || (firstPlane == lastPlane && ((lastChar & 0xFFFF) != 0xFFFF))) return false;
} else {
if (((lastChar & 0xFFFF) != 0xFFFF) || (firstPlane == lastPlane && ((firstChar & 0xFFFF) != 0))) return false;
} else {
if (idx == firstPlane) {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, firstChar & 0xFFFF, (firstPlane == lastPlane ? lastChar & 0xFFFF : 0xFFFF), false)) return false;
} else {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (firstPlane == lastPlane ? firstChar & 0xFFFF : 0), lastChar & 0xFFFF, false)) return false;
return true;
} else {
uint8_t bitsBuf2[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t result;
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(builtinSet), 0, bitsBuf, (__CFCSetIsInverted(builtinSet) != 0));
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapFilled) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(nonBuiltinSet)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(nonBuiltinSet))) return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(nonBuiltinSet, bitsBuf2);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf2)) {
return false;
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(nonBuiltinSet)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll ? (const UInt32*)-1 : NULL), (const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(nonBuiltinSet))) return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(nonBuiltinSet, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll ? (const UInt32*)-1: NULL), (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
isInvertStateIdentical = (__CFCSetIsInverted(builtinSet) == __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(nonBuiltinSet) ? true : false);
for (idx = 1;idx < MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(builtinSet), idx, bitsBuf, !isInvertStateIdentical);
subSet1 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(nonBuiltinSet, idx);
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapFilled) {
if (NULL == subSet1) {
return false;
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet1)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bitsBuf, (const UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1))) {
return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet1, bitsBuf2);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bitsBuf, (const UInt32*)bitsBuf2)) {
return false;
} else {
if (NULL == subSet1) {
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
return false;
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet1)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll ? (const UInt32*)-1: NULL), (const UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1))) {
return false;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet1, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll ? (const UInt32*)-1: NULL), (const UInt32*)bitsBuf)) {
return false;
return true;
if (__CFCSetIsRange((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) || __CFCSetIsRange((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2)) {
CFCharacterSetRef rangeSet = (__CFCSetIsRange((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1) ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
CFCharacterSetRef nonRangeSet = (rangeSet == cf1 ? (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2 : (CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
UTF32Char firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(rangeSet);
UTF32Char lastChar = (firstChar + __CFCSetRangeLength(rangeSet) - 1);
uint8_t firstPlane = (firstChar >> 16) & 0xFF;
uint8_t lastPlane = (lastChar >> 16) & 0xFF;
Boolean isRangeSetInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(rangeSet);
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(nonRangeSet)) {
bits = __CFCSetBitmapBits(nonRangeSet);
} else {
bits = bitsBuf;
__CFCSetGetBitmap(nonRangeSet, bitsBuf);
if (firstPlane == 0) {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange((const UInt32*)bits, firstChar, (lastPlane == 0 ? lastChar : 0xFFFF), isRangeSetInverted)) return false;
firstPlane = 1;
firstChar = 0;
} else {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bits, (isRangeSetInverted ? (const UInt32 *)-1 : NULL))) return false;
firstChar &= 0xFFFF;
lastChar &= 0xFFFF;
isAnnexInvertStateIdentical = (isRangeSetInverted == __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(nonRangeSet) ? true : false);
for (idx = 1;idx < MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
subSet1 = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(nonRangeSet, idx);
if (NULL == subSet1) {
if (idx < firstPlane || idx > lastPlane) {
if (!isAnnexInvertStateIdentical) return false;
} else if (idx > firstPlane && idx < lastPlane) {
if (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical) return false;
} else if (idx == firstPlane) {
if (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical || firstChar || (idx == lastPlane && lastChar != 0xFFFF)) return false;
} else if (idx == lastPlane) {
if (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical || (idx == firstPlane && firstChar) || (lastChar != 0xFFFF)) return false;
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(subSet1)) {
bits = __CFCSetBitmapBits(subSet1);
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subSet1, bitsBuf);
bits = bitsBuf;
if (idx < firstPlane || idx > lastPlane) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bits, (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical ? NULL : (const UInt32 *)-1))) return false;
} else if (idx > firstPlane && idx < lastPlane) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bits, (isAnnexInvertStateIdentical ? (const UInt32 *)-1 : NULL))) return false;
} else if (idx == firstPlane) {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange((const UInt32*)bits, firstChar, (idx == lastPlane ? lastChar : 0xFFFF), !isAnnexInvertStateIdentical)) return false;
} else if (idx == lastPlane) {
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapEqualToRange((const UInt32*)bits, (idx == firstPlane ? firstChar : 0), lastChar, !isAnnexInvertStateIdentical)) return false;
return true;
isBitmap1 = __CFCSetIsBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1);
isBitmap2 = __CFCSetIsBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
if (isBitmap1 && isBitmap2) {
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1), (const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2))) return false;
} else if (!isBitmap1 && !isBitmap2) {
uint8_t bitsBuf2[__kCFBitmapSize];
__CFCSetGetBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1, bitsBuf);
__CFCSetGetBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2, bitsBuf2);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32*)bitsBuf, (const UInt32*)bitsBuf2)) {
return false;
} else {
if (isBitmap2) {
CFCharacterSetRef tmp = (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2;
cf2 = cf1;
cf1 = tmp;
__CFCSetGetBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf2, bitsBuf);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1), (const UInt32 *)bitsBuf)) return false;
return __CFCSetIsEqualAnnex((CFCharacterSetRef)cf1, (CFCharacterSetRef)cf2);
static CFHashCode __CFCharacterSetHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
if (!__CFCSetHasHashValue((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cf)->_hashValue = (__CFCSetIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) ? ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) : 0);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap( (CFCharacterSetRef) cf )) {
((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cf)->_hashValue = CFHashBytes(__CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf), __kCFBitmapSize);
} else {
uint8_t bitsBuf[__kCFBitmapSize];
__CFCSetGetBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf, bitsBuf);
((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cf)->_hashValue = CFHashBytes(bitsBuf, __kCFBitmapSize);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cf, true);
return ((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)->_hashValue;
static CFStringRef __CFCharacterSetCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFMutableStringRef string;
CFIndex idx;
CFIndex length;
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
return (CFStringRef)(__CFCSetIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) ? CFRetain(CFSTR("<CFCharacterSet All>")) : CFRetain(CFSTR("<CFCharacterSet Empty>")));
switch (__CFCSetClassType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
switch (__CFCSetBuiltinType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
case kCFCharacterSetControl: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameControl);
case kCFCharacterSetWhitespace : return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameWhitespace);
case kCFCharacterSetWhitespaceAndNewline: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameWhitespaceAndNewline);
case kCFCharacterSetDecimalDigit: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameDecimalDigit);
case kCFCharacterSetLetter: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameLetter);
case kCFCharacterSetLowercaseLetter: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameLowercaseLetter);
case kCFCharacterSetUppercaseLetter: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameUppercaseLetter);
case kCFCharacterSetNonBase: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameNonBase);
case kCFCharacterSetDecomposable: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameDecomposable);
case kCFCharacterSetAlphaNumeric: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameAlphaNumeric);
case kCFCharacterSetPunctuation: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNamePunctuation);
case kCFCharacterSetIllegal: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameIllegal);
case kCFCharacterSetCapitalizedLetter: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameCapitalizedLetter);
case kCFCharacterSetSymbol: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameSymbol);
case kCFCharacterSetNewline: return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(__kCFCSetNameNewline);
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
return CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator((CFCharacterSetRef)cf), NULL, CFSTR("<CFCharacterSet Range(%d, %d)>"), __CFCSetRangeFirstChar((CFCharacterSetRef)cf), __CFCSetRangeLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf));
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
length = __CFCSetStringLength((CFCharacterSetRef)cf);
string = CFStringCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(cf), CFStringGetLength(__kCFCSetNameStringTypeFormat) + 7 * length + 2); // length of__kCFCSetNameStringTypeFormat + "U+XXXX "(7) * length + ")>"(2)
CFStringAppend(string, __kCFCSetNameStringTypeFormat);
for (idx = 0;idx < length;idx++) {
CFStringAppendFormat(string, NULL, CFSTR("%sU+%04X"), (idx > 0 ? " " : ""), (UInt32)((__CFCSetStringBuffer((CFCharacterSetRef)cf))[idx]));
CFStringAppend(string, CFSTR(")>"));
return string;
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap:
return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(CFSTR("<CFCharacterSet Bitmap>")); // ??? Should generate description for 8k bitmap ?
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
return NULL;
static void __CFCharacterSetDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(cf);
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) && !__CFCSetIsMutable((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) && !__CFCSetIsInverted((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) {
CFCharacterSetRef sharedSet = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(__CFCSetBuiltinType((CFCharacterSetRef)cf));
if (sharedSet == cf) { // We're trying to dealloc the builtin set
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Trying to deallocate predefined set. The process is likely to crash.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return; // We never deallocate builtin set
if (__CFCSetIsString((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) && __CFCSetStringBuffer((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, __CFCSetStringBuffer((CFCharacterSetRef)cf));
else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) && __CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, __CFCSetBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf));
else if (__CFCSetIsCompactBitmap((CFCharacterSetRef)cf) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf)) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits((CFCharacterSetRef)cf));
static CFTypeID __kCFCharacterSetTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFCharacterSetClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
static bool __CFCheckForExapendedSet = false;
__private_extern__ void __CFCharacterSetInitialize(void) {
const char *checkForExpandedSet = getenv("__CF_DEBUG_EXPANDED_SET");
__kCFCharacterSetTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFCharacterSetClass);
if (checkForExpandedSet && (*checkForExpandedSet == 'Y')) __CFCheckForExapendedSet = true;
/* Public functions
CFTypeID CFCharacterSetGetTypeID(void) {
return __kCFCharacterSetTypeID;
/*** CharacterSet creation ***/
/* Functions to create basic immutable characterset.
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet theSetIdentifier) {
CFCharacterSetRef cset;
__CFCSetValidateBuiltinType(theSetIdentifier, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
cset = ((NULL != __CFBuiltinSets) ? __CFBuiltinSets[theSetIdentifier - 1] : NULL);
if (NULL != cset) return cset;
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin))) return NULL;
__CFCSetPutBuiltinType((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cset, theSetIdentifier);
if (!__CFBuiltinSets) {
__CFBuiltinSets = (CFCharacterSetRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate((CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(__CFGetDefaultAllocator()), sizeof(CFCharacterSetRef) * __kCFLastBuiltinSetID, 0);
memset(__CFBuiltinSets, 0, sizeof(CFCharacterSetRef) * __kCFLastBuiltinSetID);
__CFBuiltinSets[theSetIdentifier - 1] = cset;
return cset;
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInRange(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFRange theRange) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
__CFCSetValidateRange(theRange, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (theRange.length) {
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(allocator, __kCFCharSetClassRange))) return NULL;
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(cset, theRange.location);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(cset, theRange.length);
} else {
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(allocator, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap))) return NULL;
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, NULL);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(cset, true); // _hashValue is 0
return cset;
static int chcompar(const void *a, const void *b) {
return -(int)(*(UniChar *)b - *(UniChar *)a);
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStringRef theString) {
CFIndex length;
length = CFStringGetLength(theString);
if (length < __kCFStringCharSetMax) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(allocator, __kCFCharSetClassString))) return NULL;
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(cset, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(cset), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
__CFCSetPutStringLength(cset, length);
CFStringGetCharacters(theString, CFRangeMake(0, length), __CFCSetStringBuffer(cset));
qsort(__CFCSetStringBuffer(cset), length, sizeof(UniChar), chcompar);
if (!length) __CFCSetPutHasHashValue(cset, true); // _hashValue is 0
return cset;
} else {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef mcset = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(allocator);
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInString(mcset, theString);
__CFCSetPutIsMutable(mcset, false);
return mcset;
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithBitmapRepresentation(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDataRef theData) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
CFIndex length;
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(allocator, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap))) return NULL;
if (theData && (length = CFDataGetLength(theData)) > 0) {
uint8_t *bitmap;
uint8_t *cBitmap;
if (length < __kCFBitmapSize) {
bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
memmove(bitmap, CFDataGetBytePtr(theData), length);
memset(bitmap + length, 0, __kCFBitmapSize - length);
cBitmap = __CFCreateCompactBitmap(allocator, bitmap);
if (cBitmap == NULL) {
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, bitmap);
} else {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, bitmap);
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, cBitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
} else {
cBitmap = __CFCreateCompactBitmap(allocator, CFDataGetBytePtr(theData));
if (cBitmap == NULL) {
bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
memmove(bitmap, CFDataGetBytePtr(theData), __kCFBitmapSize);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, bitmap);
} else {
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, cBitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
if (length > __kCFBitmapSize) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexSet;
const uint8_t *bytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(theData) + __kCFBitmapSize;
length -= __kCFBitmapSize;
while (length > 1) {
annexSet = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(cset, *(bytes++));
--length; // Decrement the plane no byte
if (length < __kCFBitmapSize) {
bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
memmove(bitmap, bytes, length);
memset(bitmap + length, 0, __kCFBitmapSize - length);
cBitmap = __CFCreateCompactBitmap(allocator, bitmap);
if (cBitmap == NULL) {
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(annexSet, bitmap);
} else {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, bitmap);
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(annexSet, cBitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(annexSet, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
} else {
cBitmap = __CFCreateCompactBitmap(allocator, bytes);
if (cBitmap == NULL) {
bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
memmove(bitmap, bytes, __kCFBitmapSize);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(annexSet, bitmap);
} else {
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(annexSet, cBitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(annexSet, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
length -= __kCFBitmapSize;
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
} else {
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, NULL);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(cset, true); // Hash value is 0
return cset;
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateInvertedSet(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, CFCharacterSetRef , theSet, "invertedSet");
cset = CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(alloc, theSet);
__CFCSetPutIsMutable(cset, false);
return cset;
/* Functions to create mutable characterset.
CFMutableCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
if (!(cset = __CFCSetGenericCreate(allocator, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap| __kCFCharSetIsMutable))) return NULL;
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, NULL);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(cset, true); // Hash value is 0
return cset;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef __CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet, bool isMutable) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef cset;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, CFMutableCharacterSetRef , theSet, "mutableCopy");
__CFGenericValidateType(theSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
if (!isMutable && !__CFCSetIsMutable(theSet)) {
return (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)CFRetain(theSet);
cset = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(alloc);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __CFCSetClassType(theSet));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(cset, __CFCSetHasHashValue(theSet));
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(cset, __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet));
cset->_hashValue = theSet->_hashValue;
switch (__CFCSetClassType(theSet)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
__CFCSetPutBuiltinType(cset, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet));
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(cset, __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet));
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(cset, __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet));
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(cset, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
__CFCSetPutStringLength(cset, __CFCSetStringLength(theSet));
memmove(__CFCSetStringBuffer(cset), __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) * sizeof(UniChar));
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
if (__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet)) {
uint8_t * bitmap = (isMutable ? NULL : __CFCreateCompactBitmap(alloc, __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet)));
if (bitmap == NULL) {
bitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, sizeof(uint8_t) * __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
memmove(bitmap, __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), __kCFBitmapSize);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, bitmap);
} else {
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, bitmap);
__CFCSetPutClassType(cset, __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap);
} else {
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(cset, NULL);
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap: {
const uint8_t *compactBitmap = __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet);
if (compactBitmap) {
uint32_t size = __CFCSetGetCompactBitmapSize(compactBitmap);
uint8_t *newBitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, size, 0);
memmove(newBitmap, compactBitmap, size);
__CFCSetPutCompactBitmapBits(cset, newBitmap);
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx))) {
annexPlane = __CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(alloc, annexPlane, isMutable);
__CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(cset, annexPlane, idx);
__CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(cset, __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet));
} else if (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet)) {
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(cset, 0); // We need to alloc annex to invert
__CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(cset, true);
return cset;
CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet) {
return __CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(alloc, theSet, false);
CFMutableCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet) {
return __CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(alloc, theSet, true);
/*** Basic accessors ***/
Boolean CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UniChar theChar) {
CFIndex length;
Boolean isInverted;
Boolean result = false;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, Boolean, theSet, "longCharacterIsMember:", theChar);
__CFGenericValidateType(theSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
switch (__CFCSetClassType(theSet)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
result = (CFUniCharIsMemberOf(theChar, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet)) ? !isInverted : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet);
result = (length && __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) <= theChar && theChar < __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + length ? !isInverted : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
result = ((length = __CFCSetStringLength(theSet)) ? (__CFCSetBsearchUniChar(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), length, theChar) ? !isInverted : isInverted) : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
result = (__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet) ? (__CFCSetIsMemberBitmap(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), theChar) ? true : false) : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap:
result = (__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet) ? (__CFCSetIsMemberInCompactBitmap(__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet), theChar) ? true : false) : isInverted);
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
return result;
Boolean CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UTF32Char theChar) {
CFIndex length;
UInt32 plane = (theChar >> 16);
Boolean isAnnexInverted = false;
Boolean isInverted;
Boolean result = false;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, Boolean, theSet, "longCharacterIsMember:", theChar);
__CFGenericValidateType(theSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
if (plane) {
CFCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theSet)) {
isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
return (CFUniCharIsMemberOf(theChar, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet)) ? !isInverted : isInverted);
isAnnexInverted = __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet);
if ((annexPlane = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, plane)) == NULL) {
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet) && __CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet);
return (length && __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) <= theChar && theChar < __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + length ? !isInverted : isInverted);
} else {
return (isAnnexInverted ? true : false);
} else {
theSet = annexPlane;
theChar &= 0xFFFF;
isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
switch (__CFCSetClassType(theSet)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
result = (CFUniCharIsMemberOf(theChar, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet)) ? !isInverted : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet);
result = (length && __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) <= theChar && theChar < __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + length ? !isInverted : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
result = ((length = __CFCSetStringLength(theSet)) ? (__CFCSetBsearchUniChar(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), length, theChar) ? !isInverted : isInverted) : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
result = (__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet) ? (__CFCSetIsMemberBitmap(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), theChar) ? true : false) : isInverted);
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap:
result = (__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet) ? (__CFCSetIsMemberInCompactBitmap(__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet), theChar) ? true : false) : isInverted);
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
return false; // To make compiler happy
return (result ? !isAnnexInverted : isAnnexInverted);
Boolean CFCharacterSetIsSurrogatePairMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UniChar surrogateHigh, UniChar surrogateLow) {
return CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember(theSet, CFCharacterSetGetLongCharacterForSurrogatePair(surrogateHigh, surrogateLow));
static inline CFCharacterSetRef __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(const void *characterSet) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, CFCharacterSetRef , characterSet, "_expandedCFCharacterSet");
return NULL;
Boolean CFCharacterSetIsSupersetOfSet(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSet) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef copy;
CFCharacterSetRef expandedSet = NULL;
CFCharacterSetRef expandedOtherSet = NULL;
Boolean result;
if ((!CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, theSet) || (expandedSet = __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(theSet))) && (!CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, theOtherSet) || (expandedOtherSet = __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(theOtherSet)))) { // Really CF, we can do some trick here
if (expandedSet) theSet = expandedSet;
if (expandedOtherSet) theOtherSet = expandedOtherSet;
__CFGenericValidateType(theSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
__CFGenericValidateType(theOtherSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
return TRUE; // Inverted empty set covers all range
} else if (!__CFCSetIsEmpty(theOtherSet) || __CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
return FALSE;
} else if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theOtherSet) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
return TRUE;
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theSet) || __CFCSetIsBuiltin(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetClassType(theSet) == __CFCSetClassType(theOtherSet) && __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet) == __CFCSetBuiltinType(theOtherSet) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) return TRUE;
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet) || __CFCSetIsRange(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetClassType(theSet) == __CFCSetClassType(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
return (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) > __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) || (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet)) > (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)) ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else {
return ((__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)) <= __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) || (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet)) <= __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
return ((__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) == 0 && __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet) == 0x110000) || (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) == 0 && (UInt32)__CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet) <= __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet)) || ((__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet)) <= __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) && (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)) == 0x110000) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else {
return (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) < __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) || (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet)) < (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)) ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else {
UInt32 theSetAnnexMask = __CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(theSet);
UInt32 theOtherSetAnnexMask = __CFCSetAnnexValidEntriesBitmap(theOtherSet);
Boolean isTheSetAnnexInverted = __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet);
Boolean isTheOtherSetAnnexInverted = __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theOtherSet);
uint8_t theSetBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t theOtherSetBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
// We mask plane 1 to plane 16
if (isTheSetAnnexInverted) theSetAnnexMask = (~theSetAnnexMask) & (0xFFFF < 1);
if (isTheOtherSetAnnexInverted) theOtherSetAnnexMask = (~theOtherSetAnnexMask) & (0xFFFF < 1);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theSet, theSetBuffer);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theOtherSet, theOtherSetBuffer);
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapSupersetOfBitmap((const UInt32 *)theSetBuffer, (const UInt32 *)theOtherSetBuffer, FALSE, FALSE)) return FALSE;
if (theOtherSetAnnexMask) {
CFCharacterSetRef theSetAnnex;
CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSetAnnex;
uint32_t idx;
if ((theSetAnnexMask & theOtherSetAnnexMask) != theOtherSetAnnexMask) return FALSE;
for (idx = 1;idx <= 16;idx++) {
theSetAnnex = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx);
if (NULL == theSetAnnex) continue; // This case is already handled by the mask above
theOtherSetAnnex = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theOtherSet, idx);
if (NULL == theOtherSetAnnex) {
if (isTheOtherSetAnnexInverted) {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theSetAnnex, theSetBuffer);
if (!__CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)theSetBuffer, (isTheSetAnnexInverted ? NULL : (const UInt32 *)-1))) return FALSE;
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theSetAnnex, theSetBuffer);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theOtherSetAnnex, theOtherSetBuffer);
if (!__CFCSetIsBitmapSupersetOfBitmap((const UInt32 *)theSetBuffer, (const UInt32 *)theOtherSetBuffer, isTheSetAnnexInverted, isTheOtherSetAnnexInverted)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
copy = CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, theSet);
CFCharacterSetIntersect(copy, theOtherSet);
result = __CFCharacterSetEqual(copy, theOtherSet);
return result;
Boolean CFCharacterSetHasMemberInPlane(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, CFIndex thePlane) {
Boolean isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, Boolean, theSet, "hasMemberInPlane:", thePlane);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
return (isInverted ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theSet)) {
CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet type = __CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet);
if (type == kCFCharacterSetControl) {
if (isInverted || (thePlane == 14)) {
return TRUE; // There is no plane that covers all values || Plane 14 has language tags
} else {
return (CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(type, thePlane) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else if ((type < kCFCharacterSetDecimalDigit) || (type == kCFCharacterSetNewline)) {
return (thePlane && !isInverted ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else if (__CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet) == kCFCharacterSetIllegal) {
return (isInverted ? (thePlane < 3 || thePlane > 13 ? TRUE : FALSE) : TRUE); // This is according to Unicode 3.1
} else {
if (isInverted) {
return TRUE; // There is no plane that covers all values
} else {
return (CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(type, thePlane) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
UTF32Char firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet);
UTF32Char lastChar = (firstChar + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet) - 1);
CFIndex firstPlane = firstChar >> 16;
CFIndex lastPlane = lastChar >> 16;
if (isInverted) {
if (thePlane < firstPlane || thePlane > lastPlane) {
return TRUE;
} else if (thePlane > firstPlane && thePlane < lastPlane) {
return FALSE;
} else {
firstChar &= 0xFFFF;
lastChar &= 0xFFFF;
if (thePlane == firstPlane) {
return (firstChar || (firstPlane == lastPlane && lastChar != 0xFFFF) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else {
return (lastChar != 0xFFFF || (firstPlane == lastPlane && firstChar) ? TRUE : FALSE);
} else {
return (thePlane < firstPlane || thePlane > lastPlane ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else {
if (thePlane == 0) {
switch (__CFCSetClassType(theSet)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassString: if (!__CFCSetStringLength(theSet)) return isInverted; break;
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap: return (__CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap: return (__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
return TRUE;
} else {
CFCharacterSetRef annex = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, thePlane);
if (annex) {
if (__CFCSetIsRange(annex)) {
return (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet) && (__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(annex) == 0) && (__CFCSetRangeLength(annex) == 0x10000) ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(annex)) {
return (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet) && __CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(annex), (const UInt32 *)-1) ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else {
uint8_t bitsBuf[__kCFBitmapSize];
__CFCSetGetBitmap(annex, bitsBuf);
return (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet) && __CFCSetIsEqualBitmap((const UInt32 *)bitsBuf, (const UInt32 *)-1) ? FALSE : TRUE);
} else {
return __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet);
return FALSE;
CFDataRef CFCharacterSetCreateBitmapRepresentation(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet) {
CFMutableDataRef data;
int numNonBMPPlanes = 0;
int planeIndices[MAX_ANNEX_PLANE];
int idx;
int length;
bool isAnnexInverted;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, CFDataRef , theSet, "_retainedBitmapRepresentation");
__CFGenericValidateType(theSet, __kCFCharacterSetTypeID);
isAnnexInverted = (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet) != 0);
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if (isAnnexInverted || __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx)) {
planeIndices[numNonBMPPlanes++] = idx;
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theSet)) {
numNonBMPPlanes = (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet) ? MAX_ANNEX_PLANE : CFUniCharGetNumberOfPlanes(__CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet)) - 1);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
UInt32 firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet);
UInt32 lastChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet) - 1;
int firstPlane = (firstChar >> 16);
int lastPlane = (lastChar >> 16);
bool isInverted = (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet) != 0);
if (lastPlane > 0) {
if (firstPlane == 0) {
firstPlane = 1;
firstChar = 0x10000;
numNonBMPPlanes = (lastPlane - firstPlane) + 1;
if (isInverted) {
numNonBMPPlanes = MAX_ANNEX_PLANE - numNonBMPPlanes;
if (firstPlane == lastPlane) {
if (((firstChar & 0xFFFF) > 0) || ((lastChar & 0xFFFF) < 0xFFFF)) ++numNonBMPPlanes;
} else {
if ((firstChar & 0xFFFF) > 0) ++numNonBMPPlanes;
if ((lastChar & 0xFFFF) < 0xFFFF) ++numNonBMPPlanes;
} else if (isInverted) {
} else if (isAnnexInverted) {
length = __kCFBitmapSize + ((__kCFBitmapSize + 1) * numNonBMPPlanes);
data = CFDataCreateMutable(alloc, length);
CFDataSetLength(data, length);
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theSet, CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(data));
if (numNonBMPPlanes > 0) {
uint8_t *bytes = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(data) + __kCFBitmapSize;
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
CFCharacterSetRef subset;
for (idx = 0;idx < numNonBMPPlanes;idx++) {
*(bytes++) = planeIndices[idx];
if ((subset = __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, planeIndices[idx])) == NULL) {
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, (isAnnexInverted ? 0xFF : 0));
} else {
__CFCSetGetBitmap(subset, bytes);
if (isAnnexInverted) {
uint32_t count = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t *bits = (uint32_t *)bytes;
while (count-- > 0) {
*bits = ~(*bits);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theSet)) {
UInt8 result;
CFIndex delta;
Boolean isInverted = __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet);
for (idx = 0;idx < numNonBMPPlanes;idx++) {
if ((result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(theSet), idx + 1, bytes + 1, (isInverted != 0))) == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) continue;
*(bytes++) = idx + 1;
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
CFIndex bitmapLength = __kCFBitmapSize;
while (bitmapLength-- > 0) *(bytes++) = (uint8_t)0xFF;
} else {
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
delta = bytes - (const uint8_t *)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
if (delta < length) CFDataSetLength(data, delta);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
UInt32 firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet);
UInt32 lastChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet) + __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet) - 1;
int firstPlane = (firstChar >> 16);
int lastPlane = (lastChar >> 16);
if (firstPlane == 0) {
firstPlane = 1;
firstChar = 0x10000;
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
// Mask out the plane byte
firstChar &= 0xFFFF;
lastChar &= 0xFFFF;
for (idx = 1;idx < firstPlane;idx++) { // Fill up until the first plane
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0xFF);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
if (firstPlane == lastPlane) {
if ((firstChar > 0) || (lastChar < 0xFFFF)) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0xFF);
__CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharactersInRange(bytes, firstChar, lastChar);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
} else if (firstPlane < lastPlane) {
if (firstChar > 0) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0);
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(bytes, 0, firstChar - 1);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
if (lastChar < 0xFFFF) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0);
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(bytes, lastChar, 0xFFFF);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
for (idx = lastPlane + 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0xFF);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
} else {
for (idx = firstPlane;idx <= lastPlane;idx++) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(bytes, (idx == firstPlane ? firstChar : 0), (idx == lastPlane ? lastChar : 0xFFFF));
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
} else if (isAnnexInverted) {
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
*(bytes++) = idx;
__CFCSetBitmapFastFillWithValue((UInt32 *)bytes, 0xFF);
bytes += __kCFBitmapSize;
return data;
/*** MutableCharacterSet functions ***/
void CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFRange theRange) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "addCharactersInRange:", theRange);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
__CFCSetValidateRange(theRange, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (!theRange.length || (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet) && __CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet))) return; // Inverted && empty set contains all char
if (!__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassRange);
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(theSet, theRange.location);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, theRange.length);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
CFIndex firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet);
CFIndex length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet);
if (firstChar == theRange.location) {
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, __CFMin(length, theRange.length));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (firstChar < theRange.location && theRange.location <= firstChar + length) {
if (firstChar + length < theRange.location + theRange.length) __CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, theRange.length + (theRange.location - firstChar));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (theRange.location < firstChar && firstChar <= theRange.location + theRange.length) {
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(theSet, theRange.location);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, length + (firstChar - theRange.location));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) && __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) + theRange.length < __kCFStringCharSetMax) {
UniChar *buffer;
if (!__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet))
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(theSet, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
buffer = __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet) + __CFCSetStringLength(theSet);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) + theRange.length);
while (theRange.length--) *buffer++ = (UniChar)theRange.location++;
qsort(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), __CFCSetStringLength(theSet), sizeof(UniChar), chcompar);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
// OK, I have to be a bitmap
__CFCSetAddNonBMPPlanesInRange(theSet, theRange);
if (theRange.location < 0x10000) { // theRange is in BMP
if (theRange.location + theRange.length >= NUMCHARACTERS) theRange.length = NUMCHARACTERS - theRange.location;
__CFCSetBitmapAddCharactersInRange(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), (UniChar)theRange.location, (UniChar)(theRange.location + theRange.length - 1));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
void CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFRange theRange) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "removeCharactersInRange:", theRange);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
__CFCSetValidateRange(theRange, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (!theRange.length || (!__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet) && __CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet))) return; // empty set
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassRange);
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(theSet, theRange.location);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, theRange.length);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theSet)) {
CFIndex firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theSet);
CFIndex length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theSet);
if (firstChar == theRange.location) {
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, __CFMin(length, theRange.length));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (firstChar < theRange.location && theRange.location <= firstChar + length) {
if (firstChar + length < theRange.location + theRange.length) __CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, theRange.length + (theRange.location - firstChar));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (theRange.location < firstChar && firstChar <= theRange.location + theRange.length) {
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(theSet, theRange.location);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, length + (firstChar - theRange.location));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) && __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) + theRange.length < __kCFStringCharSetMax) {
UniChar *buffer;
if (!__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet))
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(theSet, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
buffer = __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet) + __CFCSetStringLength(theSet);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) + theRange.length);
while (theRange.length--) *buffer++ = (UniChar)theRange.location++;
qsort(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), __CFCSetStringLength(theSet), sizeof(UniChar), chcompar);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
// OK, I have to be a bitmap
__CFCSetRemoveNonBMPPlanesInRange(theSet, theRange);
if (theRange.location < 0x10000) { // theRange is in BMP
if (theRange.location + theRange.length > NUMCHARACTERS) theRange.length = NUMCHARACTERS - theRange.location;
if (theRange.location == 0 && theRange.length == NUMCHARACTERS) { // Remove all
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet));
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(theSet, NULL);
} else {
__CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharactersInRange(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), (UniChar)theRange.location, (UniChar)(theRange.location + theRange.length - 1));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
void CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInString(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFStringRef theString) {
const UniChar *buffer;
CFIndex length;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "addCharactersInString:", theString);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if ((__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) && __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) || !(length = CFStringGetLength(theString))) return;
if (!__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
CFIndex newLength = length + (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) ? 0 : (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) ? __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) : __kCFStringCharSetMax));
if (newLength < __kCFStringCharSetMax) {
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassString);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, 0); // Make sure to reset this
if (!__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet))
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(theSet, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
buffer = __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet) + __CFCSetStringLength(theSet);
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassString);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, newLength);
CFStringGetCharacters(theString, CFRangeMake(0, length), (UniChar*)buffer);
qsort(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), newLength, sizeof(UniChar), chcompar);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
// OK, I have to be a bitmap
if ((buffer = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(theString))) {
while (length--) __CFCSetBitmapAddCharacter(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), *buffer++);
} else {
CFStringInlineBuffer inlineBuffer;
CFIndex idx;
CFStringInitInlineBuffer(theString, &inlineBuffer, CFRangeMake(0, length));
for (idx = 0;idx < length;idx++) __CFCSetBitmapAddCharacter(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), __CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBufferQuick(&inlineBuffer, idx));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
void CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInString(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFStringRef theString) {
const UniChar *buffer;
CFIndex length;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "removeCharactersInString:", theString);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if ((__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) || !(length = CFStringGetLength(theString))) return;
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) {
CFIndex newLength = length + (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) ? 0 : (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) ? __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) : __kCFStringCharSetMax));
if (newLength < __kCFStringCharSetMax) {
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) {
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassString);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, 0); // Make sure to reset this
if (!__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet))
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(theSet, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
buffer = __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet) + __CFCSetStringLength(theSet);
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassString);
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, newLength);
CFStringGetCharacters(theString, CFRangeMake(0, length), (UniChar *)buffer);
qsort(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), newLength, sizeof(UniChar), chcompar);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
// OK, I have to be a bitmap
if ((buffer = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(theString))) {
while (length--) __CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharacter(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), *buffer++);
} else {
CFStringInlineBuffer inlineBuffer;
CFIndex idx;
CFStringInitInlineBuffer(theString, &inlineBuffer, CFRangeMake(0, length));
for (idx = 0;idx < length;idx++) __CFCSetBitmapRemoveCharacter(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), __CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBufferQuick(&inlineBuffer, idx));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
void CFCharacterSetUnion(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSet) {
CFCharacterSetRef expandedSet = NULL;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "formUnionWithCharacterSet:", theOtherSet);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) && __CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) return; // Inverted empty set contains all char
if (!CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, theOtherSet) || (expandedSet = __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(theOtherSet))) { // Really CF, we can do some trick here
if (expandedSet) theOtherSet = expandedSet;
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) && __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet));
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet));
} else if (__CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet));
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassRange);
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, 0);
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(theSet, true);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theOtherSet) && __CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) { // theSet can be builtin set
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin);
__CFCSetPutBuiltinType(theSet, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theOtherSet));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsRange(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
UTF32Char firstChar = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet);
CFIndex length = __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet);
if (firstChar > 0) CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(theSet, CFRangeMake(0, firstChar));
firstChar += length;
length = 0x110000 - firstChar;
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(theSet, CFRangeMake(firstChar, length));
} else {
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(theSet, CFRangeMake(__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet), __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)));
} else if (__CFCSetIsString(theOtherSet)) {
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetStringBuffer(theOtherSet), __CFCSetStringLength(theOtherSet), kCFAllocatorNull);
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInString(theSet, string);
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(theOtherSet)) {
UInt32 *bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
UInt32 *bitmap2 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theOtherSet);
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
while (length--) *bitmap1++ |= *bitmap2++;
} else {
UInt32 *bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
UInt32 *bitmap2;
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
uint8_t bitmapBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theOtherSet, bitmapBuffer);
bitmap2 = (UInt32*)bitmapBuffer;
while (length--) *bitmap1++ |= *bitmap2++;
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef otherSetPlane;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((otherSetPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theOtherSet, idx))) {
CFCharacterSetUnion((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(theSet, idx), otherSetPlane);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
uint8_t bitmapBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t result;
int planeIndex;
Boolean isOtherAnnexPlaneInverted = __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theOtherSet);
UInt32 *bitmap1;
UInt32 *bitmap2;
CFIndex length;
for (planeIndex = 1;planeIndex <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;planeIndex++) {
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(theOtherSet), planeIndex, bitmapBuffer, (isOtherAnnexPlaneInverted != 0));
if (result != kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) {
annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(theSet, planeIndex);
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapAll) {
CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(annexPlane, CFRangeMake(0x0000, 0x10000));
} else {
bitmap1 = (UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(annexPlane);
length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
bitmap2 = (UInt32*)bitmapBuffer;
while (length--) *bitmap1++ |= *bitmap2++;
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
} else { // It's NSCharacterSet
CFDataRef bitmapRep = CFCharacterSetCreateBitmapRepresentation(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, theOtherSet);
const UInt32 *bitmap2 = (bitmapRep && CFDataGetLength(bitmapRep) ? (const UInt32 *)CFDataGetBytePtr(bitmapRep) : NULL);
if (bitmap2) {
UInt32 *bitmap1;
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
while (length--) *bitmap1++ |= *bitmap2++;
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
void CFCharacterSetIntersect(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSet) {
CFCharacterSetRef expandedSet = NULL;
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "formIntersectionWithCharacterSet:", theOtherSet);
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet)) return; // empty set
if (!CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, theOtherSet) || (expandedSet = __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(theOtherSet))) { // Really CF, we can do some trick here
if (expandedSet) theOtherSet = expandedSet;
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theOtherSet)) {
if (!__CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet)) {
if (__CFCSetIsString(theSet) && __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet));
} else if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet));
} else if (__CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet)) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet));
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __kCFCharSetClassBitmap);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(theSet, NULL);
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(theSet, false);
theSet->_hashValue = 0;
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, true);
} else if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(theSet)) { // non inverted empty set contains all character
__CFCSetPutClassType(theSet, __CFCSetClassType(theOtherSet));
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, __CFCSetHasHashValue(theOtherSet));
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(theSet, __CFCSetIsInverted(theOtherSet));
theSet->_hashValue = theOtherSet->_hashValue;
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef otherSetPlane;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((otherSetPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theOtherSet, idx))) {
otherSetPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(CFGetAllocator(theSet), otherSetPlane);
__CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, otherSetPlane, idx);
__CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(theSet, __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theOtherSet));
switch (__CFCSetClassType(theOtherSet)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
__CFCSetPutBuiltinType(theSet, __CFCSetBuiltinType(theOtherSet));
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
__CFCSetPutRangeFirstChar(theSet, __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet));
__CFCSetPutRangeLength(theSet, __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet));
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
__CFCSetPutStringLength(theSet, __CFCSetStringLength(theOtherSet));
if (!__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet))
__CFCSetPutStringBuffer(theSet, (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFStringCharSetMax * sizeof(UniChar), 0));
memmove(__CFCSetStringBuffer(theSet), __CFCSetStringBuffer(theOtherSet), __CFCSetStringLength(theSet) * sizeof(UniChar));
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(theSet, (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), sizeof(uint8_t) * __kCFBitmapSize, 0));
memmove(__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet), __CFCSetBitmapBits(theOtherSet), __kCFBitmapSize);
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap: {
const uint8_t *cBitmap = __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theOtherSet);
uint8_t *newBitmap;
uint32_t size = __CFCSetGetCompactBitmapSize(cBitmap);
newBitmap = (uint8_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), sizeof(uint8_t) * size, 0);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(theSet, newBitmap);
memmove(newBitmap, cBitmap, size);
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(theOtherSet)) {
UInt32 *bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
UInt32 *bitmap2 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theOtherSet);
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
while (length--) *bitmap1++ &= *bitmap2++;
} else {
UInt32 *bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
UInt32 *bitmap2;
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
uint8_t bitmapBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
__CFCSetGetBitmap(theOtherSet, bitmapBuffer);
bitmap2 = (UInt32*)bitmapBuffer;
while (length--) *bitmap1++ &= *bitmap2++;
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef otherSetPlane;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((otherSetPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theOtherSet, idx))) {
annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(theSet, idx);
CFCharacterSetIntersect(annexPlane, otherSetPlane);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(annexPlane) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(annexPlane)) __CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, idx);
} else if (__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx)) {
__CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, idx);
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(theSet);
} else if (__CFCSetIsBuiltin(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
uint8_t bitmapBuffer[__kCFBitmapSize];
uint8_t result;
int planeIndex;
Boolean isOtherAnnexPlaneInverted = __CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theOtherSet);
UInt32 *bitmap1;
UInt32 *bitmap2;
CFIndex length;
for (planeIndex = 1;planeIndex <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;planeIndex++) {
annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, planeIndex);
if (annexPlane) {
result = CFUniCharGetBitmapForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(theOtherSet), planeIndex, bitmapBuffer, (isOtherAnnexPlaneInverted != 0));
if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapEmpty) {
__CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, planeIndex);
} else if (result == kCFUniCharBitmapFilled) {
Boolean isEmpty = true;
bitmap1 = (UInt32 *)__CFCSetBitmapBits(annexPlane);
length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
bitmap2 = (UInt32*)bitmapBuffer;
while (length--) {
if ((*bitmap1++ &= *bitmap2++)) isEmpty = false;
if (isEmpty) __CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, planeIndex);
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(theSet);
} else if (__CFCSetIsRange(theOtherSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef tempOtherSet = CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(theSet));
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annexPlane;
CFMutableCharacterSetRef otherSetPlane;
int idx;
__CFCSetAddNonBMPPlanesInRange(tempOtherSet, CFRangeMake(__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(theOtherSet), __CFCSetRangeLength(theOtherSet)));
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((otherSetPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(tempOtherSet, idx))) {
annexPlane = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSet(theSet, idx);
CFCharacterSetIntersect(annexPlane, otherSetPlane);
if (__CFCSetIsEmpty(annexPlane) && !__CFCSetIsInverted(annexPlane)) __CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, idx);
} else if (__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx)) {
__CFCSetPutCharacterSetToAnnexPlane(theSet, NULL, idx);
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) __CFCSetDeallocateAnnexPlane(theSet);
} else if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
if (__CFCheckForExapendedSet) __CFCheckForExpandedSet(theSet);
} else { // It's NSCharacterSet
CFDataRef bitmapRep = CFCharacterSetCreateBitmapRepresentation(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, theOtherSet);
const UInt32 *bitmap2 = (bitmapRep && CFDataGetLength(bitmapRep) ? (const UInt32 *)CFDataGetBytePtr(bitmapRep) : NULL);
if (bitmap2) {
UInt32 *bitmap1;
CFIndex length = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
bitmap1 = (UInt32*)__CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
while (length--) *bitmap1++ &= *bitmap2++;
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
void CFCharacterSetInvert(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, void, theSet, "invert");
__CFCSetValidateTypeAndMutability(theSet, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
__CFCSetPutHasHashValue(theSet, false);
if (__CFCSetClassType(theSet) == __kCFCharSetClassBitmap) {
CFIndex idx;
CFIndex count = __kCFBitmapSize / sizeof(UInt32);
UInt32 *bitmap = (UInt32*) __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet);
if (NULL == bitmap) {
bitmap = (UInt32 *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(theSet), __kCFBitmapSize, 0);
__CFCSetPutBitmapBits(theSet, (uint8_t *)bitmap);
for (idx = 0;idx < count;idx++) bitmap[idx] = ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF);
} else {
for (idx = 0;idx < count;idx++) bitmap[idx] = ~(bitmap[idx]);
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(theSet, 0); // We need to alloc annex to invert
} else if (__CFCSetClassType(theSet) == __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap) {
uint8_t *bitmap = __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet);
int idx;
int length = 0;
uint8_t value;
for (idx = 0;idx < __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;idx++) {
value = bitmap[idx];
if (value == 0) {
bitmap[idx] = UINT8_MAX;
} else if (value == UINT8_MAX) {
bitmap[idx] = 0;
} else {
length += __kCFCompactBitmapPageSize;
bitmap += __kCFCompactBitmapNumPages;
for (idx = 0;idx < length;idx++) bitmap[idx] = ~(bitmap[idx]);
__CFCSetAllocateAnnexForPlane(theSet, 0); // We need to alloc annex to invert
} else {
__CFCSetPutIsInverted(theSet, !__CFCSetIsInverted(theSet));
__CFCSetAnnexSetIsInverted(theSet, !__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(theSet));
void CFCharacterSetCompact(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet) {
if (__CFCSetIsBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetBitmapBits(theSet)) __CFCSetMakeCompact(theSet);
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annex;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((annex = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx)) && __CFCSetIsBitmap(annex) && __CFCSetBitmapBits(annex)) {
void CFCharacterSetFast(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet) {
if (__CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(theSet) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(theSet)) __CFCSetMakeBitmap(theSet);
if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(theSet)) {
CFMutableCharacterSetRef annex;
int idx;
for (idx = 1;idx <= MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;idx++) {
if ((annex = (CFMutableCharacterSetRef)__CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(theSet, idx)) && __CFCSetIsCompactBitmap(annex) && __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(annex)) {
/* Keyed-coding support
CFCharacterSetKeyedCodingType _CFCharacterSetGetKeyedCodingType(CFCharacterSetRef cset) {
switch (__CFCSetClassType(cset)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin: return ((__CFCSetBuiltinType(cset) < kCFCharacterSetSymbol) ? kCFCharacterSetKeyedCodingTypeBuiltin : kCFCharacterSetKeyedCodingTypeBuiltinAndBitmap);
case __kCFCharSetClassRange: return kCFCharacterSetKeyedCodingTypeRange;
case __kCFCharSetClassString: // We have to check if we have non-BMP here
if (!__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset) && !__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) return kCFCharacterSetKeyedCodingTypeString; // BMP only. we can archive the string
/* fallthrough */
return kCFCharacterSetKeyedCodingTypeBitmap;
bool _CFCharacterSetIsMutable(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return __CFCSetIsMutable(cset); }
CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet _CFCharacterSetGetKeyedCodingBuiltinType(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return __CFCSetBuiltinType(cset); }
CFRange _CFCharacterSetGetKeyedCodingRange(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return CFRangeMake(__CFCSetRangeFirstChar(cset), __CFCSetRangeLength(cset)); }
CFStringRef _CFCharacterSetCreateKeyedCodingString(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, __CFCSetStringBuffer(cset), __CFCSetStringLength(cset)); }
bool _CFCharacterSetIsInverted(CFCharacterSetRef cset) { return (__CFCSetIsInverted(cset) != 0); }
void _CFCharacterSetSetIsInverted(CFCharacterSetRef cset, bool flag) { __CFCSetPutIsInverted((CFMutableCharacterSetRef)cset, flag); }
/* Inline buffer support
void CFCharacterSetInitInlineBuffer(CFCharacterSetRef cset, CFCharacterSetInlineBuffer *buffer) {
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(CFCharacterSetInlineBuffer));
buffer->cset = cset;
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x10000;
if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFCharacterSetTypeID, cset)) {
CFCharacterSetRef expandedSet = __CFCharacterSetGetExpandedSetForNSCharacterSet(cset);
if (NULL == expandedSet) {
buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetNoBitmapAvailable;
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x110000;
} else {
cset = expandedSet;
switch (__CFCSetClassType(cset)) {
case __kCFCharSetClassBuiltin:
buffer->bitmap = CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(__CFCSetBuiltinType(cset), 0);
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x110000;
if (NULL == buffer->bitmap) {
buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetNoBitmapAvailable;
} else {
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(cset)) buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetIsInverted;
case __kCFCharSetClassRange:
buffer->rangeStart = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(cset);
buffer->rangeLimit = __CFCSetRangeFirstChar(cset) + __CFCSetRangeLength(cset);
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(cset)) buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetIsInverted;
case __kCFCharSetClassString:
buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetNoBitmapAvailable;
if (__CFCSetStringLength(cset) > 0) {
buffer->rangeStart = *__CFCSetStringBuffer(cset);
buffer->rangeLimit = *(__CFCSetStringBuffer(cset) + __CFCSetStringLength(cset) - 1) + 1;
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(cset)) {
if (0 == buffer->rangeStart) {
buffer->rangeStart = buffer->rangeLimit;
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x10000;
} else if (0x10000 == buffer->rangeLimit) {
buffer->rangeLimit = buffer->rangeStart;
buffer->rangeStart = 0;
} else {
buffer->rangeStart = 0;
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x10000;
case __kCFCharSetClassBitmap:
case __kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap:
buffer->bitmap = __CFCSetCompactBitmapBits(cset);
if (NULL == buffer->bitmap) {
buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetIsCompactBitmap;
if (__CFCSetIsInverted(cset)) buffer->flags |= kCFCharacterSetIsInverted;
} else {
if (__kCFCharSetClassCompactBitmap == __CFCSetClassType(cset)) buffer->flags = kCFCharacterSetIsCompactBitmap;
CFAssert1(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s: Internal inconsistency error: unknown character set type", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // We should never come here
if (__CFCSetAnnexIsInverted(cset)) {
buffer->rangeLimit = 0x110000;
} else if (__CFCSetHasNonBMPPlane(cset)) {
CFIndex index;
for (index = MAX_ANNEX_PLANE;index > 0;index--) {
if (NULL != __CFCSetGetAnnexPlaneCharacterSetNoAlloc(cset, index)) {
buffer->rangeLimit = (index + 1) << 16;