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* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Brent Fulgham <>. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Grant Erickson <>. All rights reserved.
* This source code is a modified version of the CoreFoundation sources released by Apple Inc. under
* the terms of the APSL version 2.0 (see below).
* For information about changes from the original Apple source release can be found by reviewing the
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* The original license information is as follows:
* Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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/* CFStorage.c
Copyright 1999-2007, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
Responsibility: Ali Ozer
2-3 tree storing arbitrary sized values.
??? Currently elementSize cannot be greater than storage->maxLeafCapacity, which is less than or equal to __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity
CFStorage is thread-safe for multiple readers, but not thread safe for simultaneous reading and writing.
#include "CFStorage.h"
#include "CFInternal.h"
#if !defined(PAGE_SIZE)
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
// Above 15K, malloc switches (??? or used to in early Leopard) to using vm allocates for blocks; it seems best to avoid that.
// Also, tests with StorageTimer.c done in 4/07 indicate that 4096 * 3 is better than smaller or larger node sizes.
#define __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity (4096 * 3)
// If the max length of a node is less than can fit in a half-word (half of a long), we can get away without ever caching the high half-word the cachedRange
#if __LP64__
#if __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity > 0xFFFFFFFFULL
#if __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity > 0xFFFFUL
#define COPYMEM(src,dst,n) CF_WRITE_BARRIER_MEMMOVE((dst), (src), (n))
#define PAGE_LIMIT ((CFIndex)PAGE_SIZE / 2)
CF_INLINE int32_t roundToPage(int32_t num) {
return (num + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
/* Each node in the storage. isLeaf determines whether the node is a leaf node or a node inside the tree. If latter, number of children are determined by the number of non-NULL entries in child[]. (NULL entries are at the end.)
typedef struct __CFStorageNode {
CFIndex numBytes; /* Number of actual bytes in this node and all its children */
bool isLeaf;
union {
struct {
CFIndex capacityInBytes; // capacityInBytes is capacity of memory; this is either 0, or >= numBytes
uint8_t *memory;
} leaf;
struct {
struct __CFStorageNode *child[3];
} notLeaf;
} info;
} CFStorageNode;
/* This is the struct used to store the cache in the CFStorage; it enables us to make the cache thread-safe for multiple readers (which update the cache). The values in this cache store half the desired value in the top half, and the genCount of the writer in the low half. This cache is consistent only if all of the genCounts are the same. Note that the cache does not provide thread-safety for readers in the presence of a writer.
The cached range (location, length) is in terms of values; if the cached range is not (0,0), then the cached node needs to be non-NULL and pointing at a leaf node.
typedef struct {
unsigned long locationHi, locationLo; // cachedRange.location
unsigned long lengthHi;
unsigned long lengthLo; // cachedRange.length; note that we actually do not bother with lengthHi if __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity is less than half-word
unsigned long cachedNodeHi, cachedNodeLo; // cachedNode
} CFStorageAccessCacheParts;
/* The CFStorage object.
struct __CFStorage {
CFRuntimeBase base;
CFIndex valueSize;
CFSpinLock_t cacheReaderMemoryAllocationLock;
int cacheGenerationCount;
CFStorageAccessCacheParts cacheParts;
CFIndex maxLeafCapacity; // In terms of bytes
CFStorageNode rootNode;
CFOptionFlags nodeHint; // __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory or 0.
/* Allocates the memory and initializes the capacity in a leaf. __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory() is the entry point; __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemoryAux is called if actual reallocation is needed. __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemoryAux() locks not for mutations (mutations are not thread-safe in general), but for lazy allocation of storage during reading.
static void __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemoryAux(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex cap) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.leaf.memory, _CFAllocatorReallocateGC(allocator, node->info.leaf.memory, cap, storage->nodeHint)); // This will free...
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(node->info.leaf.memory, "CFStorage (node bytes)");
node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = cap;
CF_INLINE void __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex cap, bool compact) {
if (cap > PAGE_LIMIT) {
cap = roundToPage(cap);
if (cap > storage->maxLeafCapacity) cap = storage->maxLeafCapacity;
} else {
cap = (((cap + 63) / 64) * 64);
if (compact ? (cap != node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes) : (cap > node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes)) __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemoryAux(allocator, storage, node, cap);
#if __LP64__
#define genCountMask 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL
#define dataMask 0xFFFFFFFF00000000UL
#define shiftLowWordBy 32
#define genCountMask 0x0000FFFFUL
#define dataMask 0xFFFF0000UL
#define shiftLowWordBy 16
/* Sets the cache to point at the specified node. loc and len are in terms of values, not bytes. To clear the cache set these two to 0.
At least one of node or memory should be non-NULL. memory is consulted first when using the cache.
CF_INLINE void __CFStorageSetCache(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex loc, CFIndex len) {
unsigned int genCount = ((unsigned int)_CFAtomicIncrement32(&storage->cacheGenerationCount)) & genCountMask;
CFStorageAccessCacheParts cacheParts;
cacheParts.locationHi = (loc & dataMask) | genCount;
cacheParts.locationLo = (loc << shiftLowWordBy) | genCount;
cacheParts.lengthHi = (len & dataMask) | genCount;
cacheParts.lengthLo = (len << shiftLowWordBy) | genCount;
cacheParts.cachedNodeHi = ((unsigned long)node & dataMask) | genCount;
cacheParts.cachedNodeLo = ((unsigned long)node << shiftLowWordBy) | genCount;
storage->cacheParts = cacheParts;
/* Thread-safely get the cached range and node info.
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFStorageGetCache(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange *cachedRangePtr, CFStorageNode **cachedNodePtr) {
CFStorageAccessCacheParts cacheParts = storage->cacheParts;
unsigned int genCount = cacheParts.locationHi & genCountMask;
// Check to make sure the genCounts of all the items are the same; if not, the cache was inconsistent
if ((cacheParts.locationLo & genCountMask) == genCount &&
(cacheParts.lengthHi & genCountMask) == genCount &&
(cacheParts.lengthLo & genCountMask) == genCount &&
(cacheParts.cachedNodeHi & genCountMask) == genCount &&
(cacheParts.cachedNodeLo & genCountMask) == genCount) {
*cachedNodePtr = (CFStorageNode *)((cacheParts.cachedNodeHi & dataMask) | ((cacheParts.cachedNodeLo & dataMask) >> shiftLowWordBy));
cachedRangePtr->location = (cacheParts.locationHi & dataMask) | ((cacheParts.locationLo & dataMask) >> shiftLowWordBy);
cachedRangePtr->length = (cacheParts.lengthLo & dataMask) >> shiftLowWordBy;
cachedRangePtr->length |= (cacheParts.lengthHi & dataMask);
return true;
return false;
/* Gets the location for the specified absolute loc from the cached info.
Returns NULL if the location is not in the cache.
CF_INLINE uint8_t *__CFStorageGetFromCache(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex loc, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange) {
CFRange cachedRange = {0, 0};
CFStorageNode *cachedNode = 0;
// If we can't get values from the cache, return NULL
if (!__CFStorageGetCache(storage, &cachedRange, &cachedNode)) return NULL;
// Check to see if the index is in the cache
if (loc < cachedRange.location || loc >= cachedRange.location + cachedRange.length) return NULL;
// If the cached node has no memory, return here; it will be allocated as a result of the non-cached lookup.
if (!cachedNode->info.leaf.memory) return NULL;
// The cache has consistent values, and in fact, the values we're looking for!
uint8_t *result = cachedNode->info.leaf.memory + (loc - cachedRange.location) * storage->valueSize;
*validConsecutiveValueRange = cachedRange;
return result;
/* Returns the number of the child containing the desired value and the relative index of the value in that child.
forInsertion = true means that we are looking for the child in which to insert; this changes the behavior when the index is at the end of a child
relativeByteNum (not optional, for performance reasons) returns the relative byte number of the specified byte in the child.
Don't call with leaf nodes!
CF_INLINE void __CFStorageFindChild(CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, bool forInsertion, CFIndex *childNum, CFIndex *relativeByteNum) {
if (forInsertion) byteNum--; /* If for insertion, we do <= checks, not <, so this accomplishes the same thing */
if (byteNum < node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes) *childNum = 0;
else {
byteNum -= node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes;
if (byteNum < node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes) *childNum = 1;
else {
byteNum -= node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
*childNum = 2;
if (forInsertion) byteNum++;
*relativeByteNum = byteNum;
/* Finds the location where the specified byte is stored. If validConsecutiveByteRange is not NULL, returns
the range of bytes that are consecutive with this one.
!!! Assumes the byteNum is within the range of this node.
static void *__CFStorageFindByte(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFStorageNode **resultNode, CFRange *validConsecutiveByteRange) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
if (validConsecutiveByteRange) *validConsecutiveByteRange = CFRangeMake(0, node->numBytes);
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFGetAllocator(storage), storage, node, node->numBytes, false);
if (resultNode) *resultNode = node;
return node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum;
} else {
void *result;
CFIndex childNum;
CFIndex relativeByteNum;
__CFStorageFindChild(node, byteNum, false, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
result = __CFStorageFindByte(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum], relativeByteNum, resultNode, validConsecutiveByteRange);
if (validConsecutiveByteRange) {
if (childNum > 0) validConsecutiveByteRange->location += node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes;
if (childNum > 1) validConsecutiveByteRange->location += node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
return result;
/* Guts of CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(); note that validConsecutiveValueRange is not optional.
Consults and updates cache.
CF_INLINE void *__CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex idx, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange) {
uint8_t *result;
if (!(result = __CFStorageGetFromCache(storage, idx, validConsecutiveValueRange))) {
CFRange rangeInBytes;
CFStorageNode *resultNode;
result = (uint8_t *)__CFStorageFindByte(storage, &storage->rootNode, idx * storage->valueSize, &resultNode, &rangeInBytes);
CFRange rangeInValues = CFRangeMake(rangeInBytes.location / storage->valueSize, rangeInBytes.length / storage->valueSize);
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, resultNode, rangeInValues.location, rangeInValues.length);
*validConsecutiveValueRange = rangeInValues;
return result;
static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageCreateNode(CFAllocatorRef allocator, bool isLeaf, CFIndex numBytes) {
CFStorageNode *newNode = (CFStorageNode *)_CFAllocatorAllocateGC(allocator, sizeof(CFStorageNode), __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(newNode, "CFStorage (node)");
newNode->isLeaf = isLeaf;
newNode->numBytes = numBytes;
if (isLeaf) {
newNode->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = 0;
newNode->info.leaf.memory = NULL;
} else {
newNode->info.notLeaf.child[0] = newNode->info.notLeaf.child[1] = newNode->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
return newNode;
static void __CFStorageNodeDealloc(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageNode *node, bool freeNodeItself) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node->info.leaf.memory);
} else {
int cnt;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++) if (node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt]) __CFStorageNodeDealloc(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt], true);
if (freeNodeItself) _CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node);
static CFIndex __CFStorageGetNumChildren(CFStorageNode *node) {
if (!node || node->isLeaf) return 0;
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[2]) return 3;
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[1]) return 2;
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[0]) return 1;
return 0;
/* The boolean compact indicates whether leaf nodes that get smaller should be realloced.
static void __CFStorageDelete(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, bool compact) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
node->numBytes -= range.length;
// If this node had memory allocated, readjust the bytes...
if (node->info.leaf.memory) {
COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + range.location + range.length, node->info.leaf.memory + range.location, node->numBytes - range.location);
if (compact) __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, node->numBytes, true);
} else {
bool childrenAreLeaves = node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->isLeaf;
node->numBytes -= range.length;
while (range.length > 0) {
CFRange rangeToDelete;
CFIndex relativeByteNum;
CFIndex childNum;
__CFStorageFindChild(node, range.location + range.length, true, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
if (range.length > relativeByteNum) {
rangeToDelete.length = relativeByteNum;
rangeToDelete.location = 0;
} else {
rangeToDelete.length = range.length;
rangeToDelete.location = relativeByteNum - range.length;
__CFStorageDelete(allocator, storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum], rangeToDelete, compact);
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum]->numBytes == 0) { // Delete empty node and compact
int cnt;
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum]);
for (cnt = childNum; cnt < 2; cnt++) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt], node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt+1]);
node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
range.length -= rangeToDelete.length;
// At this point the remaining children are packed
if (childrenAreLeaves) {
// Children are leaves; if their total bytes is smaller than a leaf's worth, collapse into one...
if (node->numBytes > 0 && node->numBytes <= storage->maxLeafCapacity) {
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[0], node->numBytes, false);
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[1] && node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes) {
COPYMEM(node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->info.leaf.memory, node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->info.leaf.memory + node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes, node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes);
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[2] && node->info.notLeaf.child[2]->numBytes) {
COPYMEM(node->info.notLeaf.child[2]->info.leaf.memory, node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->info.leaf.memory + node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes + node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]->numBytes);
__CFStorageNodeDealloc(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[2], true);
node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
__CFStorageNodeDealloc(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[1], true);
node->info.notLeaf.child[1] = NULL;
node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes = node->numBytes;
} else {
// Children are not leaves; combine their children to assure each node has 2 or 3 children...
// (Could try to bypass all this by noting up above whether the number of grandchildren changed...)
CFStorageNode *gChildren[9];
CFIndex cCnt, gCnt, cnt;
CFIndex totalG = 0; // Total number of grandchildren
for (cCnt = 0; cCnt < 3; cCnt++) {
CFStorageNode *child = node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt];
if (child) {
for (gCnt = 0; gCnt < 3; gCnt++) if (child->info.notLeaf.child[gCnt]) {
gChildren[totalG++] = child->info.notLeaf.child[gCnt];
child->info.notLeaf.child[gCnt] = NULL;
child->numBytes = 0;
gCnt = 0; // Total number of grandchildren placed
for (cCnt = 0; cCnt < 3; cCnt++) {
// These tables indicate how many children each child should have, given the total number of grandchildren (last child gets remainder)
static const unsigned char forChild0[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3};
static const unsigned char forChild1[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3};
// sCnt is the number of grandchildren to be placed into child cCnt
// Depending on child number, pick the right number
CFIndex sCnt = (cCnt == 0) ? forChild0[totalG] : ((cCnt == 1) ? forChild1[totalG] : totalG);
// Assure we have that many grandchildren...
if (sCnt > totalG - gCnt) sCnt = totalG - gCnt;
if (sCnt) {
if (!node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt]) {
CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, false, 0);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt], newNode);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < sCnt; cnt++) {
node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt]->numBytes += gChildren[gCnt]->numBytes;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt]->info.notLeaf.child[cnt], gChildren[gCnt++]);
} else {
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt]) {
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt]);
node->info.notLeaf.child[cCnt] = NULL;
/* Returns NULL or additional node to come after this node
Assumption: size is never > storage->maxLeafCapacity
static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageInsert(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
if (size + node->numBytes > storage->maxLeafCapacity) { // Need to create more child nodes
if (byteNum == node->numBytes) { // Inserting at end; easy...
CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, true, size);
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, newNode, absoluteByteNum / storage->valueSize, size / storage->valueSize);
return newNode;
} else if (byteNum == 0) { // Inserting at front; also easy, but we need to swap node and newNode
CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, true, 0);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_MEMMOVE(newNode, node, sizeof(CFStorageNode));
node->isLeaf = true;
node->numBytes = size;
node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = 0;
node->info.leaf.memory = NULL;
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, absoluteByteNum / storage->valueSize, size / storage->valueSize);
return newNode;
} else if (byteNum + size <= storage->maxLeafCapacity) { // Inserting at middle; inserted region will fit into existing child
// Create new node to hold the overflow
CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, true, node->numBytes - byteNum);
if (node->info.leaf.memory) { // We allocate memory lazily...
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, newNode, node->numBytes - byteNum, false);
COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, newNode->info.leaf.memory, node->numBytes - byteNum);
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, byteNum + size, false);
node->numBytes = byteNum + size;
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, (absoluteByteNum - byteNum) / storage->valueSize, node->numBytes / storage->valueSize);
return newNode;
} else { // Inserting some of new into one node, rest into another; remember that the assumption is size <= storage->maxLeafCapacity
CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, true, node->numBytes + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity); // New stuff
if (node->info.leaf.memory) { // We allocate memory lazily...
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, newNode, node->numBytes + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity, false);
COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, newNode->info.leaf.memory + byteNum + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity, node->numBytes - byteNum);
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, storage->maxLeafCapacity, false);
node->numBytes = storage->maxLeafCapacity;
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, (absoluteByteNum - byteNum) / storage->valueSize, node->numBytes / storage->valueSize);
return newNode;
} else { // No need to create new nodes!
if (node->info.leaf.memory) {
__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, node->numBytes + size, false);
COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum + size, node->numBytes - byteNum);
node->numBytes += size;
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, (absoluteByteNum - byteNum) / storage->valueSize, node->numBytes / storage->valueSize);
return NULL;
} else {
CFIndex relativeByteNum;
CFIndex childNum;
CFStorageNode *newNode;
__CFStorageFindChild(node, byteNum, true, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
newNode = __CFStorageInsert(allocator, storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum], relativeByteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
if (newNode) {
if (node->info.notLeaf.child[2] == NULL) { // There's an empty slot for the new node, cool
if (childNum == 0) CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[2], node->info.notLeaf.child[1]); // Make room
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[childNum + 1], newNode);
node->numBytes += size;
return NULL;
} else {
CFStorageNode *anotherNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, false, 0); // Create another node
if (childNum == 0) { // Last two children go to new node
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[0], node->info.notLeaf.child[1]);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[1], node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, node->info.notLeaf.child[1], newNode);
node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
} else if (childNum == 1) { // Last child goes to new node
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[0], newNode);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[1], node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
} else { // New node contains the new comers...
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[0], node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(allocator, anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[1], newNode);
node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
node->numBytes = node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes + node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
anotherNode->numBytes = anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes + anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
return anotherNode;
} else {
node->numBytes += size;
return NULL;
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFStorageGetCount(CFStorageRef storage) {
return storage->rootNode.numBytes / storage->valueSize;
static Boolean __CFStorageEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
CFStorageRef storage1 = (CFStorageRef)cf1;
CFStorageRef storage2 = (CFStorageRef)cf2;
CFIndex loc, count, valueSize;
CFRange range1, range2;
uint8_t *ptr1, *ptr2;
count = __CFStorageGetCount(storage1);
if (count != __CFStorageGetCount(storage2)) return false;
valueSize = __CFStorageGetValueSize(storage1);
if (valueSize != __CFStorageGetValueSize(storage2)) return false;
loc = range1.location = range1.length = range2.location = range2.length = 0;
ptr1 = ptr2 = NULL;
while (loc < count) {
CFIndex cntThisTime;
if (loc >= range1.location + range1.length) ptr1 = (uint8_t *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage1, loc, &range1);
if (loc >= range2.location + range2.length) ptr2 = (uint8_t *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage2, loc, &range2);
cntThisTime = range1.location + range1.length;
if (range2.location + range2.length < cntThisTime) cntThisTime = range2.location + range2.length;
cntThisTime -= loc;
if (memcmp(ptr1, ptr2, valueSize * cntThisTime) != 0) return false;
ptr1 += valueSize * cntThisTime;
ptr2 += valueSize * cntThisTime;
loc += cntThisTime;
return true;
static CFHashCode __CFStorageHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFStorageRef Storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
return __CFStorageGetCount(Storage);
static void __CFStorageDescribeNode(CFStorageNode *node, CFMutableStringRef str, CFIndex level) {
int cnt;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < level; cnt++) CFStringAppendCString(str, " ", CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
if (node->isLeaf) {
CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("Leaf %d/%d\n"), node->numBytes, node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes);
} else {
CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("Node %d\n"), node->numBytes);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++) if (node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt]) __CFStorageDescribeNode(node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt], str, level+1);
static CFIndex __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(CFStorageNode *node) {
if (!node) return 0;
if (node->isLeaf) return node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes;
return __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[0]) + __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[1]) + __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
CFIndex __CFStorageGetCapacity(CFStorageRef storage) {
return __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(&storage->rootNode) / storage->valueSize;
CFIndex __CFStorageGetValueSize(CFStorageRef storage) {
return storage->valueSize;
static CFStringRef __CFStorageCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFStorageRef storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
CFMutableStringRef result;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFStorage %p [%p]>[count = %u, capacity = %u]\n"), storage, allocator, __CFStorageGetCount(storage), __CFStorageGetCapacity(storage));
__CFStorageDescribeNode(&storage->rootNode, result, 0);
return result;
static void __CFStorageDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFStorageRef storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator)) return; // XXX_PCB GC will take care of us.
__CFStorageNodeDealloc(allocator, &storage->rootNode, false);
static CFTypeID __kCFStorageTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFStorageClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
__private_extern__ void __CFStorageInitialize(void) {
__kCFStorageTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFStorageClass);
/*** Public API ***/
CFStorageRef CFStorageCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex valueSize) {
CFStorageRef storage;
CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFStorage) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
storage = (CFStorageRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, __kCFStorageTypeID, size, NULL);
if (NULL == storage) {
return NULL;
storage->valueSize = valueSize;
storage->cacheGenerationCount = 0;
storage->cacheParts.locationHi = 0;
storage->cacheParts.locationLo = 0;
storage->cacheParts.lengthHi = 0;
storage->cacheParts.lengthLo = 0;
storage->cacheParts.cachedNodeHi = 0;
storage->cacheParts.cachedNodeLo = 0;
storage->maxLeafCapacity = __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity;
if (valueSize && ((storage->maxLeafCapacity % valueSize) != 0)) {
storage->maxLeafCapacity = (storage->maxLeafCapacity / valueSize) * valueSize; // Make it fit perfectly (3406853)
memset(&(storage->rootNode), 0, sizeof(CFStorageNode));
storage->rootNode.isLeaf = true;
storage->nodeHint = __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory;
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(storage, "CFStorage");
return storage;
CFTypeID CFStorageGetTypeID(void) {
return __kCFStorageTypeID;
CFIndex CFStorageGetCount(CFStorageRef storage) {
return __CFStorageGetCount(storage);
/* Returns pointer to the specified value
index and validConsecutiveValueRange are in terms of values
void *CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex idx, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange) {
CFRange range;
return __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, idx, validConsecutiveValueRange ? validConsecutiveValueRange : &range);
/* Makes space for range.length values at location range.location
This function deepens the tree if necessary...
void CFStorageInsertValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range) {
CFIndex numBytesToInsert = range.length * storage->valueSize;
CFIndex byteNum = range.location * storage->valueSize;
while (numBytesToInsert > 0) {
CFStorageNode *newNode;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
CFIndex insertThisTime = numBytesToInsert;
if (insertThisTime > storage->maxLeafCapacity) {
insertThisTime = (storage->maxLeafCapacity / storage->valueSize) * storage->valueSize;
newNode = __CFStorageInsert(allocator, storage, &storage->rootNode, byteNum, insertThisTime, byteNum);
if (newNode) {
CFStorageNode *tempRootNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, false, 0); // Will copy the (static) rootNode over to this
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_MEMMOVE(tempRootNode, &storage->rootNode, sizeof(CFStorageNode));
storage->rootNode.isLeaf = false;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(allocator, storage, storage->[0], tempRootNode);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(allocator, storage, storage->[1], newNode);
storage->[2] = NULL;
storage->rootNode.numBytes = tempRootNode->numBytes + newNode->numBytes;
#if 1
// ???
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, NULL, 0, 0);
if (storage->cache.cachedNode == &(storage->rootNode)) CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(allocator, storage, storage->cache.cachedNode, tempRootNode); // The cache should follow the node
numBytesToInsert -= insertThisTime;
byteNum += insertThisTime;
/* Deletes the values in the specified range
This function gets rid of levels if necessary...
void CFStorageDeleteValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range) {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
range.location *= storage->valueSize;
range.length *= storage->valueSize;
__CFStorageDelete(allocator, storage, &storage->rootNode, range, true);
while (__CFStorageGetNumChildren(&storage->rootNode) == 1) {
CFStorageNode *child = storage->[0]; // The single child
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_MEMMOVE(&storage->rootNode, child, sizeof(CFStorageNode));
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, child);
if (__CFStorageGetNumChildren(&storage->rootNode) == 0 && !storage->rootNode.isLeaf) {
storage->rootNode.isLeaf = true;
storage-> = 0;
storage-> = NULL;
// !!! Need to update the cache
__CFStorageSetCache(storage, NULL, 0, 0);
void CFStorageGetValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, void *values) {
while (range.length > 0) {
CFRange leafRange;
void *storagePtr = __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, range.location, &leafRange);
CFIndex cntThisTime = range.length;
if (cntThisTime > leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location)) cntThisTime = leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location);
COPYMEM(storagePtr, values, cntThisTime * storage->valueSize);
values = (uint8_t *)values + (cntThisTime * storage->valueSize);
range.location += cntThisTime;
range.length -= cntThisTime;
unsigned long _CFStorageFastEnumeration(CFStorageRef storage, struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent *state, void *stackbuffer, unsigned long count) {
// without trying to understand the data structure, each time through search for block containing index
CFRange leafRange;
if (state->state == 0) { /* first time, get length */
state->extra[0] = __CFStorageGetCount(storage);
if (state->state >= state->extra[0]) return 0;
state->itemsPtr = (unsigned long *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, state->state, &leafRange);
state->state += leafRange.length;
return leafRange.length;
void CFStorageApplyFunction(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, CFStorageApplierFunction applier, void *context) {
while (0 < range.length) {
CFRange leafRange;
const void *storagePtr;
CFIndex idx, cnt;
storagePtr = CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, range.location, &leafRange);
cnt = __CFMin(range.length, leafRange.location + leafRange.length - range.location);
for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) {
applier(storagePtr, context);
storagePtr = (const char *)storagePtr + storage->valueSize;
range.length -= cnt;
range.location += cnt;
void CFStorageReplaceValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, const void *values) {
while (range.length > 0) {
CFRange leafRange;
void *storagePtr = __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, range.location, &leafRange);
CFIndex cntThisTime = range.length;
if (cntThisTime > leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location)) cntThisTime = leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location);
COPYMEM(values, storagePtr, cntThisTime * storage->valueSize);
values = (const uint8_t *)values + (cntThisTime * storage->valueSize);
range.location += cntThisTime;
range.length -= cntThisTime;
/* Used by CFArray.c */
static void __CFStorageNodeSetLayoutType(CFStorageNode *node, auto_zone_t *zone, auto_memory_type_t type) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
auto_zone_set_layout_type(zone, node->info.leaf.memory, type);
} else {
CFStorageNode **children = node->info.notLeaf.child;
if (children[0]) __CFStorageNodeSetLayoutType(children[0], zone, type);
if (children[1]) __CFStorageNodeSetLayoutType(children[1], zone, type);
if (children[2]) __CFStorageNodeSetLayoutType(children[2], zone, type);
__private_extern__ void _CFStorageSetWeak(CFStorageRef storage) {
storage->nodeHint = 0;
__CFStorageNodeSetLayoutType(&storage->rootNode, __CFCollectableZone, CF_GET_GC_MEMORY_TYPE(storage->nodeHint));
#undef COPYMEM