blob: 71b2e070e8c2c281fa8ef81e9ddc3f7b099ed8aa [file] [log] [blame]
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "errno.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "osi/include/log.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>
namespace test_vendor_lib {
using TaskCallback = std::function<void(void)>;
using ReadCallback = std::function<void(int)>;
using CriticalCallback = std::function<void(void)>;
using AsyncTaskId = uint16_t;
constexpr uint16_t kInvalidTaskId = 0;
// Manages tasks that should be done in the future. It can watch file
// descriptors to call a given callback when it is certain that a block will not
// occur or can call a callback at a specific time (aproximately) and
// (optionally) repeat the call periodically. The class itself is thread safe in
// the sense that all its member functions can be called simultaneously from
// different concurrent thread. However, no asumption should be made about
// callback execution. The safest approach is to assume that any two callbacks
// could be executed concurrently in different threads, so code provided in
// callbacks need to actively deal with race conditions, deadlocks, etc. While
// not required, it is strongly recommended to use the Synchronize(const
// CriticalCallback&) member function to execute code inside critical sections.
// Callbacks passed to this method on the same AsyncManager object from
// different threads are granted to *NOT* run concurrently.
class AsyncManager {
// Starts watching a file descriptor in a separate thread. The
// on_read_fd_ready_callback() will be asynchronously called when it is
// guaranteed that a call to read() on the FD will not block. No promise is
// made about when in the future the callback will be called, in particular,
// it is perfectly possible to have it called before this function returns. A
// return of 0 means success, an error code is returned otherwise.
int WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(int file_descriptor,
const ReadCallback& on_read_fd_ready_callback);
// If the fd was not being watched before the call will be ignored.
void StopWatchingFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor);
// Schedules an action to occur in the future. Even if the delay given is not
// positive the callback will be called asynchronously.
AsyncTaskId ExecAsync(std::chrono::milliseconds delay,
const TaskCallback& callback);
// Schedules an action to occur periodically in the future. If the delay given
// is not positive the callback will be asynchronously called once for each
// time in the past that it should have been called and then scheduled for
// future times.
AsyncTaskId ExecAsyncPeriodically(std::chrono::milliseconds delay,
std::chrono::milliseconds period,
const TaskCallback& callback);
// Cancels the/every future ocurrence of the action specified by this id. It
// is guaranteed that the asociated callback will not be called after this
// method returns (it could be called during the execution of the method).
// The calling thread may block until the scheduling thread acknowledges the
// cancelation.
bool CancelAsyncTask(AsyncTaskId async_task_id);
// Execs the given code in a synchronized manner. It is guaranteed that code
// given on (possibly)concurrent calls to this member function on the same
// AsyncManager object will never be executed simultaneously. It is the
// class's user's resposability to ensure that no calls to Synchronize are
// made from inside a CriticalCallback, since that would cause a lock to be
// acquired twice with unpredictable results. It is strongly recommended to
// have very simple CriticalCallbacks, preferably using lambda expressions.
void Synchronize(const CriticalCallback&);
// Implementation of the FD watching part of AsyncManager, extracted to its
// own class for clarity purposes.
class AsyncFdWatcher;
// Implementation of the asynchronous tasks part of AsyncManager, extracted to
// its own class for clarity purposes.
class AsyncTaskManager;
AsyncManager(const AsyncManager&) = delete;
AsyncManager& operator=(const AsyncManager&) = delete;
// Kept as pointers because we may want to support reseting either without
// destroying the other one
std::unique_ptr<AsyncFdWatcher> fdWatcher_p_;
std::unique_ptr<AsyncTaskManager> taskManager_p_;
std::mutex synchronization_mutex_;