blob: 30f8031c79a74c3e6698c424a65bea1fa7a5e405 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A filter that passes through (unchanged) chunks that contain an integral number
// of MPEG-2 Transport Stream packets, but returning (in "fDurationInMicroseconds")
// an updated estimate of the time gap between chunks.
// Implementation
#include "MPEG2TransportStreamFramer.hh"
#include <GroupsockHelper.hh> // for "gettimeofday()"
////////// Definitions of constants that control the behavior of this code /////////
// How much weight to give to the latest duration measurement (must be <= 1)
// A factor by which to adjust the duration estimate to ensure that the overall
// packet transmission times remains matched with the PCR times (which will be the
// times that we expect receivers to play the incoming packets).
// (must be <= 1)
#define MAX_PLAYOUT_BUFFER_DURATION 0.1 // (seconds)
////////// PIDStatus //////////
class PIDStatus {
PIDStatus(double _firstClock, double _firstRealTime)
: firstClock(_firstClock), lastClock(_firstClock),
firstRealTime(_firstRealTime), lastRealTime(_firstRealTime),
lastPacketNum(0) {
double firstClock, lastClock, firstRealTime, lastRealTime;
u_int64_t lastPacketNum;
////////// MPEG2TransportStreamFramer //////////
MPEG2TransportStreamFramer* MPEG2TransportStreamFramer
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, FramedSource* inputSource) {
return new MPEG2TransportStreamFramer(env, inputSource);
::MPEG2TransportStreamFramer(UsageEnvironment& env, FramedSource* inputSource)
: FramedFilter(env, inputSource),
fTSPacketCount(0), fTSPacketDurationEstimate(0.0), fTSPCRCount(0),
fLimitNumTSPacketsToStream(False), fNumTSPacketsToStream(0),
fLimitTSPacketsToStreamByPCR(False), fPCRLimit(0.0) {
fPIDStatusTable = HashTable::create(ONE_WORD_HASH_KEYS);
MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::~MPEG2TransportStreamFramer() {
delete fPIDStatusTable;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::clearPIDStatusTable() {
PIDStatus* pidStatus;
while ((pidStatus = (PIDStatus*)fPIDStatusTable->RemoveNext()) != NULL) {
delete pidStatus;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::setNumTSPacketsToStream(unsigned long numTSRecordsToStream) {
fNumTSPacketsToStream = numTSRecordsToStream;
fLimitNumTSPacketsToStream = numTSRecordsToStream > 0;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::setPCRLimit(float pcrLimit) {
fPCRLimit = pcrLimit;
fLimitTSPacketsToStreamByPCR = pcrLimit != 0.0;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::doGetNextFrame() {
if (fLimitNumTSPacketsToStream) {
if (fNumTSPacketsToStream == 0) {
if (fNumTSPacketsToStream*TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE < fMaxSize) {
fMaxSize = fNumTSPacketsToStream*TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE;
// Read directly from our input source into our client's buffer:
fFrameSize = 0;
fInputSource->getNextFrame(fTo, fMaxSize,
afterGettingFrame, this,
FramedSource::handleClosure, this);
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::doStopGettingFrames() {
fTSPacketCount = 0;
fTSPCRCount = 0;
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer
::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize,
unsigned /*numTruncatedBytes*/,
struct timeval presentationTime,
unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
MPEG2TransportStreamFramer* framer = (MPEG2TransportStreamFramer*)clientData;
framer->afterGettingFrame1(frameSize, presentationTime);
void MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::afterGettingFrame1(unsigned frameSize,
struct timeval presentationTime) {
fFrameSize += frameSize;
unsigned const numTSPackets = fFrameSize/TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE;
fNumTSPacketsToStream -= numTSPackets;
fFrameSize = numTSPackets*TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE; // an integral # of TS packets
if (fFrameSize == 0) {
// We didn't read a complete TS packet; assume that the input source has closed.
// Make sure the data begins with a sync byte:
unsigned syncBytePosition;
for (syncBytePosition = 0; syncBytePosition < fFrameSize; ++syncBytePosition) {
if (fTo[syncBytePosition] == TRANSPORT_SYNC_BYTE) break;
if (syncBytePosition == fFrameSize) {
envir() << "No Transport Stream sync byte in data.";
} else if (syncBytePosition > 0) {
// There's a sync byte, but not at the start of the data. Move the good data
// to the start of the buffer, then read more to fill it up again:
memmove(fTo, &fTo[syncBytePosition], fFrameSize - syncBytePosition);
fFrameSize -= syncBytePosition;
fInputSource->getNextFrame(&fTo[fFrameSize], syncBytePosition,
afterGettingFrame, this,
FramedSource::handleClosure, this);
} // else normal case: the data begins with a sync byte
fPresentationTime = presentationTime;
// Scan through the TS packets that we read, and update our estimate of
// the duration of each packet:
struct timeval tvNow;
gettimeofday(&tvNow, NULL);
double timeNow = tvNow.tv_sec + tvNow.tv_usec/1000000.0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numTSPackets; ++i) {
if (!updateTSPacketDurationEstimate(&fTo[i*TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE], timeNow)) {
// We hit a preset limit (based on PCR) within the stream. Handle this as if the input source has closed:
= numTSPackets * (unsigned)(fTSPacketDurationEstimate*1000000);
// Complete the delivery to our client:
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::updateTSPacketDurationEstimate(unsigned char* pkt, double timeNow) {
// Sanity check: Make sure we start with the sync byte:
if (pkt[0] != TRANSPORT_SYNC_BYTE) {
envir() << "Missing sync byte!\n";
return True;
// If this packet doesn't contain a PCR, then we're not interested in it:
u_int8_t const adaptation_field_control = (pkt[3]&0x30)>>4;
if (adaptation_field_control != 2 && adaptation_field_control != 3) return True;
// there's no adaptation_field
u_int8_t const adaptation_field_length = pkt[4];
if (adaptation_field_length == 0) return True;
u_int8_t const discontinuity_indicator = pkt[5]&0x80;
u_int8_t const pcrFlag = pkt[5]&0x10;
if (pcrFlag == 0) return True; // no PCR
// There's a PCR. Get it, and the PID:
u_int32_t pcrBaseHigh = (pkt[6]<<24)|(pkt[7]<<16)|(pkt[8]<<8)|pkt[9];
double clock = pcrBaseHigh/45000.0;
if ((pkt[10]&0x80) != 0) clock += 1/90000.0; // add in low-bit (if set)
unsigned short pcrExt = ((pkt[10]&0x01)<<8) | pkt[11];
clock += pcrExt/27000000.0;
if (fLimitTSPacketsToStreamByPCR) {
if (clock > fPCRLimit) {
// We've hit a preset limit within the stream:
return False;
unsigned pid = ((pkt[1]&0x1F)<<8) | pkt[2];
// Check whether we already have a record of a PCR for this PID:
PIDStatus* pidStatus = (PIDStatus*)(fPIDStatusTable->Lookup((char*)pid));
if (pidStatus == NULL) {
// We're seeing this PID's PCR for the first time:
pidStatus = new PIDStatus(clock, timeNow);
fPIDStatusTable->Add((char*)pid, pidStatus);
#ifdef DEBUG_PCR
fprintf(stderr, "PID 0x%x, FIRST PCR 0x%08x+%d:%03x == %f @ %f, pkt #%lu\n", pid, pcrBaseHigh, pkt[10]>>7, pcrExt, clock, timeNow, fTSPacketCount);
} else {
// We've seen this PID's PCR before; update our per-packet duration estimate:
int64_t packetsSinceLast = (int64_t)(fTSPacketCount - pidStatus->lastPacketNum);
// it's "int64_t" because some compilers can't convert "u_int64_t" -> "double"
double durationPerPacket = (clock - pidStatus->lastClock)/packetsSinceLast;
// Hack (suggested by "Romain"): Don't update our estimate if this PCR appeared unusually quickly.
// (This can produce more accurate estimates for wildly VBR streams.)
double meanPCRPeriod = 0.0;
if (fTSPCRCount > 0) {
double tsPacketCount = (double)(int64_t)fTSPacketCount;
double tsPCRCount = (double)(int64_t)fTSPCRCount;
meanPCRPeriod = tsPacketCount/tsPCRCount;
if (packetsSinceLast < meanPCRPeriod*PCR_PERIOD_VARIATION_RATIO) return True;
if (fTSPacketDurationEstimate == 0.0) { // we've just started
fTSPacketDurationEstimate = durationPerPacket;
} else if (discontinuity_indicator == 0 && durationPerPacket >= 0.0) {
= durationPerPacket*NEW_DURATION_WEIGHT
+ fTSPacketDurationEstimate*(1-NEW_DURATION_WEIGHT);
// Also adjust the duration estimate to try to ensure that the transmission
// rate matches the playout rate:
double transmitDuration = timeNow - pidStatus->firstRealTime;
double playoutDuration = clock - pidStatus->firstClock;
if (transmitDuration > playoutDuration) {
fTSPacketDurationEstimate *= TIME_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR; // reduce estimate
} else if (transmitDuration + MAX_PLAYOUT_BUFFER_DURATION < playoutDuration) {
fTSPacketDurationEstimate /= TIME_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR; // increase estimate
} else {
// the PCR has a discontinuity from its previous value; don't use it now,
// but reset our PCR and real-time values to compensate:
pidStatus->firstClock = clock;
pidStatus->firstRealTime = timeNow;
#ifdef DEBUG_PCR
fprintf(stderr, "PID 0x%x, PCR 0x%08x+%d:%03x == %f @ %f (diffs %f @ %f), pkt #%lu, discon %d => this duration %f, new estimate %f, mean PCR period=%f\n", pid, pcrBaseHigh, pkt[10]>>7, pcrExt, clock, timeNow, clock - pidStatus->firstClock, timeNow - pidStatus->firstRealTime, fTSPacketCount, discontinuity_indicator != 0, durationPerPacket, fTSPacketDurationEstimate, meanPCRPeriod );
pidStatus->lastClock = clock;
pidStatus->lastRealTime = timeNow;
pidStatus->lastPacketNum = fTSPacketCount;
return True;