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This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// An abstraction of a network interface used for RTP (or RTCP).
// (This allows the RTP-over-TCP hack (RFC 2326, section 10.12) to
// be implemented transparently.)
// Implementation
#include "RTPInterface.hh"
#include <GroupsockHelper.hh>
#include <stdio.h>
////////// Helper Functions - Definition //////////
// Helper routines and data structures, used to implement
// sending/receiving RTP/RTCP over a TCP socket:
// Reading RTP-over-TCP is implemented using two levels of hash tables.
// The top-level hash table maps TCP socket numbers to a
// "SocketDescriptor" that contains a hash table for each of the
// sub-channels that are reading from this socket.
static HashTable* socketHashTable(UsageEnvironment& env, Boolean createIfNotPresent = True) {
_Tables* ourTables = _Tables::getOurTables(env, createIfNotPresent);
if (ourTables == NULL) return NULL;
if (ourTables->socketTable == NULL) {
// Create a new socket number -> SocketDescriptor mapping table:
ourTables->socketTable = HashTable::create(ONE_WORD_HASH_KEYS);
return (HashTable*)(ourTables->socketTable);
class SocketDescriptor {
SocketDescriptor(UsageEnvironment& env, int socketNum);
virtual ~SocketDescriptor();
void registerRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId,
RTPInterface* rtpInterface);
RTPInterface* lookupRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId);
void deregisterRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId);
void setServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(ServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler* handler, void* clientData) {
fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler = handler;
fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData = clientData;
static void tcpReadHandler(SocketDescriptor*, int mask);
Boolean tcpReadHandler1(int mask);
UsageEnvironment& fEnv;
int fOurSocketNum;
HashTable* fSubChannelHashTable;
ServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler* fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler;
void* fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData;
u_int8_t fStreamChannelId, fSizeByte1;
Boolean fReadErrorOccurred, fDeleteMyselfNext, fAreInReadHandlerLoop;
static SocketDescriptor* lookupSocketDescriptor(UsageEnvironment& env, int sockNum, Boolean createIfNotFound = True) {
HashTable* table = socketHashTable(env, createIfNotFound);
if (table == NULL) return NULL;
char const* key = (char const*)(long)sockNum;
SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor = (SocketDescriptor*)(table->Lookup(key));
if (socketDescriptor == NULL) {
if (createIfNotFound) {
socketDescriptor = new SocketDescriptor(env, sockNum);
table->Add((char const*)(long)(sockNum), socketDescriptor);
} else if (table->IsEmpty()) {
// We can also delete the table (to reclaim space):
_Tables* ourTables = _Tables::getOurTables(env);
delete table;
ourTables->socketTable = NULL;
return socketDescriptor;
static void removeSocketDescription(UsageEnvironment& env, int sockNum) {
char const* key = (char const*)(long)sockNum;
HashTable* table = socketHashTable(env);
if (table->IsEmpty()) {
// We can also delete the table (to reclaim space):
_Tables* ourTables = _Tables::getOurTables(env);
delete table;
ourTables->socketTable = NULL;
////////// RTPInterface - Implementation //////////
RTPInterface::RTPInterface(Medium* owner, Groupsock* gs)
: fOwner(owner), fGS(gs),
fNextTCPReadSize(0), fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum(-1),
fNextTCPReadStreamChannelId(0xFF), fReadHandlerProc(NULL),
fAuxReadHandlerFunc(NULL), fAuxReadHandlerClientData(NULL) {
// Make the socket non-blocking, even though it will be read from only asynchronously, when packets arrive.
// The reason for this is that, in some OSs, reads on a blocking socket can (allegedly) sometimes block,
// even if the socket was previously reported (e.g., by "select()") as having data available.
// (This can supposedly happen if the UDP checksum fails, for example.)
increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), fGS->socketNum(), 50*1024);
RTPInterface::~RTPInterface() {
delete fTCPStreams;
void RTPInterface::setStreamSocket(int sockNum,
unsigned char streamChannelId) {
envir().taskScheduler().disableBackgroundHandling(fGS->socketNum()); // turn off any reading on our datagram socket
fGS->reset(); // and close our datagram socket, because we won't be using it anymore
addStreamSocket(sockNum, streamChannelId);
void RTPInterface::addStreamSocket(int sockNum,
unsigned char streamChannelId) {
if (sockNum < 0) return;
for (tcpStreamRecord* streams = fTCPStreams; streams != NULL;
streams = streams->fNext) {
if (streams->fStreamSocketNum == sockNum
&& streams->fStreamChannelId == streamChannelId) {
return; // we already have it
fTCPStreams = new tcpStreamRecord(sockNum, streamChannelId, fTCPStreams);
// Also, make sure this new socket is set up for receiving RTP/RTCP-over-TCP:
SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor = lookupSocketDescriptor(envir(), sockNum);
socketDescriptor->registerRTPInterface(streamChannelId, this);
static void deregisterSocket(UsageEnvironment& env, int sockNum, unsigned char streamChannelId) {
SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor = lookupSocketDescriptor(env, sockNum, False);
if (socketDescriptor != NULL) {
// Note: This may delete "socketDescriptor",
// if no more interfaces are using this socket
void RTPInterface::removeStreamSocket(int sockNum,
unsigned char streamChannelId) {
while (1) {
tcpStreamRecord** streamsPtr = &fTCPStreams;
while (*streamsPtr != NULL) {
if ((*streamsPtr)->fStreamSocketNum == sockNum
&& (streamChannelId == 0xFF || streamChannelId == (*streamsPtr)->fStreamChannelId)) {
// Delete the record pointed to by *streamsPtr :
tcpStreamRecord* next = (*streamsPtr)->fNext;
(*streamsPtr)->fNext = NULL;
delete (*streamsPtr);
*streamsPtr = next;
// And 'deregister' this socket,channelId pair:
deregisterSocket(envir(), sockNum, streamChannelId);
if (streamChannelId != 0xFF) return; // we're done
break; // start again from the beginning of the list, in case the list has changed
} else {
streamsPtr = &((*streamsPtr)->fNext);
if (*streamsPtr == NULL) break;
void RTPInterface::setServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(UsageEnvironment& env, int socketNum,
ServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler* handler, void* clientData) {
SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor = lookupSocketDescriptor(env, socketNum, False);
if (socketDescriptor != NULL) socketDescriptor->setServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(handler, clientData);
void RTPInterface::clearServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(UsageEnvironment& env, int socketNum) {
setServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(env, socketNum, NULL, NULL);
Boolean RTPInterface::sendPacket(unsigned char* packet, unsigned packetSize) {
Boolean success = True; // we'll return False instead if any of the sends fail
// Normal case: Send as a UDP packet:
if (!fGS->output(envir(), packet, packetSize)) success = False;
// Also, send over each of our TCP sockets:
tcpStreamRecord* nextStream;
for (tcpStreamRecord* stream = fTCPStreams; stream != NULL; stream = nextStream) {
nextStream = stream->fNext; // Set this now, in case the following deletes "stream":
if (!sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP(packet, packetSize,
stream->fStreamSocketNum, stream->fStreamChannelId)) {
success = False;
return success;
void RTPInterface
::startNetworkReading(TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handlerProc) {
// Normal case: Arrange to read UDP packets:
turnOnBackgroundReadHandling(fGS->socketNum(), handlerProc, fOwner);
// Also, receive RTP over TCP, on each of our TCP connections:
fReadHandlerProc = handlerProc;
for (tcpStreamRecord* streams = fTCPStreams; streams != NULL;
streams = streams->fNext) {
// Get a socket descriptor for "streams->fStreamSocketNum":
SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor = lookupSocketDescriptor(envir(), streams->fStreamSocketNum);
// Tell it about our subChannel:
socketDescriptor->registerRTPInterface(streams->fStreamChannelId, this);
Boolean RTPInterface::handleRead(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferMaxSize,
unsigned& bytesRead, struct sockaddr_in& fromAddress,
int& tcpSocketNum, unsigned char& tcpStreamChannelId,
Boolean& packetReadWasIncomplete) {
packetReadWasIncomplete = False; // by default
Boolean readSuccess;
if (fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
// Normal case: read from the (datagram) 'groupsock':
tcpSocketNum = -1;
readSuccess = fGS->handleRead(buffer, bufferMaxSize, bytesRead, fromAddress);
} else {
// Read from the TCP connection:
tcpSocketNum = fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum;
tcpStreamChannelId = fNextTCPReadStreamChannelId;
bytesRead = 0;
unsigned totBytesToRead = fNextTCPReadSize;
if (totBytesToRead > bufferMaxSize) totBytesToRead = bufferMaxSize;
unsigned curBytesToRead = totBytesToRead;
int curBytesRead;
while ((curBytesRead = readSocket(envir(), fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum,
&buffer[bytesRead], curBytesToRead,
fromAddress)) > 0) {
bytesRead += curBytesRead;
if (bytesRead >= totBytesToRead) break;
curBytesToRead -= curBytesRead;
fNextTCPReadSize -= bytesRead;
if (fNextTCPReadSize == 0) {
// We've read all of the data that we asked for
readSuccess = True;
} else if (curBytesRead < 0) {
// There was an error reading the socket
bytesRead = 0;
readSuccess = False;
} else {
// We need to read more bytes, and there was not an error reading the socket
packetReadWasIncomplete = True;
return True;
fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum = -1; // default, for next time
if (readSuccess && fAuxReadHandlerFunc != NULL) {
// Also pass the newly-read packet data to our auxilliary handler:
(*fAuxReadHandlerFunc)(fAuxReadHandlerClientData, buffer, bytesRead);
return readSuccess;
void RTPInterface::stopNetworkReading() {
// Normal case
if (fGS != NULL) envir().taskScheduler().turnOffBackgroundReadHandling(fGS->socketNum());
// Also turn off read handling on each of our TCP connections:
for (tcpStreamRecord* streams = fTCPStreams; streams != NULL; streams = streams->fNext) {
deregisterSocket(envir(), streams->fStreamSocketNum, streams->fStreamChannelId);
////////// Helper Functions - Implementation /////////
Boolean RTPInterface::sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP(u_int8_t* packet, unsigned packetSize,
int socketNum, unsigned char streamChannelId) {
fprintf(stderr, "sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: %d bytes over channel %d (socket %d)\n",
packetSize, streamChannelId, socketNum); fflush(stderr);
// Send a RTP/RTCP packet over TCP, using the encoding defined in RFC 2326, section 10.12:
// $<streamChannelId><packetSize><packet>
// (If the initial "send()" of '$<streamChannelId><packetSize>' succeeds, then we force
// the subsequent "send()" for the <packet> data to succeed, even if we have to do so with
// a blocking "send()".)
do {
u_int8_t framingHeader[4];
framingHeader[0] = '$';
framingHeader[1] = streamChannelId;
framingHeader[2] = (u_int8_t) ((packetSize&0xFF00)>>8);
framingHeader[3] = (u_int8_t) (packetSize&0xFF);
if (!sendDataOverTCP(socketNum, framingHeader, 4, False)) break;
if (!sendDataOverTCP(socketNum, packet, packetSize, True)) break;
fprintf(stderr, "sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: completed\n"); fflush(stderr);
return True;
} while (0);
fprintf(stderr, "sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: failed! (errno %d)\n", envir().getErrno()); fflush(stderr);
return False;
Boolean RTPInterface::sendDataOverTCP(int socketNum, u_int8_t const* data, unsigned dataSize, Boolean forceSendToSucceed) {
int sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)data, dataSize, 0/*flags*/);
if (sendResult < (int)dataSize) {
// The TCP send() failed - at least partially.
unsigned numBytesSentSoFar = sendResult < 0 ? 0 : (unsigned)sendResult;
if (numBytesSentSoFar > 0 || (forceSendToSucceed && envir().getErrno() == EAGAIN)) {
// The OS's TCP send buffer has filled up (because the stream's bitrate has exceeded
// the capacity of the TCP connection!).
// Force this data write to succeed, by blocking if necessary until it does:
unsigned numBytesRemainingToSend = dataSize - numBytesSentSoFar;
fprintf(stderr, "sendDataOverTCP: resending %d-byte send (blocking)\n", numBytesRemainingToSend); fflush(stderr);
sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
if ((unsigned)sendResult != numBytesRemainingToSend) {
// The blocking "send()" failed, or timed out. In either case, we assume that the
// TCP connection has failed (or is 'hanging' indefinitely), and we stop using it
// (for both RTP and RTP).
// (If we kept using the socket here, the RTP or RTCP packet write would be in an
// incomplete, inconsistent state.)
fprintf(stderr, "sendDataOverTCP: blocking send() failed (delivering %d bytes out of %d); closing socket %d\n", sendResult, numBytesRemainingToSend, socketNum); fflush(stderr);
removeStreamSocket(socketNum, 0xFF);
return False;
return True;
} else if (sendResult < 0 && envir().getErrno() != EAGAIN) {
// Because the "send()" call failed, assume that the socket is now unusable, so stop
// using it (for both RTP and RTCP):
removeStreamSocket(socketNum, 0xFF);
return False;
return True;
SocketDescriptor::SocketDescriptor(UsageEnvironment& env, int socketNum)
:fEnv(env), fOurSocketNum(socketNum),
fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler(NULL), fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData(NULL),
fReadErrorOccurred(False), fDeleteMyselfNext(False), fAreInReadHandlerLoop(False), fTCPReadingState(AWAITING_DOLLAR) {
SocketDescriptor::~SocketDescriptor() {
removeSocketDescription(fEnv, fOurSocketNum);
if (fSubChannelHashTable != NULL) {
// Remove knowledge of this socket from any "RTPInterface"s that are using it:
HashTable::Iterator* iter = HashTable::Iterator::create(*fSubChannelHashTable);
RTPInterface* rtpInterface;
char const* key;
while ((rtpInterface = (RTPInterface*)(iter->next(key))) != NULL) {
u_int64_t streamChannelIdLong = (u_int64_t)key;
unsigned char streamChannelId = (unsigned char)streamChannelIdLong;
rtpInterface->removeStreamSocket(fOurSocketNum, streamChannelId);
delete iter;
// Then remove the hash table entries themselves, and then remove the hash table:
while (fSubChannelHashTable->RemoveNext() != NULL) {}
delete fSubChannelHashTable;
// Finally:
if (fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler != NULL) {
// Hack: Pass a special character to our alternative byte handler, to tell it that either
// - an error occurred when reading the TCP socket, or
// - no error occurred, but it needs to take over control of the TCP socket once again.
u_int8_t specialChar = fReadErrorOccurred ? 0xFF : 0xFE;
(*fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler)(fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData, specialChar);
void SocketDescriptor::registerRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId,
RTPInterface* rtpInterface) {
Boolean isFirstRegistration = fSubChannelHashTable->IsEmpty();
#if defined(DEBUG_SEND)||defined(DEBUG_RECEIVE)
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::registerRTPInterface(channel %d): isFirstRegistration %d\n", fOurSocketNum, streamChannelId, isFirstRegistration);
fSubChannelHashTable->Add((char const*)(long)streamChannelId,
if (isFirstRegistration) {
// Arrange to handle reads on this TCP socket:
TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
= (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&tcpReadHandler;
setBackgroundHandling(fOurSocketNum, SOCKET_READABLE|SOCKET_EXCEPTION, handler, this);
RTPInterface* SocketDescriptor
::lookupRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId) {
char const* lookupArg = (char const*)(long)streamChannelId;
return (RTPInterface*)(fSubChannelHashTable->Lookup(lookupArg));
void SocketDescriptor
::deregisterRTPInterface(unsigned char streamChannelId) {
#if defined(DEBUG_SEND)||defined(DEBUG_RECEIVE)
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::deregisterRTPInterface(channel %d)\n", fOurSocketNum, streamChannelId);
fSubChannelHashTable->Remove((char const*)(long)streamChannelId);
if (fSubChannelHashTable->IsEmpty() || streamChannelId == 0xFF) {
// No more interfaces are using us, so it's curtains for us now:
if (fAreInReadHandlerLoop) {
fDeleteMyselfNext = True; // we can't delete ourself yet, but we'll do so from "tcpReadHandler()" below
} else {
delete this;
void SocketDescriptor::tcpReadHandler(SocketDescriptor* socketDescriptor, int mask) {
// Call the read handler until it returns false, with a limit to avoid starving other sockets
unsigned count = 2000;
socketDescriptor->fAreInReadHandlerLoop = True;
while (!socketDescriptor->fDeleteMyselfNext && socketDescriptor->tcpReadHandler1(mask) && --count > 0) {}
socketDescriptor->fAreInReadHandlerLoop = False;
if (socketDescriptor->fDeleteMyselfNext) delete socketDescriptor;
Boolean SocketDescriptor::tcpReadHandler1(int mask) {
// We expect the following data over the TCP channel:
// optional RTSP command or response bytes (before the first '$' character)
// a '$' character
// a 1-byte channel id
// a 2-byte packet size (in network byte order)
// the packet data.
// However, because the socket is being read asynchronously, this data might arrive in pieces.
u_int8_t c;
struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
if (fTCPReadingState != AWAITING_PACKET_DATA) {
int result = readSocket(fEnv, fOurSocketNum, &c, 1, fromAddress);
if (result == 0) { // There was no more data to read
return False;
} else if (result != 1) { // error reading TCP socket, so we will no longer handle it
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): readSocket(1 byte) returned %d (error)\n", fOurSocketNum, result);
fReadErrorOccurred = True;
fDeleteMyselfNext = True;
return False;
Boolean callAgain = True;
switch (fTCPReadingState) {
if (c == '$') {
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): Saw '$'\n", fOurSocketNum);
} else {
// This character is part of a RTSP request or command, which is handled separately:
if (fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler != NULL && c != 0xFF && c != 0xFE) {
// Hack: 0xFF and 0xFE are used as special signaling characters, so don't send them
(*fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler)(fServerRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData, c);
// The byte that we read is the stream channel id.
if (lookupRTPInterface(c) != NULL) { // sanity check
fStreamChannelId = c;
fTCPReadingState = AWAITING_SIZE1;
} else {
// This wasn't a stream channel id that we expected. We're (somehow) in a strange state. Try to recover:
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): Saw nonexistent stream channel id: 0x%02x\n", fOurSocketNum, c);
// The byte that we read is the first (high) byte of the 16-bit RTP or RTCP packet 'size'.
fSizeByte1 = c;
fTCPReadingState = AWAITING_SIZE2;
// The byte that we read is the second (low) byte of the 16-bit RTP or RTCP packet 'size'.
unsigned short size = (fSizeByte1<<8)|c;
// Record the information about the packet data that will be read next:
RTPInterface* rtpInterface = lookupRTPInterface(fStreamChannelId);
if (rtpInterface != NULL) {
rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadSize = size;
rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum = fOurSocketNum;
rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadStreamChannelId = fStreamChannelId;
callAgain = False;
fTCPReadingState = AWAITING_DOLLAR; // the next state, unless we end up having to read more data in the current state
// Call the appropriate read handler to get the packet data from the TCP stream:
RTPInterface* rtpInterface = lookupRTPInterface(fStreamChannelId);
if (rtpInterface != NULL) {
if (rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadSize == 0) {
// We've already read all the data for this packet.
if (rtpInterface->fReadHandlerProc != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): reading %d bytes on channel %d\n", fOurSocketNum, rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadSize, rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadStreamChannelId);
rtpInterface->fReadHandlerProc(rtpInterface->fOwner, mask);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): No handler proc for \"rtpInterface\" for channel %d; need to skip %d remaining bytes\n", fOurSocketNum, fStreamChannelId, rtpInterface->fNextTCPReadSize);
int result = readSocket(fEnv, fOurSocketNum, &c, 1, fromAddress);
if (result < 0) { // error reading TCP socket, so we will no longer handle it
fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): readSocket(1 byte) returned %d (error)\n", fOurSocketNum, result);
fReadErrorOccurred = True;
fDeleteMyselfNext = True;
return False;
} else {
if (result == 1) {
callAgain = True;
else fprintf(stderr, "SocketDescriptor(socket %d)::tcpReadHandler(): No \"rtpInterface\" for channel %d\n", fOurSocketNum, fStreamChannelId);
return callAgain;
////////// tcpStreamRecord implementation //////////
::tcpStreamRecord(int streamSocketNum, unsigned char streamChannelId,
tcpStreamRecord* next)
: fNext(next),
fStreamSocketNum(streamSocketNum), fStreamChannelId(streamChannelId) {
tcpStreamRecord::~tcpStreamRecord() {
delete fNext;