blob: c510253292775e1bcbf4938c48a2ba345cc38f4f [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Copyright (c) 1996-2015, Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved
// A common framework, used for the "openRTSP" and "playSIP" applications
// Implementation
// NOTE: If you want to develop your own RTSP client application (or embed RTSP client functionality into your own application),
// then we don't recommend using this code as a model, because it is too complex (with many options).
// Instead, we recommend using the "testRTSPClient" application code as a model.
#include "playCommon.hh"
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
#define snprintf _snprintf
#include <signal.h>
#define USE_SIGNALS 1
// Forward function definitions:
void continueAfterClientCreation0(RTSPClient* client, Boolean requestStreamingOverTCP);
void continueAfterClientCreation1();
void continueAfterOPTIONS(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterTEARDOWN(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void createOutputFiles(char const* periodicFilenameSuffix);
void createPeriodicOutputFiles();
void setupStreams();
void closeMediaSinks();
void subsessionAfterPlaying(void* clientData);
void subsessionByeHandler(void* clientData);
void sessionAfterPlaying(void* clientData = NULL);
void sessionTimerHandler(void* clientData);
void periodicFileOutputTimerHandler(void* clientData);
void shutdown(int exitCode = 1);
void signalHandlerShutdown(int sig);
void checkForPacketArrival(void* clientData);
void checkInterPacketGaps(void* clientData);
void checkSessionTimeoutBrokenServer(void* clientData);
void beginQOSMeasurement();
char const* progName;
UsageEnvironment* env;
Medium* ourClient = NULL;
Authenticator* ourAuthenticator = NULL;
char const* streamURL = NULL;
MediaSession* session = NULL;
TaskToken sessionTimerTask = NULL;
TaskToken sessionTimeoutBrokenServerTask = NULL;
TaskToken arrivalCheckTimerTask = NULL;
TaskToken interPacketGapCheckTimerTask = NULL;
TaskToken qosMeasurementTimerTask = NULL;
TaskToken periodicFileOutputTask = NULL;
Boolean createReceivers = True;
Boolean outputQuickTimeFile = False;
Boolean generateMP4Format = False;
QuickTimeFileSink* qtOut = NULL;
Boolean outputAVIFile = False;
AVIFileSink* aviOut = NULL;
Boolean audioOnly = False;
Boolean videoOnly = False;
char const* singleMedium = NULL;
int verbosityLevel = 1; // by default, print verbose output
double duration = 0;
double durationSlop = -1.0; // extra seconds to play at the end
double initialSeekTime = 0.0f;
char* initialAbsoluteSeekTime = NULL;
float scale = 1.0f;
double endTime;
unsigned interPacketGapMaxTime = 0;
unsigned totNumPacketsReceived = ~0; // used if checking inter-packet gaps
Boolean playContinuously = False;
int simpleRTPoffsetArg = -1;
Boolean sendOptionsRequest = True;
Boolean sendOptionsRequestOnly = False;
Boolean oneFilePerFrame = False;
Boolean notifyOnPacketArrival = False;
Boolean sendKeepAlivesToBrokenServers = False;
unsigned sessionTimeoutParameter = 0;
Boolean streamUsingTCP = False;
Boolean forceMulticastOnUnspecified = False;
unsigned short desiredPortNum = 0;
portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum = 0;
char* username = NULL;
char* password = NULL;
char* proxyServerName = NULL;
unsigned short proxyServerPortNum = 0;
unsigned char desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat = 0;
char* mimeSubtype = NULL;
unsigned short movieWidth = 240; // default
Boolean movieWidthOptionSet = False;
unsigned short movieHeight = 180; // default
Boolean movieHeightOptionSet = False;
unsigned movieFPS = 15; // default
Boolean movieFPSOptionSet = False;
char const* fileNamePrefix = "";
unsigned fileSinkBufferSize = 100000;
unsigned socketInputBufferSize = 0;
Boolean packetLossCompensate = False;
Boolean syncStreams = False;
Boolean generateHintTracks = False;
Boolean waitForResponseToTEARDOWN = True;
unsigned qosMeasurementIntervalMS = 0; // 0 means: Don't output QOS data
char* userAgent = NULL;
unsigned fileOutputInterval = 0; // seconds
unsigned fileOutputSecondsSoFar = 0; // seconds
Boolean createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand = False;
portNumBits handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum = 0;
HandlerServerForREGISTERCommand* handlerServerForREGISTERCommand;
char* usernameForREGISTER = NULL;
char* passwordForREGISTER = NULL;
UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDBForREGISTER = NULL;
struct timeval startTime;
void usage() {
*env << "Usage: " << progName
<< " [-p <startPortNum>] [-r|-q|-4|-i] [-a|-v] [-V] [-d <duration>] [-D <max-inter-packet-gap-time> [-c] [-S <offset>] [-n] [-O]"
<< (controlConnectionUsesTCP ? " [-t|-T <http-port>]" : "")
<< " [-u <username> <password>"
<< (allowProxyServers ? " [<proxy-server> [<proxy-server-port>]]" : "")
<< "]" << (supportCodecSelection ? " [-A <audio-codec-rtp-payload-format-code>|-M <mime-subtype-name>]" : "")
<< " [-s <initial-seek-time>]|[-U <absolute-seek-time>] [-z <scale>] [-g user-agent]"
<< " [-k <username-for-REGISTER> <password-for-REGISTER>]"
<< " [-P <interval-in-seconds>] [-K]"
<< " [-w <width> -h <height>] [-f <frames-per-second>] [-y] [-H] [-Q [<measurement-interval>]] [-F <filename-prefix>] [-b <file-sink-buffer-size>] [-B <input-socket-buffer-size>] [-I <input-interface-ip-address>] [-m] [<url>|-R [<port-num>]] (or " << progName << " -o [-V] <url>)\n";
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Begin by setting up our usage environment:
TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);
progName = argv[0];
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
// Allow ourselves to be shut down gracefully by a SIGHUP or a SIGUSR1:
signal(SIGHUP, signalHandlerShutdown);
signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandlerShutdown);
// unfortunately we can't use getopt() here, as Windoze doesn't have it
while (argc > 1) {
char* const opt = argv[1];
if (opt[0] != '-') {
if (argc == 2) break; // only the URL is left
switch (opt[1]) {
case 'p': { // specify start port number
int portArg;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &portArg) != 1) {
if (portArg <= 0 || portArg >= 65536 || portArg&1) {
*env << "bad port number: " << portArg
<< " (must be even, and in the range (0,65536))\n";
desiredPortNum = (unsigned short)portArg;
++argv; --argc;
case 'r': { // do not receive data (instead, just 'play' the stream(s))
createReceivers = False;
case 'q': { // output a QuickTime file (to stdout)
outputQuickTimeFile = True;
case '4': { // output a 'mp4'-format file (to stdout)
outputQuickTimeFile = True;
generateMP4Format = True;
case 'i': { // output an AVI file (to stdout)
outputAVIFile = True;
case 'I': { // specify input interface...
NetAddressList addresses(argv[2]);
if (addresses.numAddresses() == 0) {
*env << "Failed to find network address for \"" << argv[2] << "\"";
ReceivingInterfaceAddr = *(unsigned*)(addresses.firstAddress()->data());
++argv; --argc;
case 'a': { // receive/record an audio stream only
audioOnly = True;
singleMedium = "audio";
case 'v': { // receive/record a video stream only
videoOnly = True;
singleMedium = "video";
case 'V': { // disable verbose output
verbosityLevel = 0;
case 'd': { // specify duration, or how much to delay after end time
float arg;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1) {
if (argv[2][0] == '-') { // not "arg<0", in case argv[2] was "-0"
// a 'negative' argument was specified; use this for "durationSlop":
duration = 0; // use whatever's in the SDP
durationSlop = -arg;
} else {
duration = arg;
durationSlop = 0;
++argv; --argc;
case 'D': { // specify maximum number of seconds to wait for packets:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &interPacketGapMaxTime) != 1) {
++argv; --argc;
case 'c': { // play continuously
playContinuously = True;
case 'S': { // specify an offset to use with "SimpleRTPSource"s
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &simpleRTPoffsetArg) != 1) {
if (simpleRTPoffsetArg < 0) {
*env << "offset argument to \"-S\" must be >= 0\n";
++argv; --argc;
case 'm': { // output multiple files - one for each frame
oneFilePerFrame = True;
case 'n': { // notify the user when the first data packet arrives
notifyOnPacketArrival = True;
case 'O': { // Don't send an "OPTIONS" request before "DESCRIBE"
sendOptionsRequest = False;
case 'o': { // Send only the "OPTIONS" request to the server
sendOptionsRequestOnly = True;
case 'P': { // specify an interval (in seconds) between writing successive output files
int fileOutputIntervalInt;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &fileOutputIntervalInt) != 1 || fileOutputIntervalInt <= 0) {
fileOutputInterval = (unsigned)fileOutputIntervalInt;
++argv; --argc;
case 't': {
// stream RTP and RTCP over the TCP 'control' connection
if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
streamUsingTCP = True;
} else {
case 'T': {
// stream RTP and RTCP over a HTTP connection
if (controlConnectionUsesTCP) {
if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the HTTP server port number:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &tunnelOverHTTPPortNum) == 1
&& tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
++argv; --argc;
// If we get here, the option was specified incorrectly:
case 'u': { // specify a username and password
if (argc < 4) usage(); // there's no argv[3] (for the "password")
username = argv[2];
password = argv[3];
argv+=2; argc-=2;
if (allowProxyServers && argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the name of a proxy server:
proxyServerName = argv[2];
++argv; --argc;
if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the proxy server port number:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &proxyServerPortNum) != 1) {
++argv; --argc;
ourAuthenticator = new Authenticator(username, password);
case 'k': { // specify a username and password to be used to authentication an incoming "REGISTER" command (for use with -R)
if (argc < 4) usage(); // there's no argv[3] (for the "password")
usernameForREGISTER = argv[2];
passwordForREGISTER = argv[3];
argv+=2; argc-=2;
if (authDBForREGISTER == NULL) authDBForREGISTER = new UserAuthenticationDatabase;
authDBForREGISTER->addUserRecord(usernameForREGISTER, passwordForREGISTER);
case 'K': { // Send periodic 'keep-alive' requests to keep broken server sessions alive
sendKeepAlivesToBrokenServers = True;
case 'A': { // specify a desired audio RTP payload format
unsigned formatArg;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &formatArg) != 1
|| formatArg >= 96) {
desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat = (unsigned char)formatArg;
++argv; --argc;
case 'M': { // specify a MIME subtype for a dynamic RTP payload type
mimeSubtype = argv[2];
if (desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat==0) desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat =96;
++argv; --argc;
case 'w': { // specify a width (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieWidth) != 1) {
movieWidthOptionSet = True;
++argv; --argc;
case 'h': { // specify a height (pixels) for an output QuickTime or AVI movie
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &movieHeight) != 1) {
movieHeightOptionSet = True;
++argv; --argc;
case 'f': { // specify a frame rate (per second) for an output QT or AVI movie
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &movieFPS) != 1) {
movieFPSOptionSet = True;
++argv; --argc;
case 'F': { // specify a prefix for the audio and video output files
fileNamePrefix = argv[2];
++argv; --argc;
case 'g': { // specify a user agent name to use in outgoing requests
userAgent = argv[2];
++argv; --argc;
case 'b': { // specify the size of buffers for "FileSink"s
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &fileSinkBufferSize) != 1) {
++argv; --argc;
case 'B': { // specify the size of input socket buffers
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &socketInputBufferSize) != 1) {
++argv; --argc;
// Note: The following option is deprecated, and may someday be removed:
case 'l': { // try to compensate for packet loss by repeating frames
packetLossCompensate = True;
case 'y': { // synchronize audio and video streams
syncStreams = True;
case 'H': { // generate hint tracks (as well as the regular data tracks)
generateHintTracks = True;
case 'Q': { // output QOS measurements
qosMeasurementIntervalMS = 1000; // default: 1 second
if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the measurement interval,
// in multiples of 100 ms
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &qosMeasurementIntervalMS) != 1) {
qosMeasurementIntervalMS *= 100;
++argv; --argc;
case 's': { // specify initial seek time (trick play)
double arg;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &arg) != 1 || arg < 0) {
initialSeekTime = arg;
++argv; --argc;
case 'U': {
// specify initial absolute seek time (trick play), using a string of the form "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ" or "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.<frac>Z"
initialAbsoluteSeekTime = argv[2];
++argv; --argc;
case 'z': { // scale (trick play)
float arg;
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%g", &arg) != 1 || arg == 0.0f) {
scale = arg;
++argv; --argc;
case 'R': {
// set up a handler server for incoming "REGISTER" commands
createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand = True;
if (argc > 2 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the REGISTER handler server port number:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum) == 1 && handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum > 0) {
++argv; --argc;
case 'C': {
forceMulticastOnUnspecified = True;
default: {
*env << "Invalid option: " << opt << "\n";
++argv; --argc;
// There must be exactly one "rtsp://" URL at the end (unless '-R' was used, in which case there's no URL)
if (!( (argc == 2 && !createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand) || (argc == 1 && createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand) )) usage();
if (outputQuickTimeFile && outputAVIFile) {
*env << "The -i and -q (or -4) options cannot both be used!\n";
Boolean outputCompositeFile = outputQuickTimeFile || outputAVIFile;
if (!createReceivers && (outputCompositeFile || oneFilePerFrame || fileOutputInterval > 0)) {
*env << "The -r option cannot be used with -q, -4, -i, -m, or -P!\n";
if (oneFilePerFrame && fileOutputInterval > 0) {
*env << "The -m and -P options cannot both be used!\n";
if (outputCompositeFile && !movieWidthOptionSet) {
*env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -w. Assuming a video width of "
<< movieWidth << " pixels\n";
if (outputCompositeFile && !movieHeightOptionSet) {
*env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -h. Assuming a video height of "
<< movieHeight << " pixels\n";
if (outputCompositeFile && !movieFPSOptionSet) {
*env << "Warning: The -q, -4 or -i option was used, but not -f. Assuming a video frame rate of "
<< movieFPS << " frames-per-second\n";
if (audioOnly && videoOnly) {
*env << "The -a and -v options cannot both be used!\n";
if (sendOptionsRequestOnly && !sendOptionsRequest) {
*env << "The -o and -O options cannot both be used!\n";
if (initialAbsoluteSeekTime != NULL && initialSeekTime != 0.0f) {
*env << "The -s and -U options cannot both be used!\n";
if (authDBForREGISTER != NULL && !createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand) {
*env << "If \"-k <username> <password>\" is used, then -R (or \"-R <port-num>\") must also be used!\n";
if (tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
if (streamUsingTCP) {
*env << "The -t and -T options cannot both be used!\n";
} else {
streamUsingTCP = True;
if (!createReceivers && notifyOnPacketArrival) {
*env << "Warning: Because we're not receiving stream data, the -n flag has no effect\n";
if (durationSlop < 0) {
// This parameter wasn't set, so use a default value.
// If we're measuring QOS stats, then don't add any slop, to avoid
// having 'empty' measurement intervals at the end.
durationSlop = qosMeasurementIntervalMS > 0 ? 0.0 : 5.0;
streamURL = argv[1];
// Create (or arrange to create) our client object:
if (createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand) {
= HandlerServerForREGISTERCommand::createNew(*env, continueAfterClientCreation0,
handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum, authDBForREGISTER,
verbosityLevel, progName);
if (handlerServerForREGISTERCommand == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create a server for handling incoming \"REGISTER\" commands: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << "Awaiting an incoming \"REGISTER\" command on port " << handlerServerForREGISTERCommand->serverPortNum() << "\n";
} else {
ourClient = createClient(*env, streamURL, verbosityLevel, progName);
if (ourClient == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create " << clientProtocolName << " client: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
// All subsequent activity takes place within the event loop:
env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return
return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
void continueAfterClientCreation0(RTSPClient* newRTSPClient, Boolean requestStreamingOverTCP) {
if (newRTSPClient == NULL) return;
streamUsingTCP = requestStreamingOverTCP;
assignClient(ourClient = newRTSPClient);
streamURL = newRTSPClient->url();
// Having handled one "REGISTER" command (giving us a "rtsp://" URL to stream from), we don't handle any more:
Medium::close(handlerServerForREGISTERCommand); handlerServerForREGISTERCommand = NULL;
void continueAfterClientCreation1() {
if (sendOptionsRequest) {
// Begin by sending an "OPTIONS" command:
} else {
continueAfterOPTIONS(NULL, 0, NULL);
void continueAfterOPTIONS(RTSPClient*, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
if (sendOptionsRequestOnly) {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << clientProtocolName << " \"OPTIONS\" request failed: " << resultString << "\n";
} else {
*env << clientProtocolName << " \"OPTIONS\" request returned: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
// Next, get a SDP description for the stream:
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient*, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << "Failed to get a SDP description for the URL \"" << streamURL << "\": " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
char* sdpDescription = resultString;
*env << "Opened URL \"" << streamURL << "\", returning a SDP description:\n" << sdpDescription << "\n";
// Create a media session object from this SDP description:
session = MediaSession::createNew(*env, sdpDescription);
delete[] sdpDescription;
if (session == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create a MediaSession object from the SDP description: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else if (!session->hasSubsessions()) {
*env << "This session has no media subsessions (i.e., no \"m=\" lines)\n";
// Then, setup the "RTPSource"s for the session:
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession *subsession;
Boolean madeProgress = False;
char const* singleMediumToTest = singleMedium;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
// If we've asked to receive only a single medium, then check this now:
if (singleMediumToTest != NULL) {
if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), singleMediumToTest) != 0) {
*env << "Ignoring \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession, because we've asked to receive a single " << singleMedium
<< " session only\n";
} else {
// Receive this subsession only
singleMediumToTest = "xxxxx";
// this hack ensures that we get only 1 subsession of this type
if (desiredPortNum != 0) {
desiredPortNum += 2;
if (createReceivers) {
if (!subsession->initiate(simpleRTPoffsetArg)) {
*env << "Unable to create receiver for \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << "Created receiver for \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName() << "\" subsession (";
if (subsession->rtcpIsMuxed()) {
*env << "client port " << subsession->clientPortNum();
} else {
*env << "client ports " << subsession->clientPortNum()
<< "-" << subsession->clientPortNum()+1;
*env << ")\n";
madeProgress = True;
if (subsession->rtpSource() != NULL) {
// Because we're saving the incoming data, rather than playing
// it in real time, allow an especially large time threshold
// (1 second) for reordering misordered incoming packets:
unsigned const thresh = 1000000; // 1 second
// Set the RTP source's OS socket buffer size as appropriate - either if we were explicitly asked (using -B),
// or if the desired FileSink buffer size happens to be larger than the current OS socket buffer size.
// (The latter case is a heuristic, on the assumption that if the user asked for a large FileSink buffer size,
// then the input data rate may be large enough to justify increasing the OS socket buffer size also.)
int socketNum = subsession->rtpSource()->RTPgs()->socketNum();
unsigned curBufferSize = getReceiveBufferSize(*env, socketNum);
if (socketInputBufferSize > 0 || fileSinkBufferSize > curBufferSize) {
unsigned newBufferSize = socketInputBufferSize > 0 ? socketInputBufferSize : fileSinkBufferSize;
newBufferSize = setReceiveBufferTo(*env, socketNum, newBufferSize);
if (socketInputBufferSize > 0) { // The user explicitly asked for the new socket buffer size; announce it:
*env << "Changed socket receive buffer size for the \""
<< subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession from "
<< curBufferSize << " to "
<< newBufferSize << " bytes\n";
} else {
if (subsession->clientPortNum() == 0) {
*env << "No client port was specified for the \""
<< subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession. (Try adding the \"-p <portNum>\" option.)\n";
} else {
madeProgress = True;
if (!madeProgress) shutdown();
// Perform additional 'setup' on each subsession, before playing them:
MediaSubsession *subsession;
Boolean madeProgress = False;
void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* client, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
if (resultCode == 0) {
*env << "Setup \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession (";
if (subsession->rtcpIsMuxed()) {
*env << "client port " << subsession->clientPortNum();
} else {
*env << "client ports " << subsession->clientPortNum()
<< "-" << subsession->clientPortNum()+1;
*env << ")\n";
madeProgress = True;
} else {
*env << "Failed to setup \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
sessionTimeoutParameter = client->sessionTimeoutParameter();
// Set up the next subsession, if any:
void createOutputFiles(char const* periodicFilenameSuffix) {
char outFileName[1000];
if (outputQuickTimeFile || outputAVIFile) {
if (periodicFilenameSuffix[0] == '\0') {
// Normally (unless the '-P <interval-in-seconds>' option was given) we output to 'stdout':
sprintf(outFileName, "stdout");
} else {
// Otherwise output to a type-specific file name, containing "periodicFilenameSuffix":
char const* prefix = fileNamePrefix[0] == '\0' ? "output" : fileNamePrefix;
snprintf(outFileName, sizeof outFileName, "%s%s.%s", prefix, periodicFilenameSuffix,
outputAVIFile ? "avi" : generateMP4Format ? "mp4" : "mov");
if (outputQuickTimeFile) {
qtOut = QuickTimeFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, outFileName,
movieWidth, movieHeight,
if (qtOut == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create a \"QuickTimeFileSink\" for outputting to \""
<< outFileName << "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << "Outputting to the file: \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
qtOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
} else { // outputAVIFile
aviOut = AVIFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, outFileName,
movieWidth, movieHeight,
if (aviOut == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create an \"AVIFileSink\" for outputting to \""
<< outFileName << "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << "Outputting to the file: \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
aviOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
} else {
// Create and start "FileSink"s for each subsession:
madeProgress = False;
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
if (subsession->readSource() == NULL) continue; // was not initiated
// Create an output file for each desired stream:
if (singleMedium == NULL || periodicFilenameSuffix[0] != '\0') {
// Output file name is
// "<filename-prefix><medium_name>-<codec_name>-<counter><periodicFilenameSuffix>"
static unsigned streamCounter = 0;
snprintf(outFileName, sizeof outFileName, "%s%s-%s-%d%s",
fileNamePrefix, subsession->mediumName(),
subsession->codecName(), ++streamCounter, periodicFilenameSuffix);
} else {
// When outputting a single medium only, we output to 'stdout
// (unless the '-P <interval-in-seconds>' option was given):
sprintf(outFileName, "stdout");
FileSink* fileSink = NULL;
Boolean createOggFileSink = False; // by default
if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0) {
if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H264") == 0) {
// For H.264 video stream, we use a special sink that adds 'start codes',
// and (at the start) the SPS and PPS NAL units:
fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
} else if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H265") == 0) {
// For H.265 video stream, we use a special sink that adds 'start codes',
// and (at the start) the VPS, SPS, and PPS NAL units:
fileSink = H265VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
} else if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "THEORA") == 0) {
createOggFileSink = True;
} else if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "audio") == 0) {
if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR") == 0 ||
strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR-WB") == 0) {
// For AMR audio streams, we use a special sink that inserts AMR frame hdrs:
fileSink = AMRAudioFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
} else if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "VORBIS") == 0 ||
strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "OPUS") == 0) {
createOggFileSink = True;
if (createOggFileSink) {
fileSink = OggFileSink
::createNew(*env, outFileName,
subsession->rtpTimestampFrequency(), subsession->fmtp_config());
} else if (fileSink == NULL) {
// Normal case:
fileSink = FileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
subsession->sink = fileSink;
if (subsession->sink == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create FileSink for \"" << outFileName
<< "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
if (singleMedium == NULL) {
*env << "Created output file: \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
} else {
*env << "Outputting data from the \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession to \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "MP4V-ES") == 0 &&
subsession->fmtp_config() != NULL) {
// For MPEG-4 video RTP streams, the 'config' information
// from the SDP description contains useful VOL etc. headers.
// Insert this data at the front of the output file:
unsigned configLen;
unsigned char* configData
= parseGeneralConfigStr(subsession->fmtp_config(), configLen);
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
fileSink->addData(configData, configLen, timeNow);
delete[] configData;
// Also set a handler to be called if a RTCP "BYE" arrives
// for this subsession:
if (subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
subsession->rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(subsessionByeHandler, subsession);
madeProgress = True;
if (!madeProgress) shutdown();
void createPeriodicOutputFiles() {
// Create a filename suffix that notes the time interval that's being recorded:
char periodicFileNameSuffix[100];
snprintf(periodicFileNameSuffix, sizeof periodicFileNameSuffix, "-%05d-%05d",
fileOutputSecondsSoFar, fileOutputSecondsSoFar + fileOutputInterval);
// Schedule an event for writing the next output file:
= env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(fileOutputInterval*1000000,
void setupStreams() {
static MediaSubsessionIterator* setupIter = NULL;
if (setupIter == NULL) setupIter = new MediaSubsessionIterator(*session);
while ((subsession = setupIter->next()) != NULL) {
// We have another subsession left to set up:
if (subsession->clientPortNum() == 0) continue; // port # was not set
setupSubsession(subsession, streamUsingTCP, forceMulticastOnUnspecified, continueAfterSETUP);
// We're done setting up subsessions.
delete setupIter;
if (!madeProgress) shutdown();
// Create output files:
if (createReceivers) {
if (fileOutputInterval > 0) {
} else {
// Finally, start playing each subsession, to start the data flow:
if (duration == 0) {
if (scale > 0) duration = session->playEndTime() - initialSeekTime; // use SDP end time
else if (scale < 0) duration = initialSeekTime;
if (duration < 0) duration = 0.0;
endTime = initialSeekTime;
if (scale > 0) {
if (duration <= 0) endTime = -1.0f;
else endTime = initialSeekTime + duration;
} else {
endTime = initialSeekTime - duration;
if (endTime < 0) endTime = 0.0f;
char const* absStartTime = initialAbsoluteSeekTime != NULL ? initialAbsoluteSeekTime : session->absStartTime();
if (absStartTime != NULL) {
// Either we or the server have specified that seeking should be done by 'absolute' time:
startPlayingSession(session, absStartTime, session->absEndTime(), scale, continueAfterPLAY);
} else {
// Normal case: Seek by relative time (NPT):
startPlayingSession(session, initialSeekTime, endTime, scale, continueAfterPLAY);
void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient*, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << "Failed to start playing session: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
} else {
*env << "Started playing session\n";
delete[] resultString;
if (qosMeasurementIntervalMS > 0) {
// Begin periodic QOS measurements:
// Figure out how long to delay (if at all) before shutting down, or
// repeating the playing
Boolean timerIsBeingUsed = False;
double secondsToDelay = duration;
if (duration > 0) {
// First, adjust "duration" based on any change to the play range (that was specified in the "PLAY" response):
double rangeAdjustment = (session->playEndTime() - session->playStartTime()) - (endTime - initialSeekTime);
if (duration + rangeAdjustment > 0.0) duration += rangeAdjustment;
timerIsBeingUsed = True;
double absScale = scale > 0 ? scale : -scale; // ASSERT: scale != 0
secondsToDelay = duration/absScale + durationSlop;
int64_t uSecsToDelay = (int64_t)(secondsToDelay*1000000.0);
sessionTimerTask = env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecsToDelay, (TaskFunc*)sessionTimerHandler, (void*)NULL);
char const* actionString
= createReceivers? "Receiving streamed data":"Data is being streamed";
if (timerIsBeingUsed) {
*env << actionString
<< " (for up to " << secondsToDelay
<< " seconds)...\n";
} else {
pid_t ourPid = getpid();
*env << actionString
<< " (signal with \"kill -HUP " << (int)ourPid
<< "\" or \"kill -USR1 " << (int)ourPid
<< "\" to terminate)...\n";
*env << actionString << "...\n";
sessionTimeoutBrokenServerTask = NULL;
// Watch for incoming packets (if desired):
void closeMediaSinks() {
Medium::close(qtOut); qtOut = NULL;
Medium::close(aviOut); aviOut = NULL;
if (session == NULL) return;
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession* subsession;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
subsession->sink = NULL;
void subsessionAfterPlaying(void* clientData) {
// Begin by closing this media subsession's stream:
MediaSubsession* subsession = (MediaSubsession*)clientData;
subsession->sink = NULL;
// Next, check whether *all* subsessions' streams have now been closed:
MediaSession& session = subsession->parentSession();
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(session);
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
if (subsession->sink != NULL) return; // this subsession is still active
// All subsessions' streams have now been closed
void subsessionByeHandler(void* clientData) {
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
unsigned secsDiff = timeNow.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec;
MediaSubsession* subsession = (MediaSubsession*)clientData;
*env << "Received RTCP \"BYE\" on \"" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName()
<< "\" subsession (after " << secsDiff
<< " seconds)\n";
// Act now as if the subsession had closed:
void sessionAfterPlaying(void* /*clientData*/) {
if (!playContinuously) {
} else {
// We've been asked to play the stream(s) over again.
// First, reset state from the current session:
if (env != NULL) {
totNumPacketsReceived = ~0;
startPlayingSession(session, initialSeekTime, endTime, scale, continueAfterPLAY);
void sessionTimerHandler(void* /*clientData*/) {
sessionTimerTask = NULL;
void periodicFileOutputTimerHandler(void* /*clientData*/) {
fileOutputSecondsSoFar += fileOutputInterval;
// First, close the existing output files:
// Then, create new output files:
class qosMeasurementRecord {
qosMeasurementRecord(struct timeval const& startTime, RTPSource* src)
: fSource(src), fNext(NULL),
kbits_per_second_min(1e20), kbits_per_second_max(0),
packet_loss_fraction_min(1.0), packet_loss_fraction_max(0.0),
totNumPacketsReceived(0), totNumPacketsExpected(0) {
measurementEndTime = measurementStartTime = startTime;
RTPReceptionStatsDB::Iterator statsIter(src->receptionStatsDB());
// Assume that there's only one SSRC source (usually the case):
RTPReceptionStats* stats =;
if (stats != NULL) {
kBytesTotal = stats->totNumKBytesReceived();
totNumPacketsReceived = stats->totNumPacketsReceived();
totNumPacketsExpected = stats->totNumPacketsExpected();
virtual ~qosMeasurementRecord() { delete fNext; }
void periodicQOSMeasurement(struct timeval const& timeNow);
RTPSource* fSource;
qosMeasurementRecord* fNext;
struct timeval measurementStartTime, measurementEndTime;
double kbits_per_second_min, kbits_per_second_max;
double kBytesTotal;
double packet_loss_fraction_min, packet_loss_fraction_max;
unsigned totNumPacketsReceived, totNumPacketsExpected;
static qosMeasurementRecord* qosRecordHead = NULL;
static void periodicQOSMeasurement(void* clientData); // forward
static unsigned nextQOSMeasurementUSecs;
static void scheduleNextQOSMeasurement() {
nextQOSMeasurementUSecs += qosMeasurementIntervalMS*1000;
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
unsigned timeNowUSecs = timeNow.tv_sec*1000000 + timeNow.tv_usec;
int usecsToDelay = nextQOSMeasurementUSecs - timeNowUSecs;
qosMeasurementTimerTask = env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(
usecsToDelay, (TaskFunc*)periodicQOSMeasurement, (void*)NULL);
static void periodicQOSMeasurement(void* /*clientData*/) {
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
for (qosMeasurementRecord* qosRecord = qosRecordHead;
qosRecord != NULL; qosRecord = qosRecord->fNext) {
// Do this again later:
void qosMeasurementRecord
::periodicQOSMeasurement(struct timeval const& timeNow) {
unsigned secsDiff = timeNow.tv_sec - measurementEndTime.tv_sec;
int usecsDiff = timeNow.tv_usec - measurementEndTime.tv_usec;
double timeDiff = secsDiff + usecsDiff/1000000.0;
measurementEndTime = timeNow;
RTPReceptionStatsDB::Iterator statsIter(fSource->receptionStatsDB());
// Assume that there's only one SSRC source (usually the case):
RTPReceptionStats* stats =;
if (stats != NULL) {
double kBytesTotalNow = stats->totNumKBytesReceived();
double kBytesDeltaNow = kBytesTotalNow - kBytesTotal;
kBytesTotal = kBytesTotalNow;
double kbpsNow = timeDiff == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 8*kBytesDeltaNow/timeDiff;
if (kbpsNow < 0.0) kbpsNow = 0.0; // in case of roundoff error
if (kbpsNow < kbits_per_second_min) kbits_per_second_min = kbpsNow;
if (kbpsNow > kbits_per_second_max) kbits_per_second_max = kbpsNow;
unsigned totReceivedNow = stats->totNumPacketsReceived();
unsigned totExpectedNow = stats->totNumPacketsExpected();
unsigned deltaReceivedNow = totReceivedNow - totNumPacketsReceived;
unsigned deltaExpectedNow = totExpectedNow - totNumPacketsExpected;
totNumPacketsReceived = totReceivedNow;
totNumPacketsExpected = totExpectedNow;
double lossFractionNow = deltaExpectedNow == 0 ? 0.0
: 1.0 - deltaReceivedNow/(double)deltaExpectedNow;
//if (lossFractionNow < 0.0) lossFractionNow = 0.0; //reordering can cause
if (lossFractionNow < packet_loss_fraction_min) {
packet_loss_fraction_min = lossFractionNow;
if (lossFractionNow > packet_loss_fraction_max) {
packet_loss_fraction_max = lossFractionNow;
void beginQOSMeasurement() {
// Set up a measurement record for each active subsession:
struct timeval startTime;
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
nextQOSMeasurementUSecs = startTime.tv_sec*1000000 + startTime.tv_usec;
qosMeasurementRecord* qosRecordTail = NULL;
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession* subsession;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
RTPSource* src = subsession->rtpSource();
if (src == NULL) continue;
qosMeasurementRecord* qosRecord
= new qosMeasurementRecord(startTime, src);
if (qosRecordHead == NULL) qosRecordHead = qosRecord;
if (qosRecordTail != NULL) qosRecordTail->fNext = qosRecord;
qosRecordTail = qosRecord;
// Then schedule the first of the periodic measurements:
void printQOSData(int exitCode) {
*env << "begin_QOS_statistics\n";
// Print out stats for each active subsession:
qosMeasurementRecord* curQOSRecord = qosRecordHead;
if (session != NULL) {
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession* subsession;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
RTPSource* src = subsession->rtpSource();
if (src == NULL) continue;
*env << "subsession\t" << subsession->mediumName()
<< "/" << subsession->codecName() << "\n";
unsigned numPacketsReceived = 0, numPacketsExpected = 0;
if (curQOSRecord != NULL) {
numPacketsReceived = curQOSRecord->totNumPacketsReceived;
numPacketsExpected = curQOSRecord->totNumPacketsExpected;
*env << "num_packets_received\t" << numPacketsReceived << "\n";
*env << "num_packets_lost\t" << int(numPacketsExpected - numPacketsReceived) << "\n";
if (curQOSRecord != NULL) {
unsigned secsDiff = curQOSRecord->measurementEndTime.tv_sec
- curQOSRecord->measurementStartTime.tv_sec;
int usecsDiff = curQOSRecord->measurementEndTime.tv_usec
- curQOSRecord->measurementStartTime.tv_usec;
double measurementTime = secsDiff + usecsDiff/1000000.0;
*env << "elapsed_measurement_time\t" << measurementTime << "\n";
*env << "kBytes_received_total\t" << curQOSRecord->kBytesTotal << "\n";
*env << "measurement_sampling_interval_ms\t" << qosMeasurementIntervalMS << "\n";
if (curQOSRecord->kbits_per_second_max == 0) {
// special case: we didn't receive any data:
*env <<
} else {
*env << "kbits_per_second_min\t" << curQOSRecord->kbits_per_second_min << "\n";
*env << "kbits_per_second_ave\t"
<< (measurementTime == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 8*curQOSRecord->kBytesTotal/measurementTime) << "\n";
*env << "kbits_per_second_max\t" << curQOSRecord->kbits_per_second_max << "\n";
*env << "packet_loss_percentage_min\t" << 100*curQOSRecord->packet_loss_fraction_min << "\n";
double packetLossFraction = numPacketsExpected == 0 ? 1.0
: 1.0 - numPacketsReceived/(double)numPacketsExpected;
if (packetLossFraction < 0.0) packetLossFraction = 0.0;
*env << "packet_loss_percentage_ave\t" << 100*packetLossFraction << "\n";
*env << "packet_loss_percentage_max\t"
<< (packetLossFraction == 1.0 ? 100.0 : 100*curQOSRecord->packet_loss_fraction_max) << "\n";
RTPReceptionStatsDB::Iterator statsIter(src->receptionStatsDB());
// Assume that there's only one SSRC source (usually the case):
RTPReceptionStats* stats =;
if (stats != NULL) {
*env << "inter_packet_gap_ms_min\t" << stats->minInterPacketGapUS()/1000.0 << "\n";
struct timeval totalGaps = stats->totalInterPacketGaps();
double totalGapsMS = totalGaps.tv_sec*1000.0 + totalGaps.tv_usec/1000.0;
unsigned totNumPacketsReceived = stats->totNumPacketsReceived();
*env << "inter_packet_gap_ms_ave\t"
<< (totNumPacketsReceived == 0 ? 0.0 : totalGapsMS/totNumPacketsReceived) << "\n";
*env << "inter_packet_gap_ms_max\t" << stats->maxInterPacketGapUS()/1000.0 << "\n";
curQOSRecord = curQOSRecord->fNext;
*env << "end_QOS_statistics\n";
delete qosRecordHead;
Boolean areAlreadyShuttingDown = False;
int shutdownExitCode;
void shutdown(int exitCode) {
if (areAlreadyShuttingDown) return; // in case we're called after receiving a RTCP "BYE" while in the middle of a "TEARDOWN".
areAlreadyShuttingDown = True;
shutdownExitCode = exitCode;
if (env != NULL) {
if (qosMeasurementIntervalMS > 0) {
// Teardown, then shutdown, any outstanding RTP/RTCP subsessions
Boolean shutdownImmediately = True; // by default
if (session != NULL) {
RTSPClient::responseHandler* responseHandlerForTEARDOWN = NULL; // unless:
if (waitForResponseToTEARDOWN) {
shutdownImmediately = False;
responseHandlerForTEARDOWN = continueAfterTEARDOWN;
tearDownSession(session, responseHandlerForTEARDOWN);
if (shutdownImmediately) continueAfterTEARDOWN(NULL, 0, NULL);
void continueAfterTEARDOWN(RTSPClient*, int /*resultCode*/, char* resultString) {
delete[] resultString;
// Now that we've stopped any more incoming data from arriving, close our output files:
// Finally, shut down our client:
delete ourAuthenticator;
delete authDBForREGISTER;
// Adios...
void signalHandlerShutdown(int /*sig*/) {
*env << "Got shutdown signal\n";
waitForResponseToTEARDOWN = False; // to ensure that we end, even if the server does not respond to our TEARDOWN
void checkForPacketArrival(void* /*clientData*/) {
if (!notifyOnPacketArrival) return; // we're not checking
// Check each subsession, to see whether it has received data packets:
unsigned numSubsessionsChecked = 0;
unsigned numSubsessionsWithReceivedData = 0;
unsigned numSubsessionsThatHaveBeenSynced = 0;
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession* subsession;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
RTPSource* src = subsession->rtpSource();
if (src == NULL) continue;
if (src->receptionStatsDB().numActiveSourcesSinceLastReset() > 0) {
// At least one data packet has arrived
if (src->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
unsigned numSubsessionsToCheck = numSubsessionsChecked;
// Special case for "QuickTimeFileSink"s and "AVIFileSink"s:
// They might not use all of the input sources:
if (qtOut != NULL) {
numSubsessionsToCheck = qtOut->numActiveSubsessions();
} else if (aviOut != NULL) {
numSubsessionsToCheck = aviOut->numActiveSubsessions();
Boolean notifyTheUser;
if (!syncStreams) {
notifyTheUser = numSubsessionsWithReceivedData > 0; // easy case
} else {
notifyTheUser = numSubsessionsWithReceivedData >= numSubsessionsToCheck
&& numSubsessionsThatHaveBeenSynced == numSubsessionsChecked;
// Note: A subsession with no active sources is considered to be synced
if (notifyTheUser) {
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
char timestampStr[100];
sprintf(timestampStr, "%ld%03ld", timeNow.tv_sec, (long)(timeNow.tv_usec/1000));
*env << (syncStreams ? "Synchronized d" : "D")
<< "ata packets have begun arriving [" << timestampStr << "]\007\n";
// No luck, so reschedule this check again, after a delay:
int uSecsToDelay = 100000; // 100 ms
= env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecsToDelay,
(TaskFunc*)checkForPacketArrival, NULL);
void checkInterPacketGaps(void* /*clientData*/) {
if (interPacketGapMaxTime == 0) return; // we're not checking
// Check each subsession, counting up how many packets have been received:
unsigned newTotNumPacketsReceived = 0;
MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
MediaSubsession* subsession;
while ((subsession = != NULL) {
RTPSource* src = subsession->rtpSource();
if (src == NULL) continue;
newTotNumPacketsReceived += src->receptionStatsDB().totNumPacketsReceived();
if (newTotNumPacketsReceived == totNumPacketsReceived) {
// No additional packets have been received since the last time we
// checked, so end this stream:
*env << "Closing session, because we stopped receiving packets.\n";
interPacketGapCheckTimerTask = NULL;
} else {
totNumPacketsReceived = newTotNumPacketsReceived;
// Check again, after the specified delay:
= env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(interPacketGapMaxTime*1000000,
(TaskFunc*)checkInterPacketGaps, NULL);
void checkSessionTimeoutBrokenServer(void* /*clientData*/) {
if (!sendKeepAlivesToBrokenServers) return; // we're not checking
// Send an "OPTIONS" request, starting with the second call
if (sessionTimeoutBrokenServerTask != NULL) {
unsigned sessionTimeout = sessionTimeoutParameter == 0 ? 60/*default*/ : sessionTimeoutParameter;
unsigned secondsUntilNextKeepAlive = sessionTimeout <= 5 ? 1 : sessionTimeout - 5;
// Reduce the interval a little, to be on the safe side
= env->taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(secondsUntilNextKeepAlive*1000000,
(TaskFunc*)checkSessionTimeoutBrokenServer, NULL);