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* Copyright (C) 2007 by Rui Maciel *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
/** @file json.h A small library that helps deal with JSON-encoded information
\ingroup JSON
\note error handling is only in a very rudimentary form.
\author Rui Maciel
\author Sven Herzberg
\version v1.3
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef JSON_H
#define JSON_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
The descriptions of the json_value node type
enum json_value_type
String implementation
struct rui_cstring
char *text; /*<! char c-string */
size_t length; /*<! put in place to avoid strlen() calls */
size_t max; /*<! usable memory allocated to text minus the space for the nul character */
typedef struct rui_cstring rcstring;
The error messages produced by the JSON parsers
enum json_error
JSON_OK = 1, /*!< everything went smoothly */
JSON_INCOMPLETE_DOCUMENT, /*!< the parsed document didn't ended */
JSON_WAITING_FOR_EOF, /*!< A complete JSON document tree was already finished but needs to get to EOF. Other characters beyond whitespaces produce errors */
JSON_MALFORMED_DOCUMENT, /* the JSON document which was fed to this parser is malformed */
JSON_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE, /*!< the currently parsed type does not belong here */
JSON_MEMORY, /*!< an error occurred when allocating memory */
JSON_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, /*!< the currently parsed character does not belong here */
JSON_BAD_TREE_STRUCTURE, /*!< the document tree structure is malformed */
JSON_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, /*!< the parsed string reached the maximum allowed size */
JSON_UNKNOWN_PROBLEM /*!< some random, unaccounted problem occurred */
The JSON document tree node, which is a basic JSON type
typedef struct json_value
enum json_value_type type; /*!< the type of node */
char *text; /*!< The text stored by the node. It stores UTF-8 strings and is used exclusively by the JSON_STRING and JSON_NUMBER node types */
/* FIFO queue data */
struct json_value *next; /*!< The pointer pointing to the next element in the FIFO sibling list */
struct json_value *previous; /*!< The pointer pointing to the previous element in the FIFO sibling list */
struct json_value *parent; /*!< The pointer pointing to the parent node in the document tree */
struct json_value *child; /*!< The pointer pointing to the first child node in the document tree */
struct json_value *child_end; /*!< The pointer pointing to the last child node in the document tree */
} json_t;
The structure holding all information needed to resume parsing
struct json_parsing_info
unsigned int state; /*!< the state where the parsing was left on the last parser run */
unsigned int lex_state;
rcstring *lex_text;
const char *p;
int string_length_limit_reached; /*!< flag informing if the string limit length defined by JSON_MAX_STRING_LENGTH was reached */
size_t line; // current document line
json_t *cursor; /*!< pointers to nodes belonging to the document tree which aid the document parsing */
The structure which holds the pointers to the functions that will be called by the saxy parser whenever their evens are triggered
struct json_saxy_functions
int (*open_object) ();
int (*close_object) ();
int (*open_array) ();
int (*close_array) ();
int (*new_string) (char *text);
int (*new_number) (char *text);
int (*new_true) ();
int (*new_false) ();
int (*new_null) ();
int (*label_value_separator) ();
int (*sibling_separator) ();
The structure holding the information needed for json_saxy_parse to resume parsing
struct json_saxy_parser_status
unsigned int state; /*!< current parser state */
int string_length_limit_reached; /*!< flag informing if the string limit length defined by JSON_MAX_STRING_LENGTH was reached */
rcstring *temp; /*!< temporary string which will be used to build up parsed strings between parser runs. */
Buils a json_t document by parsing an open file stream
@param file a pointer to an object controlling a stream, returned by fopen()
@param document a reference to a json_t pointer, set to NULL, which will store the parsed document
@return a json_error error code according to how the parsing operation went.
enum json_error json_stream_parse (FILE * file, json_t ** document);
Creates a new JSON value and defines it's type
@param type the value's type
@return a pointer to the newly created value structure
json_t *json_new_value (const enum json_value_type type);
Creates a new JSON string and defines it's text
@param text the value's text
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON string value
json_t *json_new_string (const char *text);
Creates a new JSON number and defines it's text. The user is responsible for the number string's correctness
@param text the value's number
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON string value
json_t *json_new_number (const char *text);
Creates a new JSON object
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON object value
json_t *json_new_object (void);
Creates a new JSON array
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON array value
json_t *json_new_array (void);
Creates a new JSON null
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON null value
json_t *json_new_null (void);
Creates a new JSON true
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON true value
json_t *json_new_true (void);
Creates a new JSON false
@return a pointer to the newly created JSON false value
json_t *json_new_false (void);
Frees the memory appointed to the value fed as the parameter, as well as all the child nodes
@param value the root node of the tree being freed
void json_free_value (json_t ** value);
Inserts a child node into a parent node, as well as performs some document tree integrity checks.
@param parent the parent node
@param child the node being added as a child to parent
@return the error code corresponding to the operation result
enum json_error json_insert_child (json_t * parent, json_t * child);
Inserts a label:value pair into a parent node, as well as performs some document tree integrity checks.
@param parent the parent node
@param text_label a char string which serves as the label in the label:value pair
@param value the value in the label:value pair
@return the error code corresponding to the operation result
enum json_error json_insert_pair_into_object (json_t * parent, const char *text_label, json_t * value);
Produces a JSON markup text document from a document tree
@param root The document's root node
@param text a pointer to a char string that will hold the JSON document text.
@return a json_error code describing how the operation went
enum json_error json_tree_to_string (json_t * root, char **text);
Produces a JSON markup text document from a json_t document tree to a text stream
@param file a opened file stream
@param root The document's root node
@return a json_error code describing how the operation went
enum json_error json_stream_output (FILE * file, json_t * root);
Strips all JSON white spaces from the text string
@param text a char string holding a JSON document or document snippet
void json_strip_white_spaces (char *text);
Formats a JSON markup text contained in the given string
@param text a JSON formatted document
@return a pointer to a char string holding the formated document
char *json_format_string (const char *text);
Outputs a new UTF8 c-string which replaces all characters that must be escaped with their respective escaped versions
@param text an UTF8 char text string
@return an UTF-8 c-string holding the same text string but with escaped characters
char *json_escape (const char *text);
* Outputs a new UTF-8 c-string which has all escaped characters replaced by
* their unescaped, UTF-8 encoded variants.
* @param test a UTF-8 c-string
* @return a newly allocated UTF-8 c-string; free with free()
char *json_unescape (const char *text);
This function takes care of the tedious task of initializing any instance of
struct json_parsing_info
@param jpi a pointer to a struct json_parsing_info instance
void json_jpi_init (struct json_parsing_info *jpi);
Produces a document tree sequentially from a JSON markup text fragment
@param info the information necessary to resume parsing any incomplete document
@param buffer a null-terminated c-string containing a JSON document fragment
@return a code describing how the operation ended up
enum json_error json_parse_fragment (struct json_parsing_info *info, const char *buffer);
Produces a document tree from a JSON markup text string that contains a complete document
@param root a reference to a pointer to a json_t type. The function allocates memory to the passed pointer and sets up the value
@param text a c-string containing a complete JSON text document
@return a pointer to the new document tree or NULL if some error occurred
enum json_error json_parse_document (json_t ** root, const char *text);
Function to perform a SAX-like parsing of any JSON document or document fragment that is passed to it
@param jsps a structure holding the status information of the current parser
@param jsf a structure holding the function pointers to the event functions
@param c the character to be parsed
@return a json_error code informing how the parsing went
enum json_error json_saxy_parse (struct json_saxy_parser_status *jsps, struct json_saxy_functions *jsf, char c);
Searches through the object's children for a label holding the text text_label
@param object a json_value of type JSON_OBJECT
@param text_label the c-string to search for through the object's child labels
@return a pointer to the first label holding a text equal to text_label or NULL if there is no such label or if object has no children
json_t *json_find_first_label (const json_t * object, const char *text_label);
#ifdef __cplusplus