blob: e81bdc1b433ba82701796bce98f46f156d0303e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/// @defgroup Spi Spi device interface
/// @brief Functions to control an SPI device.
/// These functions can be used to control an SPI device.
/// @{
/// Endianness.
enum {
SPI_LSB_FIRST, /**< Least significant bits first */
SPI_MSB_FIRST /**< Most significant bits first */
/// SPI phase modes.
enum {
SPI_CPHA = 0x01, /**< Clock phase */
SPI_CPOL = 0x02 /**< Clock polarity */
/// SPI modes (similar to the Linux kernel's modes).
enum {
SPI_MODE0 = 0, /**< CPHA=0, CPOL=0 */
SPI_MODE1 = SPI_CPHA, /**< CPHA=1, CPOL=0 */
SPI_MODE2 = SPI_CPOL, /**< CPHA=0, CPOL=1 */
typedef struct BSpiDevice BSpiDevice;
/// Writes a byte to the device.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param val Value to write.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_writeByte(const BSpiDevice* device, uint8_t val);
/// Writes a buffer to the device.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param data Buffer to write.
/// @param len Length of the buffer.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_writeBuffer(const BSpiDevice* device,
const void* data,
size_t len);
/// Transfer data to the device.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param tx_data Buffer to write.
/// @param rx_data Buffer to read data in. If NULL, no data will be read.
/// @param len Length of the buffers.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_transfer(const BSpiDevice* device,
const void* tx_data,
void* rx_data,
size_t len);
/// Sets the frequency in Hertz.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param freq_hz Frequency to set.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_setFrequency(const BSpiDevice* device, uint32_t freq_hz);
/// Sets the SPI mode.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param mode Mode to use. One of SPI_MODE0, SPI_MODE1, SPI_MODE2, SPI_MODE3.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_setMode(const BSpiDevice* device, int mode);
/// Sets the bit justification.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param bit_justification One of SPI_LSB_FIRST OR SPI_MSB_FIRST.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_setBitJustification(const BSpiDevice* device,
int bit_justification);
/// Sets the number of bits per words.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param bits_per_word Number of bits per word.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_setBitsPerWord(const BSpiDevice* device, uint8_t bits_per_word);
/// Sets the delay to wait after each transfer.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param delay_usecs Delay in microseconds.
/// @return 0 on success, errno on error.
int BSpiDevice_setDelay(const BSpiDevice* device, uint16_t delay_usecs);
/// Destroys a BSpiDevice struct.
/// @param device Pointer to the BSpiDevice struct.
void BSpiDevice_delete(BSpiDevice* device);
/// @}