blob: b264b074bd9ccdc0efc3e25567a29f01b422ad0d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// type.h needs to be included first because of building issues on Windows
// Type aliases we delcare are defined in other headers and make the build
// fail otherwise.
#include "sfntly/port/type.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "sfntly/port/refcount.h"
#include "sfntly/table/subtable.h"
#include "sfntly/table/subtable_container_table.h"
namespace sfntly {
// CMap subtable formats
struct CMapFormat {
enum {
kFormat0 = 0,
kFormat2 = 2,
kFormat4 = 4,
kFormat6 = 6,
kFormat8 = 8,
kFormat10 = 10,
kFormat12 = 12,
kFormat13 = 13,
kFormat14 = 14
// A CMap table
class CMapTable : public SubTableContainerTable, public RefCounted<CMapTable> {
// CMapTable::CMapId
struct CMapId {
int32_t platform_id;
int32_t encoding_id;
bool operator==(const CMapId& obj) const {
return platform_id == obj.platform_id && encoding_id == obj.encoding_id;
static CMapId WINDOWS_BMP;
static CMapId WINDOWS_UCS4;
static CMapId MAC_ROMAN;
// CMapTable::CMapIdComparator
class CMapIdComparator {
bool operator()(const CMapId& lhs, const CMapId& rhs) const;
// A filter on cmap
// CMapTable::CMapFilter
class CMapFilter {
// Test on whether the cmap is acceptable or not
// @param cmap_id the id of the cmap
// @return true if the cmap is acceptable; false otherwise
virtual bool accept(const CMapId& cmap_id) const = 0;
// Make gcc -Wnon-virtual-dtor happy.
virtual ~CMapFilter() {}
// Filters CMaps by CMapId to implement CMapTable::get()
// wanted_id is the CMap we'd like to find.
// We compare the current CMap to it either by equality (==) or using a
// comparator.
// CMapTable::CMapIdFilter
class CMapIdFilter : public CMapFilter {
explicit CMapIdFilter(const CMapId wanted_id);
CMapIdFilter(const CMapId wanted_id,
const CMapIdComparator* comparator);
~CMapIdFilter() {}
virtual bool accept(const CMapId& cmap_id) const;
CMapIdFilter& operator=(const CMapIdFilter& that);
const CMapId wanted_id_;
const CMapIdComparator *comparator_;
// The abstract base class for all cmaps.
// CMap equality is based on the equality of the (@link {@link CMapId} that
// defines the CMap. In the cmap table for a font there can only be one cmap
// with a given cmap id (pair of platform and encoding ids) no matter what the
// type of the cmap is.
// The cmap offers CharacterIterator to allow iteration over
// characters that are mapped by the cmap. This iteration mostly returns the
// characters mapped by the cmap. It will return all characters mapped by the
// cmap to anything but .notdef <b>but</b> it may return some that are not
// mapped or are mapped to .notdef. Various cmap tables provide ranges and
// such to describe characters for lookup but without going the full way to
// mapping to the glyph id it isn't always possible to tell if a character
// will end up with a valid glyph id. So, some of the characters returned from
// the Iterator may still end up pointing to the .notdef glyph. However, the
// number of such characters should be small in most cases with well designed
// cmaps.
class Builder;
class CMap : public SubTable {
// CMapTable::CMap::Builder
class Builder : public SubTable::Builder {
virtual ~Builder();
CALLER_ATTACH static Builder*
GetBuilder(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
CALLER_ATTACH static Builder*
GetBuilder(int32_t format,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
// Note: yes, an object is returned on stack since it's small enough.
virtual CMapId cmap_id() { return cmap_id_; }
virtual int32_t platform_id() { return cmap_id_.platform_id; }
virtual int32_t encoding_id() { return cmap_id_.encoding_id; }
virtual int32_t format() { return format_; }
virtual int32_t language() { return language_; }
virtual void set_language(int32_t language) { language_ = language; }
Builder(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t format,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(WritableFontData* data,
int32_t format,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual int32_t SubSerialize(WritableFontData* new_data);
virtual bool SubReadyToSerialize();
virtual int32_t SubDataSizeToSerialize();
virtual void SubDataSet();
int32_t format_;
CMapId cmap_id_;
int32_t language_;
friend class CMapTable::Builder;
// Abstract CMap character iterator
// The fully qualified name is CMapTable::CMap::CharacterIterator
class CharacterIterator {
virtual ~CharacterIterator() {}
virtual bool HasNext() = 0;
// Returns -1 if there are no more characters to iterate through
// and exceptions are turned off
virtual int32_t Next() = 0;
// Use the CMap::Iterator method below instead of directly requesting
// a CharacterIterator.
CharacterIterator() {}
CMap(ReadableFontData* data, int32_t format, const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual ~CMap();
virtual CMap::CharacterIterator* Iterator() = 0;
virtual int32_t format() { return format_; }
virtual CMapId cmap_id() { return cmap_id_; }
virtual int32_t platform_id() { return cmap_id_.platform_id; }
virtual int32_t encoding_id() { return cmap_id_.encoding_id; }
// Get the language of the cmap.
// Note on the language field in 'cmap' subtables: The language field must
// be set to zero for all cmap subtables whose platform IDs are other than
// Macintosh (platform ID 1). For cmap subtables whose platform IDs are
// Macintosh, set this field to the Macintosh language ID of the cmap
// subtable plus one, or to zero if the cmap subtable is not
// language-specific. For example, a Mac OS Turkish cmap subtable must set
// this field to 18, since the Macintosh language ID for Turkish is 17. A
// Mac OS Roman cmap subtable must set this field to 0, since Mac OS Roman
// is not a language-specific encoding.
// @return the language id
virtual int32_t Language() = 0;
// Gets the glyph id for the character code provided.
// The character code provided must be in the encoding used by the cmap
// table.
virtual int32_t GlyphId(int32_t character) = 0;
int32_t format_;
CMapId cmap_id_;
typedef Ptr<CMap> CMapPtr;
typedef Ptr<CMap::Builder> CMapBuilderPtr;
typedef std::map<CMapId, CMapBuilderPtr, CMapIdComparator> CMapBuilderMap;
// A cmap format 0 sub table
class CMapFormat0 : public CMap, public RefCounted<CMapFormat0> {
// The fully qualified name is CMapTable::CMapFormat0::Builder
class Builder : public CMap::Builder,
public RefCounted<Builder> {
CALLER_ATTACH static Builder* NewInstance(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
CALLER_ATTACH static Builder* NewInstance(WritableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
CALLER_ATTACH static Builder* NewInstance(const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual ~Builder();
virtual CALLER_ATTACH FontDataTable*
SubBuildTable(ReadableFontData* data);
// When creating a new CMapFormat0 Builder, use NewInstance instead of
// the constructors! This avoids a memory leak when slicing the FontData.
Builder(ReadableFontData* data, int32_t offset, const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(WritableFontData* data, int32_t offset, const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(const CMapId& cmap_id);
// The fully qualified name is CMapTable::CMapFormat0::CharacterIterator
class CharacterIterator : public CMap::CharacterIterator {
virtual ~CharacterIterator();
virtual bool HasNext();
virtual int32_t Next();
CharacterIterator(int32_t start, int32_t end);
friend class CMapFormat0;
int32_t character_, max_character_;
virtual ~CMapFormat0();
virtual int32_t Language();
virtual int32_t GlyphId(int32_t character);
CMap::CharacterIterator* Iterator();
CMapFormat0(ReadableFontData* data, const CMapId& cmap_id);
// A cmap format 2 sub table
// The format 2 cmap is used for multi-byte encodings such as SJIS,
// EUC-JP/KR/CN, Big5, etc.
class CMapFormat2 : public CMap, public RefCounted<CMapFormat2> {
// CMapTable::CMapFormat2::Builder
class Builder : public CMap::Builder,
public RefCounted<Builder> {
Builder(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(WritableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual ~Builder();
virtual CALLER_ATTACH FontDataTable*
SubBuildTable(ReadableFontData* data);
// CMapTable::CMapFormat2::CharacterIterator
class CharacterIterator : public CMap::CharacterIterator {
virtual ~CharacterIterator();
virtual bool hasNext();
virtual int32_t next();
virtual int32_t Language();
virtual int32_t GlyphId(int32_t character);
// Returns how many bytes would be consumed by a lookup of this character
// with this cmap. This comes about because the cmap format 2 table is
// designed around multi-byte encodings such as SJIS, EUC-JP, Big5, etc.
// return the number of bytes consumed from this "character" - either 1 or 2
virtual int32_t BytesConsumed(int32_t character);
virtual ~CMapFormat2();
CMapFormat2(ReadableFontData* data, const CMapId& cmap_id);
int32_t SubHeaderOffset(int32_t sub_header_index);
int32_t FirstCode(int32_t sub_header_index);
int32_t EntryCount(int32_t sub_header_index);
int32_t IdRangeOffset(int32_t sub_header_index);
int32_t IdDelta(int32_t sub_header_index);
CMap::CharacterIterator* Iterator();
// CMapTable::CMapFormat4
class CMapFormat4 : public CMap,
public RefCounted<CMapFormat4> {
// CMapTable::CMapFormat4::Builder
class Builder : public CMap::Builder,
public RefCounted<Builder> {
// CMapTable::CMapFormat4::Builder::Segment
class Segment : public RefCounted<Segment> {
explicit Segment(Segment* other);
Segment(int32_t start_count,
int32_t end_count,
int32_t id_delta,
int32_t id_range_offset);
// @return the startCount
int32_t start_count();
// @param startCount the startCount to set
void set_start_count(int32_t start_count);
// @return the endCount
int32_t end_count();
// @param endcount the endCount to set
void set_end_count(int32_t end_count);
// @return the idDelta
int32_t id_delta();
// @param idDelta the idDelta to set
void set_id_delta(int32_t id_delta);
// @return the idRangeOffset
int32_t id_range_offset();
// @param idRangeOffset the idRangeOffset to set
void set_id_range_offset(int32_t id_range_offset);
std::vector<Ptr<Segment> >*
DeepCopy(std::vector<Ptr<Segment> >* original);
int32_t start_count_;
int32_t end_count_;
int32_t id_delta_;
int32_t id_range_offset_;
typedef std::vector<Ptr<Segment> > SegmentList;
static CALLER_ATTACH Builder* NewInstance(WritableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
static CALLER_ATTACH Builder* NewInstance(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t offset,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
static CALLER_ATTACH Builder* NewInstance(const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual ~Builder();
SegmentList* segments();
void set_segments(SegmentList* segments);
IntegerList* glyph_id_array();
void set_glyph_id_array(IntegerList* glyph_id_array);
Builder(WritableFontData* data, int32_t offset, const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(ReadableFontData* data, int32_t offset, const CMapId& cmap_id);
Builder(SegmentList* segments, IntegerList* glyph_id_array,
const CMapId& cmap_id);
explicit Builder(const CMapId& cmap_id);
virtual CALLER_ATTACH FontDataTable* SubBuildTable(
ReadableFontData* data);
virtual void SubDataSet();
virtual int32_t SubDataSizeToSerialize();
virtual bool SubReadyToSerialize();
virtual int32_t SubSerialize(WritableFontData* new_data);
void Initialize(ReadableFontData* data);
SegmentList segments_;
IntegerList glyph_id_array_;
CMap::CharacterIterator* Iterator();
// CMapTable::CMapFormat4::CharacterIterator
class CharacterIterator : public CMap::CharacterIterator {
bool HasNext();
int32_t Next();
virtual ~CharacterIterator() {}
explicit CharacterIterator(CMapFormat4 *parent);
friend CMap::CharacterIterator* CMapFormat4::Iterator();
CMapFormat4* parent_;
int32_t segment_index_;
int32_t first_char_in_segment_;
int32_t last_char_in_segment_;
int32_t next_char_;
bool next_char_set_;
virtual int32_t GlyphId(int32_t character);
// Lower level glyph code retrieval that requires processing the Format 4
// segments to use.
// @param segment the cmap segment
// @param startCode the start code for the segment
// @param character the character to be looked up
// @return the glyph id for the character; CMapTable.NOTDEF if not found
int32_t RetrieveGlyphId(int32_t segment,
int32_t start_count,
int32_t character);
virtual int32_t Language();
// Get the count of the number of segments in this cmap.
// @return the number of segments
int32_t seg_count();
int32_t Length();
// Get the start code for a segment.
// @param segment the segment in the lookup table
// @return the start code for a segment
int32_t StartCode(int32_t segment);
// Get the end code for a segment.
// @param segment the segment in the look up table
// @return the end code for the segment
int32_t EndCode(int32_t segment);
// Get the id delta for a segment
// @param segment the segment in the look up table
// @return the id delta for the segment
int32_t IdDelta(int32_t segment);
// Get the id range offset for a segment
// @param segment the segment in the look up table
// @return the id range offset for the segment
int32_t IdRangeOffset(int32_t segment);
// Get the location of the id range offset for a segment
// @param segment the segment in the look up table
// @return the location of the id range offset for the segment
int32_t IdRangeOffsetLocation(int32_t segment);
// Declared above to allow friending inside CharacterIterator class.
// CMap::CharacterIterator* Iterator();
virtual ~CMapFormat4();
CMapFormat4(ReadableFontData* data, const CMapId& cmap_id);
static int32_t Language(ReadableFontData* data);
static int32_t Length(ReadableFontData* data);
static int32_t SegCount(ReadableFontData* data);
static int32_t StartCode(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t seg_count,
int32_t index);
static int32_t StartCodeOffset(int32_t seg_count);
static int32_t EndCode(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t seg_count,
int32_t index);
static int32_t IdDelta(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t seg_count,
int32_t index);
static int32_t IdDeltaOffset(int32_t seg_count);
static int32_t IdRangeOffset(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t seg_count,
int32_t index);
static int32_t IdRangeOffsetOffset(int32_t seg_count);
static int32_t GlyphIdArrayOffset(int32_t seg_count);
// Refactored void to bool to work without exceptions.
bool IsValidIndex(int32_t segment);
int32_t GlyphIdArray(int32_t index);
int32_t seg_count_;
int32_t start_code_offset_;
int32_t id_delta_offset_;
int32_t glyph_id_array_offset_;
// CMapTable::Builder
class Builder : public SubTableContainerTable::Builder,
public RefCounted<Builder> {
// Constructor scope is public because C++ does not allow base class to
// instantiate derived class with protected constructors.
Builder(Header* header, WritableFontData* data);
Builder(Header* header, ReadableFontData* data);
virtual ~Builder();
virtual int32_t SubSerialize(WritableFontData* new_data);
virtual bool SubReadyToSerialize();
virtual int32_t SubDataSizeToSerialize();
virtual void SubDataSet();
virtual CALLER_ATTACH FontDataTable* SubBuildTable(ReadableFontData* data);
static CALLER_ATTACH Builder* CreateBuilder(Header* header,
WritableFontData* data);
CMap::Builder* NewCMapBuilder(const CMapId& cmap_id,
ReadableFontData* data);
// Create a new empty CMapBuilder of the type specified in the id.
CMap::Builder* NewCMapBuilder(int32_t format, const CMapId& cmap_id);
CMap::Builder* CMapBuilder(const CMapId& cmap_id);
int32_t NumCMaps();
void SetVersion(int32_t version);
CMapBuilderMap* GetCMapBuilders();
static CALLER_ATTACH CMap::Builder* CMapBuilder(ReadableFontData* data,
int32_t index);
void Initialize(ReadableFontData* data);
static int32_t NumCMaps(ReadableFontData* data);
int32_t version_;
CMapBuilderMap cmap_builders_;
typedef Ptr<Builder> CMapTableBuilderPtr;
class CMapIterator {
// If filter is NULL, filter through all tables.
CMapIterator(CMapTable* table, const CMapFilter* filter);
bool HasNext();
CMap* Next();
int32_t table_index_;
const CMapFilter* filter_;
CMapTable* table_;
// Make a CMapId from a platform_id, encoding_id pair
static CMapId NewCMapId(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id);
// Make a CMapId from another CMapId
static CMapId NewCMapId(const CMapId& obj);
// Get the CMap with the specified parameters if it exists.
// Returns NULL otherwise.
CALLER_ATTACH CMap* GetCMap(const int32_t index);
CALLER_ATTACH CMap* GetCMap(const int32_t platform_id,
const int32_t encoding_id);
CALLER_ATTACH CMap* GetCMap(const CMapId GetCMap_id);
// Get the table version.
virtual int32_t Version();
// Get the number of cmaps within the CMap table.
virtual int32_t NumCMaps();
// Get the cmap id for the cmap with the given index.
// Note: yes, an object is returned on stack since it's small enough.
// This function is renamed from cmapId to GetCMapId().
virtual CMapId GetCMapId(int32_t index);
virtual int32_t PlatformId(int32_t index);
virtual int32_t EncodingId(int32_t index);
// Get the offset in the table data for the cmap table with the given index.
// The offset is from the beginning of the table.
virtual int32_t Offset(int32_t index);
virtual ~CMapTable();
static const int32_t NOTDEF;
// Offsets to specific elements in the underlying data. These offsets are
// relative to the start of the table or the start of sub-blocks within
// the table.
struct Offset {
enum {
kVersion = 0,
kNumTables = 2,
kEncodingRecordStart = 4,
// offsets relative to the encoding record
kEncodingRecordPlatformId = 0,
kEncodingRecordEncodingId = 2,
kEncodingRecordOffset = 4,
kEncodingRecordSize = 8,
kFormat = 0,
// Format 0: Byte encoding table
kFormat0Format = 0,
kFormat0Length = 2,
kFormat0Language = 4,
kFormat0GlyphIdArray = 6,
// Format 2: High-byte mapping through table
kFormat2Format = 0,
kFormat2Length = 2,
kFormat2Language = 4,
kFormat2SubHeaderKeys = 6,
kFormat2SubHeaders = 518,
// offset relative to the subHeader structure
kFormat2SubHeader_firstCode = 0,
kFormat2SubHeader_entryCount = 2,
kFormat2SubHeader_idDelta = 4,
kFormat2SubHeader_idRangeOffset = 6,
kFormat2SubHeader_structLength = 8,
// Format 4: Segment mapping to delta values
kFormat4Format = 0,
kFormat4Length = 2,
kFormat4Language = 4,
kFormat4SegCountX2 = 6,
kFormat4SearchRange = 8,
kFormat4EntrySelector = 10,
kFormat4RangeShift = 12,
kFormat4EndCount = 14,
kFormat4FixedSize = 16,
// format 6: Trimmed table mapping
kFormat6Format = 0,
kFormat6Length = 2,
kFormat6Language = 4,
kFormat6FirstCode = 6,
kFormat6EntryCount = 8,
kFormat6GlyphIdArray = 10,
// Format 8: mixed 16-bit and 32-bit coverage
kFormat8Format = 0,
kFormat8Length = 4,
kFormat8Language = 8,
kFormat8Is32 = 12,
kFormat8nGroups204 = 8204,
kFormat8Groups208 = 8208,
// offset relative to the group structure
kFormat8Group_startCharCode = 0,
kFormat8Group_endCharCode = 4,
kFormat8Group_startGlyphId = 8,
kFormat8Group_structLength = 12,
// Format 10: Trimmed array
kFormat10Format = 0,
kFormat10Length = 4,
kFormat10Language = 8,
kFormat10StartCharCode = 12,
kFormat10NumChars = 16,
kFormat10Glyphs0 = 20,
// Format 12: Segmented coverage
kFormat12Format = 0,
kFormat12Length = 4,
kFormat12Language = 8,
kFormat12nGroups = 12,
kFormat12Groups = 16,
kFormat12Groups_structLength = 12,
// offsets within the group structure
kFormat12_startCharCode = 0,
kFormat12_endCharCode = 4,
kFormat12_startGlyphId = 8,
// Format 13: Last Resort Font
kFormat13Format = 0,
kFormat13Length = 4,
kFormat13Language = 8,
kFormat13nGroups = 12,
kFormat13Groups = 16,
kFormat13Groups_structLength = 12,
// offsets within the group structure
kFormat13_startCharCode = 0,
kFormat13_endCharCode = 4,
kFormat13_glyphId = 8,
// Format 14: Unicode Variation Sequences
kFormat14Format = 0,
kFormat14Length = 2,
// TODO(stuartg): finish tables
// Default UVS Table
// Non-default UVS Table
kLast = -1
CMapTable(Header* header, ReadableFontData* data);
// Get the offset in the table data for the encoding record for the cmap with
// the given index. The offset is from the beginning of the table.
static int32_t OffsetForEncodingRecord(int32_t index);
typedef std::vector<CMapTable::CMapId> CMapIdList;
typedef Ptr<CMapTable> CMapTablePtr;
typedef std::vector<Ptr<CMapTable::CMapFormat4::Builder::Segment> > SegmentList;
} // namespace sfntly