blob: 4eaafbbdae2b90c70336e5fcbfd83e870541e516 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Must include this before ICU to avoid stdint redefinition issue.
#include "sfntly/port/type.h"
#include <unicode/ucnv.h>
#include <unicode/ustring.h>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "sfntly/port/java_iterator.h"
#include "sfntly/table/subtable_container_table.h"
namespace sfntly {
// The following code implements the name table defined in TTF/OTF spec, which
// can be found at
// Name IDs defined in TTF/OTF spec.
struct NameId {
enum {
kUnknown = -1,
kCopyrightNotice = 0,
kFontFamilyName = 1,
kFontSubfamilyName = 2,
kUniqueFontIdentifier = 3,
kFullFontName = 4,
kVersionString = 5,
kPostscriptName = 6,
kTrademark = 7,
kManufacturerName = 8,
kDesigner = 9,
kDescription = 10,
kVendorURL = 11,
kDesignerURL = 12,
kLicenseDescription = 13,
kLicenseInfoURL = 14,
kReserved15 = 15,
kPreferredFamily = 16,
kPreferredSubfamily = 17,
kCompatibleFullName = 18,
kSampleText = 19,
kPostscriptCID = 20,
kWWSFamilyName = 21,
kWWSSubfamilyName = 22
// Unicode language IDs used in Name Records.
struct UnicodeLanguageId {
enum {
kUnknown = -1,
kAll = 0
// Macintosh Language IDs (platform ID = 1)
struct MacintoshLanguageId {
enum {
kUnknown = -1,
kEnglish = 0,
kFrench = 1,
kGerman = 2,
kItalian = 3,
kDutch = 4,
kSwedish = 5,
kSpanish = 6,
kDanish = 7,
kPortuguese = 8,
kNorwegian = 9,
kHebrew = 10,
kJapanese = 11,
kArabic = 12,
kFinnish = 13,
kGreek = 14,
kIcelandic = 15,
kMaltese = 16,
kTurkish = 17,
kCroatian = 18,
kChinese_Traditional = 19,
kUrdu = 20,
kHindi = 21,
kThai = 22,
kKorean = 23,
kLithuanian = 24,
kPolish = 25,
kHungarian = 26,
kEstonian = 27,
kLatvian = 28,
kSami = 29,
kFaroese = 30,
kFarsiPersian = 31,
kRussian = 32,
kChinese_Simplified = 33,
kFlemish = 34,
kIrishGaelic = 35,
kAlbanian = 36,
kRomanian = 37,
kCzech = 38,
kSlovak = 39,
kSlovenian = 40,
kYiddish = 41,
kSerbian = 42,
kMacedonian = 43,
kBulgarian = 44,
kUkrainian = 45,
kByelorussian = 46,
kUzbek = 47,
kKazakh = 48,
kAzerbaijani_Cyrillic = 49,
kAzerbaijani_Arabic = 50,
kArmenian = 51,
kGeorgian = 52,
kMoldavian = 53,
kKirghiz = 54,
kTajiki = 55,
kTurkmen = 56,
kMongolian_Mongolian = 57,
kMongolian_Cyrillic = 58,
kPashto = 59,
kKurdish = 60,
kKashmiri = 61,
kSindhi = 62,
kTibetan = 63,
kNepali = 64,
kSanskrit = 65,
kMarathi = 66,
kBengali = 67,
kAssamese = 68,
kGujarati = 69,
kPunjabi = 70,
kOriya = 71,
kMalayalam = 72,
kKannada = 73,
kTamil = 74,
kTelugu = 75,
kSinhalese = 76,
kBurmese = 77,
kKhmer = 78,
kLao = 79,
kVietnamese = 80,
kIndonesian = 81,
kTagalong = 82,
kMalay_Roman = 83,
kMalay_Arabic = 84,
kAmharic = 85,
kTigrinya = 86,
kGalla = 87,
kSomali = 88,
kSwahili = 89,
kKinyarwandaRuanda = 90,
kRundi = 91,
kNyanjaChewa = 92,
kMalagasy = 93,
kEsperanto = 94,
kWelsh = 128,
kBasque = 129,
kCatalan = 130,
kLatin = 131,
kQuenchua = 132,
kGuarani = 133,
kAymara = 134,
kTatar = 135,
kUighur = 136,
kDzongkha = 137,
kJavanese_Roman = 138,
kSundanese_Roman = 139,
kGalician = 140,
kAfrikaans = 141,
kBreton = 142,
kInuktitut = 143,
kScottishGaelic = 144,
kManxGaelic = 145,
kIrishGaelic_WithDotAbove = 146,
kTongan = 147,
kGreek_Polytonic = 148,
kGreenlandic = 149,
kAzerbaijani_Roman = 150
// Windows Language IDs (platformID = 3)
struct WindowsLanguageId {
enum {
kUnknown = -1,
kAfrikaans_SouthAfrica = 0x0436,
kAlbanian_Albania = 0x041C,
kAlsatian_France = 0x0484,
kAmharic_Ethiopia = 0x045E,
kArabic_Algeria = 0x1401,
kArabic_Bahrain = 0x3C01,
kArabic_Egypt = 0x0C01,
kArabic_Iraq = 0x0801,
kArabic_Jordan = 0x2C01,
kArabic_Kuwait = 0x3401,
kArabic_Lebanon = 0x3001,
kArabic_Libya = 0x1001,
kArabic_Morocco = 0x1801,
kArabic_Oman = 0x2001,
kArabic_Qatar = 0x4001,
kArabic_SaudiArabia = 0x0401,
kArabic_Syria = 0x2801,
kArabic_Tunisia = 0x1C01,
kArabic_UAE = 0x3801,
kArabic_Yemen = 0x2401,
kArmenian_Armenia = 0x042B,
kAssamese_India = 0x044D,
kAzeri_Cyrillic_Azerbaijan = 0x082C,
kAzeri_Latin_Azerbaijan = 0x042C,
kBashkir_Russia = 0x046D,
kBasque_Basque = 0x042D,
kBelarusian_Belarus = 0x0423,
kBengali_Bangladesh = 0x0845,
kBengali_India = 0x0445,
kBosnian_Cyrillic_BosniaAndHerzegovina = 0x201A,
kBosnian_Latin_BosniaAndHerzegovina = 0x141A,
kBreton_France = 0x047E,
kBulgarian_Bulgaria = 0x0402,
kCatalan_Catalan = 0x0403,
kChinese_HongKongSAR = 0x0C04,
kChinese_MacaoSAR = 0x1404,
kChinese_PeoplesRepublicOfChina = 0x0804,
kChinese_Singapore = 0x1004,
kChinese_Taiwan = 0x0404,
kCorsican_France = 0x0483,
kCroatian_Croatia = 0x041A,
kCroatian_Latin_BosniaAndHerzegovina = 0x101A,
kCzech_CzechRepublic = 0x0405,
kDanish_Denmark = 0x0406,
kDari_Afghanistan = 0x048C,
kDivehi_Maldives = 0x0465,
kDutch_Belgium = 0x0813,
kDutch_Netherlands = 0x0413,
kEnglish_Australia = 0x0C09,
kEnglish_Belize = 0x2809,
kEnglish_Canada = 0x1009,
kEnglish_Caribbean = 0x2409,
kEnglish_India = 0x4009,
kEnglish_Ireland = 0x1809,
kEnglish_Jamaica = 0x2009,
kEnglish_Malaysia = 0x4409,
kEnglish_NewZealand = 0x1409,
kEnglish_RepublicOfThePhilippines = 0x3409,
kEnglish_Singapore = 0x4809,
kEnglish_SouthAfrica = 0x1C09,
kEnglish_TrinidadAndTobago = 0x2C09,
kEnglish_UnitedKingdom = 0x0809,
kEnglish_UnitedStates = 0x0409,
kEnglish_Zimbabwe = 0x3009,
kEstonian_Estonia = 0x0425,
kFaroese_FaroeIslands = 0x0438,
kFilipino_Philippines = 0x0464,
kFinnish_Finland = 0x040B,
kFrench_Belgium = 0x080C,
kFrench_Canada = 0x0C0C,
kFrench_France = 0x040C,
kFrench_Luxembourg = 0x140c,
kFrench_PrincipalityOfMonoco = 0x180C,
kFrench_Switzerland = 0x100C,
kFrisian_Netherlands = 0x0462,
kGalician_Galician = 0x0456,
kGeorgian_Georgia = 0x0437,
kGerman_Austria = 0x0C07,
kGerman_Germany = 0x0407,
kGerman_Liechtenstein = 0x1407,
kGerman_Luxembourg = 0x1007,
kGerman_Switzerland = 0x0807,
kGreek_Greece = 0x0408,
kGreenlandic_Greenland = 0x046F,
kGujarati_India = 0x0447,
kHausa_Latin_Nigeria = 0x0468,
kHebrew_Israel = 0x040D,
kHindi_India = 0x0439,
kHungarian_Hungary = 0x040E,
kIcelandic_Iceland = 0x040F,
kIgbo_Nigeria = 0x0470,
kIndonesian_Indonesia = 0x0421,
kInuktitut_Canada = 0x045D,
kInuktitut_Latin_Canada = 0x085D,
kIrish_Ireland = 0x083C,
kisiXhosa_SouthAfrica = 0x0434,
kisiZulu_SouthAfrica = 0x0435,
kItalian_Italy = 0x0410,
kItalian_Switzerland = 0x0810,
kJapanese_Japan = 0x0411,
kKannada_India = 0x044B,
kKazakh_Kazakhstan = 0x043F,
kKhmer_Cambodia = 0x0453,
kKiche_Guatemala = 0x0486,
kKinyarwanda_Rwanda = 0x0487,
kKiswahili_Kenya = 0x0441,
kKonkani_India = 0x0457,
kKorean_Korea = 0x0412,
kKyrgyz_Kyrgyzstan = 0x0440,
kLao_LaoPDR = 0x0454,
kLatvian_Latvia = 0x0426,
kLithuanian_Lithuania = 0x0427,
kLowerSorbian_Germany = 0x082E,
kLuxembourgish_Luxembourg = 0x046E,
kMacedonian_FYROM_FormerYugoslavRepublicOfMacedonia = 0x042F,
kMalay_BruneiDarussalam = 0x083E,
kMalay_Malaysia = 0x043E,
kMalayalam_India = 0x044C,
kMaltese_Malta = 0x043A,
kMaori_NewZealand = 0x0481,
kMapudungun_Chile = 0x047A,
kMarathi_India = 0x044E,
kMohawk_Mohawk = 0x047C,
kMongolian_Cyrillic_Mongolia = 0x0450,
kMongolian_Traditional_PeoplesRepublicOfChina = 0x0850,
kNepali_Nepal = 0x0461,
kNorwegian_Bokmal_Norway = 0x0414,
kNorwegian_Nynorsk_Norway = 0x0814,
kOccitan_France = 0x0482,
kOriya_India = 0x0448,
kPashto_Afghanistan = 0x0463,
kPolish_Poland = 0x0415,
kPortuguese_Brazil = 0x0416,
kPortuguese_Portugal = 0x0816,
kPunjabi_India = 0x0446,
kQuechua_Bolivia = 0x046B,
kQuechua_Ecuador = 0x086B,
kQuechua_Peru = 0x0C6B,
kRomanian_Romania = 0x0418,
kRomansh_Switzerland = 0x0417,
kRussian_Russia = 0x0419,
kSami_Inari_Finland = 0x243B,
kSami_Lule_Norway = 0x103B,
kSami_Lule_Sweden = 0x143B,
kSami_Northern_Finland = 0x0C3B,
kSami_Northern_Norway = 0x043B,
kSami_Northern_Sweden = 0x083B,
kSami_Skolt_Finland = 0x203B,
kSami_Southern_Norway = 0x183B,
kSami_Southern_Sweden = 0x1C3B,
kSanskrit_India = 0x044F,
kSerbian_Cyrillic_BosniaAndHerzegovina = 0x1C1A,
kSerbian_Cyrillic_Serbia = 0x0C1A,
kSerbian_Latin_BosniaAndHerzegovina = 0x181A,
kSerbian_Latin_Serbia = 0x081A,
kSesothoSaLeboa_SouthAfrica = 0x046C,
kSetswana_SouthAfrica = 0x0432,
kSinhala_SriLanka = 0x045B,
kSlovak_Slovakia = 0x041B,
kSlovenian_Slovenia = 0x0424,
kSpanish_Argentina = 0x2C0A,
kSpanish_Bolivia = 0x400A,
kSpanish_Chile = 0x340A,
kSpanish_Colombia = 0x240A,
kSpanish_CostaRica = 0x140A,
kSpanish_DominicanRepublic = 0x1C0A,
kSpanish_Ecuador = 0x300A,
kSpanish_ElSalvador = 0x440A,
kSpanish_Guatemala = 0x100A,
kSpanish_Honduras = 0x480A,
kSpanish_Mexico = 0x080A,
kSpanish_Nicaragua = 0x4C0A,
kSpanish_Panama = 0x180A,
kSpanish_Paraguay = 0x3C0A,
kSpanish_Peru = 0x280A,
kSpanish_PuertoRico = 0x500A,
kSpanish_ModernSort_Spain = 0x0C0A,
kSpanish_TraditionalSort_Spain = 0x040A,
kSpanish_UnitedStates = 0x540A,
kSpanish_Uruguay = 0x380A,
kSpanish_Venezuela = 0x200A,
kSweden_Finland = 0x081D,
kSwedish_Sweden = 0x041D,
kSyriac_Syria = 0x045A,
kTajik_Cyrillic_Tajikistan = 0x0428,
kTamazight_Latin_Algeria = 0x085F,
kTamil_India = 0x0449,
kTatar_Russia = 0x0444,
kTelugu_India = 0x044A,
kThai_Thailand = 0x041E,
kTibetan_PRC = 0x0451,
kTurkish_Turkey = 0x041F,
kTurkmen_Turkmenistan = 0x0442,
kUighur_PRC = 0x0480,
kUkrainian_Ukraine = 0x0422,
kUpperSorbian_Germany = 0x042E,
kUrdu_IslamicRepublicOfPakistan = 0x0420,
kUzbek_Cyrillic_Uzbekistan = 0x0843,
kUzbek_Latin_Uzbekistan = 0x0443,
kVietnamese_Vietnam = 0x042A,
kWelsh_UnitedKingdom = 0x0452,
kWolof_Senegal = 0x0448,
kYakut_Russia = 0x0485,
kYi_PRC = 0x0478,
kYoruba_Nigeria = 0x046A
class NameTable : public SubTableContainerTable, public RefCounted<NameTable> {
// Unique identifier for a given name record.
class NameEntryId {
NameEntryId(); // C++ port only, must provide default constructor.
NameEntryId(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id);
NameEntryId(const NameEntryId&);
// Make gcc -Wnon-virtual-dtor happy.
virtual ~NameEntryId() {}
int32_t platform_id() const { return platform_id_; }
int32_t encoding_id() const { return encoding_id_; }
int32_t language_id() const { return language_id_; }
int32_t name_id() const { return name_id_; }
const NameEntryId& operator=(const NameEntryId& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const NameEntryId& rhs) const;
bool operator<(const NameEntryId& rhs) const;
// UNIMPLEMENTED: int hashCode()
// String toString()
mutable int32_t platform_id_;
mutable int32_t encoding_id_;
mutable int32_t language_id_;
mutable int32_t name_id_;
class NameEntryBuilder;
// Class to represent a name entry in the name table.
class NameEntry : public RefCounted<NameEntry> {
NameEntry(const NameEntryId& name_entry_id, const ByteVector& name_bytes);
NameEntry(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id,
const ByteVector& name_bytes);
virtual ~NameEntry();
NameEntryId& name_entry_id() { return name_entry_id_; }
int32_t platform_id() const { return name_entry_id_.platform_id(); }
int32_t encoding_id() const { return name_entry_id_.encoding_id(); }
int32_t language_id() const { return name_entry_id_.language_id(); }
int32_t name_id() const { return name_entry_id_.name_id(); }
// Get the bytes for name. Returned pointer is the address of private
// member of this class, do not attempt to delete.
ByteVector* NameAsBytes();
// C++ port only: get the length of NameAsBytes.
int32_t NameBytesLength();
// Returns the name in Unicode as UChar array.
// Note: ICU UChar* convention requires caller to delete[] it.
UChar* Name();
bool operator==(const NameEntry& rhs) const;
// UNIMPLEMENTED: String toString()
// int hashCode()
void Init(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id, const ByteVector* name_bytes);
NameEntryId name_entry_id_;
ByteVector name_bytes_;
friend class NameEntryBuilder;
// Builder of a name entry.
// C++ port: original Java hierarchy inherits from NameEntry. In C++ port, we
// opted not doing so to avoid ref count issues and nasty protected members.
class NameEntryBuilder : public RefCounted<NameEntryBuilder> {
NameEntryBuilder(const NameEntryId& name_entry_id,
const ByteVector& name_bytes);
explicit NameEntryBuilder(const NameEntryId& name_entry_id);
explicit NameEntryBuilder(NameEntry* entry);
virtual ~NameEntryBuilder();
virtual void SetName(const UChar* name);
virtual void SetName(const ByteVector& name_bytes);
virtual void SetName(const ByteVector& name_bytes,
int32_t offset,
int32_t length);
// C++ port only. CALLER_ATTACH is not added because the lifetime shall be
// controlled by this class, therefore the caller shall not increase the ref
// count.
NameEntry* name_entry() { return name_entry_; }
void Init(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id, const ByteVector* name_bytes);
Ptr<NameEntry> name_entry_;
typedef std::map<NameEntryId, Ptr<NameEntryBuilder> > NameEntryBuilderMap;
// An interface for a filter to use with the name entry iterator. This allows
// name entries to be iterated and only those acceptable to the filter will be
// returned.
class NameEntryFilter {
virtual bool Accept(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id) = 0;
// Make gcc -Wnon-virtual-dtor happy.
virtual ~NameEntryFilter() {}
// C++ port only: an in-place filter to mimic Java Iterator's filtering.
class NameEntryFilterInPlace : public NameEntryFilter {
NameEntryFilterInPlace(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id);
// Make gcc -Wnon-virtual-dtor happy.
virtual ~NameEntryFilterInPlace() {}
virtual bool Accept(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id);
int32_t platform_id_;
int32_t encoding_id_;
int32_t language_id_;
int32_t name_id_;
class NameEntryIterator : public RefIterator<NameEntry, NameTable> {
// If filter is NULL, filter through all tables.
explicit NameEntryIterator(NameTable* table);
NameEntryIterator(NameTable* table, NameEntryFilter* filter);
virtual ~NameEntryIterator() {}
virtual bool HasNext();
virtual CALLER_ATTACH NameEntry* Next();
int32_t name_index_;
NameEntryFilter* filter_;
// The builder to construct name table for outputting.
class Builder : public SubTableContainerTable::Builder,
public RefCounted<Builder> {
// Constructor scope altered to public because C++ does not allow base
// class to instantiate derived class with protected constructors.
Builder(Header* header, WritableFontData* data);
Builder(Header* header, ReadableFontData* data);
static CALLER_ATTACH Builder* CreateBuilder(Header* header,
WritableFontData* data);
// Revert the name builders for the name table to the last version that came
// from data.
void RevertNames();
// Number of name entry builders contained.
int32_t BuilderCount();
// Note: For C++ port, clear() is not implemented. The clear() function
// implies completely remove name entry builders, which is easy in
// Java but will take a lot of efforts in C++ to release the builders
// nicely and correctly.
// TODO(arthurhsu): IMPLEMENT
// Clear the name builders for the name table.
// void clear();
// Check the existance of a name entry builder by key.
bool Has(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id);
// Get name entry builder by key.
CALLER_ATTACH NameEntryBuilder* NameBuilder(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id, int32_t name_id);
// Remove name entry builder by key.
bool Remove(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id,
int32_t name_id);
// FontDataTable::Builder API implementation
virtual CALLER_ATTACH FontDataTable* SubBuildTable(ReadableFontData* data);
virtual void SubDataSet();
virtual int32_t SubDataSizeToSerialize();
virtual bool SubReadyToSerialize();
virtual int32_t SubSerialize(WritableFontData* new_data);
void Initialize(ReadableFontData* data);
NameEntryBuilderMap* GetNameBuilders();
// Note: callers should use the getter funtion provided above to ensure that
// this is lazily initialized instead of accessing directly.
NameEntryBuilderMap name_entry_map_;
* public methods of NameTable class
virtual ~NameTable();
// Get the format used in the name table.
virtual int32_t Format();
// Get the number of names in the name table.
virtual int32_t NameCount();
// Get the platform id for the given name record.
virtual int32_t PlatformId(int32_t index);
// Get the encoding id for the given name record.
// see MacintoshEncodingId, WindowsEncodingId, UnicodeEncodingId
virtual int32_t EncodingId(int32_t index);
// Get the language id for the given name record.
virtual int32_t LanguageId(int32_t index);
// Get the name id for given name record.
virtual int32_t NameId(int32_t index);
// Get the name as bytes for the specified name. If there is no entry for the
// requested name, then empty vector is returned.
virtual void NameAsBytes(int32_t index, ByteVector* b);
virtual void NameAsBytes(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id, int32_t name_id,
ByteVector* b);
// Get the name as a UChar* for the given name record. If there is no
// encoding conversion available for the name record then a best attempt
// UChar* will be returned.
// Note: ICU UChar* convention requires caller to delete[] it.
virtual UChar* Name(int32_t index);
// Get the name as a UChar* for the specified name. If there is no entry for
// the requested name then NULL is returned. If there is no encoding
// conversion available for the name then a best attempt UChar* will be
// returned.
// Note: ICU UChar* convention requires caller to delete[] it.
virtual UChar* Name(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id,
int32_t language_id, int32_t name_id);
// Note: These functions are renamed in C++ port. Their original Java name is
// nameEntry().
virtual CALLER_ATTACH NameEntry* GetNameEntry(int32_t index);
virtual CALLER_ATTACH NameEntry* GetNameEntry(int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id, int32_t language_id, int32_t name_id);
// Note: Not implemented in C++ port due to complexity and low usage.
// virtual void names(std::set<NameEntryPtr>*);
// Get the iterator to iterate through all name entries.
virtual CALLER_ATTACH NameEntryIterator* Iterator();
virtual CALLER_ATTACH NameEntryIterator* Iterator(NameEntryFilter* filter);
struct Offset {
enum {
kFormat = 0,
kCount = 2,
kStringOffset = 4,
kNameRecordStart = 6,
// Format 1 - offset from the end of the name records
kLangTagCount = 0,
kLangTagRecord = 2,
kNameRecordSize = 12,
// Name Records
kNameRecordPlatformId = 0,
kNameRecordEncodingId = 2,
kNameRecordLanguageId = 4,
kNameRecordNameId = 6,
kNameRecordStringLength = 8,
kNameRecordStringOffset = 10
// The table shall be constructed using Builder, no direct instantiation.
NameTable(Header* header, ReadableFontData* data);
// Get the offset to the string data in the name table.
int32_t StringOffset();
// Get the offset for the given name record.
int32_t OffsetForNameRecord(int32_t index);
// Get the length of the string data for the given name record.
int32_t NameLength(int32_t index);
// Get the offset of the string data for the given name record.
int32_t NameOffset(int32_t index);
// Note: string literals are returned. Caller shall not attempt to manipulate
// the returned pointer.
static const char* GetEncodingName(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id);
// Note: ICU UConverter* convention requires caller to ucnv_close() it.
static UConverter* GetCharset(int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id);
// Note: Output will be stored in ByteVector* b. Original data in b will be
// erased and replaced with converted name bytes.
static void ConvertToNameBytes(const UChar* name, int32_t platform_id,
int32_t encoding_id, ByteVector* b);
// Note: ICU UChar* convention requires caller to delete[] it.
static UChar* ConvertFromNameBytes(ByteVector* name_bytes,
int32_t platform_id, int32_t encoding_id);
}; // class NameTable
typedef Ptr<NameTable> NameTablePtr;
typedef Ptr<NameTable::NameEntry> NameEntryPtr;
typedef Ptr<NameTable::Builder> NameTableBuilderPtr;
typedef Ptr<NameTable::NameEntryBuilder> NameEntryBuilderPtr;
} // namespace sfntly