blob: 280e556c472bee1fa81ac12eec983b01571879e0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "sfntly/port/refcount.h"
namespace sfntly {
class Header : public RefCounted<Header> {
// Make a partial header with only the basic info for an empty new table.
explicit Header(int32_t tag);
// Make a partial header with only the basic info for a new table.
Header(int32_t tag, int32_t length);
// Make a full header as read from an existing font.
Header(int32_t tag, int64_t checksum, int32_t offset, int32_t length);
virtual ~Header();
// Get the table tag.
int32_t tag() { return tag_; }
// Get the table offset. The offset is from the start of the font file. This
// offset value is what was read from the font file during construction of the
// font. It may not be meaningful if the font was maninpulated through the
// builders.
int32_t offset() { return offset_; }
// Is the offset in the header valid. The offset will not be valid if the
// table was constructed during building and has no physical location in a
// font file.
bool offset_valid() { return offset_valid_; }
// Get the length of the table as recorded in the table record header. During
// building the header length will reflect the length that was initially read
// from the font file. This may not be consistent with the current state of
// the data.
int32_t length() { return length_; }
// Is the length in the header valid. The length will not be valid if the
// table was constructed during building and has no physical location in a
// font file until the table is built from the builder.
bool length_valid() { return length_valid_; }
// Get the checksum for the table as recorded in the table record header.
int64_t checksum() { return checksum_; }
// Is the checksum valid. The checksum will not be valid if the table was
// constructed during building and has no physical location in a font file.
// Note that this does *NOT* check the validity of the checksum against
// the calculated checksum for the table data.
bool checksum_valid() { return checksum_valid_; }
// UNIMPLEMENTED: boolean equals(Object obj)
// int hashCode()
// string toString()
int32_t tag_;
int32_t offset_;
bool offset_valid_;
int32_t length_;
bool length_valid_;
int64_t checksum_;
bool checksum_valid_;
friend class HeaderComparatorByOffset;
friend class HeaderComparatorByTag;
typedef Ptr<Header> HeaderPtr;
class HeaderComparator {
virtual ~HeaderComparator() {}
virtual bool operator()(const HeaderPtr h1,
const HeaderPtr h2) = 0;
class HeaderComparatorByOffset : public HeaderComparator {
virtual ~HeaderComparatorByOffset() {}
virtual bool operator()(const HeaderPtr h1,
const HeaderPtr h2);
class HeaderComparatorByTag : public HeaderComparator {
virtual ~HeaderComparatorByTag() {}
virtual bool operator()(const HeaderPtr h1,
const HeaderPtr h2);
typedef std::set<HeaderPtr, HeaderComparatorByOffset> HeaderOffsetSortedSet;
typedef std::set<HeaderPtr, HeaderComparatorByTag> HeaderTagSortedSet;
} // namespace sfntly