blob: 028630d100eaedb899505e5bc766e57a1c0e051f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef Sk4px_DEFINED
#define Sk4px_DEFINED
#include "SkNx.h"
#include "SkColor.h"
// 1, 2 or 4 SkPMColors, generally vectorized.
class Sk4px : public Sk16b {
Sk4px(SkAlpha a) : INHERITED(a) {} // Duplicate 16x: a -> aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
Sk4px(SkPMColor); // Duplicate 4x: argb -> argb argb argb argb
Sk4px(const Sk16b& v) : INHERITED(v) {}
Sk4px alphas() const; // ARGB argb XYZW xyzw -> AAAA aaaa XXXX xxxx
// Mask away color or alpha lanes.
Sk4px zeroColors() const; // ARGB argb XYZW xyzw -> A000 a000 X000 x000
Sk4px zeroAlphas() const; // ARGB argb XYZW xyzw -> 0RGB 0rgb 0YZW 0yzw
Sk4px inv() const { return Sk16b(255) - *this; }
// When loading or storing fewer than 4 SkPMColors, we use the low lanes.
static Sk4px Load4(const SkPMColor[4]); // PMColor[4] -> ARGB argb XYZW xyzw
static Sk4px Load2(const SkPMColor[2]); // PMColor[2] -> ARGB argb ???? ????
static Sk4px Load1(const SkPMColor[1]); // PMColor[1] -> ARGB ???? ???? ????
// Ditto for Alphas... Load2Alphas fills the low two lanes of Sk4px.
static Sk4px Load4Alphas(const SkAlpha[4]); // AaXx -> AAAA aaaa XXXX xxxx
static Sk4px Load2Alphas(const SkAlpha[2]); // Aa -> AAAA aaaa ???? ????
void store4(SkPMColor[4]) const;
void store2(SkPMColor[2]) const;
void store1(SkPMColor[1]) const;
// 1, 2, or 4 SkPMColors with 16-bit components.
// This is most useful as the result of a multiply, e.g. from mulWiden().
class Wide : public Sk16h {
Wide(const Sk16h& v) : Sk16h(v) {}
// Pack the top byte of each component back down into 4 SkPMColors.
Sk4px addNarrowHi(const Sk16h&) const;
Sk4px div255TruncNarrow() const { return this->addNarrowHi(*this >> 8); }
Sk4px div255RoundNarrow() const {
return Sk4px::Wide(*this + Sk16h(128)).div255TruncNarrow();
typedef Sk16h INHERITED;
Wide widenLo() const; // ARGB -> 0A 0R 0G 0B
Wide widenHi() const; // ARGB -> A0 R0 G0 B0
Wide mulWiden(const Sk16b&) const; // 8-bit x 8-bit -> 16-bit components.
Wide mul255Widen() const {
// TODO: x*255 = x*256-x, so something like this->widenHi() - this->widenLo()?
return this->mulWiden(Sk16b(255));
// A generic driver that maps fn over a src array into a dst array.
// fn should take an Sk4px (4 src pixels) and return an Sk4px (4 dst pixels).
template <typename Fn>
static void MapSrc(int count, SkPMColor* dst, const SkPMColor* src, Fn fn) {
// This looks a bit odd, but it helps loop-invariant hoisting across different calls to fn.
// Basically, we need to make sure we keep things inside a single loop.
while (count > 0) {
if (count >= 8) {
Sk4px dst0 = fn(Load4(src+0)),
dst4 = fn(Load4(src+4));
dst += 8; src += 8; count -= 8;
continue; // Keep our stride at 8 pixels as long as possible.
SkASSERT(count <= 7);
if (count >= 4) {
dst += 4; src += 4; count -= 4;
if (count >= 2) {
dst += 2; src += 2; count -= 2;
if (count >= 1) {
// As above, but with dst4' = fn(dst4, src4).
template <typename Fn>
static void MapDstSrc(int count, SkPMColor* dst, const SkPMColor* src, Fn fn) {
while (count > 0) {
if (count >= 8) {
Sk4px dst0 = fn(Load4(dst+0), Load4(src+0)),
dst4 = fn(Load4(dst+4), Load4(src+4));
dst += 8; src += 8; count -= 8;
continue; // Keep our stride at 8 pixels as long as possible.
SkASSERT(count <= 7);
if (count >= 4) {
fn(Load4(dst), Load4(src)).store4(dst);
dst += 4; src += 4; count -= 4;
if (count >= 2) {
fn(Load2(dst), Load2(src)).store2(dst);
dst += 2; src += 2; count -= 2;
if (count >= 1) {
fn(Load1(dst), Load1(src)).store1(dst);
// As above, but with dst4' = fn(dst4, src4, alpha4).
template <typename Fn>
static void MapDstSrcAlpha(
int count, SkPMColor* dst, const SkPMColor* src, const SkAlpha* a, Fn fn) {
while (count > 0) {
if (count >= 8) {
Sk4px alpha0 = Load4Alphas(a+0),
alpha4 = Load4Alphas(a+4);
Sk4px dst0 = fn(Load4(dst+0), Load4(src+0), alpha0),
dst4 = fn(Load4(dst+4), Load4(src+4), alpha4);
dst += 8; src += 8; a += 8; count -= 8;
continue; // Keep our stride at 8 pixels as long as possible.
SkASSERT(count <= 7);
if (count >= 4) {
Sk4px alpha = Load4Alphas(a);
fn(Load4(dst), Load4(src), alpha).store4(dst);
dst += 4; src += 4; a += 4; count -= 4;
if (count >= 2) {
Sk4px alpha = Load2Alphas(a);
fn(Load2(dst), Load2(src), alpha).store2(dst);
dst += 2; src += 2; a += 2; count -= 2;
if (count >= 1) {
Sk4px alpha(*a);
fn(Load1(dst), Load1(src), alpha).store1(dst);
typedef Sk16b INHERITED;
#include "../opts/Sk4px_none.h"
#include "../opts/Sk4px_SSE2.h"
#elif defined(SK_ARM_HAS_NEON)
#include "../opts/Sk4px_NEON.h"
#include "../opts/Sk4px_none.h"