blob: deb8071a373c74b4dc32b5f20c6c9f461b1d674f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
/* This testcase is to illustrate that for convert to fixed the condition
code depends on the rounding mode. */
const char *
rtext(unsigned round)
switch (round) {
case 0: return "[fpc]";
case 1: return "[->near/away]";
/* 2 is invalid */
case 3: return "[prep short]";
case 4: return "[->near/even]";
case 5: return "[->0]";
case 6: return "[->+inf]";
case 7: return "[->-inf]";
#define convert_to_int(opcode,src_type,dst_type,dst_fmt,round,value) \
do { \
src_type src = value; \
dst_type dst; \
unsigned cc; \
__asm__ volatile (opcode " %[dst]," #round ",%[src]\n\t" \
"ipm %[cc]\n\t" \
"srl %[cc],28\n\t" \
: [dst] "=d"(dst), [cc] "=d"(cc) \
: [src] "f"(src) \
: "cc"); \
printf("%s %-20s %f\t-> %"dst_fmt"\tcc = %u\n", \
opcode, rtext(round), src, dst, cc); \
} while (0)
#define cfdbr(round,value) \
int main(void)
double dval;
dval = -2147483648.5; // a < MN
// f64 -> i32
cfdbr(4, dval); // round to nearest with ties to even
cfdbr(5, dval); // round to zero
cfdbr(6, dval); // round to +inf
/* The next invocation needs to give cc=3. It used to give cc=1 when
we were considering the to-be-converted value ONLY */
cfdbr(7, dval); // round to -inf
return 0;