blob: 65d13a37fbe208687e4f7055689089a17441ce45 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test data race detection between floating point variables. */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* printf() */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* sleep() */
/* Local functions declarations. */
static void* thread_func(void*);
/* Local variables. */
/* s_mutex protects s_d3. */
static pthread_mutex_t s_mutex;
static double s_d1; /* accessed before thread creation and in the created */
/* thread (not a race). */
static double s_d2; /* accessed in the created thread and after the join */
/* (not a race). */
static double s_d3; /* accessed simultaneously from both threads (race). */
static int s_debug = 0;
static int s_do_printf = 0;
static int s_use_mutex = 0;
/* Function definitions. */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int optchar;
pthread_t threadid;
while ((optchar = getopt(argc, argv, "dmp")) != EOF)
switch (optchar)
case 'd':
s_debug = 1;
case 'm':
s_use_mutex = 1;
case 'p':
s_do_printf = 1;
pthread_mutex_init(&s_mutex, 0);
* Switch to line-buffered mode, such that timing information can be
* obtained for each printf() call with strace.
if (s_debug)
printf("&s_d1 = %p; &s_d2 = %p; &s_d3 = %p\n", &s_d1, &s_d2, &s_d3);
s_d1 = 1;
s_d3 = 3;
pthread_create(&threadid, 0, thread_func, 0);
sleep(1); /* Wait until thread_func() finished. */
if (s_use_mutex) pthread_mutex_lock(&s_mutex);
if (s_use_mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_mutex);
/* Wait until the thread finished. */
pthread_join(threadid, 0);
if (s_do_printf) printf("s_d2 = %g (should be 2)\n", s_d2);
if (s_do_printf) printf("s_d3 = %g (should be 5)\n", s_d3);
return 0;
static void* thread_func(void* thread_arg)
if (s_do_printf)
printf("s_d1 = %g (should be 1)\n", s_d1);
s_d2 = 2;
if (s_use_mutex) pthread_mutex_lock(&s_mutex);
if (s_use_mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_mutex);
return 0;