blob: 3d4dd54fcba1b5e8209a9dc1a5f092c88a946e59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains implementations for the definitions
* contained and described in BulkDataTransfer.h
#include <Weave/Profiles/bulk-data-transfer/Development/BDXMessages.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveMessageLayer.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/ProfileCommon.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(BDX, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Development) {
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles::StatusReporting;
#define VERSION_MASK 0x0F
* -- definitions for SendInit and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the SendInit message.
* note that the defaults here are set up for sleepy 802.15.4 devices.
* in another context they should be changed on initialization.
: mVersion(0)
, mSenderDriveSupported(true)
, mReceiverDriveSupported(false)
, mAsynchronousModeSupported(false)
, mDefiniteLength(true)
, mStartOffsetPresent(false)
, mWideRange(false)
, mMaxBlockSize(32)
, mStartOffset(0)
, mLength(0)
, mMetaDataWriteCallback(NULL)
, mMetaDataAppState(NULL)
* @brief
* Initialize a "wide" SendInit
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aSenderDrive True if the sender is driving
* @param[in] aReceiverDrive True if the receiver is driving
* @param[in] aAsynchMode True if the device supports asynchronous mode
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Proposal for a maximum block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aStartOffset Start offset in the file that we should start at
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred - 0 means
* it has indefinite length
* @param[in] aFileDesignator A string that identifies the data to be transferred
* @param[in] aMetaData (optional) Additional data in TLV format
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::init(uint8_t aVersion, bool aSenderDrive, bool aReceiverDrive, bool aAsynchMode,
uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint64_t aStartOffset, uint64_t aLength,
ReferencedString &aFileDesignator, ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData = NULL)
// Version is 8 bits maximum
mVersion = aVersion;
mWideRange = true;
mSenderDriveSupported = aSenderDrive;
mReceiverDriveSupported = aReceiverDrive;
mAsynchronousModeSupported = aAsynchMode;
mMaxBlockSize = aMaxBlockSize;
mStartOffset = aStartOffset;
if (mStartOffset > 0)
mStartOffsetPresent = true;
mLength = aLength;
if (mLength == 0)
mDefiniteLength = false;
mFileDesignator = aFileDesignator;
mMetaDataWriteCallback = NULL;
mMetaDataAppState = NULL;
if (aMetaData != NULL)
mMetaData = *aMetaData;
* @brief
* Initialize a "non-wide" SendInit (32 bit start offset, 32 bit length)
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aSenderDrive True if the sender is driving
* @param[in] aReceiverDrive True if the receiver is driving
* @param[in] aAsynchMode True if the device supports asynchronous mode
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Proposal for a maximum block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aStartOffset Start offset in the file that we should start at
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred - 0 means
* it has indefinite length
* @param[in] aFileDesignator A string that identifies the data to be transferred
* @param[in] aMetaData (optional) Additional data in TLV format
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::init(uint8_t aVersion, bool aSenderDrive, bool aReceiverDrive, bool aAsynchMode,
uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint32_t aStartOffset, uint32_t aLength,
ReferencedString &aFileDesignator, ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData = NULL)
mWideRange = false;
return init(aVersion, aSenderDrive, aReceiverDrive, aAsynchMode, aMaxBlockSize,
(uint64_t)aStartOffset, (uint64_t)aLength, aFileDesignator, aMetaData);
* @brief
* Initialize a "wide" SendInit
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aSenderDrive True if the sender is driving
* @param[in] aReceiverDrive True if the receiver is driving
* @param[in] aAsynchMode True if the device supports asynchronous mode
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Proposal for a maximum block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aStartOffset Start offset in the file that we should start at
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred - 0 means
* it has indefinite length
* @param[in] aFileDesignator A string that identifies the data to be transferred
* @param[in] aMetaDataWriteCallback (optional) A function to write out additional data in TLV format
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::init(uint8_t aVersion, bool aSenderDrive, bool aReceiverDrive, bool aAsynchMode,
uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint64_t aStartOffset, uint64_t aLength,
ReferencedString &aFileDesignator, MetaDataTLVWriteCallback aMetaDataWriteCallback = NULL, void *aMetaDataAppState = NULL)
// Version is 8 bits maximum
mVersion = aVersion;
mWideRange = true;
mSenderDriveSupported = aSenderDrive;
mReceiverDriveSupported = aReceiverDrive;
mAsynchronousModeSupported = aAsynchMode;
mMaxBlockSize = aMaxBlockSize;
mStartOffset = aStartOffset;
if (mStartOffset > 0)
mStartOffsetPresent = true;
mLength = aLength;
if (mLength == 0)
mDefiniteLength = false;
mFileDesignator = aFileDesignator;
mMetaDataWriteCallback = aMetaDataWriteCallback;
mMetaDataAppState = aMetaDataAppState;
* @brief
* Initialize a "non-wide" SendInit (32 bit start offset, 32 bit length)
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aSenderDrive True if the sender is driving
* @param[in] aReceiverDrive True if the receiver is driving
* @param[in] aAsynchMode True if the device supports asynchronous mode
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Proposal for a maximum block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aStartOffset Start offset in the file that we should start at
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred - 0 means
* it has indefinite length
* @param[in] aFileDesignator A string that identifies the data to be transferred
* @param[in] aMetaDataWriteCallback (optional) A function to write out additional data in TLV format
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::init(uint8_t aVersion, bool aSenderDrive, bool aReceiverDrive, bool aAsynchMode,
uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint32_t aStartOffset, uint32_t aLength,
ReferencedString &aFileDesignator, MetaDataTLVWriteCallback aMetaDataWriteCallback = NULL, void *aMetaDataAppState = NULL)
mWideRange = false;
return init(aVersion, aSenderDrive, aReceiverDrive, aAsynchMode, aMaxBlockSize,
(uint64_t)aStartOffset, (uint64_t)aLength, aFileDesignator, aMetaDataWriteCallback, aMetaDataAppState);
* @brief
* Pack a send init message into an PacketBuffer
* @param[out] aBuffer An PacketBuffer to pack the SendInit message in
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::pack(PacketBuffer *aBuffer)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
uint8_t rangeCtl = 0, ptcByte = 0;
// First four bits are the version of this message
ptcByte |= mVersion & VERSION_MASK;
// pack the transfer control byte
if (mSenderDriveSupported) ptcByte |= kMode_SenderDrive;
if (mReceiverDriveSupported) ptcByte |= kMode_ReceiverDrive;
if (mAsynchronousModeSupported) ptcByte |= kMode_Asynchronous;
err = i.writeByte(ptcByte);
// pack the range control byte
if (mDefiniteLength) rangeCtl |= kRangeCtl_DefiniteLength;
if (mStartOffsetPresent) rangeCtl |= kRangeCtl_StartOffsetPresent;
if (mWideRange) rangeCtl |= kRangeCtl_WideRange;
err = i.writeByte(rangeCtl);
err = i.write16(mMaxBlockSize);
if (mStartOffsetPresent)
if (mWideRange)
err = i.write64(mStartOffset);
err = i.write32((uint32_t)mStartOffset);
if (mDefiniteLength)
if (mWideRange)
err = i.write64(mLength);
err = i.write32((uint32_t)mLength);
if (mMetaDataWriteCallback)
PacketBuffer *lPacketBuffer = i.GetBuffer();
uint8_t *buf = lPacketBuffer->Start() + lPacketBuffer->DataLength();
uint16_t bufLength =
(lPacketBuffer->AvailableDataLength() < WEAVE_CONFIG_BDX_SEND_INIT_MAX_METADATA_BYTES)
? lPacketBuffer->AvailableDataLength() : WEAVE_CONFIG_BDX_SEND_INIT_MAX_METADATA_BYTES;
uint16_t bytesWritten = 0;
uint16_t prevDataLength = lPacketBuffer->DataLength();
err = mMetaDataWriteCallback(buf, bufLength, bytesWritten, mMetaDataAppState);
// Adjust i.thePoint, in case we ever need to do something
// else with i after this.
i.thePoint += (lPacketBuffer->DataLength() - (prevDataLength - bytesWritten));
// Adjust the length of aBuffer, which adjusting i.thePoint
// doesn't accomplish.
aBuffer->SetDataLength(prevDataLength + bytesWritten);
return err;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of any metadata written out via mMetaDataWriteCallback,
* if we have one.
* It should be noted that we make two assumptions about any metadata
* written out by our callback:
* (1) The data is "constant" for the lifetime of the SendInit() to
* which it belongs, and won't change no matter when
* mMetaDataWriteCallback is called.
* (2) The size of the data does not exceed WEAVE_CONFIG_BDX_SEND_INIT_MAX_METADATA_BYTES.
* @return length of any metadata written out via mMetaDataWriteCallback when packed.
uint16_t SendInit::GetWrittenMetaDataCallbackLength(void)
uint16_t length = 0;
if (mMetaDataWriteCallback)
uint16_t bytesWritten = 0;
mMetaDataWriteCallback(buf, sizeof(buf), bytesWritten, mMetaDataAppState);
length = (uint16_t)bytesWritten;
return length;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this send init message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t SendInit::packedLength()
// <xfer cctl>+<range ctl>+<max block>+<start offset (optional)>+<length (optional)>+<designator>+<metadata (optional)>
uint16_t startOffsetLength = mStartOffsetPresent ? (mWideRange ? 8 : 4) : 0;
uint16_t lengthLength = mDefiniteLength ? (mWideRange ? 8 : 4) : 0;
uint16_t metaDataLength = 0;
if (mMetaDataWriteCallback)
metaDataLength = GetWrittenMetaDataCallbackLength();
metaDataLength = mMetaData.packedLength();
return 1 + 1 + 2 + startOffsetLength + lengthLength + (2 + mFileDesignator.theLength) + metaDataLength;
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a SendInit message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aRequest Pointer to a SendInit object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR SendInit::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, SendInit &aRequest)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
uint8_t ptcByte;
uint8_t rangeCtl;
uint32_t tmpUint32Value = 0;
// get the xfer ctl field and unpack it
err = i.readByte(&ptcByte);
aRequest.mVersion = ptcByte & VERSION_MASK;
aRequest.mSenderDriveSupported = ((ptcByte & kMode_SenderDrive) != 0);
aRequest.mReceiverDriveSupported = ((ptcByte & kMode_ReceiverDrive) != 0);
aRequest.mAsynchronousModeSupported = ((ptcByte & kMode_Asynchronous) != 0);
// now the range ctl field and do the same
err = i.readByte(&rangeCtl);
aRequest.mDefiniteLength = (rangeCtl & kRangeCtl_DefiniteLength) != 0;
aRequest.mStartOffsetPresent = (rangeCtl & kRangeCtl_StartOffsetPresent) != 0;
aRequest.mWideRange = (rangeCtl & kRangeCtl_WideRange) != 0;
err = i.read16(&aRequest.mMaxBlockSize);
if (aRequest.mStartOffsetPresent)
if (aRequest.mWideRange)
err = i.read64(&aRequest.mStartOffset);
err = i.read32(&tmpUint32Value);
aRequest.mStartOffset = tmpUint32Value;
if (aRequest.mDefiniteLength)
if (aRequest.mWideRange)
err = i.read64(&aRequest.mLength);
err = i.read32(&tmpUint32Value);
aRequest.mLength = tmpUint32Value;
err = ReferencedString::parse(i, aRequest.mFileDesignator);
ReferencedTLVData::parse(i, aRequest.mMetaData);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between SendInit messages
* @param[in] another Another SendInit message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool SendInit::operator == (const SendInit &another) const
return (mVersion == another.mVersion &&
mSenderDriveSupported == another.mSenderDriveSupported &&
mReceiverDriveSupported == another.mReceiverDriveSupported &&
mAsynchronousModeSupported == another.mAsynchronousModeSupported &&
mDefiniteLength == another.mDefiniteLength &&
mStartOffsetPresent == another.mStartOffsetPresent &&
mAsynchronousModeSupported == another.mAsynchronousModeSupported &&
mMaxBlockSize == another.mMaxBlockSize &&
mStartOffset == another.mStartOffset &&
mFileDesignator == another.mFileDesignator &&
mMetaData == another.mMetaData);
* -- definitions for SendAccept and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the send accept message
: mVersion(0)
, mTransferMode(kMode_SenderDrive)
, mMaxBlockSize(0)
* parameters:
* - uint8_t aTransferMode, a transfer mode value. must be at MOST one of the
* flag values for this field.
* - uiunt16_t aMaxBlockSize, the maximum allowable block sixe for this exchange
* - ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData, optional metadata
* return: error/status
* @brief
* Initialize a SendAccept message
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aTransferMode Transfer mode that this transfer should have
* (Must be one of kMode_SenderDrive, kMode_ReceiverDrive, kMode_Asynchronous)
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Maximum block size for this exchange
* @param[in] aMetaData (optional) Optional TLV metadata
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR SendAccept::init(uint8_t aVersion, uint8_t aTransferMode, uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData = NULL)
VerifyOrExit((aTransferMode & kMode_SenderDrive ||
aTransferMode & kMode_ReceiverDrive),
mVersion = aVersion;
mTransferMode = aTransferMode;
mMaxBlockSize = aMaxBlockSize;
if (aMetaData != NULL)
mMetaData = *aMetaData;
return err;
* @brief
* Pack a send accept message into an PacketBuffer
* @param[out] aBuffer An PacketBuffer to pack the SendAccept message in
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR SendAccept::pack(PacketBuffer *aBuffer)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
err = i.writeByte(mTransferMode | (mVersion & VERSION_MASK));
err = i.write16(mMaxBlockSize);
return err;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this send accept message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t SendAccept::packedLength()
// <transfer mode>+<max block size>+<meta data (optional)>
return 1 + 2 + mMetaData.packedLength();
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a SendAccept message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aResponse Pointer to a SendAccept object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR SendAccept::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, SendAccept &aResponse)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
uint8_t tcByte;
err = i.readByte(&tcByte);
aResponse.mVersion = tcByte & VERSION_MASK ;
aResponse.mTransferMode = tcByte & ~VERSION_MASK;
err = i.read16(&aResponse.mMaxBlockSize);
ReferencedTLVData::parse(i, aResponse.mMetaData);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between SendAccept messages
* @param[in] another Another SendAccept message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool SendAccept::operator == (const SendAccept &another) const
return (mVersion == another.mVersion &&
mTransferMode == another.mTransferMode &&
mMaxBlockSize == another.mMaxBlockSize &&
mMetaData == another.mMetaData);
* -- definitions for ReceiveInit and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the ReceiveInit message.
* note that the defaults here are set up for sleepy 802.15.4 devices.
* in another context they should be changed on initialization.
mVersion = 0;
mSenderDriveSupported = false;
mReceiverDriveSupported = true;
mAsynchronousModeSupported = false;
mDefiniteLength = true;
mStartOffsetPresent = false;
mWideRange = false;
mMaxBlockSize = 32;
mStartOffset = 0;
mLength = 0;
* -- definitions for ReceiveAccept and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the send accept message
: mDefiniteLength(true)
, mWideRange(false)
, mLength(0)
mTransferMode = kMode_ReceiverDrive;
mVersion = 0;
mMaxBlockSize = 0;
* @brief
* Initialze a "wide" receive accept frame
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aTransferMode Transfer mode to be used in the transfer
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Maximum allowed block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred, 0 if indefinite
* @param[in] aMetaData (optional) TLV Metadata
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR ReceiveAccept::init(uint8_t aVersion, uint8_t aTransferMode, uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint64_t aLength, ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData = NULL)
VerifyOrExit((aTransferMode & kMode_SenderDrive ||
aTransferMode & kMode_ReceiverDrive),
mDefiniteLength = (aLength != 0);
mWideRange = true;
mVersion = aVersion;
mTransferMode = aTransferMode;
mMaxBlockSize = aMaxBlockSize;
mLength = aLength;
if (aMetaData != NULL)
mMetaData = *aMetaData;
return err;
* @brief
* Initialze a "non-wide" receive accept frame (32 bit length)
* @param[in] aVersion Version of BDX that we are using
* @param[in] aTransferMode Transfer mode to be used in the transfer
* @param[in] aMaxBlockSize Maximum allowed block size for this transfer
* @param[in] aLength Length of the file to be transferred, 0 if indefinite
* @param[in] aMetaData (optional) TLV Metadata
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR ReceiveAccept::init(uint8_t aVersion, uint8_t aTransferMode, uint16_t aMaxBlockSize, uint32_t aLength, ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData = NULL)
mWideRange = false;
return init(aVersion, aTransferMode, aMaxBlockSize,
(uint64_t)aLength, aMetaData);
* @brief
* Pack a receive accept message into an PacketBuffer
* @param[out] aBuffer An PacketBuffer to pack the ReceiveAccept message in
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR ReceiveAccept::pack(PacketBuffer *aBuffer)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
uint8_t rangeCtl = 0;
err = i.writeByte(mTransferMode | (mVersion & VERSION_MASK));
// format and pack the range control field
if (mDefiniteLength) rangeCtl |= kRangeCtl_DefiniteLength;
if (mWideRange) rangeCtl |= kRangeCtl_WideRange;
err = i.writeByte(rangeCtl);
err = i.write16(mMaxBlockSize);
// and the length, if any
if (mDefiniteLength)
if (mWideRange)
err = i.write64(mLength);
err = i.write32((uint32_t)mLength);
return err;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this receive accept message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t ReceiveAccept::packedLength()
// <transfer mode>+<range control>+<max block size>+<length (optional)>+<meta data (optional)>
return 1 + 1 + 2 + (mDefiniteLength ? (mWideRange ? 8 : 4) : 0) + mMetaData.packedLength();
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a ReceiveAccept message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aResponse Pointer to a ReceiveAccept object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR ReceiveAccept::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, ReceiveAccept &aResponse)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
uint8_t tcByte;
uint8_t rangeCtl;
uint32_t tmpUint32Value;
// unpack the transfer control byte
err = i.readByte(&tcByte);
aResponse.mVersion = tcByte & VERSION_MASK ;
aResponse.mTransferMode = tcByte & ~VERSION_MASK;
// unpack the range control byte
err = i.readByte(&rangeCtl);
aResponse.mDefiniteLength = ((rangeCtl & kRangeCtl_DefiniteLength) != 0);
aResponse.mWideRange = ((rangeCtl & kRangeCtl_WideRange) != 0);
err = i.read16(&aResponse.mMaxBlockSize);
if (aResponse.mDefiniteLength)
if (aResponse.mWideRange)
err = i.read64(&aResponse.mLength);
err = i.read32(&tmpUint32Value);
aResponse.mLength = tmpUint32Value;
ReferencedTLVData::parse(i, aResponse.mMetaData);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between ReceiveAccept messages
* @param[in] another Another ReceiveAccept message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool ReceiveAccept::operator == (const ReceiveAccept &another) const
return (mTransferMode == another.mTransferMode &&
mDefiniteLength == another.mDefiniteLength &&
mWideRange == another.mWideRange &&
mMaxBlockSize == another.mMaxBlockSize &&
mLength == another.mLength &&
mMetaData == another.mMetaData);
* -- definitions for BlockQuery and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the block query message
: mBlockCounter(0)
* @brief
* Initialize a BlockQuery message
* @param[in] aCounter Block counter value to query for
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQuery::init(uint8_t aCounter)
mBlockCounter = aCounter;
* @brief
* Pack a block query message into an PacketBuffer
* @param[out] aBuffer An PacketBuffer to pack the BlockQuery message in
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQuery::pack(PacketBuffer *aBuffer)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
err = i.writeByte(mBlockCounter);
return err;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this block query message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t BlockQuery::packedLength()
// just the counter
return 1;
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a BlockQuery message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aQuery Pointer to a BlockQuery object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQuery::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, BlockQuery &aQuery)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
err = i.readByte(&aQuery.mBlockCounter);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between BlockQuery messages
* @param[in] another Another BlockQuery message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool BlockQuery::operator == (const BlockQuery &another) const
return mBlockCounter == another.mBlockCounter;
* -- definitions for BlockSend and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the block send message
: mBlockCounter(0)
, mLength(0)
, mData(NULL)
* @brief
* Initialize a BlockSend message
* @param[in] aCounter Block counter value for this block
* @param[in] aLength Length of the block
* @param[in] aData Pointer to the data to be transferred
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR BlockSend::init(uint8_t aCounter, uint64_t aLength, uint8_t *aData)
mBlockCounter = aCounter;
mLength = aLength;
mData = aData;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this block send message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t BlockSend::packedLength()
// <block counter>+<length>
return sizeof(mBlockCounter) + mLength;
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a BlockSend message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aResponse Pointer to a BlockSend object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockSend::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, BlockSend &aResponse)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
VerifyOrExit(aBuffer->DataLength() >= sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter), err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
err = i.readByte(&aResponse.mBlockCounter);
aResponse.mLength = (uint64_t)aBuffer->DataLength() - sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter);
if (aResponse.mLength == 0)
aResponse.mData = NULL;
aResponse.mData = aBuffer->Start() + sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter);
* we're holding onto this buffer and, while we might not want to
* write anything after the data in it we want to:
* - move the message iterator's insertion point past the data we've
* just "parsed".
* - set the private buffer pointer data member to point to it
* - increment the reference count on the inet buffer.
i.thePoint += aResponse.mLength;
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between BlockSend messages
* @param[in] another Another BlockSend message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool BlockSend::operator == (const BlockSend &another) const
return (mBlockCounter == another.mBlockCounter &&
mLength == another.mLength &&
// Use mLength as length since mLength == another.mLength at this point
memcmp(mData, another.mData, mLength) == 0);
* -- definitions for BlockQueryV1 and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the block query message
: mBlockCounter(0)
* @brief
* Initialize a BlockQueryV1 message
* @param[in] aCounter Block counter value to query for
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQueryV1::init(uint32_t aCounter)
mBlockCounter = aCounter;
* @brief
* Pack a block query message into an PacketBuffer
* @param[out] aBuffer An PacketBuffer to pack the BlockQueryV1 message in
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQueryV1::pack(PacketBuffer *aBuffer)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
err = i.write32(mBlockCounter);
return err;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this block query message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t BlockQueryV1::packedLength()
// just the counter
return sizeof(mBlockCounter);
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a BlockQueryV1 message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aQuery Pointer to a BlockQueryV1 object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockQueryV1::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, BlockQueryV1 &aQuery)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
err = i.read32(&aQuery.mBlockCounter);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between BlockQueryV1 messages
* @param[in] another Another BlockQueryV1 message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool BlockQueryV1::operator == (const BlockQueryV1 &another) const
return mBlockCounter == another.mBlockCounter;
* -- definitions for BlockSendV1 and its supporting classes --
* the no-arg constructor with defaults for the block send message
: mBlockCounter(0)
, mLength(0)
, mData(NULL)
* @brief
* Initialize a BlockSendV1 message
* @param[in] aCounter Block counter value for this block
* @param[in] aLength Length of the block
* @param[in] aData Pointer to the data to be transferred
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if successful
WEAVE_ERROR BlockSendV1::init(uint32_t aCounter, uint64_t aLength, uint8_t *aData)
mBlockCounter = aCounter;
mLength = aLength;
mData = aData;
* @brief
* Returns the packed length of this block send message
* @return length of the message when packed
uint16_t BlockSendV1::packedLength()
// <block counter>+<length>
return sizeof(mBlockCounter) + mLength;
* @brief
* Parse data from an PacketBuffer into a BlockSendV1 message format
* @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to an PacketBuffer which has the data we want to parse out
* @param[out] aResponse Pointer to a BlockSendV1 object where we should store the results
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If successful
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If buffer is too small
WEAVE_ERROR BlockSendV1::parse(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, BlockSendV1 &aResponse)
MessageIterator i(aBuffer);
VerifyOrExit(aBuffer->DataLength() >= sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter), err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
err = i.read32(&aResponse.mBlockCounter);
aResponse.mLength = (uint64_t)aBuffer->DataLength() - sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter);
if (aResponse.mLength == 0)
aResponse.mData = NULL;
aResponse.mData = aBuffer->Start() + sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter);
* we're holding onto this buffer and, while we might not want to
* write anything after the data in it we want to:
* - move the message iterator's insertion point past the data we've
* just "parsed".
* - set the private buffer pointer data member to point to it
* - increment the reference count on the inet buffer.
i.thePoint += aResponse.mLength + sizeof(aResponse.mBlockCounter);
return err;
* @brief
* Equality comparison between BlockSendV1 messages
* @param[in] another Another BlockSendV1 message to compare this one to
* @return true iff they have all the same fields.
bool BlockSendV1::operator == (const BlockSendV1 &another) const
return (mBlockCounter == another.mBlockCounter &&
mLength == another.mLength &&
// Use mLength as length since mLength == another.mLength at this point
memcmp(mData, another.mData, mLength) == 0);
} // namespace BulkDataTransfer
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl