blob: 22be1703e44268c29198683c85d41dd137338706 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines notification engine for Weave
* Data Management (WDM) profile.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/SubscriptionHandler.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/TraitData.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/TraitCatalog.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
* @class NotificationEngine
* @brief The notification engine is responsible for generating notifies to subscriber. It is able to find the intersection between
* the path interest set of each subscriber with what has changed in the publisher data store and generate tailored notifies for
* each subscriber.
* To achieve this, the engine tracks data-changes (i.e data dirtiness) at a couple of different levels:
* - Per subscriber, per trait instance dirtiness: Every subscriber tracks trait-changes at a per-instance granularity.
* Anytime a data source makes known that a property handle within has changed, the NE will iterate over every subscriber that has subscribed
* to that trait instance and mark the fact that that instance is now dirty.
* - Granular per trait instance, per property handle dirtiness: If selected through compile-time options by the user, the engine will
* mark dirtiness down to the property handle. This allows it to generate compact notifies that convey as succinctly as possible the data
* that has changed. This will be described in more detail in the solvers section.
* At its core, it iterates over every subscription, then every dirty instance within that subscription and tries to gather and pack as much relevant data
* as possible into a notify message before sending that to the subscriber. It continues to do so until it has no more work to do. This could be due to a couple of reasons:
* - Notifies are in flight to the subscriber(s)
* - We have exceeded the maximum number of notifies that can be flight across all subscribers.
* - We have no more space in the packet to stuff in more data.
* - We have no more dirty data to process for a particular set of subscriptions.
* Once it surmises there is no more work to be done, it returns. If all work for a subscription has been completed, it will invoke a method in the SubscriptionHandler to finish
* processing that subscription (which might involve sending out subscription responses).
* During subscription establishment, the NE works slightly differently than at other times - it will retrieve *all* the data for a particular trait. There-after, it will only retrieve
* new, changed data.
* Some notable features:
* - Subscription fairness: The engine round-robins over all subscriptions and will always resume its work loop at the last subscription it was
* trying to process to ensure all subscriptions are handled with equal priority.
* - Trait instance fairness: Within a subscription, the engine also rounds robins over all trait instances and will resume its work loop at the last trait instance that was being
* processed *for that subscription*. This ensures trait instances that have a high rate of change don't starve out others.
* - Inter-trait chunking across multiple notifies: The engine supports splitting trait data over multiple notifies. It will however only do this split at the trait instance granularity.
* It cannot chunk up data within a trait.
* - Graceful degradation due to resource shortages: If it runs out space in the dirty stores, the engine will degrade gracefully by generating sub-optimal notify messages that have more
* data in them while still being protocol correct.
class NotificationEngine
* Initializes the engine. Should only be called once.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Was unable to retrieve data and write it into the writer.
WEAVE_ERROR Init(void);
* Main work-horse function that executes the run-loop.
* @retval void
void Run(void);
* Marks a handle associated with a data source as being dirty.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Was unable to retrieve data and write it into the writer.
WEAVE_ERROR SetDirty(TraitDataSource *aDataSource, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR DeleteKey(TraitDataSource *aDataSource, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyHandle);
enum NotifyRequestBuilderState
kNotifyRequestBuilder_Idle = 0, //< The request has not been opened or has been closed and finalized
kNotifyRequestBuilder_Ready, //< The request has been initialized and is ready for any optional toplevel elements
kNotifyRequestBuilder_BuildDataList, //< The request is building the DataList portion of the structure
kNotifyRequestBuilder_BuildEventList //< The request is building the EventList portion of the structure
* @class NotifyRequestBuilder
* @brief This provides a helper class to compose notifies and abstract away the construction and structure of the message from its consumers. This is a more compact
* version of a similar class provided in MessageDef.cpp that aims to be sensitive to the flash and ram needs of the device.
class NotifyRequestBuilder
* Initializes the builder. Should only be called once.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Was unable to initialize the builder.
WEAVE_ERROR Init(PacketBuffer**aBuf, TLV::TLVWriter *aWriter, SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler);
* Start the construction of the notify.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at the toplevel of the buffer.
* @retval other Unable to construct the end of the notify.
WEAVE_ERROR StartNotifyRequest();
* End the construction of the notify.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at Notify container.
* @retval other Unable to construct the end of the notify.
WEAVE_ERROR EndNotifyRequest();
* Starts the construction of the data list array.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at the Notify container.
* @retval other Unable to construct the beginning of the data list.
WEAVE_ERROR StartDataList(void);
* End the construction of the data list array.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at the DataList container.
* @retval other Unable to construct the end of the data list.
WEAVE_ERROR EndDataList();
* Starts the construction of the event list.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at the Notify container.
* @retval other Unable to construct the beginning of the data list.
WEAVE_ERROR StartEventList();
* End the construction of the event list.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the request is not at the EventList container.
* @retval other Unable to construct the end of the data list.
WEAVE_ERROR EndEventList();
* Given a trait path, write out the data element associated
* with that path. The caller can also optionally pass in a
* handle set allows for leveraging the merge operation with a
* narrower set of immediate child nodes of the parent
* property path handle.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Unable to retrieve and write the data element.
WEAVE_ERROR WriteDataElement(TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyPathHandle, SchemaVersion aSchemaVersion, PropertyPathHandle *aMergeDataHandleSet, uint32_t aNumMergeDataHandles, PropertyPathHandle *aDeleteHandleSet, uint32_t aNumDeleteHandles);
* Checkpoint the request state into a TLVWriter
* @param aWriter[out] A writer to checkpoint the state of the TLV writer into.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
WEAVE_ERROR Checkpoint(TLV::TLVWriter &aPoint);
* Rollback the request state into the checkpointed TLVWriter
* @param aWriter[in] A writer to that captured the state at some point in the past
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
WEAVE_ERROR Rollback(TLV::TLVWriter &aPoint);
TLV::TLVWriter *GetWriter(void) { return mWriter; }
* The main state transition function. The function takes the
* desired state (i.e., the phase of the notify request builder
* that we would like to reach), and transitions the request
* into that state. If the desired state is the same as the
* current state, the function does nothing. Otherwise, an
* PacketBuffer is allocated (if needed); the function first
* transitions the request into the toplevel notify request
* (either opening the notify request TLV structure, or
* closing the current TLV data container as needed), and then
* transitions the Notify request either by opening the
* appropriate TLV data container or by closing the
* overarching Notify request.
* @param aDesiredState The desired state the request should transition into
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY Could not transition into the state because of insufficient memory.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE Corruption of the internal state machine.
* @retval other When the state machine could not record the state in its buffer, likely indicates a design flaw rather than a runtime issue.
WEAVE_ERROR MoveToState(NotifyRequestBuilderState aDesiredState);
TLV::TLVWriter *mWriter;
NotifyRequestBuilderState mState;
PacketBuffer **mBuf;
SubscriptionHandler *mSub;
* To generate notifies, NE institutes a notion of a solver to help crunch the tree-based representation of the schema along with the dirty handle information.
* This allows for consolidation of the logic to processing the schema for notify generation to a localized body of functions.
* To accommodate the varying capabilities of Weave-enabled devices, a number of different solvers have been provided that range in their capabilities and their
* constraints.
* These solvers can be chosen at compile time to reduce flash usage.
* ---- To facilitate this, all the public methods in the solvers have to have the same signature! If you decide to add a new solver, please ensure this criteria is met! ---
* @class BasicGraphSolver
* @brief This is a coarse, basic solver that will retrieve the entire contents of a trait instance from root. The solver trades of computational complexity and
* reduced storage requirements with inefficiency in the data transmitted over the wire. This is rarely useful for most applications given the sheer in-efficiency of data transmitted
* over the wire, especially for traits with lots of key/value pairs. It is however useful for bring-up or for debugging issues with the other solvers.
* Constraints: It only supports subscriptions to root and nothing deeper.
class BasicGraphSolver
static bool IsPropertyPathSupported(PropertyPathHandle aHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR RetrieveTraitInstanceData(NotifyRequestBuilder *aBuilder, TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, SchemaVersion aSchemaVersion, bool aRetrieveAll);
static WEAVE_ERROR SetDirty(TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR ClearDirty(void);
* @class IntermediateGraphSolver
* @brief This solver is able to generate compact notifies that try to only contain the modified bits of data. This leverages a finitely sized, global dirty store
* that houses granular dirty information per property handle per trait instance. When a notify is to be generated, the solver attempts to find the LCA (lowest-common-ancestor)
* of all the dirty nodes in the tree and generates a data-element against that path. In addition, it exploits the merge semantics of WDM to only include child trees of that LCA
* that contain dirty elements. This is pretty efficient given the reasonably flat, shallow structure of our IDLs.
* If it is unable to store anymore dirty items in the granular store, it will degrade to marking the entire trait instance as dirty.
* In addition, if it runs out of space in the merge handle set, it will degrade to including all child trees of the LCA'ed node.
class IntermediateGraphSolver
static bool IsPropertyPathSupported(PropertyPathHandle aHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR RetrieveTraitInstanceData(NotifyRequestBuilder *aBuilder, TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, SchemaVersion aSchemaVersion, bool aRetrieveAll);
WEAVE_ERROR SetDirty(TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR DeleteKey(TraitDataHandle aTraitDataHandle, PropertyPathHandle aPropertyHandle);
WEAVE_ERROR ClearDirty(void);
struct Store
bool AddItem(TraitPath aItem);
void RemoveItem(TraitDataHandle aDataHandle);
void RemoveItemAt(uint32_t aIndex);
bool IsPresent(TraitPath aItem);
bool IsFull() { return mNumItems >= WDM_PUBLISHER_MAX_ITEMS_IN_TRAIT_DIRTY_STORE; }
uint32_t GetNumItems() { return mNumItems; }
uint32_t GetStoreSize() { return WDM_PUBLISHER_MAX_ITEMS_IN_TRAIT_DIRTY_STORE; }
void Clear();
uint32_t mNumItems;
static void ClearTraitInstanceDirty(void *aDataSource, TraitDataHandle aDataHandle, void *aContext);
PropertyPathHandle GetNextCandidateHandle(uint32_t &aChangeStoreCursor, TraitDataHandle aTargetDataHandle, bool &aCandidateHandleIsDelete);
Store mDirtyStore;
Store mDeleteStore;
friend class SubscriptionHandler;
friend class TestTdm;
friend class TestWdm;
* Should be invoked when the device receives a NotifyConfirm, or when the Notify request times out.
* This allows the engine to do some clean-up.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Was unable to retrieve data and write it into the writer.
void OnNotifyConfirm(SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler, bool aNotifyDelivered);
WEAVE_ERROR BuildSingleNotifyRequestDataList(SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler, NotifyRequestBuilder &aNotifyRequest, bool &isSubscriptionClean, bool &aNeWriteInProgress);
WEAVE_ERROR BuildSingleNotifyRequestEventList(SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler, NotifyRequestBuilder &aNotifyRequest, bool &isSubscriptionClean, bool &aNeWriteInProgress);
WEAVE_ERROR BuildSingleNotifyRequest(SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler, bool &aSubscriptionHandled, bool &isSubscriptionClean);
WEAVE_ERROR RetrieveTraitInstanceData(SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler, SubscriptionHandler::TraitInstanceInfo *aTraitInfo, NotifyRequestBuilder *aBuilder, bool *aPacketFull);
WEAVE_ERROR SendNotify(PacketBuffer *aBuf, SubscriptionHandler *aSubHandler);
WEAVE_ERROR SendNotifyRequest();
uint32_t mCurSubscriptionHandlerIdx;
uint32_t mCurTraitInstanceIdx;
uint32_t mNumNotifiesInFlight;
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType mOuterContainerType;
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl