blob: 2e07dd7991aee94bb32626c1a23df5bfc104b9d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This document is the property of Nest. It is considered
* confidential and proprietary information.
* This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
* Nest.
* @file
* This file defines the Dropcam Legacy Pairing Profile, which provides
* operations and utilities used to pair both in-field and out-of-box
* Nest Cam devices with Weave via the camera cloud service.
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveServerBase.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveEncoding.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveTLV.h>
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::DropcamLegacyPairing
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the
* Weave Dropcam Legacy Pairing profile.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace Vendor {
namespace Nestlabs {
namespace DropcamLegacyPairing {
using nl::Inet::IPAddress;
* Length in bytes of EUI-48 raw bytes representation
const uint8_t EUI48_LEN = 6;
* Length in bytes of EUI-48 represented as string of 12 hex digits sans colon separators, plus NULL terminator
const uint8_t EUI48_STR_LEN = 13;
* Length of camera secret in bytes
const uint8_t CAMERA_SECRET_LEN = 32;
* Length in bytes of camera nonce string, excluding NULL terminator
const uint8_t CAMERA_NONCE_LEN = 64;
* Number of camera auth data HMAC bytes appended to auth_data API parameter
const uint8_t CAMERA_HMAC_LEN = 4;
* Length of binary camera auth data parameter before base64 string conversion
* Constant for length in bytes of camera-generated pairing info HMAC, represented as raw bytes
const uint8_t HMAC_BUF_LEN = 32;
* Dropcam Legacy Pairing Message Types
kMsgType_CameraAuthDataRequest = 1, /**< Retrieve parameters for legacy Dropcam pairing web API call. */
kMsgType_CameraAuthDataResponse = 2 /**< Contains parameters for legacy Dropcam pairing web API call. */
* Utility functions to encode and decode Dropcam Legacy Pairing profile message payloads
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeCameraAuthDataRequest(PacketBuffer *buf, const char *nonce);
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeCameraAuthDataResponse(PacketBuffer *buf, uint8_t (&macAddress)[EUI48_LEN], uint8_t (&hmac)[HMAC_BUF_LEN]);
* Delegate class for implementing incoming Dropcam Legacy Pairing operations on the server device.
class DropcamLegacyPairingDelegate : public WeaveServerDelegateBase
* Retrieve camera's 32-byte secret, shared with the service and used to generate auth_data HMAC.
* @param[in] secret Reference to CAMERA_SECRET_LEN-byte buffer for camera secret
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Other Weave or platform-specific error codes indicating that an error
* occurred preventing generation of the Dropcam API parameters.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetCameraSecret(uint8_t (&secret)[CAMERA_SECRET_LEN]) = 0;
* Retrieve camera's EUI-48 WiFi MAC address.
* @param[in] hashString Reference to buffer for the returned MAC address, represented as NULL-terminated string of
* hex values without separators.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Other Weave or platform-specific error codes indicating that an error
* occurred preventing generation of the Dropcam API parameters.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetCameraMACAddress(uint8_t (&macAddress)[EUI48_LEN]) = 0;
* Enforce message-level access control for an incoming Dropcam Legacy Pairing request message.
* @param[in] ec The ExchangeContext over which the message was received.
* @param[in] msgProfileId The profile id of the received message.
* @param[in] msgType The message type of the received message.
* @param[in] msgInfo A WeaveMessageInfo structure containing information about the received message.
* @param[inout] result An enumerated value describing the result of access control policy evaluation for
* the received message. Upon entry to the method, the value represents the tentative
* result at the current point in the evaluation process. Upon return, the result
* is expected to represent the final assessment of access control policy for the
* message.
virtual void EnforceAccessControl(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t msgProfileId, uint8_t msgType,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, AccessControlResult& result);
* Server class for implementing the Dropcam Legacy Pairing profile.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT DropcamLegacyPairingServer : public WeaveServerBase
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveExchangeManager *exchangeMgr);
WEAVE_ERROR Shutdown(void);
void SetDelegate(DropcamLegacyPairingDelegate *delegate);
DropcamLegacyPairingDelegate *mDelegate;
// ----- Weave callbacks -----
// Message received
static void HandleClientRequest(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId, uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
WEAVE_ERROR HandleCameraAuthDataRequest(ExchangeContext *ec, PacketBuffer *(&msgBuf));
DropcamLegacyPairingServer(const DropcamLegacyPairingServer&); // not defined
} // namespace DropcamLegacyPairing
} // namespace Nestlabs
} // namespace Vendor
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl