blob: 3edca49eea0a879d9773104cf2e1d706aa85b2a1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @file
# Calls Weave WDM mutual subscribe between nodes.
# G03: Mutual Subscribe: Multiple Iterations. Mutate data in initiator and responder. Client in Initiator aborts. Version is kept.
import unittest
import set_test_path
from weave_wdm_next_test_base import weave_wdm_next_test_base
import plugin.WeaveUtilities as WeaveUtilities
class test_weave_wdm_next_mutual_subscribe_43(weave_wdm_next_test_base):
def test_weave_wdm_next_mutual_subscribe_43(self):
wdm_next_args = {}
wdm_next_args['wdm_option'] = "mutual_subscribe"
wdm_next_args['total_client_count'] = 2
wdm_next_args['final_client_status'] = 2
wdm_next_args['timer_client_period'] = 5000
wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations'] = 5
wdm_next_args['test_client_delay'] = 35000
wdm_next_args['enable_client_flip'] = 1
wdm_next_args['total_server_count'] = 2
wdm_next_args['final_server_status'] = 4
wdm_next_args['timer_server_period'] = 4000
wdm_next_args['enable_server_flip'] = 1
wdm_next_args['client_log_check'] = [('Handler\[0\] \[(ALIVE|CONFM)\] bound mutual subscription is going away', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('Client->kEvent_OnNotificationProcessed', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations'] * wdm_next_args['total_server_count'] + 1),
('Client\[0\] moving to \[ FREE\] Ref\(0\)', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('Handler\[0\] Moving to \[ FREE\] Ref\(0\)', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('0 ==> 100 ==> 101 ==> 102 ==> 103 ==> 104 ==> 105 ==> 106 ==> 107 ==> 108 ==> 109 ==> 110', 2),
('0 ==> 200 ==> 201 ==> 202 ==> 203 ==> 204 ==> 205 ==> 206 ==> 207 ==> 208 ==> 209 ==> 210', 1),
('0 ==> 300 ==> 301 ==> 302 ==> 303 ==> 304 ==> 305 ==> 306 ==> 307 ==> 308 ==> 309 ==> 310', 1)]
wdm_next_args['server_log_check'] = [('bound mutual subscription is going away', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('Client->kEvent_OnNotificationProcessed', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations'] * wdm_next_args['total_client_count'] + 1),
('Client\[0\] moving to \[ FREE\] Ref\(0\)', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('Handler\[0\] Moving to \[ FREE\] Ref\(0\)', wdm_next_args['test_client_iterations']),
('0 ==> 100 ==> 101 ==> 102 ==> 103 ==> 104 ==> 105 ==> 106 ==> 107 ==> 108 ==> 109 ==> 110', 2),
('0 ==> 200 ==> 201 ==> 202 ==> 203 ==> 204 ==> 205 ==> 206 ==> 207 ==> 208 ==> 209 ==> 210', 1)]
wdm_next_args['test_tag'] = self.__class__.__name__[19:].upper()
wdm_next_args['test_case_name'] = ['G03: Mutual Subscribe: Multiple Iterations. Mutate data in initiator and responder. Client in initiator aborts. Version is kept']
print 'test file: ' + self.__class__.__name__
print "weave-wdm-next test G02"
super(test_weave_wdm_next_mutual_subscribe_43, self).weave_wdm_next_test_base(wdm_next_args)
if __name__ == "__main__":