blob: f9476013cc5bae5c8fff3c0adbc121b8dde8c911 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements a common, non-instantiatable base object
* for implementing Weave profile unsolicited responders
* (i.e. servers) that encapsulates validating authenticated
* requests and sending status reports and also provides common
* data member storage for fabric state and an exchange manager.
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include "WeaveServerBase.h"
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveTLV.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/WeaveProfiles.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/common/CommonProfile.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles;
using namespace nl::Weave::Encoding;
using namespace nl::Weave::TLV;
* Determine whether an incoming request message to a Weave server should be accepted or discarded.
* This method is intended to be used by Weave server implementations to implement extensible access control
* policy for incoming request messages. Server implementations that rely on delegate objects should call
* this method early in message processing to determine whether message processing should continue.
* This method calls the virtual WeaveServerDelegateBase::EnforceAccessControl() method on the supplied delegate to evaluate access
* control policy for the message. Weave server delegate classes, and application-specific delegates derived
* from the standard server classes, should override the virtual method to enforce specific access control
* policies.
* @param[in] ec The ExchangeContext over which the message was received.
* @param[in] msgProfileId The profile id of the received message.
* @param[in] msgType The message type of the received message.
* @param[in] msgInfo A WeaveMessageInfo structure containing information about the received message.
* @param[in] delegate The delegate object supplied by the application that can be used to override
* the default message access control policy.
* @retval true If the message should be accepted and processed as normal.
* @retval false If message processing should stop and the message the should be discarded.
bool WeaveServerBase::EnforceAccessControl(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t msgProfileId, uint8_t msgType,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, WeaveServerDelegateBase *delegate)
// Reject all messages if the application hasn't specified a delegate object.
if (delegate == NULL)
WeaveServerBase::SendStatusReport(ec, kWeaveProfile_Common, Common::kStatus_InternalError, WEAVE_NO_ERROR);
return false;
// Invoke the virtual method to evaluate the message and decide whether or not to accept it.
WeaveServerDelegateBase::AccessControlResult res = WeaveServerDelegateBase::kAccessControlResult_NotDetermined;
delegate->EnforceAccessControl(ec, msgProfileId, msgType, msgInfo, res);
// If the final determination was that the message should be accepted AND the delegate called all the way up to
// the base method, then tell the caller that the message should be accepted.
if (res == WeaveServerDelegateBase::kAccessControlResult_FinalAccepted)
return true;
// Otherwise the message should not be accepted...
// Clear the 'Final' bit so that the following checks ignore it.
res &= ~WeaveServerDelegateBase::kAccessControlResult_IsFinal;
// Send a standard response to the requester unless the delegate has already sent a response, or determined
// that no response should be sent.
if (res != WeaveServerDelegateBase::kAccessControlResult_Rejected_RespSent &&
res != WeaveServerDelegateBase::kAccessControlResult_Rejected_Silent)
uint16_t statusCode = (msgInfo->PeerAuthMode == kWeaveAuthMode_None)
? Common::kStatus_AuthenticationRequired : Common::kStatus_AccessDenied;
WeaveServerBase::SendStatusReport(ec, kWeaveProfile_Common, statusCode, WEAVE_NO_ERROR);
// Tell the caller the message should NOT be accepted.
return false;
* Send a Weave status report with default message flags to the
* initiator on the specified exchange containing the status code in
* the specified profile and system error.
* @param[in] ec A pointer to the exchange context to send
* the status report on.
* @param[in] statusProfileId The profile for the specified status code.
* @param[in] statusCode The status code to send.
* @param[in] sysError The system error associated or correlated
* with the status code.
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveServerBase::SendStatusReport(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t statusProfileId, uint16_t statusCode, WEAVE_ERROR sysError)
const uint16_t sendFlags = 0;
return SendStatusReport(ec, statusProfileId, statusCode, sysError, sendFlags);
* Send a Weave status report with the provided message flags to the
* initiator on the specified exchange containing the status code in
* the specified profile and system error.
* @param[in] ec A pointer to the exchange context to send
* the status report on.
* @param[in] statusProfileId The profile for the specified status code.
* @param[in] statusCode The status code to send.
* @param[in] sysError The system error associated or correlated
* with the status code.
* @param[in] sendFlags Flags set by the application for the Weave
* status report being sent.
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveServerBase::SendStatusReport(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t statusProfileId, uint16_t statusCode, WEAVE_ERROR sysError, uint16_t sendFlags)
PacketBuffer* respBuf;
uint8_t* p;
uint8_t respLen = 18; // sizeof(statusProfileId) + sizeof(statusCode) + StartContainer(1) + kTag_SystemErrorCode TLV Len (10), EndContainer (1)
respBuf = PacketBuffer::NewWithAvailableSize(respLen);
VerifyOrExit(respBuf != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
VerifyOrDie(ec != NULL);
p = respBuf->Start();
LittleEndian::Write32(p, statusProfileId);
LittleEndian::Write16(p, statusCode);
if (sysError != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
TLVWriter statusWriter;
TLVType outerContainerType;
err = statusWriter.StartContainer(AnonymousTag, kTLVType_Structure, outerContainerType);
err = statusWriter.Put(ProfileTag(kWeaveProfile_Common, Common::kTag_SystemErrorCode), (uint32_t) sysError);
err = statusWriter.EndContainer(outerContainerType);
err = statusWriter.Finalize();
err = ec->SendMessage(kWeaveProfile_Common, Common::kMsgType_StatusReport, respBuf, sendFlags);
respBuf = NULL;
if (respBuf != NULL)
return err;
* Virtual method for determining message-level access control policy for incoming server request messages.
* This method is called by the Weave server infrastructure to determine whether an incoming request message
* should be accepted and processed normally, or rejected. Delegate classes associated with Weave server
* implementations must override this method to implement an appropriate access control policies for their
* protocols. Applications may further override this method to support custom policies beyond those provide
* by the standard server implementations.
* Implementations of this method are expected to return a result value of Accepted or Rejected based on
* the outcome of access control policy evaluation. Returning a result of Rejected causes a StatusReport
* to be sent to the requester containing the status Common/AccessDenied. Alternatively, method implementations
* can choose to send their own responses, which can be a StatusReport or any other type of message. In this
* case, the method should return a result of Reject_RespSent to signal that a response has already been sent.
* Finally, implementations can return Reject_Silent to indicate that the request should be rejected without
* sending a response to the requester.
* Classes that override the EnforceAccessControl() method are required in call cases to call the like-named
* method on their immediate parent class, be that the WeaveServerDelegateBase class, or a class derived from
* that class. Overriding methods should first update the result value with their determination of the access
* control policy, and then call on their base class to make its determination.
* @param[in] ec The ExchangeContext over which the message was received.
* @param[in] msgProfileId The profile id of the received message.
* @param[in] msgType The message type of the received message.
* @param[in] msgInfo A WeaveMessageInfo structure containing information about the received message.
* @param[inout] result An enumerated value describing the result of access control policy evaluation for
* the received message. Upon entry to the method, the value represents the tentative
* result at the current point in the evaluation process. Upon return, the result
* is expected to represent the final assessment of access control policy for the
* message.
void WeaveServerDelegateBase::EnforceAccessControl(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t msgProfileId, uint8_t msgType,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, AccessControlResult& result)
// Mark the result as 'Final', confirming that the subclass properly called up to the base class.
result |= kAccessControlResult_IsFinal;
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl