blob: 45776c45f0e0c8610a3cc0896cb9806805ee1dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @file
# Calls Weave Key Export between nodes with fault-injection.
import itertools
import os
import getopt
import sys
import unittest
import set_test_path
from happy.Utils import *
import happy.HappyNodeList
import plugins.weave.WeaveStateLoad as WeaveStateLoad
import plugins.weave.WeaveStateUnload as WeaveStateUnload
import plugin.WeaveKeyExport as WeaveKeyExport
import plugin.WeaveUtilities as WeaveUtilities
gFaultopts = WeaveUtilities.FaultInjectionOptions()
gOptions = { 'wrmp': False, 'tcp': False }
class test_weave_key_export_01(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tap = None
if os.environ.get("WEAVE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_USE_LWIP") == "1":
self.topology_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \
self.tap = "wlan0"
self.topology_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \
self.show_strace = False
self.show_output = False
# setting Mesh for thread test
options = WeaveStateLoad.option()
options["quiet"] = True
options["json_file"] = self.topology_file
setup_network = WeaveStateLoad.WeaveStateLoad(options)
ret =
def tearDown(self):
# cleaning up
options = WeaveStateUnload.option()
options["quiet"] = True
options["json_file"] = self.topology_file
teardown_network = WeaveStateUnload.WeaveStateUnload(options)
def test_weave_key_export(self):
# TODO: Once LwIP bugs are fix, enable this test on LwIP
if os.environ.get("WEAVE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_USE_LWIP") == "1":
wrmp = gOptions['wrmp']
transport = "WRMP" if wrmp else "TCP"
print "Start Key Export over " + transport + ":"
value, data = self.__run_key_export_test_between("node01", "node02", wrmp)
self.__process_result("node01", "node02", value, data)
output_logs = {}
output_logs['client'] = data['client_output']
output_logs['server'] = data['server_output']
num_tests = 0
num_failed_tests = 0
failed_tests = []
for node in gFaultopts.nodes:
restart = True
fault_configs = gFaultopts.generate_fault_config_list(node, output_logs[node], restart)
for fault_config in fault_configs:
test_tag = "_" + transport + "_" + str(num_tests) + "_" + node + "_" + fault_config
print "tag: " + test_tag
# We need to run this with 3 iterations, since when the server restarts at the end of the first one
# sometimes the client fails to reconnect and therefore the second iteration fails as well
value, data = self.__run_key_export_test_between("node01", "node02", wrmp, num_iterations = 3, faults = {node: fault_config}, test_tag = test_tag)
if self.__process_result("node01", "node02", value, data):
num_failed_tests += 1
num_tests += 1
print "executed %d cases" % num_tests
print "failed %d cases:" % num_failed_tests
if num_failed_tests > 0:
for failed in failed_tests:
print " " + failed
self.assertEqual(num_failed_tests, 0, "Something failed")
def __process_result(self, nodeA, nodeB, value, data):
print "" + nodeA + " requested key export from " + nodeB + " ",
if value > 0:
print hred("Failed")
print hgreen("Passed")
if data["other_failure"] > 0:
print hred("other failure detected")
failed = False
if value > 0 or data["other_failure"]:
failed = True
if self.show_output == True:
print "Client Output: "
for line in data["client_output"].split("\n"):
print "\t" + line
print "Server Output: "
for line in data["server_output"].split("\n"):
print "\t" + line
return failed
def __run_key_export_test_between(self, nodeA, nodeB, wrmp, num_iterations = None, faults = {}, test_tag = "" ):
options = WeaveKeyExport.option()
options["plaid"] = "auto"
options["quiet"] = False
options["client"] = nodeA
options["server"] = nodeB
options["udp"] = wrmp
options["wrmp"] = wrmp
options["tcp"] = not wrmp
options["count"] = "1"
options["tap"] = self.tap
options["client_faults"] = faults.get('client')
options["server_faults"] = faults.get('server')
options["iterations"] = num_iterations
options["test_tag"] = test_tag
weave_key_export = WeaveKeyExport.WeaveKeyExport(options)
ret =
value = ret.Value()
data = ret.Data()
return value, data
if __name__ == "__main__":
help_str = """usage:
--help Print this usage info and exit
--wrmp Use WRMP over UDP instead of TCP
--tcp Use TCP (on by default)\n"""
help_str += gFaultopts.help_string
longopts = ["help", "wrmp", "tcp"]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", longopts)
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print help_str
print hred(str(err))
sys.exit(hred("%s: Failed to parse arguments." % (__file__)))
opts = gFaultopts.process_opts(opts)
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
print help_str
elif o in ("--wrmp"):
gOptions["wrmp"] = True
elif o in ("--tcp"):
gOptions["tcp"] = True
if (not gOptions["tcp"]) and (not gOptions["wrmp"]):
msg = "At least one of --tcp or --wrmp options should be set"
print hred(msg)
if gOptions["tcp"] and gOptions["wrmp"]:
msg = "--tcp and --wrmp are mutually exclusive"
print hred(msg)
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]]