blob: 1372c56b79103bbc00547e144d9acce7bd3dc2aa [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @file
# Implements utilities to parse standard content output by the
# Weave standalone test clients and servers (resource stats, leak
# detection, fault-injection, etc)
import sys
import re
import pprint
import traceback
import unittest
import happy.HappyStateDelete
import plugins.plaid.Plaid as Plaid
from happy.Utils import *
def scan_for_leaks_and_parser_errors(test_output):
parser_error = False
leak_detected = False
leak_parser_result = scan_for_resource_leak(test_output)
if (leak_parser_result == None):
parser_error = True
leak_detected = leak_parser_result[0]
for line in test_output.split("\n"):
if "Invalid string specified for fault injection" in line:
parser_error = True
return parser_error, leak_detected
def parse_counter(line):
match = re.match(r'(.*):[ \t]*(-*\d*)', line.strip())
return [,]
def parse_counters(test_output, header_string, footer_string):
counters = {}
lines = test_output.splitlines()
parsing = False
leak_detected = False
for line in lines:
if (header_string in line):
parsing = True
if (footer_string in line):
if parsing:
name, value = parse_counter(line)
counters[name] = int(value)
return counters
def scan_for_resource_leak(test_output):
leak_detected = False
resource_leak_line_found = False
for line in test_output.splitlines():
match = re.match(r'Resource leak .*detected', line.strip())
if (match != None):
resource_leak_line_found = True
leak_detected = True
if ('not detected' in line):
leak_detected = False
if resource_leak_line_found == False:
return None
header_string = 'Delta resources in use:'
footer_string = 'End of delta resources in use'
counters = parse_counters(test_output, header_string, footer_string)
return [leak_detected, counters]
def parse_fault_injection_counters(test_output):
header_string = 'FaultInjection counters:'
footer_string = 'End of FaultInjection counters'
return parse_counters(test_output, header_string, footer_string)
def validate_counters(keys, counters, node_name):
Check if the counters dictionary has positive values for
the keys listed
missing = []
for key in keys:
if counters[key] < 1:
if missing:
msg = "The happy sequence did not cover " + str(missing) + " on " + node_name
print hred(msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
return True
def test_parse_fault_injection_counters():
print "test_parse_fault_injection_counters"
test_output = '''
WDMClient_NumCancelInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumBindingsInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumTransactions: 0
FaultInjection counters:
Weave_SendAlarm: 0
Weave_HandleAlarm: 0
Weave_WRMDoubleTx: 0
Weave_BDXBadBlockCounter: 0
Weave_SMConnectRequestNew: 0
Inet_DNSResolverNew: 0
Inet_Send: 7
Inet_ConnectRequestNew: 0
Inet_ConnectToServDir: 0
Inet_ConnectToServEP: 0
Inet_InetBufferNew: 0
WeaveSys_PacketBufferNew: 8
WeaveSys_TimeoutImmediate: 0
End of FaultInjection counters
WEAVE:SM: CancelSessionTimer
WEAVE:ML: Closing endpoints
counters = parse_fault_injection_counters(test_output)
result = counters["Inet_Send"] == str(7) and \
counters["WeaveSys_PacketBufferNew"] == str(8) and \
counters["WeaveSys_TimeoutImmediate"] == str(0)
if result:
print "passed"
print "failed"
def test_scan_for_resource_leak():
print "test_scan_for_resource_leak"
test_output = '''
some log line
Resource leak detected and some more words
Delta resources in use:
SystemLayer_NumPacketBufs: 1
SystemLayer_NumTimersInUse: 1
InetLayer_NumRawEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumTCPEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumUDPEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumTunEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumDNSResolversInUse: 0
ExchangeMgr_NumContextsInUse: 1
MessageLayer_NumConnectionsInUse: 0
ServiceMgr_NumRequestsInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumViewInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumSubscribeInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumUpdateInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumCancelInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumBindingsInUse: 0
End of delta resources in use
some other log line
leak_detected, counters = scan_for_resource_leak(test_output)
result = "failed"
if leak_detected:
result = "passed"
print "Test 1: " + result
test_output = '''
some log line
some other log line
scan_result = scan_for_resource_leak(test_output)
result = "failed"
if scan_result == None:
result = "passed"
print "Test 2: " + result
test_output = '''
some log line
Resource leak not detected
some other log line
leak_detected, counters = scan_for_resource_leak(test_output)
result = "failed"
if leak_detected == False:
result = "passed"
print "Test 3: " + result
def test_scan_for_leaks_and_parser_errors():
print "test_scan_for_leaks_and_parser_errors"
test_output = '''
some log line
Resource leak detected and some more words
Delta resources in use:
SystemLayer_NumPacketBufs: 1
SystemLayer_NumTimersInUse: 1
InetLayer_NumRawEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumTCPEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumUDPEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumTunEpsInUse: 0
InetLayer_NumDNSResolversInUse: 0
ExchangeMgr_NumContextsInUse: 1
MessageLayer_NumConnectionsInUse: 0
ServiceMgr_NumRequestsInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumViewInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumSubscribeInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumUpdateInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumCancelInUse: 0
WDMClient_NumBindingsInUse: 0
End of delta resources in use
some other log line
parser_error, leak_detected = scan_for_leaks_and_parser_errors(test_output)
result = "failed"
if leak_detected and not parser_error:
result = "passed"
print result
class FaultInjectionOptions:
An object that handles CLI options for fault injection
def __init__(self, nodes = None):
self.configuration = { 'faultid': None, 'faultskip': None, 'failonly': None, 'group': None, 'numgroups': None}
self.getopt_config = [ "faultid=", "faultskip=", "failonly=", "group=", "numgroups=" ]
self.nodes = ['client', 'server']
self.nodes = nodes
self.help_string = """\nfault-injection usage:
--faultid <fault_name> Inject only the fault specified; e.g. WeaveSys_PacketBufferNew
--faultskip N Inject the fault only once, skipping N instances
--failonly Inject faults only to the node specified; allowed values: { """ + """, """.join(self.nodes) + """ }
--group N --numgroups M Divide the list of tests in M groups and execute only the Nth (1 <= N <= M)
def is_node_enabled(self, node):
""" Check if the user wants to inject faults only in the node given (usually 'client' or 'server') """
return self.configuration['failonly'] in [None, node]
def process_opts(self, opts):
""" Process the fault-injection options.
opts: the dictionary of options returned by getopt
return: a copy of the list of options minus the fault-injection options
ret_opts = []
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("--faultid"):
self.configuration["faultid"] = a
elif o in ("--faultskip"):
self.configuration["faultskip"] = int(a)
elif o in ("--failonly"):
if a in self.nodes:
self.configuration["failonly"] = a
print self.help_string
elif o in ("--group"):
num = int(a)
if num <= 0:
print self.help_string
self.configuration["group"] = num
elif o in ("--numgroups"):
num = int(a)
if num < 0:
print self.help_string
self.configuration["numgroups"] = num
ret_opts.append((o, a))
if (self.configuration["group"] != None) != (self.configuration["numgroups"] != None):
print self.help_string
if (self.configuration["group"] and self.configuration["group"] > self.configuration["numgroups"]):
print self.help_string
return ret_opts
def parse_fault_instance_parameters(self, outputlog):
parameters = {}
for line in outputlog.splitlines():
match ='FI_instance_params: (\S+) maxArg: (\d+);', line.strip())
if match:
parameters[] = { 'maxArg': }
return parameters
def generate_faults_with_arguments(self, fault_config, parameters):
""" Some fault ids can take arguments to customize the exception being
ret_configs = []
# Weave_WDMNotificationSize takes one optional positive argument
# The deault in the production code is WDM_MAX_NOTIFICATION_SIZE
# which by default is 1150
if "Weave_WDMNotificationSize" in fault_config:
for size in range(100, 1150, 100):
ret_configs.append(fault_config + "_a" + str(size))
# 0: expire exchange timers
if "WeaveSys_AsyncEvent" in fault_config:
# strip away the "_fN" part
fault_config_tmp = re.sub(r'_f.*', "", fault_config)
tmp = parameters[fault_config_tmp]
num_of_events_to_inject = int(tmp['maxArg']) + 1
for event in range(0, num_of_events_to_inject):
ret_configs.append(fault_config + "_a" + str(event))
if "Weave_FuzzExchangeHeaderTx" in fault_config:
# strip away the "_fN" part
fault_config_tmp = re.sub(r'_f.*', "", fault_config)
tmp = parameters[fault_config_tmp]
num_of_header_fuzzing_cases = int(tmp['maxArg']) + 1
for size in range(0, num_of_header_fuzzing_cases):
ret_configs.append(fault_config + "_a" + str(size))
return ret_configs
def generate_fault_config_list(self, node, outputlog, restart=False):
""" Generate a list of fault injection options to be passed to the
nodes under test, one per test.
If a faultId was passed with the --faultid option, only that faultid is
used to generate the list. If the --faultskip option was passed, only
one configuration is generated per faultid with the skip value specified.
node: the description of the node that generated the fault_counters, e.g. 'client' or 'server'
fault_counters: a dictionary of fault counters as returned by parse_fault_injection_counters()
restart: if true, fault configurations are generated twice each, once for the normal fault and
the second time to trigger a node restart
return: a list of fault configurations, e.g. [ "Inet_Send_s0_f1", "Inet_Send_s1_f1", ... ]
fault_ids = [ self.configuration['faultid'] ]
ret_configs = []
if self.is_node_enabled(node):
fault_counters = parse_fault_injection_counters(outputlog)
fault_instance_parameters = self.parse_fault_instance_parameters(outputlog)
print node + ' fault counters: '
if fault_ids[0] == None:
fault_ids = sorted(fault_counters.keys())
for fault_id in fault_ids:
skip_range = self.__get_skip_range(fault_counters[fault_id])
for event_number in skip_range:
fault_opt = fault_id + "_s" + str(event_number) + "_f1"
faults_with_arguments = self.generate_faults_with_arguments(fault_opt, fault_instance_parameters)
if faults_with_arguments:
ret_configs += faults_with_arguments
if restart and not "WeaveSys_AsyncEvent" == fault_id:
fault_opt += "_r"
group = self.configuration["group"]
numgroups = self.configuration["numgroups"]
if group:
num_tests = len(ret_configs)
num_tests_per_group = num_tests / numgroups
index_first_test = num_tests_per_group * (group -1)
index_first_test_next_group = num_tests_per_group * group
if group == numgroups:
ret_configs = ret_configs[index_first_test:]
ret_configs = ret_configs[index_first_test:index_first_test_next_group]
return ret_configs
def __get_skip_range(self, fault_counter_value):
skip_range = range(fault_counter_value)
if self.configuration['faultskip'] is not None:
skip_range = [ self.configuration['faultskip'] ]
return skip_range
def cleanup_after_exception():
print "Deleting Happy state.."
opts = happy.HappyStateDelete.option()
state_delete = happy.HappyStateDelete.HappyStateDelete(opts)
print "Happy state deleted."
def run_unittest():
Wrapper for unittest.main() that ensures the Happy state is deleted in case
of failure or error.
This is meant to be used with mock-to-mock test cases that always delete the topology they create.
If the test case can reuse an existing topology and therefore does not always delete the topology,
it should handle exceptions in setUp and tearDown explicitly.
Unittest traps all exceptions but not KeyboardInterrupt.
So, a KeyboardInterrupt will cause the Happy state not to be deleted.
An exception raised during a test results in the test ending with an "error"
as opposed to a "failure" (see the docs for more details). tearDown is invoked
in that case.
If an exception is raised during setUp, tearDown is not invoked, and so the
Happy state is not cleaned up.
Note that an invocation of sys.exit() from the Happy code results in an
exception itself (and then it depends if that is happening during setUp,
during the test, or during tearDown).
1. we must cleanup in case of KeyboardInterrupt, and
2. to keep it simple, we cleanup in case of any SystemExit that carries
an error (we don't care if unittest was able to run tearDown or not).
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\n\nWeaveUtilities.run_unittest caught KeyboardInterrupt"
except SystemExit as e:
if e.args[0] not in [0, False]:
print "\n\nWeaveUtilities.run_unittest caught some kind of test error or failure"
raise e
if __name__ == "__main__":