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<h4 class="subsection">21.3.6 OpenRISC 1000</h4>
<p><a name="index-OpenRISC-1000-1349"></a>
<a name="index-or1k-boards-1350"></a>See OR1k Architecture document (<a href=""></a>) for more information
about platform and commands.
<a name="index-target-jtag-1351"></a>
<dl><dt><code>target jtag jtag://</code><var>host</var><code>:</code><var>port</var><dd>
Connects to remote JTAG server.
JTAG remote server can be either an or1ksim or JTAG server,
connected via parallel port to the board.
<p>Example: <code>target jtag jtag://localhost:9999</code>
<p><a name="index-or1ksim-1352"></a><br><dt><code>or1ksim </code><var>command</var><dd>If connected to <code>or1ksim</code> OpenRISC 1000 Architectural
Simulator, proprietary commands can be executed.
<p><a name="index-info-or1k-spr-1353"></a><br><dt><code>info or1k spr</code><dd>Displays spr groups.
<br><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>group</var><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>groupno</var><dd>Displays register names in selected group.
<br><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>group</var> <var>register</var><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>register</var><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>groupno</var> <var>registerno</var><dt><code>info or1k spr </code><var>registerno</var><dd>Shows information about specified spr register.
<p><a name="index-spr-1354"></a><br><dt><code>spr </code><var>group</var> <var>register</var> <var>value</var><dt><code>spr </code><var>register value</var><dt><code>spr </code><var>groupno</var> <var>registerno value</var><dt><code>spr </code><var>registerno value</var><dd>Writes <var>value</var> to specified spr register.
<p>Some implementations of OpenRISC 1000 Architecture also have hardware trace.
It is very similar to <span class="sc">gdb</span> trace, except it does not interfere with normal
program execution and is thus much faster. Hardware breakpoints/watchpoint
triggers can be set using:
<dt><code>$LEA/$LDATA</code><dd>Load effective address/data
<br><dt><code>$SEA/$SDATA</code><dd>Store effective address/data
<br><dt><code>$AEA/$ADATA</code><dd>Access effective address ($SEA or $LEA) or data ($SDATA/$LDATA)
<br><dt><code>$FETCH</code><dd>Fetch data
<p>When triggered, it can capture low level data, like: <code>PC</code>, <code>LSEA</code>,
<code>LDATA</code>, <code>SDATA</code>, <code>READSPR</code>, <code>WRITESPR</code>, <code>INSTR</code>.
<p><code>htrace</code> commands:
<a name="index-OpenRISC-1000-htrace-1355"></a>
<a name="index-hwatch-1356"></a>
<dl><dt><code>hwatch </code><var>conditional</var><dd>Set hardware watchpoint on combination of Load/Store Effective Address(es)
or Data. For example:
<p><code>hwatch ($LEA == my_var) &amp;&amp; ($LDATA &lt; 50) || ($SEA == my_var) &amp;&amp; ($SDATA &gt;= 50)</code>
<p><code>hwatch ($LEA == my_var) &amp;&amp; ($LDATA &lt; 50) || ($SEA == my_var) &amp;&amp; ($SDATA &gt;= 50)</code>
<p><a name="index-htrace-1357"></a><br><dt><code>htrace info</code><dd>Display information about current HW trace configuration.
<br><dt><code>htrace trigger </code><var>conditional</var><dd>Set starting criteria for HW trace.
<br><dt><code>htrace qualifier </code><var>conditional</var><dd>Set acquisition qualifier for HW trace.
<br><dt><code>htrace stop </code><var>conditional</var><dd>Set HW trace stopping criteria.
<br><dt><code>htrace record [</code><var>data</var><code>]*</code><dd>Selects the data to be recorded, when qualifier is met and HW trace was
<br><dt><code>htrace enable</code><dt><code>htrace disable</code><dd>Enables/disables the HW trace.
<br><dt><code>htrace rewind [</code><var>filename</var><code>]</code><dd>Clears currently recorded trace data.
<p>If filename is specified, new trace file is made and any newly collected data
will be written there.
<br><dt><code>htrace print [</code><var>start</var><code> [</code><var>len</var><code>]]</code><dd>Prints trace buffer, using current record configuration.
<br><dt><code>htrace mode continuous</code><dd>Set continuous trace mode.
<br><dt><code>htrace mode suspend</code><dd>Set suspend trace mode.