blob: e543f51031ff21ae85393ec8dbe0044b220ff66b [file] [log] [blame]
* @file profile_container.cpp
* profile file container
* @remark Copyright 2002 OProfile authors
* @remark Read the file COPYING
* @author Philippe Elie
* @author John Levon
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "symbol.h"
#include "op_header.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "symbol_functors.h"
#include "profile_container.h"
#include "sample_container.h"
#include "symbol_container.h"
#include "populate_for_spu.h"
#include "cverb.h"
using namespace std;
namespace {
struct filename_by_samples {
filename_by_samples(debug_name_id id, double percent_)
: filename(id), percent(percent_)
bool operator<(filename_by_samples const & lhs) const {
if (percent != lhs.percent)
return percent < lhs.percent;
return filename < lhs.filename;
debug_name_id filename;
// ratio of samples which belongs to this filename.
double percent;
} // anon namespace
profile_container::profile_container(bool debug_info_, bool need_details_,
extra_images const & extra_)
symbols(new symbol_container),
samples(new sample_container),
// Post condition:
// the symbols/samples are sorted by increasing vma.
// the range of sample_entry inside each symbol entry are valid
// the samples_by_file_loc member var is correctly setup.
void profile_container::add(profile_t const & profile,
op_bfd const & abfd, string const & app_name,
size_t pclass)
string const image_name = abfd.get_filename();
opd_header header = profile.get_header();
count_type sym_count_total = 0;
for (symbol_index_t i = 0; i < abfd.syms.size(); ++i) {
unsigned long long start = 0, end = 0;
symbol_entry symb_entry;
abfd.get_symbol_range(i, start, end);
profile_t::iterator_pair p_it =
profile.samples_range(start, end);
count_type count = accumulate(p_it.first, p_it.second, 0ull);
// skip entries with no samples
if (count == 0)
sym_count_total += count;
symb_entry.sample.counts[pclass] = count;
total_count[pclass] += count;
symb_entry.size = end - start; = symbol_names.create(abfd.syms[i].name());
symb_entry.sym_index = i;
symb_entry.vma_adj = abfd.get_vma_adj();
symb_entry.sample.file_loc.linenr = 0;
if (debug_info) {
string filename;
if (abfd.get_linenr(i, start, filename,
symb_entry.sample.file_loc.linenr)) {
symb_entry.sample.file_loc.filename =
symb_entry.image_name = image_names.create(image_name);
symb_entry.app_name = image_names.create(app_name);
symb_entry.sample.vma = abfd.syms[i].vma();
if ((header.spu_profile == cell_spu_profile) &&
header.embedded_offset) {
symb_entry.spu_offset = header.embedded_offset;
symb_entry.embedding_filename =
} else {
symb_entry.spu_offset = 0;
symbol_entry const * symbol = symbols->insert(symb_entry);
if (need_details)
add_samples(abfd, i, p_it, symbol, pclass, start);
if (cverb << vdebug) {
profile_t::iterator_pair summary_it =
profile.samples_range(profile.get_offset(), ~0ULL);
count_type module_summary_count = accumulate(summary_it.first, summary_it.second, 0ull);
if (sym_count_total < module_summary_count)
cout << "INFO: Sample counts differ: Module summary count: " << dec
<< module_summary_count << "; total symbols count: " << sym_count_total
<< endl << "\timage name: " << image_name << endl;
else if (module_summary_count < sym_count_total)
cout << "Warning: Number of samples for module unexpectedly less than total "
"symbols count!" << endl << "\timage name: " << image_name << endl;
profile_container::add_samples(op_bfd const & abfd, symbol_index_t sym_index,
profile_t::iterator_pair const & p_it,
symbol_entry const * symbol, size_t pclass,
unsigned long start)
bfd_vma base_vma = abfd.syms[sym_index].vma();
profile_t::const_iterator it;
for (it = p_it.first; it != p_it.second ; ++it) {
sample_entry sample;
sample.counts[pclass] = it.count();
sample.file_loc.linenr = 0;
if (debug_info) {
string filename;
if (abfd.get_linenr(sym_index, it.vma(), filename,
sample.file_loc.linenr)) {
sample.file_loc.filename =
sample.vma = (it.vma() - start) + base_vma;
samples->insert(symbol, sample);
symbol_collection const
profile_container::select_symbols(symbol_choice & choice) const
symbol_collection result;
double const threshold = choice.threshold / 100.0;
symbol_container::symbols_t::iterator it = symbols->begin();
symbol_container::symbols_t::iterator const end = symbols->end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (choice.match_image
&& (>image_name) != choice.image_name))
double const percent =
op_ratio(it->sample.counts[0], total_count[0]);
if (percent >= threshold) {
choice.hints = it->output_hint(choice.hints);
return result;
vector<debug_name_id> const
profile_container::select_filename(double threshold) const
set<debug_name_id> filename_set;
threshold /= 100.0;
// Trying to iterate on symbols to create the set of filenames which
// contain sample does not work: a symbol can contain samples and this
// symbol is in a source file that contain zero sample because only
// inline function in this source file contains samples.
sample_container::samples_iterator sit = samples->begin();
sample_container::samples_iterator const send = samples->end();
for (; sit != send; ++sit) {
debug_name_id name_id = sit->second.file_loc.filename;
if (name_id.set())
// Give a sort order on filename for the selected pclass.
vector<filename_by_samples> file_by_samples;
set<debug_name_id>::const_iterator it = filename_set.begin();
set<debug_name_id>::const_iterator const end = filename_set.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
// FIXME: is samples_count() the right interface now ?
count_array_t counts = samples_count(*it);
double const ratio = op_ratio(counts[0], total_count[0]);
filename_by_samples const f(*it, ratio);
// now sort the file_by_samples entry.
sort(file_by_samples.begin(), file_by_samples.end());
// 2.91.66 doesn't like const_reverse_iterator in this context
vector<filename_by_samples>::reverse_iterator cit
= file_by_samples.rbegin();
vector<filename_by_samples>::reverse_iterator const cend
= file_by_samples.rend();
vector<debug_name_id> result;
for (; cit != cend; ++cit) {
if (cit->percent >= threshold)
return result;
count_array_t profile_container::samples_count() const
return total_count;
// Rest here are delegated to our private implementation.
symbol_entry const *
profile_container::find_symbol(string const & image_name, bfd_vma vma) const
return symbols->find_by_vma(image_name, vma);
symbol_collection const
profile_container::find_symbol(debug_name_id filename, size_t linenr) const
return symbols->find(filename, linenr);
symbol_collection const
profile_container::select_symbols(debug_name_id filename) const
return symbols->find(filename);
sample_entry const *
profile_container::find_sample(symbol_entry const * symbol, bfd_vma vma) const
return samples->find_by_vma(symbol, vma);
count_array_t profile_container::samples_count(debug_name_id filename_id) const
return samples->accumulate_samples(filename_id);
count_array_t profile_container::samples_count(debug_name_id filename,
size_t linenr) const
return samples->accumulate_samples(filename, linenr);
profile_container::begin(symbol_entry const * symbol) const
return samples->begin(symbol);
profile_container::end(symbol_entry const * symbol) const
return samples->end(symbol);
sample_container::samples_iterator profile_container::begin() const
return samples->begin();
sample_container::samples_iterator profile_container::end() const
return samples->end();
symbol_entry const * profile_container::find(symbol_entry const & symbol) const
return symbols->find(symbol);
symbol_container::symbols_t::iterator profile_container::begin_symbol() const
return symbols->begin();
symbol_container::symbols_t::iterator profile_container::end_symbol() const
return symbols->end();