blob: b472197807ff2a7f05e750d6442ad832f615a72b [file] [log] [blame]
* @file ocount_counter.h
* Definitions and prototypes for ocount tool.
* @remark Copyright 2013 OProfile authors
* @remark Read the file COPYING
* Created on: May 22, 2013
* @author Maynard Johnson
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "operf_event.h"
enum op_runmode {
typedef struct ocount_accum {
u64 count;
u64 enabled_time;
u64 running_time;
} ocount_accum_t;
static inline int
op_perf_event_open(struct perf_event_attr * attr,
pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd,
unsigned long flags)
return syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, attr, pid, cpu,
group_fd, flags);
class ocount_record;
class ocount_counter {
ocount_counter(operf_event_t & evt, bool enable_on_exec,
bool inherit);
int perf_event_open(pid_t pid, int cpu);
int get_cpu(void) { return cpu; }
pid_t get_pid(void) { return pid; }
const std::string get_event_name(void) const { return event_name; }
int read_count_data(ocount_accum_t * accum);
struct perf_event_attr attr;
int fd;
int cpu;
pid_t pid;
std::string event_name;
class ocount_record {
ocount_record(enum op_runmode _runmode, std::vector<operf_event_t> & _evts,
bool _with_time_interval);
bool start_counting_app_process(pid_t _pid);
bool start_counting_tasklist(std::vector<pid_t> _tasks, bool _are_threads);
bool start_counting_cpulist(std::vector<int> _cpus);
bool start_counting_syswide(void);
void add_process(pid_t proc) { tasks_to_count.insert(proc); }
void output_results(std::ostream & out, bool use_separation, bool short_format);
bool get_valid(void) { return valid; }
bool are_tasks_processes(void) { return !tasks_are_threads; }
void setup(void);
int get_process_info(const std::vector<pid_t> & _procs);
int _get_one_process_info(pid_t pid);
int do_counting_per_cpu(void);
int do_counting_per_task(void);
void output_short_results(std::ostream & out, bool use_separation, bool scaled);
void output_long_results(std::ostream & out, bool use_separation,
int longest_event_name, bool scaled, u64 time_enabled);
enum op_runmode runmode;
bool tasks_are_threads;
int num_cpus;
pid_t app_pid;
std::set<pid_t> tasks_to_count;
std::set<int> cpus_to_count;
bool system_wide;
std::vector<ocount_counter> perfCounters;
unsigned int total_bytes_recorded;
std::vector<operf_event_t> evts;
std::vector<pid_t> specified_tasks;
std::vector<int> specified_cpus;
std::vector<ocount_accum_t> accum_counts; // accumulated across threads or cpus; one object per event
/* The prev_accum_counts vector is used with time intervals for computing count values for just
* the current time interval. The number of elements in this vector depends on the run mode:
* - For <command> [args] : vector size == evts.size()
* - For system-wide or cpu list : vector size is number of processors
* - For process or thread list : vector size is number of tasks
std::vector<u64> prev_accum_counts;
bool valid;
bool with_time_interval;
u64 start_time;
#endif /* OCOUNT_COUNTER_H_ */