blob: e2032de5ea3d3a2963d27801a05aca4f1d1146e9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifndef __builtin_expect
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#define rdtscll(val) \
__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=A" (val))
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
typedef short int s16;
typedef int s32;
#if 0
#define CONFIG_SMP
#define LOCK_PREFIX "lock ; "
#define LOCK_PREFIX ""
struct __xchg_dummy { unsigned long a[100]; };
#define __xg(x) ((struct __xchg_dummy *)(x))
static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old,
unsigned long new, int size)
unsigned long prev;
switch (size) {
case 1:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgb %b1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
case 2:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgw %w1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
case 4:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgl %1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
return old;
#define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)\
((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
(unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
static inline void atomic_add(volatile int *dst, int v)
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
:"=m" (*dst)
:"ir" (v), "m" (*dst));
static double detect_cpu_clock()
struct timeval tm_begin, tm_end;
unsigned long long tsc_begin, tsc_end;
/* Warm cache */
gettimeofday(&tm_begin, 0);
gettimeofday(&tm_begin, 0);
gettimeofday(&tm_end, 0);
return (tsc_end - tsc_begin) / (tm_end.tv_sec - tm_begin.tv_sec + (tm_end.tv_usec - tm_begin.tv_usec) / 1e6);
void mix_areas_srv(unsigned int size,
const s16 *src,
volatile s32 *sum,
unsigned int src_step, unsigned int sum_step)
src_step /= sizeof(*src);
sum_step /= sizeof(*sum);
while (size-- > 0) {
atomic_add(sum, *src);
src += src_step;
sum += sum_step;
void saturate(unsigned int size,
s16 *dst, const s32 *sum,
unsigned int dst_step, unsigned int sum_step)
dst_step /= sizeof(*dst);
sum_step /= sizeof(*sum);
while (size-- > 0) {
s32 sample = *sum;
if (unlikely(sample < -0x8000))
*dst = -0x8000;
else if (unlikely(sample > 0x7fff))
*dst = 0x7fff;
*dst = sample;
dst += dst_step;
sum += sum_step;
void mix_areas0(unsigned int size,
volatile s16 *dst, s16 *src,
volatile s32 *sum,
unsigned int dst_step,
unsigned int src_step,
unsigned int sum_step)
dst_step /= sizeof(*dst);
src_step /= sizeof(*src);
sum_step /= sizeof(*sum);
while (size-- > 0) {
s32 sample = *dst + *src;
if (unlikely(sample < -0x8000))
*dst = -0x8000;
else if (unlikely(sample > 0x7fff))
*dst = 0x7fff;
*dst = sample;
dst += dst_step;
src += src_step;
sum += sum_step;
#define MIX_AREAS1 mix_areas1
#define MIX_AREAS1_MMX mix_areas1_mmx
#include "../src/pcm/pcm_dmix_i386.h"
#undef MIX_AREAS1
void mix_areas2(unsigned int size,
volatile s16 *dst, const s16 *src,
volatile s32 *sum,
unsigned int dst_step,
unsigned int src_step)
dst_step /= sizeof(*dst);
src_step /= sizeof(*src);
while (size-- > 0) {
s32 sample = *src;
s32 old_sample = *sum;
if (cmpxchg(dst, 0, 1) == 0)
sample -= old_sample;
atomic_add(sum, sample);
do {
sample = *sum;
if (unlikely(sample < -0x8000))
*dst = -0x8000;
else if (unlikely(sample > 0x7fff))
*dst = 0x7fff;
*dst = sample;
} while (unlikely(sample != *sum));
dst += dst_step;
src += src_step;
void setscheduler(void)
struct sched_param sched_param;
if (sched_getparam(0, &sched_param) < 0) {
printf("Scheduler getparam failed...\n");
sched_param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR);
if (!sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &sched_param)) {
printf("Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority %i...\n", sched_param.sched_priority);
printf("!!!Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority %i FAILED!!!\n", sched_param.sched_priority);
int cache_size = 1024*1024;
void init(s16 *dst, s32 *sum, int size)
int count;
char *a;
for (count = size - 1; count >= 0; count--)
*sum++ = 0;
for (count = size - 1; count >= 0; count--)
*dst++ = 0;
a = malloc(cache_size);
for (count = cache_size - 1; count >= 0; count--) {
a[count] = count & 0xff;
a[count] ^= 0x55;
a[count] ^= 0xaa;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int size = 2048, n = 4, max = 32267;
int LOOP = 100;
int i, t;
unsigned long long begin, end, diff, diffS, diff0, diff1, diff1_mmx, diff2;
double cpu_clock = detect_cpu_clock();
s16 *dst = malloc(sizeof(*dst) * size);
s32 *sum = calloc(size, sizeof(*sum));
s16 **srcs = malloc(sizeof(*srcs) * n);
#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
printf("CPU clock: %fMhz (UP)\n\n", cpu_clock / 10e5);
printf("CPU clock: %fMhz (SMP)\n\n", cpu_clock / 10e5);
if (argc > 3) {
size = atoi(argv[1]);
n = atoi(argv[2]);
max = atoi(argv[3]);
if (argc > 4)
cache_size = atoi(argv[4]) * 1024;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int k;
s16 *s;
srcs[i] = s = malloc(sizeof(s16) * size);
for (k = 0; k < size; ++k, ++s) {
*s = (rand() % (max * 2)) - max;
for (t = 0, diffS = -1; t < LOOP; t++) {
init(dst, sum, size);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mix_areas_srv(size, srcs[i], sum, 2, 4);
saturate(size, dst, sum, 2, 4);
diff = end - begin;
if (diff < diffS)
diffS = diff;
printf("mix_areas_srv : %lld \r", diff); fflush(stdout);
for (t = 0, diff0 = -1; t < LOOP; t++) {
init(dst, sum, size);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mix_areas0(size, dst, srcs[i], sum, 2, 2, 4);
diff = end - begin;
if (diff < diff0)
diff0 = diff;
printf("mix_areas0 : %lld \r", diff); fflush(stdout);
for (t = 0, diff1 = -1; t < LOOP; t++) {
init(dst, sum, size);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mix_areas1(size, dst, srcs[i], sum, 2, 2, 4);
diff = end - begin;
if (diff < diff1)
diff1 = diff;
printf("mix_areas1 : %lld \r", diff); fflush(stdout);
for (t = 0, diff1_mmx = -1; t < LOOP; t++) {
init(dst, sum, size);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mix_areas1_mmx(size, dst, srcs[i], sum, 2, 2, 4);
diff = end - begin;
if (diff < diff1_mmx)
diff1_mmx = diff;
printf("mix_areas1_mmx: %lld \r", diff); fflush(stdout);
for (t = 0, diff2 = -1; t < LOOP; t++) {
init(dst, sum, size);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mix_areas2(size, dst, srcs[i], sum, 2, 2);
diff = end - begin;
if (diff < diff2)
diff2 = diff;
printf("mix_areas2 : %lld \r", diff); fflush(stdout);
printf(" \r");
printf("Summary (the best times):\n");
printf("mix_areas_srv : %lld %f%%\n", diffS, 100*2*44100.0*diffS/(size*n*cpu_clock));
printf("mix_areas0 : %lld %f%%\n", diff0, 100*2*44100.0*diff0/(size*n*cpu_clock));
printf("mix_areas1 : %lld %f%%\n", diff1, 100*2*44100.0*diff1/(size*n*cpu_clock));
printf("mix_areas1_mmx: %lld %f%%\n", diff1_mmx, 100*2*44100.0*diff1_mmx/(size*n*cpu_clock));
printf("mix_areas2 : %lld %f%%\n", diff2, 100*2*44100.0*diff2/(size*n*cpu_clock));
printf("areas1/srv ratio : %f\n", (double)diff1 / diffS);
printf("areas1_mmx/srv ratio : %f\n", (double)diff1_mmx / diffS);
return 0;