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<h2 class="appendix">Appendix A Formatting Documentation</h2>
<p><a name="index-g_t_0040value_007bGDBN_007d-reference-card-2292"></a><a name="index-reference-card-2293"></a>The <span class="sc">gdb</span> 4 release includes an already-formatted reference card, ready
for printing with PostScript or Ghostscript, in the <samp><span class="file">gdb</span></samp>
subdirectory of the main source directory<a rel="footnote" href="#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a>. If you can use PostScript or Ghostscript with your printer,
you can print the reference card immediately with <samp><span class="file"></span></samp>.
<p>The release also includes the source for the reference card. You
can format it, using TeX, by typing:
<pre class="smallexample"> make refcard.dvi
<p>The <span class="sc">gdb</span> reference card is designed to print in <dfn>landscape</dfn>
mode on US &ldquo;letter&rdquo; size paper;
that is, on a sheet 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches
high. You will need to specify this form of printing as an option to
your <span class="sc">dvi</span> output program.
<p><a name="index-documentation-2294"></a>
All the documentation for <span class="sc">gdb</span> comes as part of the machine-readable
distribution. The documentation is written in Texinfo format, which is
a documentation system that uses a single source file to produce both
on-line information and a printed manual. You can use one of the Info
formatting commands to create the on-line version of the documentation
and TeX (or <code>texi2roff</code>) to typeset the printed version.
<p><span class="sc">gdb</span> includes an already formatted copy of the on-line Info
version of this manual in the <samp><span class="file">gdb</span></samp> subdirectory. The main Info
file is <samp><span class="file">gdb-</span></samp>, and it refers to
subordinate files matching &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>&rsquo; in the same directory. If
necessary, you can print out these files, or read them with any editor;
but they are easier to read using the <code>info</code> subsystem in <span class="sc">gnu</span>
Emacs or the standalone <code>info</code> program, available as part of the
<span class="sc">gnu</span> Texinfo distribution.
<p>If you want to format these Info files yourself, you need one of the
Info formatting programs, such as <code>texinfo-format-buffer</code> or
<p>If you have <code>makeinfo</code> installed, and are in the top level
<span class="sc">gdb</span> source directory (<samp><span class="file">gdb-</span></samp>, in the case of
version, you can make the Info file by typing:
<pre class="smallexample"> cd gdb
<p>If you want to typeset and print copies of this manual, you need TeX,
a program to print its <span class="sc">dvi</span> output files, and <samp><span class="file">texinfo.tex</span></samp>, the
Texinfo definitions file.
<p>TeX is a typesetting program; it does not print files directly, but
produces output files called <span class="sc">dvi</span> files. To print a typeset
document, you need a program to print <span class="sc">dvi</span> files. If your system
has TeX installed, chances are it has such a program. The precise
command to use depends on your system; <kbd>lpr -d</kbd> is common; another
(for PostScript devices) is <kbd>dvips</kbd>. The <span class="sc">dvi</span> print command may
require a file name without any extension or a &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">.dvi</span></samp>&rsquo; extension.
<p>TeX also requires a macro definitions file called
<samp><span class="file">texinfo.tex</span></samp>. This file tells TeX how to typeset a document
written in Texinfo format. On its own, TeX cannot either read or
typeset a Texinfo file. <samp><span class="file">texinfo.tex</span></samp> is distributed with GDB
and is located in the <samp><span class="file">gdb-</span><var>version-number</var><span class="file">/texinfo</span></samp>
<p>If you have TeX and a <span class="sc">dvi</span> printer program installed, you can
typeset and print this manual. First switch to the <samp><span class="file">gdb</span></samp>
subdirectory of the main source directory (for example, to
<samp><span class="file">gdb-</span></samp>) and type:
<pre class="smallexample"> make gdb.dvi
<p>Then give <samp><span class="file">gdb.dvi</span></samp> to your <span class="sc">dvi</span> printing program.
<div class="footnote">
<h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="#fnd-1">1</a>]</small> In
<samp><span class="file">gdb-</span></samp> of the version